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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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professionalism, you are in good company, i consider one of the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom to be the expanded social gasification program, now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to socially significant facilities, educational and medical institutions. khalmykelin, minikelin, not us kellin, nini kellin.
7:31 pm
magnet - the price is what you need! monarch coffee 399. hey buddy! as promised, today we are preparing pilaf. hey, hey, oil is not the first day. oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online. it's faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. who else taught who? vtb, together everything will work out. pain in the knee, pain in the back, maybe in the neck, pintalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation, pintalgin extragel, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, like that at the megamarket charcoal grill for only 2,290 rubles. it’s not easy to catch a firebird pyro, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit, on,
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pole, field, pole, wide field, go regarding...
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the operation, well, it’s scary to perceive, that is, i understand that my parents are there, i understand that there is a tense situation there now, and well , this is my personal subjective thing, i wouldn’t do it. simira moved to st. petersburg from donetsk 2 years ago, entered the conservatory, almost simultaneously marianna vasilyeva returned from germany to russia, so the girls from donbass... one of the most titled violinists began teaching, i worry about her, of course, because as you understand , donetsk is not the safest place, in principle, it’s a northwestern zone, but in general, well, naturally i’m worried, but i never even thought about the wording not to let go and so on, because i know how important this is to me.
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at first it was of course a shock, why, well , no one does this, so i ’m still in some kind of bewilderment, pleasant, pleasant, i still just don’t have words. nina is another student of maryana
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vasilyeva from donetsk, she is delighted with the action of her teacher, because when vasilva went to donbass, she destroyed her international... world level, her talent was appreciated by mstislav rostropovich, krishtov penderecki, vladimir spevakov. marianna conquered the world's halls, from st. petersburg to michigan, became a professor at the academy of music in spain, and before the start of the northern military district, she often lived between vienna, cologne and madrid. then transfer from the salt string to lyami. fingers, then the bow, there was garbage here too, you use the third position or the first,
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first, to the st. petersburg conservatory, the donbass four, that’s what they call the girls studying with vasilyeva, they came as beginner musicians, now it’s... high-class violinists, well, this of course depends on the fact that we very often had such breaks, because there was no opportunity to study, first of all, there was a war going on, yes, some things were closed, training was closed in a distance format for many months, so the first thing is that there were few activities. in such difficult experiences, strive for something good, because if you still think that everything is bad, well, then you can come to nothing, well, that is, some kind of depression will come, but if you will still nourish yourself with something, first of all it is art, yes, it nourishes,
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inspires and you want to perform some feats again. marianna vasilyeva, a teacher of donetsk musicians in st. petersburg, the topic of donbass helped. inspire students who are lagging behind their st. petersburg peers? in any case, i try to be objective towards everyone, it’s clear that now we are not having a very easy time for all of us, the girls are all very good, well, since i very often visit the zone of a special military operation, they are of course close to me, their worldviews, v petersburg. she became an older sister for them, a second mother. now donetsk is completely different, it is not a completely different place, it is not the same city that it was even in 2014, that is, it is a completely different situation, it is much more tense, much more
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alarming and difficult, it is very offensive, probably unpleasant. donetsk for everyone who travels to the svo zone is, as a rule, an intermediate settlement, the main spectator on this trip is the military in the vicinity of solidar. soldiers of the 200th brigade of the northern fleet it’s not the first time they’ve listened to a staple concert, come up with something for yourself, songs calm me down, someone verses, someone can whistle, do something else to calm you down yourself.
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thank you, thank you very much, may god give you health, good luck for everything, victory will definitely come. behind us, we do not play so that the audience will applaud us, this is not what the craving for the stage is based on, that is, of course, it is certainly pleasant, but at the moment of the concert there is a certain fusion, a unification of the performer and the audience, and the fighters also applaud,
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just like they applaud, it’s just that this applause is now dearer to me than the applause in large halls, thank you very much.
