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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 12:00am-12:29am MSK

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the city of energodar and what is located outside the perimeter of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. on april 7, the situation changed dramatically, and now the air raid alarm is already sounding right here at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site almost every day. at this time , being near power units without body armor and a helmet is strictly prohibited. for the first time, an air threat at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was declared back in the summer of 2022. in the fall , shelling practically stopped, and the shells were replaced by unmanned aerial vehicles that circled in the sky above the nuclear power plant. station, in april, ukrainian drone operators switched from observation to combat operations, five drones in one day, one of them landed on the dome of the sixth power unit and did not explode, the second deafened rap detonated already on the ground, what’s bad about this particular place, right next to we have a tank, in this tank in each of them... for each
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block in each tank there are about 500 cubic meters of distilled chemical-free water, which is used in the technological process, but this arrival, fortunately, only damaged the casing, and the tank itself remained intact, the day before there was an attempt to attack an acid-nitrogen station, a couple of weeks before this, a drone fell not far from a fuel storage facility for diesel generators, but who is shooting anyway? well, for me i don’t know, for me there are no questions.
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a unique training complex for training repair teams is located outside the curtain perimeter; specialists working in the reactor hall are trained here. here is above the theft, here is the central one, here is another one, there is another one, and where the dents are, this is something that is not right through, here not only on the roof, there were also flights into the windows last year. valery martynyuk cannot find strategic significance in the shelling of the training center to intimidate the staff, according to him...
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it won’t work, i think they are jealous, well, they want the toad to press on them, that we are establishing a peaceful life here, that all enterprises are starting to function, everything is fine with us, we work, we receive a salary, everything is in full swing with us, anastasia kislaya works at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in the office management department, even from a military point of view today, there is no point in this, there is only one sense, fear. but despite constant shelling from ukrainian positions and provocations from the kiev authorities, the energy gift joins the family of russian nuclear scientists and becomes an atomic city. the city has renovated a swimming pool and opened a unique boxing school, with a specialized atom class filled with a queue of people wanting to study. we had help from rusatom and sports equipment, and an office, and repairs, so we had modular boiler rooms, i look at... energodar, she was happy about the return of
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schoolchildren to the educational process, she recalls, in 202, in the city that was built by all the unions, there was not a single russian-language school left. we have been waiting for this, finally we have waited, we speak the language we want, our children are learning their native language. no one forbids us how to speak what language, as it was initially since the fourteenth year, an air danger has been declared in the energy center again, the means have suppressed another drone in the zanis area, i don’t know what they are trying, they are trying to influence us psychologically, physically, morally, it turns out that more than 2,500 employees work at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, their safety and security.
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the station is provided by units of the russian guard. military personnel of the rcbz troops monitor the environment on a daily basis. they are also responsible for the safety of observers from mht during rotation. the seventeenth rotation will take place in the coming days. observers from magata, they will come to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. over the past year and a half , rusatom and the international nuclear energy agency have developed constructive relationship. rusatom is always open to dialogue. international observers record violations without giving their assessment. but the residents of the russian nuclear city are already drawing conclusions; they know very well who. destroys whoever builds their city. olga kurlaeva, sergey shcheptev, mikhail kolosov and nargodar, zaporozhye region. here we see an allegorical image of three women, symbolizing faith, in the center, on
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her left is hope, and on her right is love. this is how the newly formed military-political alliance was portrayed in russia in 1977 russia with... russia joined the entente exactly in that very year 1907. england and france declared a cordial agreement 3 years earlier. the alliance was based on the future, since the upcoming great war in europe was already felt. germany, which was late to the division of colonies, advocated the redivision of the world; austria-hungary and italy had been in a triple alliance with it since the end of the 19th century. that's how much of a formidable force had to
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resist the entente, and it so happened that it was russia that twice during the first world war saved the allies from complete defeat, but more on that later. first, a fresh event on april 8 this week, bear caps of the british royal guard, the french republican guard in hippolets and aiguillettes with pencils, and also stripes, gold embroidery, goluns, chevrons, monograms, polished brass buttons, partupees, lacquer visors, cockades everywhere. fluffy shakos and white gloves, well, of course, bare blades, in short, complete stuffing. such was the choreographed and, if you like, well -tempered changing of the guard of honor, when the english replace the french, and
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the french replace the english, all in a cross ceremony in london and paris, both in buckingham and in the elysee palace. the occasion is 120 years since the anglo-french alliance of 194, which became the embryo of the entente, which russia will join 3 years later. russia, which will be destined to sacrificially save those who are now celebrating, but... ungrateful. in their speeches , the leaders of france and england, emmanuel macron and richa sunok, pledged eternal friendship to each other. but it was precisely the bearskin caps of the british royal guards that reminded us that relations between the two countries have existed in other times.
