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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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some experts predicted the decline of the oil industry back in 2003, but more than 20 years have passed, and oil reserves have not been exhausted. another myth that the head of gazprom neft personally dispelled: in the coming decades, humanity will not be able to do without this resource, oil consumption is only growing, so mining companies are expanding their geography, they are exploring new regions. in russia this is the arctic, this is the arctic shelf, this is eastern siberia. the development of new regions will , of course, introduce significant challenges, such as difficulties, this is the remoteness of these territories, the lack of transport infrastructure, this is a harsh climate, ultra-low temperatures, this is permafrost, this is ice, this is a fragile ecosystem, to work in such conditions you need special technologies that allow you to work reliably, safely and autonomously, this is difficult, but the oil industry is developing rapidly, perhaps faster than other industries.
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the state corporation rostec in st. petersburg has a new production facility on the basis of a research center that produces recycled polymer film. about properties material area of ​​application dmitry akimov. polyethylene, but this is only at first glance. the film is called secondary polymer and can replace any analogue and even glass, it is almost impossible to tear, can withstand loads of up to 300 kg and retains its properties for more than 30 years. it can be used in the agricultural industry; it transmits light by 95% to 90% ultraviolet, which means it increases.
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productivity, in addition, the range of applications, construction, electronics, medicine and even space, is distinguished by its durability, non-flammable, operable in all environments, which means it can withstand boiling in hydrochloric and nitric acid, sulfuric acid, in alkalis, that is, the most resistant film, previously secondary polymer material in such a volume was produced only for... now on the basis of a scientific center applied chemistry of the state corporation rustec opens its production. 5 million linear metes per year can be replaced now while there is a need, but then the need will probably increase, this material will be used more and more. scientists are sure that the newest the material will quickly find new markets, and production will need to be expanded. dmitry
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akima and sergey fodeev, conduct the leningrad region. let's look at footage from the american state of chicago, where a mass shooting occurred. while there are such shots. local media reported that seven people were injured, three of whom were children. in addition, there is one death. the police are investigating. for other topics, sturgeon and sterlidi are being prepared for spawning at fish hatcheries in the krasnoyarsk territory. counts are now being carried out. inspection of individuals to understand how much caviar to expect this year. anastasia pirogova visited one of the enterprises. an ultrasound diagnostic specialist sets up an office right in the pool. at the reception sterlit. the research is extremely important, it decides where the fish will live until the fall. immature. sturgeons spent the whole winter in such special ponds, the living space is spacious 7 m2. here the fish can feel freedom, while remaining under the supervision of specialists. in winter, asitrovs go into a kind of hibernation.
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you can't compare it to a bear; it's a fish in in anabiosis, but it does not seem to hibernate completely , its metabolism slows down, it practically does not eat, and this means that wintering occurs due to the supply of substances that it received during feeding in the summer. with the rise in temperatures at fish hatcheries , the time comes for banishment accounting, this is a kind of inventory of sturgeon, the fish are weighed, scanned for the presence of a chip and an ultrasound is performed to understand what leicester will tell you? this year's caviar, we determine the stage of maturity of the reproductive products, and the fish that caviar is at the fourth stage of development, that is, which is ready to be received this year, it is placed separately in the pool, and the fish whose ekra is at the second or third stage, that is, it will not produce caviar this year, that is, caviar is not yet ready to receive, so we are planting it and will transplant it into kura-type cages for summer maintenance. in nature , the king fish lays eggs only in clear water, it is important that for spawning it needs... to go up the river, at
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present this is impossible due to large waterworks, such as the krasnodar reservoir, from the moment of its construction the sturgeon population in the azov sea began to decline, in order not to lose such golden fish, three fish hatcheries were built, now 50% of the sturgeon population consists of hatchery fish. currently, their growth is observed, this is primarily due to the efficiency of artificial reproduction of the factories themselves, as well as the organization of fish conservation measures. currently, the fish hatcheries are home to more than 1,900 fish, which form the repair-uterine. last year, all three hatcheries released 8 million small fish into the water. we released 2.4 million juveniles, this is asterly sturgeon. we worked within the framework of the state task, and accordingly we fulfilled the state task. the king's fish will go to neres in april to find out how many expectant mothers among
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sturgeons this year will need the same banishment count. those next in line for asitra's ultrasound will undergo the same procedures. the fish that spawn this year will remain in this pool under observation.
