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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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iran launched dozens of drones towards israel. an idf official said that the air force was tracking them and was preparing to intercept them, and warned of gps failures. iran launched drones from its territory towards the state of israel. we are monitoring the airspace threat. they will reach israel in a few hours. the idf and the air force are following the plan that we prepared in advance.
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to decide on the temporary suspension of educational institutions throughout the country. prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaks with appealing to citizens, stated that israel is ready for an attack by iran and will respond to it. citizens of israel. in recent years, and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran. our defense systems are deployed, we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. the state of israel is strong.
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the idf is strong, our community is strong. we appreciate the support of the us, as well as the support of the uk, france and many other countries. i set a clear principle: who if he hits us, we will hit him too. we will defend ourselves against any threat, and we will do so calmly and decisively. meanwhile, hezbollah launched missile attacks on israel from lebanon. tehran emphasizes that iran aimed strikes only at military targets of the jewish state. that this is a retaliatory strike after the idf attack. on april 1, israel bombed the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus. seven high-ranking ksir officers were killed. iranian president ibrahim raisi promised a tough response. this is what iranian television reports. large-scale operation the islamic revolutionary guard corps' drone strike against targets in the occupied lands began a few minutes ago. residents of border cities, as well as residents of iraq.
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closed. flights of russian airlines to israel, iraq and jordan have been suspended until all restrictions are lifted, ros-aviation reported. the egyptian ministry of foreign affairs stated that it maintains contacts with all parties to the escalation of tensions and seeks to contain the situation in order to prevent a new round of dangerous instability in the region. in the city of takmag, zaporozhye region, 11 people died, two are listed as missing, five were rescued from the rubble. this is a consequence of the ukrainian strike. five
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houses were destroyed; local authorities provided temporary housing to all victims. rescuers continue to clear the rubble. the russian army repelled 13 attacks in the ssu and liberated the village of pervomaiskoye from militants. zelensky’s formation lost almost a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. a tank and six other armored vehicles, as well as 13 self-propelled guns and a howitzer were destroyed. air defense forces shot down. despite kyiv's attempts to break through the defenses resisted, the position here, together with its neighbors , is held by the volunteer battalion bars-32, better known as the name of sudoplatov, the driver turns on the night vision device, then... headlights: they work very hard here during the day
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, and in general the activity has increased much for a month, and 2 months ago we even during the day we were moving to positions here ; now it’s impossible to move a company support unit. the distance to the enemy is from one and a half kilometers to 600-700 meters, depending on the trench. the first impression was that i was blind, i couldn’t even see my outstretched arms, so black night, how in such darkness the soldiers unload a pickup truck and find the way to their dugouts, a mystery, the steps are short and it’s as if they are testing the road with their feet whether there is one or not. however, darkness is not a hindrance to combat operations; operators without pilots go out hunting at night. we are trying to ignite. rotation, night movements, where they go, why they go, where they come from, regularly observes the reconnaissance schedule is torn so that the enemy cannot get used to it, transport is clearly visible because it heats up, it is displayed well, people, it happens, you know what, it happens that it is possible confuse people with animals, with hares,
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because when you stick your head out of a trench and a hare runs around the planting, it’s very similar, you have to fly to reconnaissance, a storm operator...
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operational interaction with neighbors, the command post is in constant communication with the commanders of neighboring units, videos from drones are also received online by allies, so the decision to destroy targets is made quickly, if we can’t do something, we can’t get it, then our neighbors are already working, we have good neighbors, and again the system is designed so, that they can work with our birds, they don’t need to raise their own, the effective work is very bird battalion. constantly hanging in the air, working on the principle of a carousel, thereby ensuring constant control, what gets you the most tired when working? well, i probably have my neck constantly looking down like this, here it’s just normal that it hurts like this at the end of the day, bird crews
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are a priority target for the enemy, they are hunted, a destroyed crew deprives the unit of intelligence data, for a while it seems to go blind, leaving because of this on the hunt, operators are no less searching for targets.
