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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. the russian foreign ministry reported on a telephone conversation between sergei lavrov and his iranian colleague. the conversation took place at the initiative of tehran. hassein amir abdulahian informed lavrov about iran’s response to the israeli airstrike on the republic’s consulate in damascus on april 1. the interlocutors noted that the un security council should pay special attention to how to prevent a new escalation in the middle east and how to eliminate its causes. that's what concerns the security council, in the near future. he
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will discuss iran's night attack against israeli territory. this is an emergency meeting. moreover, the secretary general of the organization is expected to make a report. the head of the middle east news bureau, sergei pashkov , and his own correspondent in the region, alexander belibov, will tell you more about the progress and consequences of the iranian operation against israel on our broadcast. today's daytime israel is completely different from the nightly open cafes, shops, and public institutions. the message about the first wave of launched combat vehicles appeared in the local media at 22:45 on saturday, an hour later there was a new wave of attack was recorded, then another. an army spokesman live-streamed a warning to citizens about the approaching air armada. tonight, iran launched
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a large-scale, coordinated attack on israel. the iranian regime fired drones weighing more than 200 kg, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles at the state of israel. together with allies and partners across the region, we are acting at this very moment to defend israel from iranian attack. at the moment, we have managed to intercept the vast majority of strike missiles drones, as well as winged aircraft from iraq, were shown on the news of world tv channels. drone launches have been recorded from iran, yemen and iraq. the first wave was met and seriously countered by the air defense and air force of the kingdom of jordan.
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the victim of the attack was a seven-year-old girl, a resident of a bedouin village in southern israel, who was seriously wounded by a fragment of a downed rocket. also in the south, in the negev desert, minor damage was caused to a military base, 15 minutes after the raid, the idf will report that it intercepted 99% of the iranian ones.
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neutralizing enemy drone missiles cost israel's military budget approximately $15 billion. the iranian attack in israel has been expected for the last 2 weeks. the fact that tehran will take revenge will be responsible for the destruction of the iranian consulate building in damascus on april 1 , the general officers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps who died under its ruins. there was no doubt in israel. the multi-stage missile defense system had already been restored to condition the day before. moreover, in recent
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weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran. our defense systems are deployed, we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. the state of israel is strong, the israel defense forces are strong, our community is strong. we appreciate the support of the us, as well as the support of the uk, france and many other countries. i set a clear principle: whoever hits us, we will hit him. we will defend ourselves against any threat, and we will do so calmly and decisively. in israel , a regime of partial wartime restrictions was reintroduced, the skies over the country were closed until sunday morning, school classes and public events were canceled, beaches and parks, after the iranian air attack, here they do not consider the incident to be over,
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a senior israeli government official said that the response to iran will be serious and powerful, the fate of the retaliatory strike will be determined by members of the so-called... cabinet of ministers led by benjamin netanyahu, now israel took a pause, after which it will be clear whether the iranian-israeli exchange of blows will escalate into a full-scale middle east war. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia dimyanats, lead israel. to enthusiastic screams of crowds, the glow of ballistic missile jet engines is clearly visible in the sky over iranian cities. it’s hardly necessary to explain where they’re flying; it was clear long ago that retaliation for israel’s attack on the consulate in damascus would be inevitable; the hour has come, and the residents of the islamic republic greeted it with jubilation. the message has been conveyed to the whole world, no one will ever again
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have the intention of attacking iran, and if someone attacks, we will take revenge on him. i'm very glad that we carried out this attack, i want to tell israel, get out, they shouldn't stay. following this, a massive combined attack using all types of available weapons that are in service with the aerospace forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps began before midnight, heavy attack drones were the first to take wing. it was the largest drone attack in history. the following photo illustrates this well: in the sky there was a whole swarm of drones, mines, and various modifications; the drones were launched in several passes. iranian state television showed footage of the launches. the command to open the window was given from the operational headquarters of the iranian army. after which
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dozens of ballistic missiles were launched from the launch silos one after another. that night , a unit of the lebanese group hezbollah, as well as pro-iranian forces, also struck israel. iraq and although their attacks were not as large-scale as the iranian attack, they completed their task as a wave-like main attack from the islamic republic, one of the best in the world, at least until that night , the israeli iron dome air defense system was overloaded, simply unable to cope with so many simultaneously approaching drones, shells, rocket artillery and missiles, some of which reached their targets. as reported. head of the general staff of the iranian army, the targets of this operation were an information center that provided information for an attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, which is located on the border of israel and syria, and the sahal nevatim air force base in the south of the country. from our point of view, this operation is completed and
