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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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one has a very important beautiful ceremony ahead. i’ll beat the hordes, where is the land more beautiful from? of course, it’s incredible, when i saw the earth for the first time, tears just flowed, i can’t say, because they accumulate in my eyes, in space they don’t flow, and it was so interesting that why don’t they flow? i cry, you cry, and they gather there, yes, yes, they just gather, you need to blot everything with a napkin. cooperation between russia and
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belarus in space is also a manifestation of allied relations, understanding how the scope is important. wherever you point your finger, there is an application to space technology. the topic of peace negotiations on the results of the svo again arose in putin’s conversation, this time with lukashenko. in the kremlin at 11 pm they pushed away from the supposedly peace conference started by the west. in geneva, since we are not going there, this is actually some kind of ponopticon, they say that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but once again i want to emphasize what we are for, but just not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, and yet putin returns to the topic again, we... are ready
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to discuss everything, but if we still move on to what did i start, let's move on to some conversation about resolving all issues in other ways, of course, as i have said many times, we are ready for this, because yes, but the president made an important clarification earlier, are we ready for negotiations? yes, we are ready, but only not ready to negotiate, unbased on...
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and especially this conflict by peaceful means, but we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take for rearmament, but this is a serious conversation with security guarantees for the russian federation, and we know various options , about which...
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with ensuring security and to the opposing side, well, in this case , we are primarily interested in the security of russia, the russian federation, so we start from this... and we will proceed, but now about what is on the ground, reports our military officers from fronts from leonid muravyov, alexander sladkov and andrey grigoriev. the explosion of a kamikaze drone at the dolgintsevo airfield near krivoy rog in nikolaev and kharkov, russian drones hit high-voltage power lines, a fuel depot is on fire near zhytomyr. these are retaliatory strikes for attacks. industry and energy in russia , one massive and 47 group strikes were carried out by high-precision airborne, sea-
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based ground-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, on fuel, energy and military-industrial complex in ukraine. in odissa, a hit on the distribution electricity near... the city of burshtyn near ivanofrankivsk, the trypillian ts near kiev, which provided electricity to three central ukrainian regions, zhytomyr, cherkassy and kiev, was destroyed in the west, this means that the armed forces of ukraine have no ammunition left at all for pv' complexes. the country's anti-aircraft defense is not so good; it no longer has the ability to intercept russian missiles, especially new and modern ones. if this will continue, and soon the entire energy infrastructure of the country will fall into
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disrepair. based on the debris, it was determined that the latest russian aircraft missile, the x699, was used. to strike at tripilsky tes, the russian army deployed a new subsonic missile. the x-69 missile can be launched from su-34 and su-35 aircraft. the most important thing is that strategic aviation is not needed to fire such aircraft; su-35 fighters are sufficient. a whole batch of these arrived from aircraft factories in the khabarovsk territory to russian ones for weeks. troops in the special operation zone. they are now increasingly mounting heavy high-explosive bombs with gliding modules under their wings. this is a fab-500, which contains half a ton of explosives. each aircraft is capable of carrying four of these and a small isdrail, such as this one, can bomb an entire crepe region; in these frames , an iskander ballistic missile hits the workshops in zaporozhye, where uavs were produced, which were used to attack oil refineries on russian territory. the combat crew of the
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kin self-propelled gun also fires at the rear infrastructure enemy. the most important targets are ammunition depots, artillery pieces, everything that can be used. to hit us, soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces are trying to hide in a dugout, but they are spotted by a russian drone and are immediately eliminated, and they are trying to set up a firing point in the trenches, well, you can’t escape the drones here, they fly along the entire front line. russian t-80 tanks go on the offensive at point-blank range, destroying enemy dugouts and mortar crews. a strong point is burning and a hand sticks out of it waving a white flag, and this is a captured ukrainian saboteur. gorin, the only survivor of the ukrainian armed forces’ attempt to land on the tendra spit. here is the boat on which the drg was moving in the sights of the russian copter. our special services knew in advance about the impending action and set up an ambush. somewhere 200, 250 meters from the shore
