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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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let's return to the news review, during the special operation, the russian military defeated military equipment and manpower of the armed forces of ukraine in 129 districts in 24 hours and improved the tactical situation in several directions. this is new data from the abolition of defense. they also reported that the launcher and radar station of the irist air defense system made in germany were destroyed. our military department published footage of the impact, and then the burning equipment. the un security council will hold an urgent meeting this evening on...
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99% of the shells were intercepted, in the country's ministry of defense says that a response will follow, which israel will coordinate with its allies. the largest airlines on the planet have resumed flights in israel and neighboring countries in the middle east , only a few iranian airports remain closed until monday by decision of the authorities. social media users in israel and iran are discussing cancer. to the attack and its consequences,
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however, not everyone can do this openly. the islamic revolutionary guard corps in an official statement asked iranian citizens to report incidents of national segment of the internet publications in support of israel. with details anton dadykin. morning dance classes in tel aviv. this video best captures the underlying sentiment of israeli social media users. in their opinion, despite the massirs.
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i have two children, 9 and 12 years old, they have already survived four wars, we are used to this, all people are in shelters or in safe rooms, the military has issued very clear instructions. air passengers complain the most about their lives; last night they didn’t were able to fly from tel aviv, bengurion airport suspended operations while the iranian missile attack was repelled.
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we have an exam, we should have gotten some sleep, but we couldn’t stay at home at such a moment. while some tehran residents celebrated the missile attack against israel, others lined up at a gas station. these people fear that the jewish state's retaliatory measures and the general increase in tensions in the region could lead to fuel shortages. anton dadykin, lead. on board an israeli-owned cargo ship that iran detained the day before.
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rosmoryak. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue to keep in touch with relatives, do not switch.
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fly, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, every month, you can, iota, sportsmaster has collected all the sports in one application, live broadcasts are reviews of new collections,
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do it this way, and now brutish, there’s another idea, of course, let’s pay for it, yur, without the qr code takes a long time , with vtb online the camera calculates everything itself, how did it happen? we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb. everything will work out together. now about the situation with floods in russia in total on the territory of the country according to according to the latest data, almost 200 settlements were flooded. water is rapidly flowing in the tabol river near kurgan. in kurgan , emergency situations ministry employees continue laying water dams. they work around the clock. at the moment, their length is 1.0 m. in the tyumen region, floods are predicted to begin next week, the level of the ishim river is rising, and residents of two villages located in the floodplain of this river are being evacuated. in the orenburg region, almost 13,500 residential buildings and more than 20 thousand plots remain in the flood zone. the water began to remain in the village of kola, there evacuation announced. rescuers are taking people out.
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well, now let’s learn more about the situation in the kurgan region. the water level in the tobol river near kurgan has risen by more than 5.5 m and continues to rise. regional authorities are calling on local residents. tabola, as well as low areas on the left side of the river. at the same time , the current of tabola itself is noticeably intensifying. today the ministry of emergency situations is sending out sms messages in which they also urge residents of kurgan to evacuate; they must take documents and clothes with them. also in... where the siren constantly sounds, which calls on residents to evacuate. according
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to forecasts, the water level in the tobol river could rise to 9 m, however, in the worst case scenario, if the water level is even higher within eleven, then there is a possibility that up to 10 thousand people could be affected. of course, in order to prevent such a development of events, kurgan is actively preparing to face the flood, more than 14 people now. also today, since late at night, employees of the ministry of emergency situations have been installing water-filling dams along the tabol river; this is a sleeve about a meter high, which in fact should become the main barrier, if the water level rises to 9 m. in the city of kurgan, where a significant increase in water in the tobol river is expected. employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations are installing water-filling dams around the clock in three areas.
