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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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forces in this folder a text document explaining the whole story and the fact that i received a very large salary, the golden parachute it was like this: rau eu russia, where i was a member of the board, was a huge corporation, more than a million employees, and it was a monopoly, it owned almost the entire electric power industry in russia, and as a monopoly it was ineffective. our task was to restructure the company and create a natural monopoly sector in it. these are backbone networks and competitive energy production. this work took almost 10 years, as a result, by 2008 , competing companies of electric energy producers emerged in place of the monopoly. the race of russia itself ceased to exist. all of its employees lost their jobs. in compensation, everyone received a golden parachute. this is world practice. everyone got the right to buy at...
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let’s do it this way, and now there’s another idea, of course, let’s pay the bills, yup, without a qr code for a long time, the online camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, also 10% cashback received from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, a credit card is beneficial in any situation.
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an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. pentalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. at bikfest you definitely choose. burger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period anywhere your appetite, only dad will curb it, he will help you eat beastly sausages, boldly look your expenses in the eye, your money won’t fly away in an iota, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and yogo. well, debts on credit cards
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are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the help, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards easily with help. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out win, cheese, oh, they forgot the cheese, it’s good that we have each other, what will show us on tv, we build happiness together, tell your wife that you caught it, we’re catching luck by the tail, well , i can’t, i have a delivery, we’re working, we enjoy life and are friends. and we take care of each other. magnit, 30
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years by your side. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? receive a pension from the postal bank? of course, there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post office bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car. receive your pension profitably at post bank. it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this so so so. it’s clear, i understand, like this at the megamarket, washing for only... 6,390 rubles. how ’s that for you, but you need to save up your savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, your back gets tired on your feet all day, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? artneo, just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine, sometimes you expect one thing, but get something completely different. but what you get
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is not what you get at all, but it happens that you are just waiting for a convenient office, but you get the best, alfabank, in every office, a million people fired by chubais and it is unlikely that gozman from the defeated russian military forces received the same golden parachutes, they were simply left without work, they had nothing to feed their children, but gozman believes that these were the nineties.
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gosman's bank accounts in zurich, switzerland, as of november 17, 2023 . the capital of this reformer is 5,344,667 us dollars. but that is not all.
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people who have good financial resources live in the historical center, there are russian tourists who come here, they do not live in the historical center.
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first became an israeli citizen, then received a residence permit in germany, and later the status of a landowner in italy. i heard that gozman lives here, and i know him, i show him my bicycles. sole, he lives up there, he comes mostly only in august, the rest of the time he lives in germany, and comes here in the summer, smoke quietly rises from the chimney, which indicates that there is someone in this villa, but the door is open to us... .
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so let’s say, let’s move nato away from our borders, i don’t know, so to speak, why this organization has prevented him so senselessly, but nevertheless, journalist and investigator sergei sokolov has been researching the activities of this foreign agent number 389 for several years. khodorkovsky created such a legend that he is so kind, generous, wonderful, he is everything.
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there are organizations reforum and ark, they are in different countries, then above them there is the free rasha foundation, a kind of opposition fund, but in fact we remember that in this opposition fund, out of twelve board members, six are former employees of the us state department, and then that's all financed by the us state department and its various structures. for me, what shocked me is that khodorkovsky and the free
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rush foundation, it turns out, they received a grant of $5,000 in 1919 in order to work against nord stream 2, they had to propagate europeans in germany, france and the netherlands, successfully did this, then the same structures.
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nord stream 2 in germany, france and they received an information company about the netherlands in nineteen, but this please note, this 400,000 is only a part, but because, for example, we found another grant, which i did not talk about, this grant was received by the bureau of energy resources, the bureau of energy resources also paid the foundation. for 60,000 dollars, and also, and also, in fact, this money was allocated for the fight, the information fight by nord stream 2. for reporting to sponsors, and the fond free russia foundation opened a website called, rethink the deal, in english there , they had five theses around which they were spinning. the theses are: nord stream 2 is harmful to the environment. nord stream 2 will destroy the ues. nord stream is a bad business
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deal for ordinary western european consumers and russian taxpayers. nord stream 2 is a threat to eu security. nord stream is a corrupt pipeline. well, that is , they tried to drive these five theses like nails into the western audience. and as we understand, it was not by chance that the state department spent its money. germany has lost cheap gas, and its industry is now experiencing depression. this is what the sites look like where they gather.