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initially, such hats were part of the uniform of the elite grenadier units of emperor napoleon bonaparte. by design. they were supposed to make an intimidating impression, making the grenadiers taller, and the additional volume on top often confused the shooters, because the bullets went above their heads. but when napoleon suffered his last defeat at waterloo from the army of the british duke of wellington, his morauder guards tore off the hats of the killed frenchmen, and have adapted themselves ever since done.
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such headdresses may even look tactless in the eyes of paris; at least until now, the british royal guards were not allowed into the elysee palace to push.
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april 8, that’s its very subtext in black and white, the seventh. it is very clear to both of us that ukraine must win. if ukraine loses, we all lose. if we don't support ukraine now, the price later will be much higher than if we rebuff putin. but the school is about cordial agreement, the entente, the very one in which we fought in the first world war, then we definitely have something here. to say, russia did not strive for war, russia did not need war, we
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did not feel deprived, did not envy anyone, and developed at a frantic pace. we won’t start spouting numbers now; it is a well-known fact that in 1913, the three-hundredth anniversary of the romanov dynasty, we were on the rise. typical here is the governmental note from the former russian minister of internal affairs, pyotr durny, to the emperor, where is durny. warned against getting involved in war, because military victory is not guaranteed, but revolution in the country will be highly probable, february 1914. any sacrifices, the main time of the war that will come to us, the role of a battering ram prepared for russia, breaking through the thickness of the german defense, will be in vain, for we are fighting on the side of our geopolitical enemy great britain, which will not allow any serious gains. actually, this is how it happened: russia nevertheless entered the first world war, without
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any specific goals for itself. the main motive of the first hostilities in august 1914 was to help the allies, which were defeated in france. and this despite the fact that the russian army at that time was frankly poorly armed and trained. we were not ready for a fight that was unnecessary to us. but nevertheless, on august 1, 1914, germany declared war on us, and on august 3, it declared war on france. the western front immediately became a priority for germany. according to schlieffin's plan, they decided to finish off france in 39 days, and then take on russia. and here, literally the next day after the start of the german offensive, the french president in ankara literally falls at his feet russia, and the french ambassador. at that time still in st. petersburg, he asked nicholas ii. the french
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army will be forced to withstand the powerful onslaught of twenty-five german corps. i beg your majesty to order your troops to begin an immediate offensive, otherwise the french army risks being crushed. the tsar responds to such a desperate request and sends two armies to east prussia, the first - general runyan-kampf, the second - on august 25, two corps of the german army were sent to the east. 31 august lord kitchner
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telegraphed the first encouraging message of the current war to the commander of the english expeditionary force, sir john french. 32 echelons of german troops were transferred yesterday from the western front to the east to meet the russians. ours had a very difficult time in east prussia. at first there was success, but... in the battle of tanenberg on august 26, september 3, the second army of general samsonov was completely defeated, two of the six corps were surrounded and captured. the losses were colossal, general samsonov himself shot himself. on august 30, 1914 , russian foreign minister sergei sazonov informed the french ambassador maurice poléalogue: samsonov's army was destroyed. we had to make this sacrifice to france, which has shown itself
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to be such a loyal ally. meanwhile, united. dropped four bombs on paris. this is the plane. the french and british did not have combat aircraft at all at that time. and on the same flight. with a low-level trajectory at a height of only 25 m, the same taube, in german, a dove, released german colors into the pennant with the following text the german army is at the gates of paris, any resistance is doomed to failure, but due to the transfer of corps to the east, the germans still did not have enough forces on the marne,
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the marne taxi operation is known in this regard, then the moroccans arrived in paris to help. one way or another, it was the battle of the marne that became a turning point in favor of the french and british in the initial stage of the war, the loss
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of thousands of casualties on both sides in the battle of the marne. the supreme commander-in-chief of the french army, general josephre , telegraphs the commander of the western front , general mikhail alekseev: “i ask the russian army to begin an offensive." in march, 18 russian divisions moved west near lake naroch. 350 thousand bayonets. the germans repelled the attack. again huge casualties. but there was a week-long respite near verdun, but already in june general alexei brusilov made his famous breakthrough. in two in more than a month of the offensive , the austro-german troops lost up to one and a half million people. our losses were about half a million, but austria-hungary practically broke down as an empire. general