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so thank you, our irreplaceable superiors, according to your words, we should have been captured, it’s better to surrender than to die so vilely, it’s unclear why and it’s unclear why, but the command doesn’t
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think anything for us, well, like, let’s die, they they send us like waste material, and they themselves are somewhere on the sidelines, when we were being taken into captivity, ours... in russian cities, a comprehensive check of the population notification system is taking place, as is
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happening in belgorod, which regularly ukrainian militants are shelling, alexander korobov will tell you. this sound has become an integral part of the lives of residents of the belgorod region, but one cannot get used to it; the air raid signal is usually followed by explosions. enemy missiles fly towards residential areas, it takes less than a minute to find cover. we managed to take cover thanks to the siren. they heard the siren, quickly ran, sat in the kitchen, cluck-wok, flash. and the glass rang on all floors. after each shelling , significant damage to houses and infrastructure was recorded, but the timely announcement the signal helps save human lives. the warning system in the region has been modernizing for several years, as practice has shown, there are never too many sirens,
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96 acoustic devices have already been installed in belgorod itself, and the same number are needed to fully cover city blocks. we analyzed the incoming appeals from residents of the city of belgorod to the governor of the belgorod region, to the head of the administration of the city of belgorod, put it on this map, we saw the weak points or places where they are not heard, now. there is mounted installed, after the installation of 95 technical devices , there will be 100% coverage of public notification with an audio signal. internet cellular communications are also used to notify the population about the threat of shelling, but so far the gsm standard does not meet the requirements of efficiency. sms messages often arrive late, so an electromechanical device is preferred. one of the main problems is warning the population in places with insufficient cellular internet coverage; the solution is digital television and radio broadcasting.
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modern technology has not only improved picture and sound, but also opened up new possibilities for transmitting various additional service signals, for example, warning the population in case of an emergency. coverage of the territory is almost one hundred percent, this allows you to send the necessary signals to any point in the region. to receive the reproduction of such signals , a hardware and software system was developed. both the siren itself and voice messages at a distance of 300-400 meters, and the alert volume can be compared to a jet plane taking off or a grandiose rock concert, the system is completely russian, during the design we used domestic... unique capabilities of the digital broadcasting network. the devices
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have already been installed in many border villages of the region. work to improve the population security system in the region continues, and we cannot stop there. the threat of enemy shelling remains. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. in orenburg, over 3.00 houses and about 8 household plots were flooded. the flood victims have already been paid more. rub 188 million about situations margarita semenyuk. people from this house are promptly evacuated. the brick structure could not withstand the flow of large water and the basement wall collapsed. emergency services on site. i’ve been living here for 40 years and we’ve never had anything like this. i feel sorry for the animals, cats scream everywhere. i feel sorry for people. what about the house? there was a lot of water leaking into the house. the basement has collapsed, there is already water on the first floors.
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a serious struggle against the elements is unfolding on cherepanovo street; people are trying with all their might to protect their residential complex on the embankment. the flow of water, the same situation in the area of ​​​​the dubki complex, special transport was prepared for people so that they could get into the apartments for a while. due to the fact that uralskaya street was flooded and it was impossible to get into the dubki residential complex. so to speak, a quick crossing to a residential complex, where residents can drive, both check their pets, and, if necessary, take the necessary things and return back. the influx of water stopped for 4 hours, it seemed that the peak had been passed, but the level began to rise again in the evening. already 11 m 87 cm, evacuates all residents
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of microdistricts, settlements and snt that were affected. in total , over 13 people were rescued in the region . they deliver essentials on boats, we are sailing to my friend, i brought him a motor pump, i want to deliver it, he saves his house a little, it floods, but he has one generator working, so it pumps it out and more or less saves him, part of the house does not rise, so he asked me to bring the second one, i bring him a gasoline
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pump, in some places the flows of the urals are intensifying ; it is more difficult to stay on the water, the danger is that that you can’t see which road. underfoot, but the necessary things were delivered to the addressee quickly, i’ll save my house a little, try to save, what else is possible, that’s why you didn’t leave, i’m protecting, i’m trying to save, but there ’s already water there, yes there’s already water, now orenburg is flooded more than 3.00 houses, about 8.0 household plots, the urals are capturing more and more territories, flooded the ural dangus street, in the coming days by car. don't pass. margarit, sergei soldatov, artyom ryzhikov. news orenburg. and about 7.0 more residents of the kurgan region had to be evacuated from flood zones. there is a state of emergency in the region. stanislav vasilchenko found out how to cope with the elements. the crest of the flood is moving upstream of the tabola. in the southern regions of the kurgan region
