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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

10:30 am
and now to the situation in the zone of the special military operation. in the southern donetsk direction, russian anti-aircraft gunners destroyed new targets of the ukrainian armed forces, thereby protecting not only russian troops, but also civilian objects. the combat crew of the buk missile system successfully completed the task. our military correspondent eduard ponigov will tell you how russian soldiers defend themselves from attacks and what can be said about the situation on the front line in recent days. these shots show the combat operation of the buk missile system in the southern donetsk direction. eastern zinichiki groups repel another air attack. beech installations protect the sky around the clock, cover our infantry on the front line and at the same time civilian objects, creating an impenetrable air defense. air dome, right
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now the beech is leaving for the next combat mission, the crew is on duty in the area of ​​​​the village of novomikhailov, where there are fierce battles now, now we are on standby alone, waiting for the equipment to start up completely, fully deploy all the equipment, the crew can do it in just 3 minutes , almost immediately the first potential target, here i am the second escorting azimuth 340, range 9, altitude three, speed 10.20, understand this or what? alien command post operators can in a matter of seconds. at the moment we see how our artillery is being launched, here it goes, you see, yes, it is our artillery that is firing, which artillery is ours, they move upward from us when the enemy uses it on us, that is, we are watching from top to bottom , a few minutes later another air target was detected again, at the moment we see the target, a mark from the target, rather in total... this is an unmanned aerial vehicle,
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so we lay it down at the command post, after which they clarify whether it is theirs or someone else’s unmanned aerial vehicle, i am the second one accompanying 270, 11 2 10 20 is loudly approaching, this crew has already hit hundreds of aircraft and missiles, but one still flew in response, fortunately everyone remained alive, hammers flew in, but didn’t hit, they missed by about 50-100 meters, at that moment what were you doing? how did you react? at that moment we were working, we captured the target, launched one missile at a time, but since we have a single-channel complex, we cannot accompany two targets at once, so the second target flew nearby, but thank god we missed, it wasn’t scary, well, as we carry out the task, here is one of those shot down shells from khaymars, the missile flew towards mariupol, but was neutralized by air defense forces, sappers destroyed the shell right on the spot. the anti-aircraft gunners understand perfectly well that they themselves are. potential target, so
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additional protection is installed on the beech tree. these are ordinary tracks taken from a motorcycle ski, we broke them, hung them, welded hooks, hung them them for protection, because the main personnel are located on the right side of the vehicle. for survivability, we made this decision. the buk is capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 100 km. the installation sees everything, missiles, planes, helicopters, drones. chimeras, the enemy, are mainly shooting at the targets.
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we have always courageously stood up in battles, history remembers everything, to win , to destroy the country, to take away our freedom, but we were helped to win by the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops. become a hero bringing closer victory. serve under contract. we continue broadcasting and will now continue to talk about the flood situation. in the kurgan region, 880 residential buildings and garden plots were flooded. at the same time , the water level in the taol river near kurgan continues to rise. we will discuss the situation with the regional governor vadim shumkov. vadim mikhailovich, hello. good afternoon,
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please tell us what the current water level is in tabol and how this affects the situation in the region as a whole, what is the latest information on flooding? water level in tobol different, so in the south of the region it is 9 s to m, where the head of the flood has already passed, in the city of kurgan it is now 6 m 64 cm, the head of the flood is just entering here, the situation is not simple, settlements in five municipal districts are now flooded and are partially beginning to be flooded from the city of kurgan. how is the evacuation of residents going? in different ways, we started doing this work almost 2 weeks ago, here are 1,200 people constantly participating in door-to-door surveys, these are employees of municipalities, these are employees the department of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations, people also react differently, but these are our people, we are obliged to save them, and
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a siren is constantly working at intervals of 2 hours in the city, sms messages are received every few hours, and appeals from officials are constantly issued, as i said. the opurad’s main hope is for the evacuation points and the groups that are engaged in evacuation, we unfold the chain, we go notifying everyone , taking away everyone we can take who is ready to move out. how many people are currently in these areas in general, and what is the current situation with the supply of drinking water? now in there are 820 people in the tap, and more than 12,000 people communicate, preemptively, that is, most of the people go to other addresses or to friends and relatives. the situation with drinking water is stable, rospotrebnadzor makes fences every day, so far no interruptions or deterioration in quality have been observed, at the same time, recommendations were given to residents to stock up on water, this is the second time, we have deployed two water purification stations in high points, at if necessary, we will provide the city with water, including
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bringing water from other sources over distances, but additional measures have been taken, the water utility is completing the lining of the main point with a height of more than 12 m, so we hope that...
