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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

7:30 am
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7:31 am
camera 162 to the original one. in torbeevsky central - strict routine. wake up at 6 am, go to the toilet. breakfast and work, lunch break, work again and so on until the evening, shifts of 7 hours, 6 days a week, and also a walk, here, concrete walls and a lattice sky, but from here you can look at the birds flying over the colony, here this is an ordinary exercise yard, five steps in length, three... under strict
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conditions of serving a sentence, they are daily taken for a walk for an hour and a half, which is kept under the usual conditions of serving a sentence, they are given a walk for 2 hours daily. this exercise yard, as you noticed, is equipped with cameras for constant supervision of convicts by the administration; here convicts can smoke and walk while walking. a sewing workshop for lifers is not only a way to earn money, but an opportunity to pass the time. it goes on here endlessly, every convict is under constant control, in all premises, institutions, residential and work areas.
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corners where the convicted person can do something there, create something, is visible everything, that’s right, everything is visible, let’s continue getting acquainted with the guests of the torbeevsky central, hello, alexander nikarovich, born in the sixth year of birth, under articles 102, 146 of the ukrsr, to life imprisonment, the beginning of the term on october 19, ninety-second year. one of
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the oldest and most colorful convicts, alexander zubarev, he is 69 years old, has spent the last 30 behind bars. behind this man, a rich criminal biography, six murders and robberies, was a criminal in the moscow region, ramenskoye in kislovodsk. well, what to hide, i there was an ordinary russian bandit, and this is what my life was like, yes, an ordinary russian bandit, well , who is by profession, an ordinary, ordinary russian bandit, who are you by profession, by profession, i studied once, but i didn’t, i studied first in trade college in nalchik, then left this college from the army when i arrived.
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i said, i won’t study anymore, somewhere you want, in general, i ended up at the university, at the faculty of economics, and also dropped out, my life was already spinning with another little girl, wine, weed, music, money crazy, these things always need money, it won’t work without it, the convict understands that with such a past, udo most likely won’t shine even for his... he no longer hides his atrocities, i understand correctly, according to your old code , 102, 146, i understand correctly that 146 is robbery, yes, ninety-one is state robbery, 142 is that and after reading
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the verdict i saw that there were four women and two men, yes, whom you once killed, well, that was the case, you admit it, it was the case, i generally fully recognize everything as mine criminal back in 2007, i met a woman through a newspaper, soon got married, now he is worried, letters from his beloved wife take a very long time, but the priest zuborev remembers his past life with undisguised pleasure. i lived in an apartment, i was already on the run, my crime was committed in kislovodsk, and i realized that i had been exposed, i had to run out, and i went to moscow, well, in moscow i have more there, movements began, i apartment i rented there, rented in a woman’s apartment, and how much money
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was needed, remember then for a normal life, well, i know my way around today’s russian money, in that money, of course, i knew my way around well, i remember.
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in the torbeevsky central , the necessary conditions have been created for this, this is the medical part of the institution for convicts, for life sentences, for life sentences, that is, everything is behind bars, everything is behind bars, even such a seemingly mundane procedure as measuring blood pressure is carried out only through the bars. how do you feel? thank you, okay, let's measure what we owe, here we are again in the building for there are three life prisoners on the territory: on the first floor there are working cells, on the second there are
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living cells. attached to each door are signs with photographs of convicts and articles of the criminal code. each one has an impressive list. this is done, firstly, for the sake of order, and secondly, so that the guards never forget who they are dealing with and are always on the alert. you walk through these corridors several times a day, aren’t you scared at all? no, it’s not scary, this is our job and we are obliged to go around security buildings in order to check the conditions of detention convicts and how employees carry out their service. i see that on some of the signs there is the following inscription: inclined to attack... employees, yes, these are categories of occupational safety records, those who are also convicted are put on the occupational safety record, accordingly, work is carried out with them accordingly, these are funny things , similar to garbage cans, as you said, these things are called key catchers, this is made so that, in
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case of some kind of emergency, the employee serving here in the building can urgently reset the keys, which close and lock the living cells, that... the convicted zubarev again speaks about his wife, with whom he married already here, serving his