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we do not plan to continue it, however, if israel will take any action against the islamic republic, whether on our territory or in centers belonging to us, in syria or elsewhere. iran's military actions, carried out on the basis of article 51 of the un charter, concerning legitimate defense, were a response to the aggression of the zionist regime against our diplomatic missions in damascus. the issue can be considered resolved, however, if the israeli regime... makes another mistake, iran's response will be much harsher, this is a conflict between iran and the israeli regime, from which the united states should stay away. the iranian operation was a natural outcome of the situation that had developed in the region, and although the israelis reported that 99% of iranian
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ammunition had been shot down, tehran itself recognized its own strike as a success. these words should not be taken literally, measuring success by the number of targets hit, after all. what is important about today’s attack is not even the result, but the fact of what happened. firstly, iran has demonstrated to the whole world that it is not afraid of either israel or the united states, and if necessary, it is ready to deal with any enemy. secondly, clearly showed what the military-industrial complex of the islamic republic is capable of, the products of which have in fact proven that they can bypass the best western air defense systems and against which the country’s adversaries do not have absolute protection, thirdly, without essentially causing any significant material and physical damage to israel, iran, like no one else before, hit the image of the jewish state, forcing it to answer for its actions. tehran. responded blow to blow, while being able to show restraint without going beyond than it was necessary, but
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it’s too early to put an end to it, israel has already stated that it won’t just leave it like that, and that same restraint is not in the habits of tel aviv, so in the middle east in the near future we can expect a new round of escalation, the consequences of which now it is hardly possible to predict. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov, maria bolatvina and evgeniy kononov, lead the middle east. now about the situation with floods in russia, according to the latest data, almost 200 settlements are flooded. the water is fast resides in the tabol river near kurgan. employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations continue to lay the dumps, working around the clock. at the moment, their length is 1.0 m. in the tyumen region , the beginning of the flood is predicted next week. the level of the ishim river is rising, residents of two villages are evacuating. in the orenburg region , almost 13,500 residential buildings remain in the flood zone.
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continues to grow. regional authorities are calling on local residents to evacuate areas that are at risk of flooding. our correspondent, stanislav vasichenko, reports from the scene. griben flood is still everything closer to kurgan itself. the water level in the tabol river has already exceeded the norm by 5.5 m, it is important that at 6 m the flooding of the right bank area of ​​the tobol, as well as the low areas on the left, will already begin. side of the river, at the same time , the current of the tabola itself is noticeably increasing, today the ministry of emergency situations is sending out sms messages in
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which they also call on the residents of kurgan to evacuate, you need to take documents and clothes with you, and a siren is constantly sounding in the city, calling on residents to evacuate. according to forecasts, the water level in the river tobol can rise to...
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to create barriers from flood waters. let me remind you that forced evacuation of the population is still being carried out in kurgan. to date, more than 700 people have been placed in temporary accommodation centers, which are organized in schools, hospitals and camps. over the course of a day, the number of people living there decreased by about 100 people, but this is only due to the fact that in the southern regions where the flood began, the water is now gradually receding and people are returning to their homes, but taking into account. then the flood goes further to new regions, including kurgan itself, it is likely that the number of evacuees and those
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who will soon live in temporary accommodation centers may, of course, increase. stanislav osilchenko, denis tsitsaronov, nikolay purtov, anatoly tyurkin, conduct the kurgan region. how many churches found themselves in the flood zone, how do monasteries and priests help parishioners in trouble? about this in the new episode of the program the church and we in the second half of the hour. in a few minutes, a special report by ekaterina mironova about how in historical buildings in moscow are being restored.
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of nineteenth-century masters, they are artificially adding new age tiles so that it doesn’t look like a remake. it is produced individually using the method of firing, double firing, first the mold is fired, then the glaze is applied, the glaze is baked for the second time, on the final layer of glaze with a special chemical composition is used to make the aging, that is, cracks, so that new fragments of the railings cannot be distinguished from historical ones, specialists try to restore the original wooden handrails, but if this is no longer possible... exact copies of the lost elements are created, a 3d model is drawn, after which control programs are compiled and from blanks.
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historical handrails were made of solid wood, restorers assure that modern technology is more reliable, when dry it can be twisted, that is, a solid piece, if... since it was given away during thawing after the winter period, that literally its self-supporting ability had already dried up, that is, formally all
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the decorative elements could be poured on people’s heads, they tried not to touch the lipnina once again, measurements were taken using non-contact technologies, a special program helped to accurately determine , how much material will be needed and what work needs to be done. an engineer with a device completely scans the building and at first it turns out such an incomprehensible cloud of points, but then after processing the program with a special a clearer and more detailed picture appears, where all the cornices and all the decorative elements are visible. the apartment building was built by the varvara society of homeowners; in fact, it was one of the first moscow developers; there were many famous names among the guests, for example, the russian engineer vladimir rented an apartment here. the monument to the genius stands on turginev square, side by side with another building, where major renovations are currently underway.
