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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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amount, and then it can grow from 3.00 to 4, to 500. at the plenary meeting, the problem was raised by alexander khinshtein. numerous requests from citizens are the reason for the state duma to appeal to the russian ministry of construction. in a number of regions, prices for servicing and repairing gas equipment have more than doubled, and the difference in cost is not only between regions, but within the same entity between different companies that provide such services, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. in almost all regions the cost of servicing is rising gas equipment, when they begin to analyze the situation and conduct a dialogue, there is a reference to the methodological instructions of the ministry of housing and communal services. after a sharp jump in prices for the services of a service organization, they unanimously refer to the methodological recommendations of the russian ministry of construction. “let’s study what kind of
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methodological recommendations they are, they are of a rubber nature, they took and loaded everything into them, travel expenses, stationery, entertainment and much, much more, in the end the expenses are borne by who, man. the technique made it possible to inflate the cost of services provided, which led to abuses by individual companies in a number of regions, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. the speaker of the state duma noted that the monthly cost of maintenance of indoor gas equipment has increased twofold, and that of indoor gas equipment by one and a half to three times. alexander khenshtein announced figures by region. in the kaluga region, moscow region, maintenance of indoor gas equipment has increased by 30%. in voronezh - from 20 to 75%. khantomansiysk district up to 51%. there are problems, people raise it, it really sounds very socially acute. and this problem
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needs to be solved as soon as possible. deputies responded to the appeal in their constituencies, but regional authorities were unable to change the norms enshrined at the federal level by the russian ministry of construction. parliamentarians noted that the problem lies in the very algorithm for approving these documents. here the executive branch acts independently. the point is that when there is no limiter, they are right set any price, any. and the document. it is normative, it is registered by the ministry of justice, you can go to court with it and win against a resident, and he will pay; when methods for calculating costs to be paid to the population are approved, they cannot be accepted without conducting an examination and first agreeing with the relevant committees of the state duma. rising prices for services.
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this is a matter of security, not an excuse for speculation. we sent an appeal to the ministry of construction, which contains our proposals for adjustments to both the methodology itself and the formula price calculation. we believe that the ministry of construction really needs to organize this work together with interested departments. vyacheslav volodin noted that according to current standards, the ministry of construction will have to consider the appeal of deputies and respond to it within 10 days. tariffs must be reasonable. concluded the speaker of the state duma. alexander shavyrin, anna melikyan, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. watch the second part of our program. additional protection against collectors. who else was prohibited from transferring housing and communal services debts to others? persons? fair pay, a new principle for calculating overtime and other laws of the week. and also how the state duma supports space development.
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let’s connect, just a second, okay, who are these conversations with, why did i have to flee to the kremlin, where is the excitement stronger. in space or at the table with presidents, there will be a lot to discuss, nuances of big politics that surprise everyone, so why didn’t he understand that putin called him, the president congratulated you, well, the president congratulated him, and the most interesting shots of the week are all theirs from kremlin.
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the parliamentary hour is on the air, we continue. the role of brix as an important center of economic and political influence will be strengthened. this is one of the priorities for the members of the association. what state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin eagerly discussed with the heads of international affairs committees and parliaments of the brix countries. over the 15 years of its existence, the association has become an example of mutually beneficial international cooperation, built on the principles of respect and non- interference in the affairs of sovereign states. noted the state duma speaker. they talk about this too numbers. the brix countries now account for more than 35% of global gdp in purchasing power parity terms. the state in the big seven lags behind in this indicator, by 2028 the situation will change even more in
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favor of brix, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. over the past year , three countries have become leaders of economic growth and included among the top five countries in the world. to brix. india, china, russia. the brix countries are developing dynamically. this partnership is built primarily on the principles of reciprocity and respect for each other. and, of course, the affairs of a sovereign state do not interfere. we agree that it is very important to build cooperation on the principles of mutual respect and respect for each other’s sovereignty. we also believe that we must work on the basis of multipolarity. the association is attracting more and more supporters and like-minded people; about three dozen states have already declared their intention to join it in one format or another, added vyacheslav