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the same recommendations are also given for the removal of liquid household waste so that the passing water does not become overwhelmed, let’s say, with sewage, in other directions , a full infectious diseases hospital has been deployed , as well as infectious diseases departments of other central district hospitals in the kurgan region, drugs that counteract intestinal diseases have been purchased with a supply of almost six months, and 1,200 have already been supplied symptoms of hepatitis a, well, at the end of the conversation, what are the prognosis, what do experts say, when will the situation improve? well, experts say different things, we have certificates, but how can we say, forecasts also change quite regularly, that is, the first flood level was predicted
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to be normal, then 8.5 9 m, then 9 m 10.5 m, then 11 higher, because in this situation, we receive these forecasts, we focus on them on our own, let’s say. to their understanding, they increased the level of the dam in the city of kurgan, and also built five dam structures or across the territory of the kurgan region, the dam in the city of kurgan is guarded by several hundred people around the clock, 27 emergency teams with heavy equipment are concentrated below the body of the dam, people there are also on duty around the clock and 42 overflow devices under the body of the dam are closed, instructions have also been given to all energy suppliers resource companies who have joints for dams. places where water enters very close, especially for snt, dnt, because of course there is no special waterproofing there, and in this situation, there are risks of accidents from electric shock or gas leakage, so we are preparing, practicing, trying.
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thank you, vadim mikhailovich, i will remind you that we spoke about the situation in the kurgan region with the governor of the region, vadim shumkov. and now. the fifth studio program is on air, my colleague anton potkovenko joins me, anton, hello, what will we talk about today? alexander, greetings, today we are discussing the most current international agenda and of course. most talked about the topic now is the middle east, these are iran and israel, i remind you that tehran attacked israel with drones and missiles on the night of april 13-14, as a response to the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in syria in damascus, which resulted in deaths several high-ranking officers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. israel repelled the iranian strikes, most of the drones, the majority. and now the question is: will israel respond to iran, and
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if so, how will this happen? position let's discuss matters with nikolai plotnikov, head of the center for scientific and analytical information, institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences and professor at moscow state university, now contact us, nikolai dmitrievich, i greet you, good afternoon, so. there have been suggestions that israel could strike iran directly today, as early as monday, what do you think about this, considering that on the other hand, there have been statements that israel does not seek war after the iranian attack, this is a quote from the president of israel , ishaka duke. if israel had not sought war, it would not have launched a military operation in the gaza strip and would not now be shelling the territory of lebanon for a long time. has not subjected syrian territory to air attacks for a while;
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over 250 strikes have been carried out on syria alone in recent years; immediately after the end of iran’s attack on israeli territory, netanyahu and biden had a telephone conversation. joyful nathanya reported that all the missiles were unmanned. beaten, to which mr. biden congratulated him on his victory, but warned that without if they meet the demand of the united states, they would not do such things; israel alone does not have enough strength to carry out guaranteed strikes on nuclear facilities and iran’s most important infrastructure; for this, it needs to send its aircraft for refueling in the air, for refueling in the air upon return . back can only rely on the aircraft of the united states air force, if only
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now the united states does not stop the further spread of the regional war in the region, then the end of the presidential campaign biden can be installed, washington understands this very well, and judging by the statements of mr. hirbi and mr. salevan, they are seriously concerned about the fact that this is a small child, a small child that they themselves created. the united states may break out of obedience and act alone, thus dooming biden’s plans for the presidential campaign to zero, here nikolai dmitrievich, that is, in your opinion, after all , the states need escalation more or no longer need it, because there is a lot around of this controversy and opinions are very different, escalation in anticipation of the united states does not need a presidential election at all; everyone in the united states understands perfectly well that this is a blow to presidential ambitions.