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apartment building of the insurance company russia, the building is like something out of a fairy tale, although the luxurious decor is still hidden behind scaffolding, all you can see is a gothic turret with a dial, it delights you from afar, but if you look closer, it becomes clear that the stucco molding is in a deplorable state, the tulip is where it should be... it is already missing, we will recreate it in its original place. losses in sculptural elements, where griffins, knight's shields, all these elements will be restored to their original form, according to existing analogues. this is the only secular residential building in moscow that has a bell, but it does not have a tongue. probably the owners wanted to build mechanical system, but did not have time, a revolution broke out. the ringing was heard only in 2011. he rang only once, when
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the house turned 110 years old, we specially invited bell ringers from the cathedral of christ the savior, they gave exactly 110 rings in honor of the birthday of our house. two buildings and three courtyards, almost one and a half hundred spacious apartments, before the revolution they were rented out for long-term rent. now it is a residential high-rise building. marina uustinova settled here about 20 years ago. and there were some owners who lived in the house only six months and sold the apartment, they couldn’t live here. you can’t come to this house and do everything the way you want and be capricious, you have to reckon with these walls, with the atmosphere of this house. the masters take this into account and work with respect. the entrances have already been cleared. walls, forged fences are being restored; they were badly damaged in soviet times when elevators were installed. here pieces of genuine metal
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fencing were cut out and the pieces were actually welded, pieces of reinforcement were welded, which was a kind of fencing. naturally, we could not leave it in this form and replaced this section of terrible rusty reinforcement with a recreated piece. drawing by command element. the façade of this building, merkely's apartment building in arkhanelsky lane, is completely hidden behind scaffolding. here, too, premises were rented out to offices and individuals. for example, a prominent scientist and dentist pavel dauge lived here. the doctor was known for providing his apartment to the social democrats for secret meetings, and he also personally treated vladimir lenin’s teeth. by the way, dental here there are now the steps along which the leader of the world proletariat walked can no longer be found; in former times , worn-out stone was replaced with porcelain stoneware
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or concrete, is that all that remains? several samples, from which the craftsmen are now recreating all the spans, from historical materials, respectively, this is a dolamite base, dolamite flour, which will be poured into a mold, which has now been prepared by restorers, with their specific roller with their specific shape, size, and not so , as was done in the soviet years by local renovations, somewhere above a step, somewhere below a step, now they will all be the same. “porcelain tiles were laid on the staircase landings, but in this case the restorers are happy, when we touched the tiles, under a layer of glue they found genuine historical bidisot metlag tiles, why didn’t you like this tile, why did they do this in the soviet union, well, because apparently it was difficult to restore it or there was no time for this, so it was simply preserved, and thanks to this it is in such a luxurious condition to this day
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it's arrived." the craftsmen say this building is full of secrets. under the layers of plaster, for example, marked bricks were discovered with the names of the owners of the factory where they were produced, or here's a completely fresh find. yesterday we brought oak doors, recreated, and according to the design when they began to prepare the opening, and under it, behind the plaster, they discovered an old, more, so to speak , historical portal, wooden, oak with veneer, this green one, right?
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another historical object, which is currently undergoing a major renovation, is located ? very close to the kremlin, but residents cannot see the towers with stars. if you walk along tverskaya and look into the arch, you can see a building of incredible beauty, almost the same. this savenskoe courtyard was built at the beginning of the 20th century; until the thirties it was located on the first line of the street, but as a result of expansion. the buildings were taken and moved, about 50 m. the savinsky metochion belonged to the savino-starozhevsky monastery, in fact, it was an apartment building; church people and secular people rented housing here, for example, alexander khanzhonkov, one of the first russian film producers. he himself rented an apartment here on the third floor, on the second floor there was his office, the office of his cinematheque,
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he succeeded. come to an agreement with the owners, with the landlord, and he used the courtyard of the house as a film set, a movie was filmed right here, the first movie was shot right here, yes, in order to move the building inside the block from the old foundation to the future, soviet engineers laid railway rails, 36 in total, on they were installed with 2,100 steel rollers, this is what ensured the movement, the the house was reinforced with metal beams and i-beams. they can still be seen in the basement of the building, this is the foundation on which the building was planted, on the rollers from the old foundation to the new one it was shifted inward, well, actually, like on skis, like on skis, yes, absolutely right, a residential building weighing 24,000 tons was moved in three days, people were not resettled at this time, but purely technologically, all communications were
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connected to flexible ones. with a hose, that is, well, to a temporary one, turn off the water or gas, heating, this was not necessary, despite such shocks, a major renovation had never been done in the courtyard before, restorers are touching the building for the first time, scaffolding is being installed on the facade, work is already in full swing inside the entrances, they had to start with the electrical wiring, and why are there so many wires here? in this building, but these are still remains, because initially, when we came here, there was generally... a jungle of these wires, the old wires were not removed and the operating organization hung more and more new wires on top of the old ones, not working the wires have been removed, the rest will be hidden, the restored decoration of the main staircase is already visible, the windows are in good condition, some of the glass seems to have never been replaced in a century, that is, we can even ...


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