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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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all hypersonic missiles fired by iran reached their target in israel, the authorities of the islamic republic stated this; tehran warned that if the jewish state strikes again, the new iranian response will be much larger, as the israeli media and tel aviv write. was ready to immediately attack iran, but the prime minister did not make an appropriate decision. this was allegedly influenced by a call from the white house with a call to prevent the escalation of the conflict. let me remind you that earlier the press wrote that tehran used 185 drones, 36 corlat missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles. according to the times of israel, citing the defense ministry, more than 100 iranian drones were intercepted over jordan and syria. paris, london. rome called on israel to
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show restraint; according to emmanuel macron, the international community needs to isolate tehran to prevent escalation. and the british foreign office believes that israel has the right to respond to the islamic republic, but they hope that the jewish state will not aggravate the situation. refuse violence moscow also calls, as russia’s ambassador to the un vasily nebenzya emphasized, that all parties involved in the conflict in the middle east should show restraint.
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russia expects that israel will take a balanced approach in the situation with iran, the russian ambassador to israel stated this on our tv channel. according to anatoly viktorov, the iranian side clearly stated that it was not going to take any further actions. as for israel's retaliatory strike, there is a lot of speculation, statements by israeli officials are contradictory, they say.
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russia calls on middle eastern countries to show restraint amid the escalation, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said. according to him, moscow is extremely concerned about the growing tension in the middle east and advocates exclusively for a political and diplomatic settlement. we are extremely concerned about the escalation of tensions in the region. we call on all countries in the region to show restraint. a large-scale flood is capturing more and more territories in the flood zone of almost 200 settlements . swiftly resides in kurgan tobol river. during the night its level rose above six 6 m. flooding of the embankment began, floods are expected in tyumen in the morning. military
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engineers began blasting the ice to avoid congestion on the rivers. the situation in the orenburg region remains tense. the number of flooded houses by this morning exceeded 15,000. the water recedes extremely slowly. over the past 24 hours , 1,500 buildings have been freed from it. in these areas , cleaning and disinfection of the territory will begin in the near future. the threat of an emergency due to the passage of floods in the novosibirsk region, over the past 24 hours, water has increased in the tom river. its level in the tomsk region has risen by almost a meter and is approaching a dangerous level. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , flew to the orenburg region today for the third time since the beginning of the flood. he headed to orsk, which was hit hardest by flooding. there, the minister will monitor the implementation of instructions to eliminate the consequences of the flood, provide assistance to victims and check the work of the damage assessment commission. according to the ministry of emergency situations, at the moment. in orsk
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, over 3,700 houses remain flooded and have been evacuated. more than 2,500 people. the water level in the city has dropped by 11 cm, but is still there. high, now the flood is approaching the mound, over the last 4 hours the water level in the tabol river near the city has risen by 33 cm, a regional emergency has been introduced in the region , according to the forecast of the ministry of emergency situations, over 60 settlements are at risk of flooding. according to the latest reports, the water is approaching the kurgan region of maloye chauusovo. our correspondent is now in direct contact from kurgan. stanislav, greetings, how serious is the situation at the moment? alexander, hello, indeed, the flood tonight has already reached the very mound, overnight the water level in tobol has increased by more than a meter, now it is 664 cm, with
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an increase of about 10-15 cm every hour, and the flow of the river itself is noticeably increasing. we are now in a microdistrict. osinovka near snt corvette, right behind me there are already dozens of flooded houses, the water continues to remain, so people are, of course, evacuating from here. a similar situation is developing in the city center, where tobol flooded the embankment. right bank part stabola is located in the floodplain of the river, so it has already been sunk, the same dacha plots are also located there, which, unfortunately, is now also in the water, and of course, the left part of the bank, which is located. downstairs is now also hidden under water, we talked today with city residents, many, of course, are very worried about the consequences of the flood, there were also those whose plots on the right bank of the tobol were also in the water, these are the comments people share,
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evacuate you won’t, no, we won’t, especially from such a height, maybe somewhere in there are people in the valleys, on the other side. here, i think it’s not for nothing that people are putting down bags, but they’re probably calculating something today 670 water , well, maybe another three meters the floor will rise , well, it’s some kind of big preparation, a lot of work was done, a lot yesterday, but there was a congestion there today, no more, well how unpleasant of course. since the very morning , sirens have been sounding in kurgan as an evacuation signal, and the ministry of emergency situations is also sending out sms messages urging residents to leave their homes, which are located in a potential flood zone. there are 99 points in the region
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temporary accommodation, about them and about what other flood control measures are being taken in the krugan region, the governor of the region vadim shumkov spoke about. now. bringing water from other sources, but additional measures have been taken, the water utility is completing the enclosure of the main point with a height of more than 12 m, so we hope that the water utility will be operational throughout the entire period. by this time all the information on the kurgan
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region is available. alexander, you have the floor. thank you, stanislav, our correspondent stanislav osilchenko was in direct communication from kurgan. in tomsk in the flood area, the water level is increasing. the tom river within the capital of the region continues to grow due to the formation of ice jams, andrei malanov is monitoring the situation. a large piece of the bank just collapsed behind me; it was part of an earthen dam in the area of ​​the communal bridge. we see how water easily carries away reinforced concrete blocks. the elements are looking for a way out ; a powerful ice jam has formed in the area of ​​the river station. another one remains near the village of kazanka.