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, fire contact began. i noticed how the central boat was hit by a browning machine gun and the box ignited. i turned around and... swam towards the shore, in parallel with this, saying that i surrender, cease fire. as trophies, russian troops got a whole arsenal of western weapons, the prisoner said that the entire group was trained in the british saltbury. this is edwin, this is andrew, here in the background stands kreich, these are the british instructors who trained us in the uk. after such a fiasco, zelensky’s statement about a new counter-offensive next year is welcomed by the internet. a salvo of memes and cartoons, there is no doubt that it will fail again, especially since the onslaught of the russian army is clearly felt on all sectors of the front, here is a heavy flamethrower system santsepek near kupinsk, he’s right there, and on the zaporozhye front loitering lancets
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cover the enemy’s camouflaged military equipment, american bradley tanks, they are still found on the battlefield, but they are hit casually, with direct fire such a vehicle is at... in the avdievsky direction the village of pervomaiskoe is liberated, the russian army is advancing into novokalinovo from the east and south, using pincer tactics. attacks from the village of keramik and the village of arkhangelskaya. another direction of attack on ocheretino, through berdychi and semyonovka, a new bridgehead for the offensive is being formed there. there is a massive artillery barrage everywhere, the marks are hitting all the intended targets. the infantry is advancing, we also support it. the suburb of chasovo yar , ivanovo paratroopers are preparing for an assault, and from a reconnaissance drone you can see how a deck of combat vehicles is quickly moving towards the front line. ahead is the same armored personnel carrier with the russian tricolor, dismounting, dismounting, reception, on the artyomovsk front there are
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battles for hours, there is progress at bogdanovka, our troops are entrenched in residential buildings on the southeastern outskirts, do not attack head-on, take care of their personnel and try to cover the city from the north and south, as they have already managed to do in marinka and ovdeevka. here now is the highest density of fire, graz installations change one another. gaps on the enemy side are immediately visible, the task of the division is to cut off the enemy, not to allow him to approach our positions, not to allow him to approach our infantry, and this assault unit, armed with shmel flamethrowers, is coming closer and closer to within the city limits, occupying enemy strongholds, they sneaked up unnoticed, worked with a flamethrower point by point, while they were there in kumatosis, they entered. they did everything competently, cleared out, took up positions, in general, according to the russian ministry of defense, our troops everywhere,
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if not moving forward, are significantly improving their positions on the front line. andrey grigoriev, valeria makhova, lead the week. the donetsk sector of the front is the most active in the area of ​​the northeast military operation. several settlements are being liberated at once. this is solidar direction kleshcheevka and chasov yar. vitaly tor from the nevsky volunteer brigade of the ministry of defense, a former sailor, businessman, pmc employee, rocker and biker, now a tanker, in his second decade at war. i didn’t think for a long time, that is, i called, they told me, come, and i arrived, i didn’t even know where i would end up, so i took with me two helmets, two bulletproof vests, one tank, the other, an assault one, because i repeat , for me it was a thrill of the unknown, and it doesn’t matter if i were a stormtrooper somewhere on the front end, i would have been engaged in the assault on the front end, that is, but the command decided... that i would be more useful in the future as a tanker for salim, i accepted it, plus now, okay
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, we’re waiting for another 3 minutes, the combatant is like a mechanical soldier, we don’t see him either bored or resting moves, commands, he is aware of everything, you live in ruined buildings, and you look like you came out of a laundry room, well, because i’m an officer, i have to look like one of my own. subordinates , brand new, if i, as a commander , look like this, can you imagine how my subordinates look? they will look, everything should be ideal, the equipment should be clean, so that even when you come and look into the tank, and there it’s not all this dead stuff in the dirt, but like in the old soviet times, when they said there was order in the tank forces, and we were proud with this, we observe the commander of the nevsky volunteer brigade of the ministry of defense , alexei vereshchagin, often early in the morning and late in the evening. the brigade commander, here he lies, ereshchagin, like thor, fights all the time,
