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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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israel plans to create a coalition against iran. the jewish state's cabinet discussed a possible response to the overnight attack. meade calls for painful sanctions against tehran. iran launched 350 missiles and drones, tdf officials said. almost all of them were shot down on approach, the rest caused minor damage. the military of the united states, great britain and jordan provided assistance to israel. with details sergey pashkov and alexander belibov.
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today's daytime israel is completely different from the nighttime, open cafes, shops, public institutions, people rush about business, not putting off until tomorrow what they can do today. the night before , the city was empty, the townspeople tried to stay close to the bomb shelters. the message about the first wave of launched combat vehicles appeared in the local media at 22:45 on saturday, and was recorded an hour later. a new wave of attack, then another. an army spokesman live-streamed a warning to citizens about the approaching air armada. tonight iran launched a large-scale, coordinated attack on israel. the iranian regime fired drones weighing more than 200 kg, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles at the state of israel. together with allies and partners across the region, we are acting at this very moment to... protect israel from iranian attack.
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so far, we have been able to intercept the vast majority of strike drone missiles, as well as cruise and ballistic missiles beyond israel's borders. several iranian missiles fell into israel, causing minor damage at a military base. there were no casualties. footage of iranian drones flying over the territory of iraq was shown on the news of world tv channels. drone launches were recorded from iran, yemen. and iraq, the first wave was met and seriously countered by the air defense and air force of the kingdom of jordan. aman announced in advance that they did not intend to allow iranian combat vehicles through their airspace . after some time , confirmed reports of ballistic missile launches arrived. their flight time is up to 15 minutes. and at about 2 o'clock in the morning, warning signals about an air strike were heard in israel. attack. in the north, in the galilee region in the center
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of the country over jerusalem, in the south of varadi and bersheva, an air raid alarm sounded, residents of telavib watched from their balconies as air defense missiles launched into the night sky in the distance; the victim of the attack was a seven-year-old girl, a resident of a bedouin village in southern israel , she was seriously wounded by a fragment of a downed rocket, also in the south in the negev desert...
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and be prepared for any scenario. at the same time, we repelled the first wave of attacks and we did it with great success. a little later , experts will calculate that the neutralization operation enemy drone missiles cost the israeli military budget approximately $1.5 billion. an iranian attack in israel has been expected for the last 2 weeks. the fact that tehran will take revenge will be responsible for the destruction of the iranian consulate building in damascus on april 1 , the general officers of the corps who died under its ruins. the guards of the islamic revolution in israel had no doubt that the multi-stage missile defense system had already been brought to a state of full combat readiness the day before. benjamin netanyago warned citizens about a clash with iran in just a few minutes before the drone attack begins. citizens of israel: in recent years, and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran. our defense systems are deployed.
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and many other countries. i set a clear principle: whoever hits us, we will hit him. israel has reintroduced partial wartime restrictions. the fate of the retaliatory strike will be determined by members of the so -called narrow military cabinet headed by benjamin netanyahu. now israel took a pause, after which it will be clear whether iran and israel exchange blows into a full-scale middle east war. sergey pashkov, alexander ivan. anastasia demyanets. news israel. to the enthusiastic screams of the crowds. the glow of ballistic missile jet engines is clearly visible in the sky over iranian cities. there is hardly any need to explain where they are flying.