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, more than 200 private houses and 300 household plots were sunk. big water approaches populated areas. and baraba, it is very close to kurgan, no more than 50 km. the ministry of emergency situations reports that it is urgent to evacuate. in kurgan, a rise in water on the tabol river is also recorded, the increase per day is 7 cm. now the norm has been exceeded by more than 4 m. maximum the rise in water level in the regional center could reach 9-11 m. then, in the worst case scenario , almost 10,000 people could suffer. to prevent such development. events, more than 14,000 people are today involved in the construction of strengthening embankment dams. the main one stretches along the entire mound for 30 km. in addition, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered another 20 water-filled domes to the regional center. we are putting up posts tonight on the dam in krugan. we are launching a round-the-clock operation of the operational headquarters, which will deal with
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liquidation of the situation at the moment, but okarovul will be carried out not only with the understanding that where there are overflows. more than twenty emergency teams have been formed, which will immediately deal with this situation. on behalf of the president , the minister of construction and housing and communal services ireg fayzulin is working in the kurgan region; he assessed the current flood situation and checked how ready the region is to face the elements. now the most important thing, of course, is that the residents who live today on that bank of the river and there will definitely be flooded, we left on time and this work is on... in the kurgan region , a state of emergency is still in effect and
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a mandatory evacuation of the population from the flood zone is being carried out. there are 99 points organized in the region. everyone ran, i didn’t know what was happening, i thought it was some kind of prank, but then i saw a guy with a knife running towards the cafe where i work. i didn’t really see him, i was running away, this is some kind of madness, i thought that i was going to die. i saw a man
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running after the attacker, shouting: "you hurt my wife." i didn’t know what to do. all this was happening next to me. we ran into the store and locked ourselves in it. the employees of the shopping center acted according to instructions developed in the event of a terrorist attack. they began to lock the stores, along with the people hiding inside. they closed the door barricaded, because the child was bleeding, covering the wounds with a cloth, we called an ambulance, the baby’s mother could not be saved, doctors are fighting for the baby’s life.
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journalists note that only one visitor resisted the attacker, and in an extreme situation he crossed over. apparently in their native language, russian. he had a fence post in his hands. at first we thought some jokers were having fun, but then we saw a guy with a knife and this man tried to stop him. at this point , numerous police cars began to approach the shopping center.
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officers were escorting people out of the building and trying to provide first aid to the wounded. police believe the attacker acted alone. his identity has been established. he was not previously known to have connections with extremists. we are waiting for his identity to be formalized confirmed, but if this is the same person, we have no fear that he was motivated by any extremist ideas, in other words, this is not an act of terrorism. on sunday, a shopping center in suburban sydney will be closed to everyone except investigators. anton dadykin, lead.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you killed me,
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why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, also what, it will hurt, they say that you know how to look right into people’s heads, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application: or on the website we will translate from clerical to...
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i just understood that we cannot allow them here, because if they come , they would slaughter my family, and it was impossible to allow them here under any circumstances, and therefore i didn’t want to go serve the volunteers. the most important criterion, probably, is why someone should go, and i should stay at home. i contacted the guys when they first called us, and we, so, we had a conversation in the hostel, a general conversation, and i asked the question who was going there, all the guys who were 18 years old at that time, they said: “we’re all going, we’re all getting ready, we already have all our things.” gathered, we are all already leaving, the same enemy remains, so
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we are fighting in the same way, “at least i can breathe easily, because no one knows that my land is already where i was born, my land is clean, and nowhere are there any, no neo-fascism will not be on it, so you can breathe freely, not be afraid."
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the young guard is my story of my city, since i myself am from the city of krasnodon, i was born in it, grew up and still live, for me personally, it was still a feat. because they were even younger, they were much younger than me, they were 14, 15, 16 years old, they had already fought, they wanted to defeat fascism and they strived to win. anatoly went to serve at the age of 21. then he was in his fourth year of studying wind instruments at the lugansk academy of culture and arts, and in the future he wanted
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to teach children. playing the clarinet, i just understood that they couldn’t be allowed here, so as if they come and slaughter my family, and it was impossible to allow them here under any circumstances, so i wanted to go serve as a volunteer, that is, you didn’t expect a summons, no, i didn’t expect anything, i just did it myself, i didn’t notify anyone, just got ready. the bag went to the military registration and enlistment office, first they recaptured their lines, and then they stood at the borders, since at first i was generally an infantryman, i was a motorized rifleman, but i was assigned to the artillery, i am an artilleryman, first i was on howitzers, then on grads, and then on hurricanes there was artillery shelling - this
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believe me. the worst thing in the world that happens is when they fired at us for about 20 hours from all the guns, and no one could even get out of the compound, believe me, it was scary, what do you think, what did you think then, even if they hadn’t smeared them, at least there was dirt from then. i somehow didn’t want to wash myself off, i didn’t want to, i think i think i’ll survive no matter what, because if they don’t survive, then my mother will get me out of the ground by anyone. talking about terrible things, tolya often smiled, here such a reaction to reality is not uncommon, life in the trenches goes hand in hand with humor, he says to his grandchildren:


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