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fighters like it when the game comes from the heart, from the heart, when. then we have it, well, sincerely for real, then when there is direct contact with the soul of a fighter, they feel it very well, they feel it much even more than in civilian life on the mainland, i was born in st. petersburg, i only visit in the donbass, in any case, in order to understand how it all happens from the inside, you need to be born there and it takes all these years. to live under the bombings in order to truly understand, but i
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roughly imagine it, culture is born and just at the moment when it is at the crossroads between life and death, because this is what supports a person, what makes a person saves, it is creative energy, creative force. as a person whose parents are there, i understand that she is doing this for absolutely a good purpose, i have been in music from a very early age, i was brought to school at the age of ten by my parents from the age of 5, and before graduation actually secondary education, i kind of... one of
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the first acquaintances with the concept of a big stage. i cannot somehow differentiate these two hypostases; by the way, there was such a prejudice in the soviet union that the musician who did not succeed as a soloist went into teaching, yes, that’s it. then, if he was no longer successful in pedagogy, then he goes to the orchestra, these are completely
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different paths, and they should not be combined either, i had a very long time when i asked myself whether i was ready to be a teacher, because it is very big responsibility, both moral and physical, and this is not... just as it is not connected with my solo activities, but then, when i already realized that i needed to convey something to the guys, convey something, then i already understood, that well , yes, you still need to do this, here it is impossible to make this third note, yes, the first one in the bar, stronger than the two previous ones, the vibration here also does not stop. we had
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about 77 people for the whole school in one year, i think, it’s like in a regular school, well, two full classes, that is, there were very few of us, and the attitude was also it was somewhat different for us, but the point is more that due to the fact that i didn’t quite know what another world could be like, music seemed like... understanding and some kind of kinship, so i was lucky enough to study with maryana borisovna, were you at the concert at the journalists’ house, and what was your impression of the performances? wonderful, of course, a lot of enthusiastic impressions, but
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you can’t say it in one word, i’m uncomfortable. he’s playing solo on this stage, he’s practicing, oh well, somehow, lord, you understand on the front line, it’s not so scary to play, like on such scenes, like on the dark, on the front lines, not as dark as on such stages.
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it seems to me to be a very, very passionate nature, that is, when she plays, it seems to me that she tries to put all her passion into this matter, and probably this is what defines her part of the soloist, what she is, this is an integral part her personality, the way she expresses herself, that’s exactly it... we talked at the very beginning about how the performer tries to put in some piece of herself, and it seems to me that maryana borisovna, she is very energetic
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man, the whole palette of emotions that she could... express, she tries to put in, and i would like too, i would also like to be able to do this, the ability to move on is what supports mental energy, this is very important, and however, not everyone finds the perseverance in themselves to not only survive in those conditions, but to create a square, but... you succeed, uh-huh, why without vibration, i always wondered, there are different people, and how, after all, what approach should be, and so on, and they help me here our lessons, look first of all
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at the situation from different sides, look at how... you can do it differently, not just in one way, and the icon is parallel to the stand, right here, i’m doing something, and let’s put another finger, the musician is truly great teacher, well, again, yes i am. i don’t hear everything, because, as you understand, me and her lessons rarely intersect, so, but she is a brilliant teacher, of course, as they say, a great, small volume, in terms of teachers it is very difficult to say, but she is a brilliant teacher, of course, and it's better there in general, you come there as if you were home,
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everything is very much in its place. and there is no such gray zone, there you understand what is good and what is bad, then, when every moment can be the last, everything is felt very sharply, and there people show themselves differently. of course, of course, that’s where it ’s born. culture is born there, our entire society is being born there now, the heart of russia is there now, it’s paramount - that
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’s one thing, the desire for it to be a victory, and for there to finally be peace, so far i’m not i see that this will happen quickly, so you need to stock up on moral and physical strength in order to survive all this... i understand what kind of work she is doing, how important it is for the people there, for the soldiers, for ordinary residents, when it turns out for them to play and communicate, because this is important to them too.
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but i don’t think that i’m spending time here, growing up, time feels so clear, this is reality, and st. petersburg is not yet in this reality, it’s as if i ’m returning home. the hardest thing after how will you be at home, to return back, this is the most difficult thing, this is such a reality, this is what i did not expect, well, either you live in reality, or you are afraid of it, you need to fight reality, this is what you need know who you really are.
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there are a lot of sensible, adequate people in germany, yes, yes, yes, everything from within, everything
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through culture, everything through worldview, because russia never wanted war, it is always a defensive situation, we went there, now to protect our people .
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every musician, firstly, he carries within himself a piece of your teacher, well, that is, technology, that’s all, of course, yes, but still , the personal aspect, it seems to me, is also present, because the teacher is an idol, an idol to whom we still focus one way or another . marianne does not consider her career to be over, because the world does not end in london, vienna or cologne. marianna's plans include teaching in st. petersburg and
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concerts in moscow.
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having learned that a child has autism, where not autism, you may be frightened, horrified, what, what is it, don’t understand, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, it’s not about healers... in the end , you can move to another table, but the simplest and the right thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about it, well, you can tell me, you’ve been jinxed, no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this.
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"you were a psychiatrist in the recent past, a well-known scientist, and then quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt. they say that you people know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. the russian foreign ministry reported on a telephone conversation between sergei lavrov and his iranian colleague. conversation took place at the initiative of tehran. hassein amir abdollahian informed lavrov about iran’s response to the israeli airstrike on the republic’s consulate in damascus on april 1. the interlocutors noted that the un security council should pay special attention to how
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to prevent a new escalation in the middle east. and how to eliminate its cause.


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