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it has long been clear that retribution for israel’s attack on the consulate in damascus will be inevitable. and now this hour has come, the inhabitants of the islamic republic greeted it with jubilation. conveyed to the whole world, no one there will be no more intentions to attack iran, and if someone attacks, we will take revenge on him. heavy attack drones were the first to take off. it was the largest drone attack in history. the following photo illustrates this well: in the sky there is a whole swarm of drones, mines, various modifications, the drones were launched in several passes in waves, and later missile units joined the attack. footage of the launches was shown by iranian state television; the command to open fire was given from the operational headquarters of the iranian army, after which from the trigger dozens of ballistic missiles were launched from the mines one after another. that night
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, a unit of the lebanese hezbollah group, as well as pro-iranian forces from iraq, also hit israel, and although their attacks were not as large-scale as the iranian attack, their... provided information for an attack on the buildings of the iranian consulate in damascus, which is located on the border israel and syria and the nevatim air force base in the south of the country. from our point of view, this operation is completed and we do not plan to continue it, however, if israel takes any action against
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islamic republic, whether on our territory or in centers belonging to us, in syria or elsewhere, our next operation will be much larger than this. official tehran. one of his representatives to the un said that everything that happened last night was nothing more than self-defense. iran's military actions, carried out on the basis of article 51 of the un charter regarding legitimate defense, were a response to the zionist regime's aggression against our diplomatic missions in damascus. the issue can be considered resolved, however, if the israeli regime will make another mistake; iran's response will be much harsher. this. a conflict between iran and the israeli regime that the us should stay away from. the iranian operation was a natural outcome of the situation that had developed in the region, and although the israeli command reported that 99% of iranian ammunition had been shot down, tehran itself
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recognized its own strike as a success. these words should not be taken literally, measuring success by the number of targets hit, because in today’s attack it is not even the result that is important, the very fact of what happened. never damaged the image of the jewish state, forcing it to answer for its actions. tehran responded blow for blow, but was able to show restraint without going further than necessary. however, it is too early to draw a conclusion. israel has already stated that they will not just leave it like that. and that same
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restraint is not the habit of tel aviv. so in the middle east in the near future we can expect a new round of escalation, the consequences of which can now hardly be predicted. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov, maria bolatvina and evgeniy kononov, lead the middle east. the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs discussed the situation with his iranian colleague, the conversation took place on his own initiative. and the reactions of the world community of goncharov.
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the russian foreign ministry responded to iran’s attack on israel by hezbollah and the houthis. on smolensk square they drew attention to tehran’s statement that it carried out the strike in accordance with article 51 of the un charter on the right to self-defense. russian diplomats emphasized that earlier, due to the position of western members of the security council, the united nations organization nations were unable to adequately respond to the attack on... the iranian consular mission. they have repeatedly warned that the unresolved nature of numerous crises in the middle east, primarily in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, which are often fueled by irresponsible provocative actions, will lead to increased tension. we call on all parties involved to exercise restraint. european media, for example, franz-info, which obviously took the position of the united states and israel, emphasize that the escalation between the countries became of unprecedented power. figoro with reference to the statement.
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act with caution, escalation must i call on all political forces in the region to stop, together we must end the violence, we are closely monitoring the situation in the region and are in coordination with our partners.
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maintain restraint. china expresses deep concern over the escalation
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of the situation and calls on relevant parties to maintain calm and restraint to prevent further escalation of tensions. while the world media is discussing a series of attacks, blows are heard again tonight near the lebanese baalbek. according to al jazeera, the gas attack continued today. meanwhile, across the ocean in washington, israel's closest allies are discussing their next steps. us secretary of state antony blinken is holding emergency meetings with partners to plan next steps. the g7 countries also planned to discuss escalation in the middle east, well, in tehran they figuratively stated that the next slap in the face will be even stronger. natalia goncharova, to lead. the russian army repulsed all attacks in the control center. our units have improved the situation in the kupinsky, avdeysky, donetsk and south donetsk directions. zelensky’s formation lost over 1,200 more soldiers and mercenary officers, six
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tanks and 17 other armored vehicles, as well as nine self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly western- made, were destroyed. in addition, the launcher of the air defense system and the rt made in germany was destroyed. this footage was provided by the ministry of defense. it can be seen that as a result of the impact, the german system burned completely. anti-aircraft defense shot down over forty combat drones. now about the situation with floods in russia, according to the latest data, almost 200 settlements are flooded . in the tyumen region , the water level in the ishim river is rising, residents of two villages are being evacuated. in the orenburg region.