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volodin. forced to work overtime, required to pay more, the new law protects labor rights of citizens. read more about this and other initiatives that. reviewed by deputies this week, later in our review. the state duma adopted amendments to the labor code. from september 1 of this year, when calculating overtime pay , all components of the salary will have to be taken into account, including regional coefficients and incentive payments. according to current legislation, the first 2 hours of overtime work are paid at one and a half times the rate , the subsequent ones at double. but often employers are cunning when making calculations. only the basic salary, which is a smaller part of the salary. the new law eliminates this injustice. children with disabilities from the families of deceased svo participants will be able to receive two pensions, both for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner. deputies supported the initiative in
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the first reading. currently, children are assigned only one pension of their choice. if the law is adopted, it will apply to legal relations arising from february 24, 2022. relatives of russians killed by shelling from ukraine, in as a result of terrorist attacks, will be exempt from paying duties when registering an inheritance. this law was adopted by deputies. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin noted, family members of deceased svo participants will also be exempt from paying fees when registering ownership rights to inherited real estate in the russian register. the law will also apply to relatives of those participants in the special operation who died within a year after dismissal. caused by concussion or injury. the state duma adopted a law that expands support measures young specialists. from now on, officially a young specialist will be considered a person who gets a job in his specialty for the first time, regardless of previous work experience. the concept of
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a young worker is also introduced - a person under 35 years of age, inclusive, with no more than 3 years of experience and not classified as a young specialist. for example, students will receive this status. who work, but do not yet have qualification documents, as well as those who are getting a job for the first time, but not in their profession. to protect from collectors, deputies expanded the ban on the transfer of citizens' debts. for housing and communal services you haven’t paid back and forth, i say, yes, i’m aware, you urgently need to pay there almost today, this very second, every minute,
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otherwise we’ll come there, write all your property, take everything from you, many russians receive a call from collectors not on the phone, but at the apartment door, they have been checking for a long time, about what and generally physical health, well , you are interested in something about my health, it’s unlikely that you will need it soon, such cases have happened still common practice. 5 years ago, but in 2019, the state duma prohibited tss management companies, housing cooperatives and resource supply organizations from transferring housing and communal services debts to collectors, vyacheslav volodin recalled this. that is, svetlana, after the collector’s call, could have sued the management company. they do not have such a right, a person certainly needs to immediately contact the management organization with pre-trial claims, get an explanation, then it is necessary to go to court and also to the prosecutor to protect his rights, because his rights are violated so that the state responds. now the list of those who
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are prohibited from transferring debts to housing collectors includes landlords under social tenancy agreements, as well as rental premises of the state and municipal housing stock. this is the decision of the state duma. moreover , such agreements cannot be concluded not only with collectors. the norm applies to any third parties. there is only one exception to the law. such assignment can be carried out only in one case. the moment of organizing or changing the form of management, also, citizens should not pay in the event of a change in the management company or resource supply company if they were not notified in a timely manner of the transfer of such rights. the transfer of debts for housing and communal services to any third parties will be subject to legislation on the protection of personal data, and severe punishment is provided for violation.
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the duma adopted a law on the national vocabulary fund. elena zhilnina met with those who
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are working on creating a linguistic treasury. there the scripture is not given incorrectly, that is, it is given with a reduction. sources you can trust it is possible, but after a thorough filter, and it is better not to contact many internet portals at all. their grammatical and harp errors are taken at face value by some users. many modern dictionaries, both in print and online publications, do not even have authors, they do not undergo examination and experts are no longer even surprised when they see errors or terrible forms of pronunciation, for example, a contract or now even... the tongue cannot turn, say dishes. eliminating such low-quality publications is one of the main tasks national dictionary foundation. teachers and students of specialized universities often face the problem of searching in such a bottomless space. future philologists know firsthand what it’s like to sift through hundreds of pages in search of the right word and find nothing in a couple of minutes. confusion occurs due to
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the fact that it is not very good to have such dictionaries on hand. it’s not just schoolchildren who sometimes struggle to find meaning for a long time. sometimes it’s difficult to figure out in what context a word would be more correct or appropriate to use, but let’s say for foreigners, it seems to me very a pressing problem, and for modern schoolchildren, unfortunately, too. as an argentine myself and a bilingual speaker of russian spanish, i can confirm that this is indeed a big problem. the russian language is considered one of the most alien languages ​​in the world. everyone looks into this mysterious world of the russian language one way or another. we use new words, inquire about the correct spelling, and construct intricate sentences. this is true for everyone: officials, students, schoolchildren, parents, and in general for any person.
