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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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the russian foreign ministry responded to iran’s attack by hezbollah and the houthis on israel. on smolensk square they drew attention to tehran’s statement that it carried out the strike in accordance with article 51 of the un charter on the right to self-government.
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the position of the united states and israel is emphasized that the media, for example, the french info, have obviously taken the escalation between the countries to an unprecedented level. figaro, citing a tsahal statement, writes that the fifth republic helped protect the country from attacks. the material emphasizes that the french side helped patrol the air space, shot down one of the iranian missiles. meanwhile, richard kemp, a retired british commander, had his own interpretation of tehran's operation. iran's main goal was to disable israel's missile defenses, and this happened. amid the worsening situation in the middle east, hungary convened an emergency defense council. the german media, in particular frankfurter allgemeig, do not downplay the scale of the attack, call it unprecedented and ask the question: what will sahal’s response be? i call on all political forces in the region to act.
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thanks to a coordinated international effort, supported by the uk, almost all of these missiles were intercepted, saving lives not only in israel but in neighboring countries such as jordan. i can confirm that our aircraft have indeed shot down several iranian attack drones. british skynews experts emphasize that now western partners will try to quickly resolve the iran-israeli conflict. we've been seeing a shadow war between israel and iran for years, but now it's first. direct attack, israel is now
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under pressure to show restraint. beijing is also concerned about escalation in the middle east. the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china called on the parties to the conflict to maintain restraint. china expresses deep concern over the escalation of the situation and calls on relevant parties to maintain calm and restraint to prevent further escalation of tensions. while the world media is discussing a series of attacks tonight, a blow is heard again near the lebanese baalbek. how al jazeera reports that the gas attack continued today. meanwhile, across the ocean in washington, israel's closest allies are discussing their next steps. us secretary of state antony blinken is holding emergency meetings with partners to plan next steps. the g7 countries also planned to discuss escalation in the middle east, well, in tehran they figuratively stated in persian that the next slap in the face will be even stronger. natalya goncharova, news! now about the situation with
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floods in russia in total across the country according to the latest data, almost 200 settlements have been sunk. water is rapidly flowing in the tabol river near kurgan. in kurgan , employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue laying water dumps. they work around the clock. at the moment, their length is 1.0 m. in the tyumen region, floods are predicted to begin next week. the level of the ishim river will increase, residents of two villages located in the floodplain of this river will be evacuated. in the orenburg region. regional authorities are calling on local residents to evacuate the area, which is at risk of flooding. monitoring the flood situation our correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, he has now contacted the studio directly.
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hello, what is the situation at this time? yes, yuri, greetings, the crest of the flood, still getting closer to kurgan itself, the water level in the tobol river. and has already exceeded the norm by 5.5 m, it is important that, at six meters , flooding of the right bank region of the tobol, as well as low areas on the left side of the river, will already begin, at the same time , the current of the tabol itself is noticeably increasing, today the ministry of emergency situations is sending out sms messages, in which they also call on residents of kurgan to evacuate, with you must take documents with you, clothes, and a siren constantly sounds in the city, which also calls on residents to evacuate.
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according to forecasts, the water level in the tobol river could rise to 9 m, however, in the worst case scenario, if the water level is even higher within eleven, then there is a possibility that up to 10 thousand people could be affected, of course, in order to prevent such a development of events, kurgan is actively preparing to face the flood, more than 14 thousand people are now involved in the construction and strengthening of water dams, the main one has already been extended along.