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next is the author's program a view from st. petersburg of film director and political figure vladimir bortok, a new issue about the history of the emergence of terrorism. hello, my name is vladimir bordka, i am from st. petersburg.
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terrorism is with you - a policy based on the systematic use of terror. synonyms for the word terror are the words violence, intimidation, intimidation. the most common definitions denote terrorism as the achievement by violent means of political, ideological, economic and religious goals. how.
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introduced the concept of propaganda by action, was the italian revolutionary carlo pesacani, who wrote in his political testament in 1857 that ideas arise from actions, and not vice versa, that is , first we kill someone, and then the people will understand why we did it. long before the birth of christ, despite the fact that there was no theoretical justification for terrorism, individual representatives of humanity acted, so to speak, on a whim, for terrorism has an ancient history. even 340 years bc, the father of alexander the great was killed as a result, as if we today they said it was a terrorist attack. one of the most terrorist groups is the jewish
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sect of the sekarii, dagger-wielders, active in judea in the first century bc. members of the sect practiced the murder of representatives of the jewish nobility and performed. for peace with the romans and accused by them of apostasy from religion and national interests. the sicarii used a dagger or the short sword siku as a weapon. in ancient rome itself, few rulers lived to see natural death. let's remember caesar. classic example the terrorist organization of the middle ages is a sect of grass-eating assassins in pera. driven by religious motivations, almost elusive, the adherents of the sect killed hundreds of caliphs and sultans during the period of their activity. as for european terrorism, the very definition of terrorism. from france, the concept of terrorism and the terrorist appeared in the academic sphere in the 18th century and
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was used during the french revolution between 1793 and ninety years, which meant the reign of terror, subsequently the term received a more expanded interpretation and came to mean any system of government based on fear. an hour would not be enough to talk about the terrorist attacks that occurred in europe. it is clear to say that the first world war formally began due to the assassination of the austrian ferdinand by the serb gavrilo princip. russia is no exception; it is worth listing only the murdered kings. ivan vi, fedor ii. godunov, peter ii. paul i, alexander ii. nicholas ii. a lot of. yes, in the usa, terrorism flourishes like nowhere else. assassinated american presidents abraham lincoln, james garfield, william mckinney and john
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kennedy. very often terrorism in the states flourishes in schools. in our country, it is enough to recall the large-scale white-red terror and thousands of people killed. it’s worth remembering the famous propagandist of terror savenkov, familiar to tv viewers from the series. operation trust, even in the ussr, with its powerful kgb, terrorist attacks were not so rare, in the soviet union planes were hijacked more than once, terrorists hijacked passenger airliners in 1977, seventy-eight, eighty-two, eighty-third, eighty-five, eight six and eighty-eight years, and the first hijacking took place on october 16, 1970, when father and son brazinskas captured an an-24, terrorists landed 46 hostages in turkish, killed stewardess nadezhda kurchenko, the plane with
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terrorists was arrested, the war on terrorism continued in the russian federation and here is the attack on the gruku site. what i will say next is only my thoughts, but it may not coincide with yours, the purpose of this attack.
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so the isis version itself may be a half-truth, the performers may indeed be associated with the islamic state of iraq and levand, but these individuals clearly acted in the interests of... the collective west, there is a constant cold war between the west and russia, everything is used, the war in ukraine, and sanctions, and isis, everything that is possible, as it seems to me, it was assumed that this action would weaken russia; would it be more convenient for the west to deal with russia, weakened in its most
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vulnerable place; of course, would it affect interethnic relations?
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for example, in 1925, president ronald reagan received a group of men with beards, this there were very stern-looking bardachi in chalmy. at the press conference that followed the negotiations, ronald regan pointed to them and said: “these people are morally similar to the founding fathers of america.” these bearded men were afghan mujahideen, terrorists. then they fought with arms in hand against the evil empire, that is. ussr, but in august 1908, another american president gave the order to the american navy in the pacific ocean to launch a missile attack on the same mujahideen camps in order to destroy osama bin laden and his people. a after all, just a few years ago, mr.