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even in the field there is a spikelet, every day he prophesies a bullet in the forehead or a demon, so that you die, the river sings, so that you die, a line runs, it is laid out in the sky by golden clouds, slowly developing burning flags, the only flags that i accept, burning tricolors turning to ashes, i wish ashes for my
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home, oh, how i wish ashes for my home, i will feel warmth, only that... when the list of 100 books was being formed, additions to the school curriculum, and then i opposed it with terrible force , i found that there is up to 30% with...
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those who grew up on this literature, which the ministry of education, or rather the academy of education, compiled this list, it was about 10 years ago, they included it even earlier, it’s just that it was already legalized this list, that is, they started doing it back in the nineties, so they grew up on these books, where to escape from russia, so to speak, is a blessing, where the teacher - there, i know, english, entering the class for the first time, said that well, if you will be with me do well, then you can leave for border, to find a job there, and not to sit here, this was a commonplace, no one stopped it, you know, i believe that in such cases there is no need to wait for the svo, these things must be stopped immediately at the roots, because
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patriotism, that too does not appear at the click of a button, so to speak, it must be educated, it must be supplied with good literature.
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clear the troupes, bury them, bury them and not hear them. most relaxants, emigrants, modern smerdyakovs make money from political speeches, such as maxim kas, a young adventurous politician showman, born in moscow, as a child he was taken to israel when he had to join the army, he went back to moscow, here he tried to become... a city deputy, organized protests, rallies, then fled to germany, now he is engaged in anti-russian propaganda on the scene various clubs, well, look, everywhere. there are days of independence, in latvia they call it the day of restoration of independence, of course, in ukraine it is independence day, in kazakhstan, usually this is the day when the republic
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left the ussr, it has a day independence, a big holiday, independence day, and then this is the main holiday in general, in russia where there is no independence, no, you didn’t think about why there is a flag day, there is a constitution day, but i don’t have independence, and why not, because russians did not have a feeling of gaining independence, there was a feeling of losing their country. putin promoted this matter, he built a political proposal on this, to return respect, that’s what was taken away, to return, restore greatness, and it caught on, especially among older citizens, then she came younger, because there was a feeling,
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600, 600 times, 602, 6003, in the end kats sold a cheap toy for 600 euros, plus a photo for memory, this is already a bonus, most of these people... just want, but they crave the collapse of russia, this is how they are trained by western curators. ekaterina shulman, a popular personality, her ability
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to speak quickly and fluently and hold an audience gives her an advantage over other agents. democracy is a continuous process, yes, it’s not just there, let’s pass a good law, calm down, it’s a constant system of checks and balances. such performances take place in the hall of the evangelical church in berlin. people. it’s like luck that it landed there, the opportunities have expanded for a number of reasons, they are recruiting, and they even have scholarships, and they also take people with a russian passport, a
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fairly wide range of specialties, well, in general it’s mainly international relations, political science, law, education in english language, of course, in bologna, campus, very nice, further, about the fact that you are from russia, the community, what europe gives you today, what weren't in russia? i can openly talk about my family, that i have a wife, that we
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are happy together, we have a full-fledged unit of society. shulman receives a fellowship from the german robert bosch foundation and is an expert at the berlin carnage center. the worst thing is that these people are experts for many governments of european countries, which, based on their calculations, determines.
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unfortunately, it's not. everything is not visible, and young people in russia are becoming victims of sophisticated smerdyakovism and propaganda of foreign agents.
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appeal to the state. wandered around foreign countries, and then decided to return to russia, even though he was facing a real prison sentence. he was detained at pulkovo airport and is now under investigation. edward charlot, 27 years old, musician, blogger. there she is forever mine.


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