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sleeps and eats right at the command post, that’s the peculiarity, they have been fighting for 10 years, but remain people with emotions and experiences. the settlement of novosvetlovka, khrichevataya, danichka, thank you very much september 2014, from the birth of christ, there was a temple in which the aidar battalion rounded up the local residents, all sorts of abominations happened there, in groups, really, it really happened, yes, gang rapes, chopped off hands people, here in the yard near a tree, and so on, traces of battles in full view, they will drive a kilometer so as not to tear the wheel with fragments, yes, we suffered there with the wheels then. here are the burnt tanks, in this whole picture here i added the maximum apocalypse, which means
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the following scene: we are driving and a german shepherd runs across the road, which, well, you can clearly see that she is - firstly, she is running, she has a piece of chain on her collar, well, there are probably two meters there, maybe more, and you can see that this dog probably hasn’t eaten for over a month. explains, i’m paying off my debt to my homeland, a hard time has come, we all are paying off our debt to our homeland, that is, it’s not a debt that you know, you have to pay interest on a mortgage, in that sense it’s a debt, yes. it's not a duty, it's a need, and a need and a right, a right defend your homeland, that's it, let's go, they don't shoot at random, there are stormtroopers ahead, you need to destroy the enemy, cover your fighters with explosions, there's just such
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a zigzag trench, and there's a cliff there, these damn creatures are working on our positions. well , now let’s draw it schematically, which means, look, guys, this is the point that you need to work with, it’s practically, it’s almost a centimeter from the mouse’s ass, that is, it turns out that you are processing the entire shelf like this along the length of young tankers, volunteers in combat work is introduced gradually like this, when a person gets into a tank, when the engine starts, when the car drives out, when fear is understandable? to work, they fall into this state, they are already and you can’t stand them from this state, they are already there, the young ones have come, of course, they are scared, they are very scared, but what’s good is that men of our age come ,
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young people, they are like that, you know, they are old people, if they hold on, it means that they should also turn on the back one, as if in front of their own, it’s inconvenient, they hold on to each other, that’s good, that’s... the crew. paratroopers of the ivanovo division storm chasov yar, volunteers of the nevsky brigade support them and cover them. guys, let's leave. gradually , fighters and commanders get used to war so much that they sign subsequent and subsequent contracts with the defense forces. if we don’t hit, we won’t hit, the main thing is not to hit our own people. that's it, then, commander, i went to the front. i heard everything. did you hear? yes. salt. 20 small, i will come to you. we continue to work as accepted. now what was in our grandfathers is awakening in people. in the forty-first year. in forty-one forty-second year. when you remember the words of the song: let the noble rage ebb away like a wave.
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this is normal, sacred rage. this is good. the activity of our groups in the northern military district zone is not an offensive, but a tactic from which we no longer deviate. moving forward, liberating our lands step by step. alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, galim vergasov, news of the week, donbass. there are still a few hours before sunset, and a group of marines, without a pawn or fuss, is preparing for the next exit to the islands in the dnieper delta. the fighter with the call sign yakuza is the most experienced today . this will be the seventh landing operation, how long will they stay between two banks, in a swampy quagmire, sometimes knee-deep in water is unknown, they take with them only the most necessary things, this is my backpack, everything is sealed, packed, it’s all 12 kilograms, there is also a large backpack , there are personal belongings there, and it’s about
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20 kilograms per person, well, 30 kilograms, very little clothing and food, most of the cargo. weapons, ammunition, various equipment, as soon as the sun sets over the dnieper, the marines' positions begin to move. they are noticeably worried, for both of them, this is the first voyage of the inter-dnieper islands, chish is the mechanic, that is, the helmsman, kuzya’s partner is the navigator, it is he who will pave the way through numerous channels in the night. the short briefing is over, the landing groups go to the pier. the marines begin loading onto the boat, do it in almost pitch darkness, and lay out their backpack with the utmost care.