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with the state of affairs in the gas sector, everything else, how is the current situation, iran, israel, how does all this affect the situation in the region and what forecasts can there be? in the gas sector , fighting continues, moreover, on friday and saturday.
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hezbollah and lebanon, then today over 100,000 lebanese have left the southern regions of lebanon to the north and left their places. losses among - these lebanese citizens are also large, about a thousand have already been killed, there are a huge number of wounded. if we look at other
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neighboring countries, then aviation is under constant attack. the israeli air force is located in neighboring syria, so israel behaves like a little bully with a big uncle behind him, who can protect him at any moment. thank you, nikolai dmitrievich, thank you, thank you very much, the connection with the fifth studio was the head of the center for scientific and analytical information and the institute of science of the russian academy of sciences, professor nikolai plotnikov. we continue to discuss the situation in the middle east. expresses this version and gives such information that the israeli military cabinet is still silent about its next steps, in fact, this is confirmed by news agencies. dmitry vasilenko, co-chairman of the group on cooperation between the russian federation council and the assembly of the islamic council of iran, is now in touch with us. dmitry yuryevich, i greet you. yes,
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good afternoon. now we know that on friday you met with your iranian vsavi, but this was even before... iran considered that they had every right to respond to israel to this aggression, so such a somewhat wave attack was created on iran, and accordingly we know that
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36 ballistic missiles, that 186 drones flew towards israel, etc. .. about what else, but what all the media are silent about, for some reason in the west, because, apparently, they are somehow afraid to talk about it, that after all they missed seven missiles, because they were hypersonic missiles, and under the cover of drones, under the cover of ballistic missiles and under the cover of 110 missiles, surface-to-surface, these missiles reached their targets, iran demonstrated that it has high-precision weapons and that they can very... highly accurately resist, strike highly and accurately. please tell me, if, accordingly, now israel strikes back, and many experts say that one way or another there will be some kind of strike or there will be a reaction from israel, then what could iran’s response be, in particular, yes the iranian president stated
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that according to the news agency i quote: any new adventures against the interests of the iranian people will be met with a more... powerful response that will make you regret what you have done, end of quote, this is how you can comment, i would like to calm down from society, the fact is that iran acted very politically intelligently, for all countries of the world were warned for 72 hours about the attack on israel, there was no unexpected attack, as was the case, for example, in damascus on april 1, when israel struck, there was a warning 72 hours in advance, this is also a version of force, that no one was doing anything. .. afraid that we will get you we warn that we will take revenge, the following wants to say that - most likely, there can be no more strikes or ground operations there at all from iran, because israel has no common border with iran, and i want to say that the islamic revolutionary guard is a very
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serious force, iran has demonstrated that they have plenty of missiles when they... carry out such acts of retaliation, it is not enough, i would like to say that israel has been for several months cannot cope there in the gas sector, but there not a regular army, iran has a regular army, which has capabilities and intelligence, and the latest, as we have now seen, military weapons in order to confront israel, in order to repel this attack, iran did the same, again everything is very that's right, they were warned 72. nato. 400 planes, american planes, israeli planes, were scrambled to repel this attack. and yet, everything that concerns the most precision
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weapons, these targets were hit in israel. therefore, i want to add that, most likely, nothing will happen, i think that they will express some concerns there in the west, they will criticize again, they may introduce new sanctions, and iran is not afraid of sanctions, they have been living under sanctions for more than 40 years, and they know how to deal with them. and yet they will somehow try to resolve the conflict there, maybe with the help of some political mediators of the state countries, there will be appeals, maybe even to russia in order to resolve this conflict. and please tell me about the role the united states, i can’t help but ask here, in this context, there are versions that, accordingly, the white house is keeping israel from some sharp steps, some sudden movements, but do the states need an escalation here, are there any parties at all who are interested in increasing tensions in the united states will now do everything
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to ensure that during the election campaign that is taking place in the united states of america, god forbid , oil prices do not go up, and if there is this conflict, prices will go up accordingly, prices at gas stations will go up, the americans will not like it, they will vote completely. for another candidate, and not for the current owner of the white house, so israel will be told, most likely, that everything must be done to ensure that this conflict comes to naught. and we must not forget that in european countries, islamic diasporas have a very great influence and a very large, very strong force, so they will certainly support iran and will never support israel, so it is most likely that now the conflict will fade away. thank you very much for. your opinion for your analysis, dmitry yuryevich, dmitry vasilenko, co-chairman of the group on cooperation between the russian federation council and the meeting of the islamic council of iran was in contact with the fifth studio.