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a water-filling dam is a special sleeve that is filled with water to create barriers against flood waters. and let me remind you that forced evacuation of the population is still being carried out in kurgan. to date , more than 700 people have been placed in temporary accommodation centers, which are organized on the basis of schools, hospitals and camps. per day. the number of people living there has decreased by about 100 people, but this is only due to the fact that in the southern regions, where the flood began, the water is now gradually receding and people are returning to their homes, but given that the flood is moving further to new regions, including to the mound itself, it is likely that the number of evacuees and those who will soon live in temporary accommodation centers may, of course, increase. stanislav vasilchenko, denis tsitsaronov, nikolay purtov, anatoly tyurkin, conduct the kurgan region. watch now angara's documentary about the first rocket built in new russia. the
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vostochny cosmodrome is preparing to open a new page in its history. right now , active preparations are underway for the first launch of the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle. in april 2024, the new rocket will launch for the first time from a new launch pad, at a new cosmodrome. all previous angara launches were carried out from plesetsk, an exciting moment for all involved. the seventh in a row will show how the new rocket and the new arion upper stage will perform. test flight of carriers of the angara family. perhaps none of the domestic missiles has caused so much heated debate. some experts called angara the future of russian cosmonautics and the killer of elon musk’s falcon 9. others, the most important. long-term space construction in the world and an obsolete rocket before it was born. which one is right? the answer to
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this question requires a balanced approach, because any launch vehicle is a reflection of the time in which it was created, and the angara project started in a very difficult period that followed the collapse of the ussr. on september 15, 1992 , a state competition was announced on the theme of fatone, which was the working name given to the future rocket. according to the plan of the interdepartmental expert commission , it was supposed to replace the heavy proton carrier running on toxic fuel components, heptyl amyl, that is, the new rocket was initially conceived as environmentally friendly.
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it is possible to launch a proton from the launch pad in reverse; the proton will not take off from the union launch pad, but the hangars are designed differently. any rocket of the family is assembled from ready-made universal rocket modules or rocket modules , 25 long and weighing 130 tons each. they are a complete structure consisting of
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an engine compartment, tanks, oxidizer and fuel. in the first and second stages of the hangar , type one urm is used. upper urm-2. the number of universal modules in the first stage determines the load capacity of the angara. how from a part of a giant construction set in an assembly shop from urm it is possible to produce carriers of different classes. above this 200-ton rocket you take it, add it to the universal module, put it on top universal second stage module. you need to make a zenit class rocket, which means you add two more universal ones to the universal module on the side.
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for 8 years the project was actually marking time, in reality the rocket began to be developed somewhere in 2003-2004, when the funding actually began, it started flying in 2014, that is, 10 years is an absolutely normal process, and those periods were just periods of paperwork , receiving at least some funding from the state,
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time passed, plans changed, initially from universal modules at the khrunichev center were planned... hangara 1.2 of the light class with a payload capacity of up to 3.8 tons. this is the youngest rocket in the family, consisting of only one module; they wanted to create the angara a3 out of three urms. this is already a medium-class rocket with a payload capacity of 14.6 tons. as you might guess, the heavy angara a5 was supposed to consist of five modules and launch 24.5 tons of payload into the reference orbit. well, finally, the eldest in the family.
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tests are now being launched in order to undergo flight tests, certify the rocket for launching some commercial payloads. plesetsk cosmodrome, owned by the russian ministry of defense. for this northernmost cosmodrome in the world , an unusual launch complex was built, its main distinguishing feature being unification. the modular construction principle allows
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for the production of light , medium and heavy class missiles. and this led to the idea that the launch complex should be unified, and it is called usk, unified launch complex complex, from the same launch complex - it is possible to launch a light-class rocket, angara 1, and a heavy- class rocket, angara 5, and this has already happened, the first launch of the light version of angara 1. .2 pp took place on july 9, 2014. in 21 minutes of flight, the rocket successfully covered 5,700 km. carrying a mock-up payload weighing about one and a half tons, and already on december 23 of the same year
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, a heavy version of the angara went into the sky from the plesetsk cosmodrome, again a three-stage rocket with the height of a seventeen-story building weighing 750 tons smoothly overcame gravity, the first stage separated at 209 seconds of flight and fell to the ground in a deserted area of ​​the komi republic, the second at 341 seconds, the debris collapsed. in the impenetrable taiga of the tomsk region, the third stage departed after 735 seconds and fell in a non-navigable area of ​​the philippine sea. at 18:00 moscow time, the angara a5 upper stage delivered the satellite prototype exactly to the planned orbit. in total, six test launches of angara-type missiles, three light missiles , and three heavy ones took place. and all of them were considered successful. this is not typical. story for world cosmonautics, even modern rockets often fail their first launches, for example, two launches of elon musk’s new starship
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ended in a crash even at the take-off stage; similar failures also plagued angare a5’s classmate, the french heavy rocket ariane5. the french, where the first missile missed orian by 200 miles. the second rocket exploded there in front of the amazed eyes of the world, and then the wonderful aran-5 rocket happened, but they had it like this, and we have six successful launches - that’s good result. and during the tests of the angara a5, only one incident has occurred so far, and that was not the fault of the developers of the rocket itself. during the launch on december 27, 2021 , the new perseus upper stage, created, was unable to enter the desired orbit. the head part is
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the space head part, the spacecraft, the transition system, the upper stage, into the reference orbit, this is a circular orbit, approximately closed 200 km, the orbital unit goes around the earth, this is the spacecraft, the system and the upper stage, which the device must be launched into the target orbit; this task is solved by the upper stage. rocket designers are superstitious people, they claim that it is too early to talk about the high reliability of the launch vehicle, for this you need to collect statistics, conduct at least several dozen launches of the hangar, but its anatomy, that is, the internal structure, allows us to judge the qualities that the new one has rocket. now you are seeing
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fire tests of the rd-191. this is the most reliable rocket engine in the world. the temperature in the combustion chamber reaches 3,500°, even more than in furnaces for processing refractory metals. it is very important to ensure quality in a rocket engine, because it is colossal power.