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giving in to emotions, giving in to panic is not an option, and it is impossible, if the commander is in a panic, then this means that the unit will be in panic, thanks to such endurance and experience of the commanders, the navigator with the call name altai is alive again. ready to go to the islands, yesterday we were blown up by an enemy mine, we went on a mission, we had to deliver people, what happened was that we hit a mine, four people, everyone survived, thank
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god, everyone was pulled out, the next boat pulled them out, this is the black sea coast, it is here that qatari crews are trained for subsequent work in the dnieper delta; classes are held rarely during the day, more often at night, so that the conditions are as close as possible to combat conditions, the most important thing is that the navigator works well with the mechanic. pairings are always important, because that’s what we focus on, if people don’t have interaction and understanding of each other, then all the work will go to waste, on combat it’s important that the equipment doesn’t fail, a fighter is responsible for this in a marine brigade with the call sign burn, there are propellers flying there, it’s mainly the fuel system that is suffering, or the oil pumps there, that ’s all, in the past he often fished in his native... komi republic, a motor boat i repaired it myself, so i gained experience, but here on the banks of the dnieper i had to master other types of repairs, the boat was on a mission, it was also shot through, the boat will be installed
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, most of the boats are in work, a smaller number are under repair, there are no free boats, so the assault groups practicing landing operations using a mock-up made of logs, landing, covering each other with heavy fire , the marines occupy a conditional bridgehead, here... you can also hide behind the trees, but most of the dnieper islands do not have dense vegetation, only reeds, where not look, protective fortifications, trenches and dugouts cannot be dug there either, the groundwater level is very high, but it is necessary to contain them. the dnieper delta is a kind of buffer where a network of radar warfare equipment is concentrated. suppresses approximately 80-90% of drones that are launched from that shore, so what? flies to the shore, that is , these are some tricks of the enemy’s capabilities, which cannot suppress this buffer zone in the islands, a rusty machine gun,
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dirty body armor and the bodies of the dead, the ukrainian armed forces soldiers at one time tried to hold over the islands control, by decree of the president of the russian federation for personal courage, bravery and dedication, the commander with the call sign demon personally supervised the capture of several islands, now, like the rest of the marines, they go there to prevent the enemy from again... the guys are doing everything to occupy them, let god, for it to be so, well done guys, they are holding on, and to get into this boat, you need to have the spirit, that is, they are all great heroes, great heroes from a big place, the demon will send his order for courage home to the children, so that they can be proud, himself this night at the head the landing group will again go to the islands. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, news of the week, kherson region. this is the news of the week, next in the program. there is a big problem from the urals to
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siberia, where the water is already declining, and where it still remains, and how we are helping the whole world. why is the west inciting kiev to visit the zaporozhye nuclear power plant if the wind rose will then spread radiation throughout europe. attacks on the crimean bridge strikes on belgorod. murder of daria dugina vladlin. get distracted by the hustle and bustle, business works to stand out, the desire to act and not your cherished dream has come true, start the path to your dream
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power plant... almost every day, what is it like an indirect ultimatum to europe and the united states, if you don’t give us weapons and air defense, we will organize a second chernobyl, in magata they condemned the attack on the station, but again refused to name those responsible for the attacks, the ukrainian military again blames russia for everything, they say this is all a provocation of the russians, an operation under someone else’s name flag, there’s already a joke going around online, why out of... four nuclear power plants on the territory of ukraine, russia is only shelling one, which is under its control, where is the russian logic? about what is happening at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant now, report by olga kurlaeva. for almost a year and a half the site the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was considered probably the safest place on the entire line of combat contact. ukrainian militants diligently avoided being hit by
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drone shells. choosing as their target the city of energodar and what is located outside the perimeter of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. on april 7, the situation changed dramatically, and now the air raid alarm is already sounding right here at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site almost every day. at this time , being near power units without body armor and a helmet is strictly prohibited. first the air hazard at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant has already been declared. in the summer of 2022 , in the fall, the shelling practically stopped and was replaced by unmanned aerial vehicles that circled in the sky above the nuclear power plant. in april, ukrainian drone operators moved from surveillance to combat. five drones in one day. one of them landed on the dome of the sixth power unit and did not explode. the second, a deafening rap, detonated already on the ground. what's bad is that this place is right next to us.


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