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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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part of the orbital block goes into a reference orbit of 200 km around the earth. composites are the main trend in modern rocketry. they completed the task brilliantly. israel will continue its war with hamas in full force after the movement rejected the deal proposed in cairo, prime minister benjamin netanyahu's office said. the tdf reported that with the help of the united states, they intercepted 99% of the iranian shells, in which about 300 were fired . the air force base affected by the shelling continues to operate, summed up in jerusalem. alarm signal canceled in israel authorities opened airspace to civilian ships. meanwhile, tehran says that... carried out a successful attack on
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enemy military targets and reserve the right to launch new strikes if the situation escalates. the iranian attack on israel was strongly condemned by the head of the european commission, ursula vonlaen. she called on tehran to immediately stop the attacks. all parties to the conflict must refrain from further escalation, the politician said. what other world leaders said in connection with the next round of instability in the middle east east, emil mirsaev will tell. the world is concerned about the next round of escalation in the middle east; tonight, at israel’s request, an urgent meeting of the un security council will be held. jerusalem intends, quote: to condemn iran without appeal for serious violations. the latter's post-president at the world organization stated that the un did not fulfill its peacekeeping duties and allowed israel to violate the main principles of international law. secretary general guterres himself said that the quote is global. society
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cannot afford another war. i deeply alarmed by the real threat of destructive escalation in the region. i call on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid any actions that could lead to large-scale military clashes on multiple fronts in the middle east. i have repeatedly emphasized that neither the region nor the world can afford another war. us president joe biden met with the national security team and has already contacted the israeli prime minister by phone. netanyahu said, according to cnn sources, that the states are not ready for military conflict with iran, in public the head of state chose much louder phrases. tomorrow i will convene my fellow g7 leaders to coordinate a joint diplomatic response to iran's brazen attack. my team will engage with their colleagues across the region, and we will also remain in close contact with israeli leadership. and while the middle east is rocked by another crisis, the former owner of the white house, donald trump, is trying. work on it glasses. israeli
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the people were attacked. this happened because we are showing great weakness. after winning the election, i will restore american power abroad, and we will restore american power. now we are considered a joke. and while trump was speaking at a campaign rally in pennsylvania, washington sent an official message to the islamic revolutionary guard corps. for any threat from the terrorist state of america and the zionist regime. from any country there will be a mutual and proportional response to the islamic republic of iran, the source of the threat. the president of colombia also supported iran, saying that the crisis in the middle east erupted precisely because of the united states, which supports quotes genocide by jerusalem. it was predictable. we are now on the verge of world war iii, while humanity must rebuild its economy to achieve the rapid goal of decarbonization. us support for genocide practically set the world on fire. bagoto expressed.
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usa, italy, portugal, austria, the netherlands, however, it was he who was supported by western politicians from a dozen countries, among them, in addition "to stop the madness of their ruler, france, great britain, poland, the czech republic, canada, argentina, the president who interrupted foreign tours convened a crisis headquarters, as well as germany. if everyone basically limited themselves to simple formulations in the spirit of “condemn iran,” chancellor scholz did a whole statement: the airstrike carried out by iran this evening is responsible and cannot be justified in any way. iran risks causing a regional fire. we stand firmly on israel's side and will begin to discuss everything. the rest is with our allies. the entire european union, represented by the head of the diplomatic service joseppe barel and the president of the european council charlie michel, strongly condemned iran's actions. the saudi arabian foreign ministry called on the parties to show maximum restraint to protect the region from the danger of war. as well as the foreign policy department of chile. spain also took a neutral position, where, by the way, the number of arab population is quite high. we are with the utmost concern.
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response to increased threats. in the event of intervention by third countries, iran promised double answer. emil mirsaev, news. so, here's what we know about the iranian attack on israel up to this minute. in response to the strike targeting tehran's consulate in syria, iran fired 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles at israel. biden held talks with netanyahu by phone , the us clarified. participate in offensive actions against iran. the ksir announced the defeat of military targets in israel. according to media reports, the yemen houthis took part in the attack and more than fifty missiles were fired from lebanon. at 23:00 moscow time an urgent meeting of the un security council has been scheduled in connection with the attack on israel. concerns
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were expressed in the chinese foreign ministry. they called on the international community to do everything possible to ensure peace in the region. and now about the flood in orenburg, where. water is capturing more and more new territories. over the past 24 hours, another thousand houses have been flooded in the city. the total number of households in the disaster zone reached 13,500. meanwhile , hydrologists for the first time during the flood recorded a slight decrease in the water level in the ural river. local authorities report this. my colleague margarita semenyuk is monitoring how the situation on the ground is changing. she is in direct contact with the studio. margarita, hello. is there any hope that new flooding can be avoided? yes, alexandra, greetings, indeed, the hydromedical center is now recording a decrease in the water level in the ural river near orenburg over the past night, more precisely , now the water level is already 11 m 82 cm, a decrease of 5 cm is recorded and i note
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that by 3 cm in the last hour , but of course there is no need to relax, they continue as before in all dangerous areas. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are working, because the water has not yet gone away, now it is important to evacuate the remaining people, i note that employees of the ministry of emergency situations, both local and visiting to help, are cruising through the flooded snt settlements and microdistricts of the city and the orenburg region, in order to evacuate people to safe zones, i note that a total of 1,738 people have already been evacuated, of which 334 are children, now i suggest you listen.