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here we have the same thing, when we go into deep throttling, the differences in the injectors decrease, the temperature in the gas generators decreases, and the engine begins to work unstable, so to ensure its stability in this mode of deep throttling, and it is quite long in time, during flight, for this we had to come up with a new system control, regulation, include special commands in the cyclogram to ensure stability of operation on this... as a result , specialists from npo energo mash managed to create a motor that, in its technical capabilities, surpasses all existing liquid rocket engines of a similar class. rd-191 is the successor to the oxygen-kerosene engines of the rd-170 family, created for the legendary buran energy space system. its height is 4 m, weight is 2200 kg, thrust is 212 ton. the big heart of the new
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rocket is being created in the design bureau chemical automation. the entire procedure is almost completely automated. on a rolling mill , a blank, a nozzle shell, and combustion chambers are produced from a sheet of metal, without stamping or welding. a blank from a sheet, using this sheeting mill. using double-spinning rollers, two double-spinning rollers, it is rolled out onto the frames that you see here, so from a sheet 12 mm thick, we get blanks 6 mm thick. this treatment allows you to avoid even minor deformations. the accuracy is absolute. besides, combustion chambers made in this way are lighter than those made using traditional technologies, which means
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the engine itself weighs less, this has a direct effect. for the cost of the entire launch. one rd-191 engine is installed in each universal rocket module of the first stage of the angara. but the upper stages of the carrier of this family have their own fiery motor. rd-0124 the latest and in many ways unique development. it is currently the most highly efficient oxygen-kerosene liquid rocket engine in the world. for upper engines steps , the characteristic “effective” becomes significant. that is, that specific impulse, that is, the speed at which gas flies out of the propellers, the higher, well, like cars, some cars have 15 liters per 100 km consumption, others six, that is, in principle, it means that both ended up at the required distance from the destination, but simply one with greater efficiency, spending less fuel, the other, correspondingly with less efficiency, spending more fuel, our friends from kbha, which means they brilliantly
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completed the assigned... task. the developers of rd-0124 managed to squeeze out of it the maximum efficiency that is generally possible for oxygen-kerosene engines. thrust in vacuum is 30 tons of force, specific thrust impulse is 3.522 m/s. experts say that the world's best rocket engine manufacturers, even spacex specialists, will envy such figures. by the way, in their falcon 9 rocket they use a head fairing made of composite materials; it is about 20% lighter than the standard aluminum one. composites are the main trend of modern rocketry technology, that is, they have reached parameters and characteristics of these composites that they could not even dream of before, but have now
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developed. composites with characteristics that allow composites to compete with, well , steel, the bottom line is the payload, the payload will be greater, yes, if you use a composite. only two missiles in the world, the american falcon and the russian hangar, now have lightweight head fairings made of composite materials, and russian designers have begun apply this elegant solution 5 years before elon musk's company. by the way, our specialists are now working to further lighten the angara’s head fairing. i ’m telling you about this for the first time today, which means that on an initiative basis at the khrunishche center we have developed our own lightweight new -generation head fairing; this is a young group of young scientists, young designers.


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