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presented a blockbuster 100 years ago, the film will be released in wide release next week, but the script is based on a story by soviet science fiction writer kir bulychev. my colleague, author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudrevtsev, attended the premiere screening. 100 years ago is a movie in the rarest and most risky genre for russian cinema. science fiction, adventure, a genre with which we learn to dream and look into the future. so. it turns out that the world is looking at this future, mainly through the eyes of hollywood, which, by the way, earns the most in this genre, including, until recently, here in russia. just think about it: out of the 100 highest-grossing science fiction films in the russian box office, there are only six domestic films. this is the seventh. at the helm of the project 100 years ago, a team of today’s main experimenters in this
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genre. director alexander andryushchenko, producer mikhail vrubel and fyodor bondarchuk with the participation and support of the russia-1 tv channel. sasha andryusen and we producers relied on those rare examples of our films and here you will see references to the films of my attraction , the invasion of timur bikmambetov and all the leaders in this genre. this theme was invented, as it seems to me, by kir balychev himself in a work 100 years ago, this is the fight for your future, the fight today and the fact that your actions today, all your actions determine what the world will look like, even in that distant future in which... the plot centers on two schoolchildren. kolya is our contemporary. one day in the physics classroom he finds a box with cosmion. this, by the way, is the real scientific name of a hypothetical dark matter particle. the artifact allows you to travel through time. this is how kolya meets alisa seleznyova, who lives 100 years ago looking for her mother who disappeared many years ago.
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but now the guys are being hunted by space pirates who dream of seizing power over the top ten.
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khabensky, isakovo, yuri borisov, alexander petrov, unsurpassed in the role of the funny man u. i remember very well this day when sasha came to me, we talked for a long time, talked, he immediately said about it, the script was still in the development stage of writing, but i immediately saw how it was burning this, when he showed me a whole electronic digital board where everything was painted, details, costumes, what veselchak would look like, a new domestic science fiction film about those, from those and for those who want to look into the future with their own eyes, 100 years ago forward to the screen. countries from april 18. ivan kudryavtsev, anastasia chernikova, evelina kornaeva, news. you can find tires conveniently and quickly; you can search by car brand. there are many routes. before your trip
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10:23 pm
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10:24 pm
there are battles near artyomovsk in the kleshcheevka area. we put pressure on the enemy, if possible, we go forward, everything according to plan, without assault, and what were you doing just now, checking the barrel so that it was empty, so that we, wait, you turned this handle, like you checked, well, you lower it, with the help of this handle the wedge of the shutter is lowered, and you looked, that’s it, then the self-timer and a blank shot to make sure that... the wedge works, the wedge hurts with the wedge, absolutely right, you know where to shoot, yes, yes, stalin is young, d20, slowly,
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they are preparing for work, an atomic cannon, so in the brigade nevsky is called the d-20 howitzer. in the fifties, for its power, it received the nickname young stalin. the gun is loaded, the gun is fired! there's a drone hanging over them, look carefully, guys, the gun is loaded, yes it's received, the gun is fired!
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knowing that i collect such exhibits, i have my bonds with the volunteer brigade, here they are objects, they find something that seems interesting to them or they ask me, then they bring me, well, this is a box, a box from pkkma, yes, and also made in the soviet union, you see, yes, the star is everything, but here is a symbol of ukrainian sub-statehood, here’s such an exhibit that combines two eras, the soviet ukrainian, but this is not a museum item and cannot become one, because it is a combat grenade, american, yes, a trophy, well, it is an offensive, yes, yes, an offensive grenade, if you are now in area there solidar, here on bakhmutsky direction, you will see various boxes, packaging material from nato ammunition, from nato weapons, pipes
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from... ftrk, grenade, cartridges, here you know, in the future there will be a lot of work to be done on mine clearance, but for now we you have to be careful. signalmen in war are a special people, their brains work day and night to ensure control of the battle, and their legs also work, constantly in motion.
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how unusual are the call signs in the nevsky brigade: dubai, baghdad, monaco. how do you hear how i'm figuring it out. i hear, i understand, it hasn’t been translated yet. in the restoration workshop you can see new means of communication, some secret. there are old ones, such as the ta-57, the grandfather of all front-line phones.


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