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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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do not lose contact, so that our soldiers from the three hundredth do not become the two hundredth, so that they can be evacuated in time, the saying goes, every day that we remember here, at the end of the operation, all units were awarded, and the signal company was not shot, so we remember it, well, this you know, since the time of the great patriotic war, it seems in one of the orders something similar sounded, here is dubai, dubai to the ring, dubai to the ring, swing next, we are ready to switch, ready to switch ring, ring, right away, how unusual are the neva call signs in the brigade, dubai , baghdad, monaco, as i hear, i understand, i hear, i understand, it hasn’t been translated yet, in the restoration workshop you can see new means of communication, some secret, some old, such as the ta-57, the grandfather of all front-line telephones. the war
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has posed so many challenges for us, and first of all in matters of communications, communications issues, uavs, rap, electronic warfare, this is a war of intelligence, motivation, a battle of wills, and here we have to try very seriously, today commanders of the highest level want not only to know what's going on advanced to hear, yes, but also to see who provides this process, this process provides.
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on the mainland, they trained us there, these are people who came at the call of their hearts, now the fate of our people, our state is being decided here, day after day they persistently, methodically began to work. sergei showed us the graves of unknown civilians, and an initiative was born a little later, supported by the command of the volunteer corps, to search for missing civilians.
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build their preservation, study, digitization, create lists of who is looking for whom, who - who lost their relatives during this battle here, for example, in solidar, the international committee of the red cross already did such things after the great patriotic war, after the second world war, and today, since we came here in general , to protect the population in peace, then sergei viktorovich proposed just this - to collect all this information in order to provide information at the request of people who have lost their relatives, to ensure their meeting. this work is still in progress following the results of the great patriotic war, preserving information for family reunification. maybe this experience will be implemented within the framework of the svo. for headaches, there is ascafen p
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at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. what's a good car for you? mileage, condition, comfort, for each their own.
10:35 pm
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10:36 pm
rubles. great car, i agree, perfect, just need to change the oil, let's stop by, and you have the ideal oil for my car, that 's great, magnum oil 83% of buyers choose it again, and what's wrong with it with magnum oil consumption is a third less , it provides reliable engine protection and reduces the formation of sludge by 20%. rosneftmagna motor oil, we are sure you will buy him again. take a look at cean and choose an apartment for rent based on real photos. it 's safe and convenient with cian. on easter, russian lotto unites people, when we are together, our help is greater, in the charity easter draw, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes, we will draw thousands of cash prizes, every second ticket wins, 100 lotto to order
10:37 pm
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we bring from savita’s travels, a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses. hello, my name is vladimir bortk, i am from st. petersburg. today i would like to talk to you about terrorism, neither i nor you, for the most part, are, thank god, experts on this issue, but you and i, alas, are, unfortunately, witnesses to this
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disgusting phenomenon, each of us has our own opinion on this matter, i have it, and i... want to share it with you: terrorism, a policy based on the systematic use of terror. synonymous with terror are the words violence, intimidation, intimidation. the most common definitions denote terrorism as achievements through violent political, ideological, economic and religious means.
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one of the first to introduce the concept of propaganda into action was the italian revolutionary carlo pesacani, who wrote in his political will in 1857 that ideas arise from... was killed as a result of, as we would say today, a terrorist attack, one of the most
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terrorist groups , a jewish sect of sicarii, dagger-makers active in judea in first century bc. members of the sect practiced the murder of representatives of the jewish community who advocated peace with the romans and were accused by them of apostasy from religion and national interests. the sekarii used a dagger as a weapon.
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familiar to tv viewers from the tv series operation trust. even in the ussr, with its powerful kgb, terrorist attacks were not so rare. in the soviet union, planes were hijacked more than once; terrorists hijacked passenger airliners in 1977, 78, eighty-two, eighty- third, eighty-five, eighty-six and eighty-eight, and the first hijacking took place on october 16, 1970, when...
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this attack, not even intimidating, stirs up public opinion, shows the instability of the internal structure of the russian federation. who benefits from this? isis, a terrorist organization banned in russia, the detained terrorists were not religious fanatics and did not have relevant literature. secondly, their motivation was to obtain monetary revival in rubles, and not religious beliefs. the terrorists did not shout to allah akbar, but silently did their own thing.
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some people really claim that they could go to belarus, but my friends, there is a terrorist attack in moscow, our fsb is on their ears, as is the belarusian kgb, is it really that easy for four of us to go to belarus?