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endless sentence. this is my wife today, vera ivanovna zubreva, this is a photo of her 5-6 years ago, she’s young, this is me , an old child, we’ve been constantly touching each other lately, biting, well, this is with love. things are going on, well, girl, why argue with her, she also tries to do the same with me, well , no matter how it is with us, we still know, if god willing, he gave me away from here, we will be in any way together, it’s so happened in our lives that we can’t have it any other way, and this is a working cell, behind a sewing machine is the killer vladimir tsyp, what are you sewing now? kurka, luxury, prague luxury, putting it together, it turns out beautiful, yes,
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it’s normal to wear one in the wild, yes, i think, of course, it’s good, yes, you meet the norms, of course, you’ve already mastered the specialty for a free life, yes, you’re ready, yes, labors, all lifers in the mordovian colonies, as well as ordinary people at large, are completely different. they have one thing in common: a criminal past and the shed blood of innocent victims. many of them have already applied to the court for parole. all have been rejected so far. based on the guidelines set forth, the application for parole was denied. convict, do you understand the court's decision? yes, in general. those sentenced to life imprisonment are entitled to parole . in connection with the preparation of materials for the court, the personality
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of the convicted person is assessed, and how he served his sentence for the entire period of time, his attitude to work, study, for the entire period of serving punishments, his attitude towards the crime committed, whether he repented or not. the court has the final say in this matter. one of them is the zubovo-polyansky district court of the republic of mordovia. for you, as... for the judge, how serious, how difficult it would be to make a decision that a person sentenced to life imprisonment would be released, yes, such a decision would probably be very, very difficult, very difficult, because studying those documents presented, including the verdict, for which those sentenced to life deprivation of liberty are serving their sentences, well , such a decision will be very difficult to make, when making such a decision, the judge is guided only by the law and his own inner...
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october 1993, this is alexander kurnosov, originally from penza, a murderer, i know why i am sitting here, so i don’t slave and so on and so forth, for me it’s not so hard to endure all this, because you have to pay for everything, his story is simple: school, army, then work in the forestry, one day he invited friends, a girl and a young man to picnic, sat down. drank, then the scene jealousy and chickens, nosov killed both of them,
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he was detained a few days later, and ended up going to jail for the rest of his life. we do not forget at all that alexander kurnosov is a murderer, but he is strikingly different from other sedel residents of the central. all his conversations are about his relatives, who, in spite of everything, are waiting at home, like the rest of the inmates, working as seamstresses. almost everything she earns is sent home to her sister, well, now she doesn’t have a husband, they are divorced, but she has a daughter, of course, they live together. let's just say they knew me as normal and they send various greetings, they even write there, a man, well, it just happened like this
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spontaneously, for many years now the murderer alexander kurnosov, an exemplary prisoner, has been working, extinguished. all civil suits, believes that if he is lucky enough to be free, his family will definitely help him adapt to modern life. here we ask a lot of convicts the question, do you know what color bitcoin is ? . we let's see how the convicted kurnosov lives. his cell is no different from its neighbors. born in 1960. kurnosov shows photographs through the bars. it is immediately obvious that these cards, yellowed by time, are very dear to him. my mom and sister. that is, this is your
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mother and sister. yes, my mother was still alive, this is my dear sister. where is it? is this in penzi? yes, we have. there’s a spring in the forest, what a holy place it is, they seemed to be there, we can’t keep a lot of photos in our cameras, they would tell us there’s 10 there, ok, well that’s here’s my sister, here’s her daughter’s niece, that is, they don’t forget you here, no, they don’t forget me, they come to me, well, they’re here for their son’s birthday, your mother was still alive, your relatives forgave you for everything you've done?
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yes, the convicted person has the right, the court will consider, if the convicted person is worthy of parole, the court will make the right decision. some of those sentenced to life, after spending several years behind bars, suddenly remember. thus, in recent years, many crimes. as for the convicted, some of them talk about old cases
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very willingly, because during the investigation they are transferred to the investigative unit. an isolation ward, the regime there is simpler, and you don’t have to work, but sometimes everything turns upside down, and the guards come under investigation. this is footage of a visiting court session in the polar city of labatnanka. district judge igor poluyakhtov reads out the verdict against local police operative yuri.