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israel's possible response to the iranian attack is one of the main topics of the world media, of course, for example, the new york times writes that - i quote, leaders are calling for restraint as israel considers retaliatory measures against iran. secretary general of the organization. from the united nations declared that it was time to step back from the brink . now joining us on air is anatoly viktorov, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of russia to israel. anatoly dmitrievich, i greet you. anatoly dmitrievich, well, how close is the middle east, in the words of guterish, to the edge of the abyss. here is your opinion, what you believe and how much to believe. who calls for restraint? we have been talking for several months now about how we are approaching the edge of the abyss, but unfortunately,
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here is the current attack, unprovoked israeli to iranian diplomatic missions and a responsible response action, which was the former country of iran. and tit for tat, then nothing good will come of this, of course, in general, the middle east could be drawn into a large regional war, this, of course,
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in the necessary ways, so our position is that all parties , which have an influence here, show maximum endurance in conditions up to the limit. dangerous development, so there is a lot of speculation about israel’s retaliatory strike, statements israeli officials are contradictory,
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they say: the deterrent role of the americans, well, i can even disagree a little with the official assessments, but i don’t see the deterrent role of the americans, in my opinion, we are not dealing with theoretical research into controlled chaos, unfortunately, this manifests itself in practice policy, is the united states interested in stabilization or in further unwinding, unwinding the spiral of confrontation.
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of course, to put this whole process on solid paths of peaceful diplomatic regulation, we hope that the regional powers will follow precisely this path, along the path of a political-diplomatic settlement, and not because of the path on which they are now trying to drag further military confrontations, the creation of certain coalitions, such nato tactics used in the middle east, attempts to apply them . this path is nowhere, it is a dead end path, peace and stability in the middle east can only be established through taking into account the mutual interests, security and other interests of all states. anatoliyvich, yes, here we are at the beginning of our during the conversation, the connection was interrupted a little, now the connection has been established, i really want to continue the conversation with you, please tell me, what about the root causes of the iran-israel conflict, can we talk about the root causes here or is this a very complex story? the conflict between iran
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and israel goes back several decades, the version of the israeli side is that the regime there is not one with which it is impossible to come to an agreement, the version of the iranian side, well, let’s admit it is no less no less radical, so to speak , sometimes it comes to non-recognition, so to speak, in public statements of israel’s right to existence, these extremes, of course, need to be cut off and we need to talk seriously about those real -
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the mood in tel aviv from the israeli side from the point of view of that same and possible answer that everyone is writing about now, that’s how you would evaluate it, if possible , perhaps, at least, yes there are problems with communication, yes some problems with communication, i hear you.
11:00 am
the mood, unfortunately, is militant, i differ there in terms of nuances and modalities, some radical members of the israeli cabinet of ministers are calling offensive action, they say they proved themselves in defense, now let’s go on the offensive ...


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