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but who benefits from this more than the ukrainians in the west. an important motive is the national factor within russia. the west is deliberately provoking national ethnic conflicts in the russian federation. this is their main priority. so the version of sigil itself may be half-stupid. the perpetrators may indeed be associated with the islamic state of iraq and levanda. but these faces.
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such deep connections preparing this terrorist attack, and you, who survived the attack of september 11, and understand perfectly well what such a terrorist attack is, could not stop it, using your influence on whom, but on ukraine, you did not want,
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in general the united states can relate to terrorists in different ways, to weaken russia, the united states can change its... evil empire, that is, the ussr, but in august 1908, another american president gave the order to the american navy located in the pacific ocean to attack a missile strike on the same mujahideen in their camps with the aim of destroying osama bin laden and his people, and just a few years ago,
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mr. bin laden, for the murder of which 15 american... russia has been for several decades now the only country that could destroy the united states with nuclear weapons , or at least cause irreparable damage to it. us military interests require solving this problem in one of three ways: destroying nuclear weapons in russia, subjugating russia, or creating some kind of
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protection from our missiles. so far it's not working out very well.
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russia is trying to resist this pressure; it relies on the foundations of the abrahamic religions. point four: dollar. all the financial power of the united states is based on the dollar, all the military power of the united states is based on its financial power. it is critically important for the states that no one even thinks about encroaching on the hegemony of their currencies. the entire planet conducts international trade in dollars. they keep their gold and foreign exchange reserves in dollars. it would be beneficial for russia to give up dollars better than its own currency, firmly backed by hydrocarbons,
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the ruble. the brix countries are actively creating alternative financial markets, which is accelerating this process. however, from the us point of view, abandoning the dollar means outright stealing their money. moreover, if such an influential country refuses the dollar. like russia and the brix countries, a chain reaction of transition in the national currency may begin in the world, after which the dollar zone will shrink, the dollar exchange rate will fall sharply, control over huge hydrocarbon reserves, nuclear weapons and others factors provide russia with enormous political weight in the world. russia uses this weight to advance its interests, which often conflict with us interests. so, for example, in...
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now, according to point one, it is impossible to defeat russia on the battlefield. according to western countries, it is more realistic to destroy it from the inside. precedents. in 1917 , england artificially fueled discontent against the tsar and the autocracy. the collapse of the empire followed. everything worked out, but russia resurrected in the form of the ussr. in 1991-93 there was a re-emergence internal discontent fueled by the west.
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to fulfill zelensky’s dream of drinking coffee on the elt embankment, but the offensive failed miserably, the military defeat of the russian federation, the seizure of crimea, unrest in russia and
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the collapse of the state did not happen, and if you remember history, it never worked out, then a new attempt, a national question, and, by the way, migrants, a terrorist attack involving tajiks, which is what is happening now. i note that the ethnic component of crime is not only a russian problem, and of course, it is necessary with all decisiveness to counter terrorism, of course this is being done, it begins with this point: ensuring the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms, a dubious point, and so on in the same liberal spirit, of course there are also useful articles in my opinion, for example, the inevitability of punishment. for carrying out terrorist activities, the question of the extent of this punishment, for the overwhelming number of our citizens, of any
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nationality, is absolutely. it is clear that the blood shed by terrorists should lead to his death penalty. liberal talk that terrorists are not afraid of death seems somewhat exaggerated, just as proven participation in a terrorist group should lead to life imprisonment without long proceedings to mitigate the possibility of mitigating this sentence. i would like to convey these simple points. wide sections of student youth. one more point, also, in my opinion, correct: cooperation between the state and public and religious associations. let's not fuss and admit that terrorism in many ways has a breeding ground among muslims. and everyone else a clear truth: muslims as a whole are much more religious than, alas, christians.
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moreover, it is necessary to strengthen the work in ... the fsb among muslim priests, unspoken, but as deep as possible, it is not for me to describe in detail what needs to be done, but this must be done without fail and with all care. and also, my friends, let’s think about the fact that about 25 million muslims live in our country, didn’t they come from somewhere? these are the indigenous people of russia. we live and will live together, goodbye, all the best.
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moscow is not giving up on peace talks in ukraine, but on what principles, this is to lead the week and i am dmitry kiselyov. good evening, watch now. big trouble from the urals to siberia, where the water is already declining? where else does it arrive? flooding of your houses and plots is expected. and how do we help the whole world?


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