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water growth in the tobol river, employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations are installing water-filling dams around the clock in three areas. a water-filling dam is a special sleeve that is filled with water to create barriers against flood waters. let me remind you that forced evacuation of the population is still being carried out in kurgan. to date , more than 700 people have been placed in temporary accommodation centers. the number of people per day, but this is only due to the fact that the water in those living there decreased in about 100 southern regions, where the flood began now it is gradually leaving and people are returning to their homes, but given that the flood is moving
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further to new regions, including kurgan itself, it is likely that the number of evacuees and those who will soon live in temporary accommodation centers, of course, may increase. we are monitoring the situation, by this time all the information is available, yes, stanislav, thank you, i will remind you that my colleague stanislav vasilchenko was in direct contact with kurgan. now a short advertisement, and then our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv, about how christians in the middle east live today. takir carlson talks with the pastor of the church in bethlehem. and then, america with valentin bogdanov. the election race is gaining momentum and it turns out that a fifth of americans are not satisfied with either trump or biden. who can they vote for? you have a uniform, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but
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usa, the ancient christian community of iraq was completely devastated, nine out of ten christians in iraq disappeared, they are no longer there, this is a consequence of our foreign policy, but this was almost never noted in the usa, almost never even mentioned by the christian clergy in our country, most of whom supported that war and occupation, why? perhaps for the same reasons, almost all american churches were silent when christians were killed in syria, often by islamic extremists for the money of the united states, but everyone was silent, and anyone who spoke out was for some reason called a psycho or a fanatic, in the american media the defense of christians was banned, we know firsthand, and this happened again in ukraine. the us government sent over $100 billion to the ukrainian government, and what happened? the government did this, but it banned an entire christian denomination.
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zelensky's government is busy jailing orthodox priests and nuns and raiding churches. again no one said a word. what about gas? how about the entire region of the middle east, where , of course, there are very intense battles. many christian churches in the united states, especially evangelical ones, support this. but they almost never say a word about the ancient christians who live there. almost 20 years ago , a clergyman was killed there by american weapons, the christian clergy in our country
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remained silent, you may be asking yourself, wait a minute, if christian leaders do not protect the lives of christians, then why do we even need them? that's a good question. so, you can to think that in congress, where there are many self-proclaimed christians, someone could speak on behalf of their brothers in the holy land, but no, in fact, just the opposite. for example, at a congressman's town hall event. michigan state tim wahlberg, a former evangelical pastor, said he would like to see the region treated like jeroshima. look, we shouldn't spend a penny on humanitarian aid, we have to. repeat nagasaki and herosima there. get this over with quickly. the same is needed in ukraine. let's defeat putin quickly. instead of, in order to use 80% of our aid for humanitarian purposes, we should devote 80 or 100% to destroying russian forces, if that is our goal. to be clear, from
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a theological point of view, christianity is not the religion of kheroshima and nagasaki.
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quite a long time ago, when i say difficult times, i don't just mean october 7th, the fact that we are now divided, as you explained, into three territories: the west bank, gaza, israel proper, and we can add to that east jerusalem, which is a separate category, it is one element of our situation, which is that we are fragmented. so, in my church there are families who have relatives in gaza they cannot even... visit them, before the war they could not visit them and be with them, and this fragmentation, as i said, is one element of the situation, one of the biggest problems we face now are our dwindling numbers, people continue to leave due to political reality, life under the very harsh israeli military occupation is unbearable, as
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a result many young palestinians christians continue to leave. for example, bethlehem prefer to look for a better and easier life elsewhere, we are a small community, but we are part of the palestinian people, so whatever happens to palestine happens to us, and we are probably disproportionately affected by all of this due to our small numbers, as religious communities, everything that happens has a profound impact on us. a case in point is what is happening now in the gaza strip, where 800 to 900 palestinian christians live, and any impact on our community, any death in our community will have a lasting effect. it is clear to me that many evangelical leaders in the united states care much more about the secular
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government of israel than they do about christian communities in the middle east. they see it as a fulfillment of prophecy without realizing what it means on the ground. i always say that for them this land seemed empty. they get excited about certain events without understanding the consequences of these events in real life. the irony is that many of these people themselves actually believe, and many evangelical leaders
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believe, that at the end of time and after the jews are gathered in palestine, 2/3 of them will be exterminated. only one third will convert to christianity and somehow they think it's a jew friendly theology, don't get me wrong, i'm for christians for jews, like all religions that come together understand each other, but there is a serious problem when we we make a certain religious group the object of our theology, and even eschatology, and treat it accordingly, yet again. without really understanding what is happening on the ground, without even understanding how complex the state of israel is, how secular it is, how much. it severely oppresses palestinians, violates international law, and commits sometimes documented human rights violations against palestinians, including