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87 cm each. well, i note that today, as of 9 am, the region is flooded almost 13,500 residential buildings, of which 137 are apartment buildings in the city, now we are in one of the residential complexes of orenburg, now there are practically no residents left here, they were all evacuated, we see that the water continues to flow, but at about this here... the traffic police officers and the ministry of emergency situations officers scold, in case of an emergency, of course, they will help the residents of this residential complex. i also note that now in orenburg almost 4.0 houses and almost 8,500 household plots are flooded, well, regional
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services, the ministry of emergency situations, the police and ambulances are now working in enhanced mode and continue to monitor the situation. alexander. margarita, thank you, my colleague margarit was on direct line from orenburg. semenyuk. let's continue to talk about floods in russia; in total , according to the latest data , almost 200 settlements have been flooded in russian regions. water is rapidly flowing in the tabol river near kurgan, the level is already above 5 m. flooding of the right bank part of the city will begin when the water rises to 6 m. and in the altai territory there is a danger of a second flood wave. about it said the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov. in the tyumen region, the beginning of the flood is predicted from '. further, after the advertisement, a special report by alexander sladkov about the units that in the special operation zone provide high quality radio communications with
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there are battles near arrtemovsk in the kleshcheevka area, we put pressure on the enemy, if possible, we go forward, everything according to plan, without assault, and what is this now, checking the barrel so that it is empty, so that we wait, you turn this knob . how did you check? well, you lower it, so with the help of this the handle lowers the wedge of the bolt, and you looked in, that’s all, then the self-timer and a blank shot to make sure that the wedge is working, the wedge is knocked out by the wedge, absolutely right, do you know where to shoot? yes, yes, well...
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the gun fires! baikal 2 has arrived, stop recording, camouflage the guns, take cover, it’s all a bird, you need to take cover. we need to quickly get out of here,
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we are hiding from drones in the household of the brigade communications chief.
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box box from pkema and also soviet- made, you see yes the star is everything, but here this is a symbol of ukrainian non-statehood, this is an exhibit that combines two eras, the soviet ukrainian, but this is not a museum item and cannot become one, because it is a military grenade, an american one, and a trophy, well, that’s offensive.
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decisions, our soldiers have to make all this under enemy fire. signalmen rarely shoot, they mostly work on signalmen, we have completely different tasks, so that our fighters do not lose contact, so that our fighters from the three hundredth do not become two hundredth, so that they can be evacuated in time. there is a saying, every day that we
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remember here, at the end of the operation all units were awarded, but the signal company was not shot, so we remember it. well, you know, since the great patriotic war, it seems that one of the orders said something similar, here is dubai, dubai, ring, dubai ring, mach is nearby, we are ready to switch, ready to switch, ring, ring, right away, how unusual in brigade neva call signs, dubai, baghdad, monaco, as you hear, i understand, i hear, i understand, they have not translated yet, restoration. in the workshop you can see new means of communication, some secret, some old, such as the ta-57, the grandfather of all front-line telephones. the war has posed so many challenges for us, and first of all in matters of communications, communications issues, uavs, rap, electronic warfare,
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this is a war of intelligence, motivation, battles of wills, and here we have to try very seriously, today commanders of the highest level want not only to know to hear what is happening at the most advanced level, yes, but also to see who is providing this process, this is a process provides a... there were signalmen, you were a special correspondent, you were a history teacher, a history teacher, you were the head of a museum, but what are you in a signalman? and my homeland said, we came to the war a little over a year ago, and there were a lot of guys my age, completely different professions, but they came to the training ground. on the mainland, they trained us there, these are people who came at the call of their hearts, now the fate of our
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people, our state is being decided here, day after day they persistently, methodically began to work. sergei showed us the graves of unknown civilians residents, an initiative was born a little later, supported by the command of the volunteer corps, to search for the missing. arrange them for preservation, study, digitization, create lists of who is looking for whom, who, who lost their relatives during
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this battle here, for example in solidar, such things were already done by the international committee of the red cross after the great patriotic war, after the second world war , and today , since we came here, in general, in peace to protect the population, then sergei viktorovich i just proposed... to collect all this information in order to provide information at the request of people who have lost their relatives, to ensure that they meet. such work is still being carried out following the results of the great patriotic war, preserving information for family reunification. maybe this experience will be implemented within the framework of the es. boo.
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objective, i wouldn't. simira moved to st. petersburg from donetsk 2 years ago, entered the conservatory, and almost simultaneously marianna vasilyeva returned from germany to russia. so, girls from donbass began to be taught by one of the most titled violinists. i worry about her, of course, because, as you understand, donetsk is not the safest place and... in principle,
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the north-eastern military district zone, but in general, well, naturally i’m worried, so, but i’ve never even thought about wording not to let go and so on, because i know how important this is to me. at first it was of course a shock, why?
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world-class, her talent was appreciated by mstislav rostropovich, krzysztov penderecke and vladimir spevakov. marianna conquered the world's halls, from st. petersburg to michigan, became a professor at the academy of music in spain, and before the start of the northern military district, she often lived between vienna, cologne and madrid. then the transfer.


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