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brusilov was granted gold by the emperor . st. george's weapon with diamonds. from germany and austria had to correct these frivolous ideas. we can measure the strength of the russian empire by the blows it suffered, by the disasters it endured, by the inexhaustible forces it developed. with victory already in hand, it fell to the ground, devoured alive by worms. churchel is shedding crocodile tears, because as our well-known
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geopolitical enemy, britain, warned the evil one, even in the event of a successful outcome of the war, not yes... a full-fledged winner, then it would be necessary pay debts. among the promises made during the 1915 negotiations, for example, were the basphorus and dordanelles straits. constantinople itself, now istanbul. from the book of anatoly utkin, a forgotten tragedy. russia in the first world war. on march 20, 1915, the british
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government signed a secret agreement with petrograd. it agreed to the annexation of russia and constantinople, the possession of basphorus and the derdanelles, half of the turkish possessions in europe, in response to russian consent, to any partition option london desired ottoman possessions. that’s basically all we need to know today about the entente, whose 120th anniversary was celebrated so brightly and so callously this week in london and paris. about what else europe lived this week, our sobkur in berlin, mikhail antonov. macron is putting france on a war footing, or at least that's what we all say. he opened a gunpowder factory in birgerac for a week and convinced manufacturers to invest in expanding production. this is a necessity at the moment to supply weapons to ukraine. i i am convinced that this is the geopolitical reality
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that we are going to live in in the long term . macron was not at all bothered by the fact that his words directly undermined switzerland's mediation efforts. in mid- june, she is going to organize a world summit according to the zelensky formula, which was loudly announced the other day. but in principle, everyone is aware of the zero effectiveness of this. not only in europe, but throughout the world. we are doing everything possible to deliver these systems to ukraine. however, on saturday the german ministry of defense announced that
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it had found one patriot for kiev. this is seven times less than what is requested by the ssu. 7 patri batteries must be urgently transferred to ukraine. on the one hand, not much, on the other , it’s still 7 billion dollars, excluding the cost of missiles, 3-4 million dollars apiece . reflection of one air.
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time and place have their own specifics. as for the brigade in lithuania, we have only 30% of applications submitted for 500 positions. this is connected on the one hand with the level of threat. i i don’t want to say that the soldiers are afraid of the task, on the contrary, but they will have to take their families with them to the front line of defense. there is a discussion going on now. the discussion may drag on, because the results of the war with russia in disgrace for the german army are not yet comforting. this is the city of schnögersburg. not on any map, the city is a training ground where the bundeswehr practices street fighting techniques. according to the results of the latest exercises, nato lost a populated area and
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lost to putin, writes focus magazine. during the exercise in the city of schnegersburg, nato troops ultimately succumbing to the enemy, after russian t-82s captured the city, the blue troops were no longer able to retake the conquered terrain in which the red troops were stationed, despite artillery fire and the deployment of drones. in general, we still need to practice in order to meet the needs of the new president of finland. i think the only way we can achieve peace is through.
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the only limitation is no more than once a year. we show respect to transgender, intersex and non-binary people, not while limiting others. this is how we continue to move forward on the path of modernization of our country, which includes the recognition of life. what will happen to respect for women's rights as a result of scholz's modernization of germany is a big question. the opposition believes that the law itself is tragic and is fraught with such incidents as have never been known to world jurisprudence. but this is a trend in the west, the minority and liberal media dictate the standards of cultural, public, and now private life with obvious passivity majority. trying to get into the flow of being
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stylish, fashionable and youthful. scholz's appearance on tiktok can be considered. this week , the chancellor registered his account on this social network, promised me to dance while he kept his word, and introduced his famous briefcase to subscribers. scholz's portfolio is twice as old as the target audience. however, there is reason to believe that the chancellor’s appearance on the social network should have impressed not only the tiktok generation. tiktok is still a chinese invention.


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