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bin laden, who was killed using 15 american missiles, was similar to his own. morality to george washington, thomas jefferson. so, does america have a constant desire to destroy the russian state? why? the interests of the united states and russia are directly opposed on many issues. apparently , this is why the americans decided that they must stop all attempts by the russians to increase their influence on the world stage. i tried to reduce the reasons for the rivalry between russia and the united states to certain points. point one. ya. russia for several decades now, it has been the only country that can destroy the united states with nuclear weapons, or at least cause them irreparable damage. us military interests require solving this problem in one of three ways: destroying nuclear weapons in russia, subjugating russia , or creating some kind of defense against our missiles.
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so far it’s not working out very well, but this is a question...
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if the west succeeds in, so to speak, tolerantizing our country, it will receive an additional prize, the peaceful absorption of russia, russia is trying to put this pressure on to resist, it is based on the foundations of the abrahamic religions, point four, the dollar: all the financial power of the united states is based on the dollar, all the military power of the united states is based on its financial power. it is critically important for the states that no one even thinks about encroaching on the hegemony of their currencies. the entire planet conducts international trade in dollars in dollars . and gold and foreign exchange reserves. it would be beneficial for russia to abandon dollars in favor of its own currency, the ruble, which is firmly backed by hydrocarbons. the brix countries are actively
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creating alternative financial markets, which speeds up this process. however, from the us point of view, abandoning the dollar means outright stealing their money. moreover, if such an influential country as russia and the brix countries refuse the dollar. a chain reaction of transition to national currencies may begin in the world, after which the dollar zone will shrink. the dollar exchange rate will fall sharply. control over huge hydrocarbon reserves, nuclear weapons and other factors provide russia with enormous political weight in the world. russia uses this weight to advance its interests, which often contradicts us interests. so, for example, in 2013.
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it is impossible for the first to defeat russia on the battlefield, in the opinion of western countries; it is more realistic to destroy it from the inside, precedents: in 1917 , discontent in england against the tsar and the autocracy, artificially fueled, arose, followed by the collapse of the empire. everything worked out, but russia resurrected in the form of the ussr. in 1999, internal discontent, fueled by the west, arose again; all russia’s troubles were caused by the communists. the ussr collapsed, but russia rose again. in 2011, western-fueled outrage over allegedly incorrect vote counting in the elections. as
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a result, the slogan: crooks and thieves, a rally of one hundred thousand people in the swamp, and another slogan: we are the power here. but the seizure of power did not happen. moreover, the country began to strengthen. then decomposition comes from within, through quiet means. “okay,” the americans said, then you will be defeated on the battlefield.” 50 countries began to help ukraine carry out its unstoppable offensive in attempts to seize crimea. i think it was supposed to place ships of the american fleet in crimea to fulfill a dream zelensky.
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the ethnic component of crime is not only a russian problem, and of course, it is necessary to counter terrorism with all determination. of course this is being done, it begins with this point: ensuring the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms. a dubious point, and so on in the same liberal spirit. of course, there are some sensible articles there, in my opinion, for example, the inevitability of punishment for carrying out terrorist activities. the question of the extent of this punishment for the overwhelming number of our citizens is any nationality. it is absolutely clear that
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the blood shed by a terrorist should lead to his death penalty. liberal talk that terrorists are not afraid of death seems somewhat exaggerated, just as proven participation in a terrorist group should lead to it. life imprisonment without lengthy trials for the possibility of commuting this sentence. i would like to convey these simple points to broad layers of students. one more point, also in my opinion, is correct. cooperation between the state and public and religious associations. let's not fuss and admit that terrorism in many ways has a breeding ground among muslims. and further. the truth is clear to everyone: muslims as a whole are much more religious than, alas, christians, all the more so it is necessary to strengthen the work of the fsb among
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muslim communities. and we will live together, goodbye, all the best.
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israel will continue its war with hamas in full force after the movement rejected the deal proposed in cairo, prime minister benjamin netanyahu's office said. the idf reported that with the help of the united states they intercepted 99% of iranian shells, of which about 300 were fired. the air force base damaged by the shelling continues to operate, summed up in jerusalem. in israel, the alert was canceled, the authorities opened the airspace to
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civilian ships. in the meantime. tehran says that


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