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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 8:30pm-8:59pm MSK

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purely technologically, the communications were all connected to flexible hoses, that is, to a temporary one ; there was no need to turn off the water or gas, heating; forests, work is already in full swing inside the entrances, we had to start with the electrical wiring, but why is it like this here? there are a lot of wires in this building, but these are still remnants, because initially, when we came here, there was a jungle of these wires, the old wires were not removed, the operating organization hung more and more new wires on top of the old ones, the non-working wires were removed, the rest will be hidden, the restored decoration of the main staircase is already visible, the windows are in good condition, some of the glass seems to have never been replaced in a century, that is, we even we can...
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anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on! hello, this is the church, i’m alena berezovskaya, our guest is the chairman of the synodal affairs on relations between the church and society and the media, vladimir ligoida. vladimir amanovich, hello. hello. one of the main topics of recent days is large-scale flooding in several regions of our country.
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church-wide, what kind of church-wide help might be provided, and i think that upon return some additional steps will be taken, how is the difficult situation affecting the parishes, are services taking place? well, in those where there is water, of course, this is impossible to do, there is actually no one to come there, but those dioceses that were directly affected by the elements, they certainly participate, like all people, they help the victims, our priests always visit time points.
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therefore, the first stage is always to study the situation, determine the need, what is necessary, and the church, if possible, together, of course, participates in this with everyone. this week, the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in krokusehol revealed the identity of their coordinator, the criminals were arrested, awaiting trial, but the pain from the loss of loved ones does not become less, and there is a lot of talk about revenge, about the impossibility of forgiving, from the point of view of the church, wishing the worst for them is a sin, and in general how can the church... comfort those who lost loved ones? these are, of course, extremely difficult questions, because the shock of what happened for everyone is so great, the power of emotions is such that it is impossible to try to reason here somehow, and even
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i dare say, you know, it is impossible to theologize abstractly, but the position of the church in such a case, as in any grief, whoever... it is very often easier for people to talk to a priest than even to a psychologist, although
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psychological and spiritual help is certainly important, sometimes it is such a fine line and even somewhere they intersect, but i would say that, of course, here the help of a priest is invaluable and irreplaceable anyway, at the limit, as for the category of revenge, this is of course not a christian category, while there is a law, and people... those who violated the law, and in such a terrible way, they must according to the law be held accountable for this, another thing is that we understand that in such terrible situations there are perpetrators, there are customers, and this, but this is so to speak, is the task of special services to deal with this, a if i may ask a personal question, how did you survive this tragedy? i don’t have any close people among the victims, i was there for 9 days. when vladyka archbishop fama performed a panekhida with the blessing of his holiness
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the patriarch there, of course, i was amazed and i was amazed by the faces of the people, probably this is a natural human thing, when grief comes to share this pain, when a father comes, i don’t know, with his daughter, but he says what and how they might not have come, we often pronounce reason as one family and rarely there is something real behind it, usually it’s here one family. by the way, it’s arranged to say that grief, and not even
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necessarily grief, this is a difficult situation, unites easier and faster, this is probably a question for, including philosophers, to comprehend, but you know, it’s sometimes easier to sympathize than to rejoice, yes, i don’t know, this may be fallen human nature, if we look for a christian explanation, but of course, i would like it not only to be grief. scare society and divide it, and the fact that we have been demonstrating these last few years the amazing unity of the most different levels from some kind of communication in everyday life to there, i don’t know the results of the elections, this, of course, is very important, it is expensive, this is something that was not expected.