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palestinian christians. in my opinion, christians should be advocates for peace, and again, i would like them to put that energy and money into initiatives that bring peace, rather than continuing unconditionally... it would be quite easy for the us congress to say: is part of the problem. republicans: we support the government of israel. but if you touch one christian,
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harm one church, prevent one christian from practicing their religion, you are finished. the us congress will not give you a single dollar. it doesn't seem difficult. i have to ask specifically about the church in gaza, which was damaged by an airstrike. who did it? what do we know about this? they decided to stay there, thinking we don't want become refugees in the south where the unknown awaits us, we don't want to leave, many of them are descendants of the 1948 crisis,
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nagabs, many of them are descendants of refugees, so they thought, we don't want to go through the same thing again, one of them said me, if i die, i'd rather die in the church, they thought the church was safe, but it wasn't, about 10 days after the war started, the orthodox church was hit by an israeli bomb and 18 people died, including nine children, palestinian christians, nine palestinian christian children, 18 in total, as i said, including relatives, church members who were devastated by this strike, we were all devastated by this because, frankly, we thought the church was safe, and i'll make it clear that. .. they took refuge in a building on the church grounds, it is a small campus, the building that was damaged is located in close proximity to
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the historical church building, the church itself dates back to the fourth and fifth centuries, and the church took the blow, everything could have been worse if , you know, the building where i got the bomb did not fall on the historic church building. so it was a serious incident, in fact, tucker, i noticed that even the christian media didn't cover it. you know, a lot of the christian media have been silent, which suggests that christian support really depends on where you are on the political spectrum. not so if christians are being attacked or persecuted by someone who is not. with an american ally, then you will see outrage, but since israel is an ally of america, no one cares that christians are getting in the way. in fact, in the catholic church, two
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elderly women were killed by a sniper, by israeli snipers, and the catholic church talked about it. there were statements, official statements that said that it was israeli snipers who killed two women near the church, in front of the church. they left the church and moved from one.
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you get us out of course we are helpless here what can we do except pray try to collect financial for them support so they can pay, buy food, right now they are telling us their biggest problem is hunger, they are literally starving and many of them have died due to lack of medical care, so in gas right now if you if you get sick, you don't have enough. so, about four or five members of our palestinian christian community died inside the church due to illness, most likely due to lack of medical care or any medicine, you can't go to the hospital. again, i invite people to listen to the story to understand what's going on, talk to the church leaders,
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the church leaders in jerusalem, and... the problems the difficulties they faced before the war or during the war right now in jerusalem. so the speaker of the united states house of representatives, third in command after the president, third in command in our political structure, self-proclaimed evangelical christian and supporter of the government of israel. and i would be interested to ask him what he thinks about the fact that israelis who converted to christianity have fewer rights. i don't know in is he aware, but he said that he supports israel for the theological reasons that you described, that it is the moral duty of christians to support the government of israel, because the scripture says so: is there any reference in the old or new testament that suggests or commands christians to support the modern secular government of israel, where does this come from? i haven't read this. the problem is that they equate
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the modern secular state. the modern secular state of israel, political entity born in the 20th century.
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we give privileges to some group of people. takir, i am a theologian, and for me the idea of ​​chosenness is never associated with right. chosenness is responsibility. it's about your calling to be a light, to be a blessing to others. we cannot turn this into a theology of law. and definitely the state cannot take this as a model to have special rights and ask everyone else. support, and the problem here is that, you know, so, so christians say, christian pastors say that we are called bless israel because when you mentioned mike jones, he said when he became speaker of the house that the bible tells us christians that we should support israel, and i ask, what about the context, what if hypothetically,
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let's... not will go into our argument but what if israel commits war crimes or violates international law does that mean we christians should support them no matter what and i fully understand and am fully aware of the shameful history of christianity esp. when the matter concerns anti-semitism, but the problem of anti-semitism cannot be solved by blindly supporting zionism, especially since this support for zionism comes at the expense of the palestinians. i always say that it seems to me that many christians in the west repent of the sin of anti-semitism, they repent on our land, for the sin committed on their land. so, to answer your question, no, i do not think the bible condones or calls for unconditional support for political education. i think the bible calls us to be good neighbors
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all people, jews. muslims, buddhists, atheists, i think the bible calls us to love everyone and not show -


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