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important. business correspondence, official correspondence, all those forms of using the russian language, so to speak, you look at... how to write, pronounce, what a word is now denoting, what forms are formed, answers to these questions and more will be collected by the russian national vocabulary fund. if you need an harphopyic dictionary, then this will be a dictionary entry in an orthoipic dictionary that fixes stress. if this is, say, an explanatory dictionary, and you need some broader information about the meanings, about the scope of use of the word, then... according to the search query will return such material. work on creating a unified dictionary for the country began several years ago, on behalf of president vladimir putin. such a platform is absolutely necessary and for the first time the country receives a complete verified source of ideas about all the norms of the modern russian language. a free
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source with easy navigation, the content of which is entrusted to the highest specialists from. institute of russian language named after vinogradov. scientists have digitized 30 dictionaries, which are hundreds of books with more than half a million words. next stage - proofreading for typing errors. here we see, yes, on the one hand there are these scans, well, on the sides there is a specific page. and on the right is the result of automatic recognition. and there are errors in this automatic recognition. he didn't see the emphasis on the letter y. not in the first case i name. not in the second name, this needs to be corrected by the person already. the creators of the project highlight a system of modules in it. the first, main one will answer the most frequently asked questions. next, an expanded block will appear. the fund will unite everything existing dictionaries from the time of pushkin to the present day. there, in addition to these basic dictionaries, which contain basic norms, he will also be offered dictionaries, for example,
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a dictionary of morphemes of the russian language, an etymological dictionary, where he will tell the story. about the history of the origin of this word, a dictionary of synonyms. in essence, the national vocabulary fund is a single digital database where not just every word, but the entire history of its life will be collected. and if such in-depth study is not required, the search engine will return a modern one upon request. a spelling and pronunciation option that you can definitely trust. all our officials, all our government bodies, are instructed to express themselves and write in the correct language. russian language, so they turn to this platform to the officially approved dictionaries that will be placed there, they, relying on them, will improve their language. an online digital resource will help you quickly respond to your request without registration. all the data will literally be in a person’s pocket to check how this or that is spelled.
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in other words, to find out all the information about it, you just need to get a smartphone. the system will allow you to check. deputies are confident that in order to protect the russian language from distortion, there must be a standard that is publicly accessible and extremely easy to use; the national vocabulary fund will become such a platform; the law on the creation of a federal state information system has been adopted. elena zhilnina, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, lana tian, ​​andrey brumberg, sergey vergunov. home tv. parliamentary hour. symbol of scientific feat achievements. this week we celebrated the anniversary of yuri gagarin's flight. there are several people working on okhotny ryad today who have seen the land from the outside, including. the first female cosmonaut valentina terezhkova. the state duma systematically supports this industry. for example, plans for may include ratification of the russian-chinese agreement on cooperation in the field of creating
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an international scientific lunar station. and recently, deputies passed a law that will help finance the development of the domestic satellite constellation. about the past, present and the future of space, report by yana dobrovolskaya. on april 12, 1961 , the first spacecraft sputnik vostok was launched into orbit with a man on board, piloted by major yuri alekseevich gagarin. the whole world.
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yuri gagarin landed in the saratov region 3 years ago, a memorial complex was created at this site on the initiative of state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. there , in the saratov region, yuri gagarin learned to fly and first took to the skies at the local flying club in dubki. on cosmonautics day , vyacheslav volodin visited him. chairman the state duma laid flowers at the monument to the first cosmonaut of the planet. previously, vyacheslav volodin took patronage of the flying club. a large-scale reconstruction was completed, a new runway appeared, the headquarters building was renovated, a hotel and hangars were built. the territory of the aircraft was improved; the chairman of the state duma spoke with parachutists from different cities of the country who came to the flying club for competitions. is a holiday throughout the country, but for residents
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of the saratov region it is special, because yuri alekseevich gagarin is dear to us, one of our own, i studied here, flew into the sky for the first time here, gained wings, then landed here, everything is connected with the first cosmonaut of the world, the flying club should develop, but it must. create an opportunity so that everyone can come into contact with our history, thank you very much again, thank you, from the moment when man first flew beyond the earth, the development of the space industry has stepped far forward, the legislative framework is being improved, deputies have made amendments to the federal budget, more than 5 billion rubles will be allocated for the modernization of the cosmonaut training center, when all this was counted and weighed, it turned out that there were two.
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private russian space enterprises on technologies to increase competitiveness the tasks of development of the domestic space market in the world are solved by the bill on public-private partnership in the space sector. we have quite serious technical means, we have good, rich historical experience in space research. we have wonderful specialists, scientists, and enterprises.
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currently we have achieved what we can from various angles, not only from the surface of our earth, but from remote ones to scout directly our land. by law, roscosmos can now sell images from space to government agencies and other consumers. the funds will be used to develop the domestic satellite constellation. many people think that space is about rockets.
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one can talk endlessly about legislative prospects for achievements and plans for the future for the development of the space industry, because its development is gaining momentum every day, and the historical event that opened the way for further space exploration, has been celebrated for 63 years now, inspiring many people around the world to seek to understand the secrets of the universe, and famous people have traveled since then as a symbol
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of the beginning of the new era.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, but kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, even like you, it will hurt, they say that you
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people know how to look straight into your head. metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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the head of the general staff of iran's armed forces announced today that the country has completed the operation. against israel, but is ready for further action. that night , about 300 rockets and drones were launched into israeli territories. tyageran claims that all the targets of the strikes were military installations. the israel defense forces say that 99% of the shells were intercepted. to the country's ministry of defense states that the campaign is not over and that israel will coordinate its response with its allies. and a new round of escalation in the near future.


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