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such things happen, but thank god,
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so far they have not led to anything terrible for us, i hope never and i believe that they will never lead. in early april , fsb officers prevented another terrorist attack attempt; criminals tried to smuggle 70 kg of explosives into moscow, and they tried to do this in orthodox icons. dangerous cargo came from ukraine through european countries. it is clear that any crime is a sin, but this is generally a new level of denial of faith and, in general, everything human. yes, quite a lot was written on this topic. to say, among other things, i’m grateful to your channel for your attention to this topic, the topic is monstrous, because you know, it’s not that i, i said that it’s not that i can’t imagine a christian who does this, but there by position or for some other reason, but i can’t imagine a believer at all, even of a different religion and a person in general, yes, because there is
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some, you know, human culture, of course, based on faith, yes, historically, but in any case, human culture is... always a system: it is possible, it is impossible , it is permissible, it is unacceptable, yes, we respect, there, not respect, yes, value, not value, yes, that is, this is a border, when this border is crossed, it means the destruction of culture, destruction, so, of course, i try to avoid big words, but this, this is such, you know, here is an example dehumanization, i can’t explain it any other way, so words seem to be lacking. even to describe it, because well, there are some borders that under no circumstances, well, under no circumstances should you cross if you want to remain a human being, here they are, and it’s quite obvious that this border was crossed by those who did this, i mean this as a person who has been working for 2 years in a special military
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operation zone, i observed a lot of this from our enemy’s side, and not all of them, namely... very different people, and it would always seem to me that the most important thing for us, at least at least now, as long as we say to the christian perspective, yes, this will in no way be likened to the fact that we are categorically unacceptable, the danger of this is always there, so you know, this is such a reassuring idea that we, as they now say, by definition , yes, that by
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definition we are on the side of the light and nothing threatens us, but it is very dangerous, this risk, and... to become like, it always exists for any person, and in this sense we must be very attentive to ourselves , yes, everyone in their place, well, at least for me at least it seems that this is precisely the task of this awareness of this spiritual perspective, if we are trying to comprehend what is happening from a spiritual point of view. another topic that cannot be ignored, the famous russian scientist artyom oganov was invited to give a lecture at the international congress in korea. but they set a condition that he would perform without belonging to a country, to russia, when the scientist refused, the organizer and invitations were withdrawn, i know that you paid attention to this episode, how would you comment another attempt to cancel russian culture, well , i have the honor of being acquainted with artyom romaevich, he is an outstanding scientist, he is
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a wonderful person, he is wonderful, in addition to the fact that he is real,
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a domestic computer game was released in russia, you know, yes, the actions take place in times of troubles time, the game is already being called patriotic, they say that it educates such correct values, and... how do you generally feel about this approach, if, let’s say, a computer game about christian values ​​appears, or whatever christian motives, so to speak, yes,
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will the church support this, or will it still be blasphemy? well, i hope that it won’t be blasphemy, because blasphemy is a conscious desire, and to offend, to inflict some kind of insult on a sacred thing or a religious feeling, but of course it’s difficult to say in general. watch what, well , again, if i formulate it as generally as possible, it seems to me that such games do not necessarily have to be about a religious theme, but they should be about a historical one, including, but if we define the boundaries, they are on the one hand they shouldn’t be boring, yes, they should, of course, otherwise it’s not a game, but on the other hand, they shouldn’t fall into kitsch, we have experience working with colleagues, they are very famous, with your permission i won’t name names, but very professional people who are engaged in...
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making oneself a god, well, it is known that the russian orthodox church has always held such views, does the latest statement by the vatican mean that in the west the church is thinking about
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the need to stop these phenomena, you you know, this document you are talking about, it is very large, i did not have time to get acquainted with it carefully and in detail, with the first such superficial acquaintance with the main meanings, it is more likely to support some theses, but in principle ...
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in first approximation, really important things have been said, but it is necessary to study it carefully, it is large, well , in conclusion, but a few days ago, the synodal department that you head celebrated its fifteenth anniversary, and although it changed its name, it was founded as a department for relationship between the church and society, the essence remains the same, in your opinion, what was the main thing that was accomplished during this time, you know, it’s not that i’m embarrassed to say, initially there were two...
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what we talked about, the church, this one the mission of the church, it, it has always naturally been important, yes, but in our difficult times, there are a lot of situations when only the church,
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only the pastor’s. attention to a person can touch the heart and heal. thank you very much for your answers. thank you. we will connect you now. wait a second, it's important. with who are these conversations why they had to escape in the kremlin. where is the excitement greatest? in space or at the table with the presidents, there will be a lot to discuss, the nuances of your policy, i’ll go change clothes, which surprise everyone, so why did alinevo never understand that putin called him, the president congratulated you, well, the president congratulated him, yes, the most interesting shots of the week, all from the kremlin. moscow,
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kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00.
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