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to improve his performance indicators, yuri sandrykin beat prisoners out of confessions in high-profile cases. under his pressure, several convicts admitted to involvement in the crimes. there are 190 of them in total, including the murders of journalists anna politkovskaya and paul klebnikov. colonel ufsin yuri sandrykin, guilty of exceeding his official authority, was deprived of his special rank and sent to a maximum security colony for 3.5 years. according to our information, after the end of his term, yuri sandrykin returned home to the village of kharp. now he lives 100 meters from the same polar owl where he worked a lot
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years, and nearby behind the prison wall, behind several rows of barbed wire, are lifers who once confessed to the crimes they committed. yuri sandrikin is probably not the only one. but sometimes it’s not easy to shed light on the work of his colleagues; checking even in an ordinary ordinary colony is a very troublesome task, what can we say about a special institution where lifers are kept? but let's go back to the special institution for especially dangerous criminals, their hands are covered in blood, they have hundreds of ruined lives, but all. the murderers cling to life, dream of freedom, and, what is most surprising, make plans for the future. this is the khabarovsk territory, here
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is the only colony for life prisoners in the far east. for the eyes he calls it a snowflake because of its seven-ray shape. each of those who. there is a life sentence in a snowflake, a very dark past. the limit for filling life sentences is 378 people, today we have 279. there have been cases of applying for pardon, 15 people have applied, this year two people have already applied. this is about stanislav igor tishchenko, father and son. in the mid-nineties, sr.
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the most notorious crime is the murder of thieves of law nikolai akbashev and his bodyguards. well, we arrived there, the arrow , the checkerboard was 12 noon in the afternoon, it was warm, in the summer, well, in law , he hit me, well, what kind of son can stand it? in the back door of the car, my grenade was heavy, i jumped up and took the grenade. nowadays this can only be seen in movies. in the arms of the father and
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tishchenko’s son, the blood of at least seven people, they were given the most severe sentence, when the death penalty was announced for their son, how it all turned upside down inside, it was scary for me, of course, well, i accepted it, i’m fine. i was ready for this to die, he is young, and for a young man it is twice as difficult to accept this, such a caring dad, now he says that he is ready to start a new life, and it seemed to us that he constantly presses for pity, at my age and through that that i don’t live like this, but i live, god gives me, criminals, father and tishchenko's son is sitting in the same cell, and... the administration of the colony met them halfway and allowed igor to look after his elderly father. whether the killers really repented or were just
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playing, we don't know the answer, but in front of the video camera they both say very correct things, we have there is blood on your hands, no matter what, no matter what, who is right, who is wrong, now, now it doesn’t matter, now the important thing is that there are no people, you can’t bring them back, i believe in... what if god wills it, we will leave here, if it doesn’t, then we will accept it, we agree and are ready to die here. perhaps many of our viewers are not very interested in information about how conditions of detention are improving for...
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various crimes, someone drank and, i don’t know, killed his wife and lover, well, in general, these are, of course, not terrorists, there not serial killers, and not pedophiles, in general - perhaps the person has already redeemed himself, the punishment he suffered is quite proportionate to what he did, maniacs, pedophiles, serial killers,
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terrorists. so i think that they should not be subject to release after even a twenty-five year sentence, because no one cannot predict how these people will behave, probably almost all of these people are with mental disorders, they all need serious, absolutely serious supervision and control, which will be impossible to do, even within the framework of a colony settlement, we don’t know how it will turn out the fate of lifers who wrote a petition for parole . suddenly finding themselves free, how will they adapt to modern society? let's put it bluntly, all they know how to do is kill and theatrically repent before judges and journalists, won’t humanity play a cruel joke on them and on us?
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it is clear that we have committed a crime, life cannot be turned back, you can always find somewhere to go, as they say, if with god’s help i am freed, at least one, someone is freed throughout russia, then there is already a chance, that’s how we are. .. saw the criminal stories of seven criminals sentenced to life imprisonment, who cling to life with all their might. this was our investigation from mordovia and the khabarovsk territory, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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wars end, for peace to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run. the main thing is to win for it, there is such a job: to be a defender, when you become a professional, it becomes your life’s work, a military matter, serve at the call of your heart, join your own.
8:00 am
iran announced the end of the retaliation operation. the strikes on israel were carried out this night. the most massive attack of combat drones in world military history, a report on the first a wave of launched combat vehicles appeared in the local media in 2245.


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