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blasters from kusbas blew up the ice in the hope of weakening the ice shell at critical times. places, five explosions, more than half a ton of explosives. all these days we have been working closely with representatives of federal structures and with the leadership of municipalities, this allows us to quickly coordinate our actions aimed at ensuring the safety of life and the health of citizens. the ministry of emergency situations reports that today there are 326 household plots in the flood zone. plots and 30 residential buildings in which 74 people live, including six children, all of them
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were evacuated to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers deployed in schools in vershinino, baturino, sinemutyos, kaftanchikovo and kislovka. representatives of municipalities and operatives from the ministry of emergency situations are on duty at the flooding site. our television company is also monitoring developments. andrey malanov, evgeny lasinok, vesti tomsk. the tyumen region is preparing for a flood; it may peak. maybe april 23-25, the head of the region, alexander moor, said. we’ll talk to him live about what work is underway . alexander viktorovich, i greet you, thank you for finding time to talk in this difficult time, as is the situation developing at the moment? good afternoon, the situation is tense, the water in the ishim river is very dynamic, but... the fact is that we have received an updated forecast, which significantly exceeds the one we
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received back on april 5, by half a meter per meter, and this is absolutely historical maximums that have never been observed on the ishim river, so this will now require us to make a certain recalculation of the number of houses in settlements that may be subject to flooding, we proceeded from forecasts rosthydromet. we made a certain calculation for ourselves, of course with a reserve, but now we will have to seriously recalculate, although so far in fact, on the ishim river, at the first elinka gauging station, the level of the dangerous phenomenon has not yet reached 8 m, ah, although the forecast has arrived, that the maximum level there can be up to 10 m of water rise, in the city of ishim itself, where i am now, you see, uh, the river is slowly rising, there is a lot of ice. accumulated, which we have now begun to explode in order to quickly
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let it pass by the city of ishim, so that there is no load and no pressure on the built dams, in general the situation is changing very dynamically, in fact it is extremely and extremely tense. you said that you will blow up the ice on the ishim river, are there any estimates of this kind of event, how much they can reduce the flood level, or make it smaller, or is it very difficult to say? it’s difficult to give any numbers, but it’s obvious that this will seriously help, because we did reconnaissance, well, we flew by, roughly speaking above the ishim river, and upstream from the city of ishim, and it is clear that the ice, the ice floes are huge, practically not broken, from bank to bank, snow, ice, or rather, not all black yet, that is, it is white, which means that it is thick, it is a huge mass, which, when the water level rises at an increased speed, will put pressure on the bank of the shim river, especially since it makes
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such a bend in the city area, and of course, in addition to the load and water pressure, we must exclude the possibility of such pressure ice mass, we have sapper specialists, we have tyumen higher military engineering command school, which is training engineers and sappers, they have already arrived, they are carrying out blasting operations this morning, we are now assessing their effectiveness, and perhaps increasing the intensity. we are starting to carry out blasting work just downstream from the city of ishim in order for the entire shutter that has formed as quickly as possible in a day or two, well, what is called skipping past the city so that it is further away. alexander viktorovich, how can you hear us? yes, there is a connection, alexander viktorovich, i can hear us, right? yes, alexandrevich, that’s what you said. that such work is being carried out, it is clear that special
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dams, structures and so on are now being tested for strength, but at the moment we understand that extraordinary events are happening in nature, there has not been such snow for a long time and such floods, as i understand it, now , probably the most important question is not the strength of these dumps, they clearly won’t withstand it , probably there are other hydraulic structures, water intake and so on, so that how can this be somehow protected or for now is it not? and sewerage treatment plants in our municipalities, here we understand that work is already underway, we are unhooking the earthen ramparts there, in this sense, the scope of work is quite clear. today, of course, the most important thing, you correctly say, is that the dams did not work in combat mode, and today , of course, the most important thing is to clearly assess the area of ​​possible flooding and
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evacuate people and things in advance in order to minimize damage from the flood. dams, but taking into account the new forecast, we are doing it now, we will re-evaluate it, because we still do everything with a reserve, and not what is called a penny for a penny, perhaps now we will have to urgently increase the crest of this dam and add more, but alexandrevich, apparently we will then have to draw some conclusions about how effective
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these dams are and so on , but this is not a question for you, this is generally in general, because our colleagues show it all the time. well, the water breaks through them, of course, well, the current water is such an unusual one, but they were not designed for this, but this is a separate topic, are there enough temporary accommodation points, like here the way things are, you said that evacuation work is already underway, however, as the situation is at the moment, we have enough resources here, thank god, they are all prepared, we are now adding additional beds, transferring them from our reserves, as once in these municipalities.
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there is not enough time to build up for days, you need to act quickly, yes, the danger is obvious and yet some residents refuse to leave their homes, well, of course there are various fears from looting, and in general it is somehow psychologically difficult to make a decision always in such situations, but how do you solve this issue here? well, i agree with you that this is not easy, but those settlements that, the residents of those settlements that experienced... the floods of the seventeenth year, with understanding, without any problems, are engaged in the evacuation of their personal property, and of course there are people who who refuse, we will work with them separately, forced evacuation, for violation of forced evacuation an administrative fine is possible, today large forces of the ministry of emergency situations are concentrated here
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police, so we will work with everyone, our task is to make sure that not a single one remains in the flood zone. person and alexander viktorovich, and if, after all, people remain in place, they have some kind of food supplies and so on, that is, this is how such work is carried out, this is the personal initiative of the people who remain in place, they take responsibility, yourself accordingly. and now we are doing exactly what i said, we are considering the issue of introducing forced evacuation, this means that people accept all the risks, once again i say, no matter what, we will take all measures to evacuate people. even the most stubborn ones, aleksandrevich, you said that you are running out of time for several days, that is, you have about 2-3 days left before the big water, as i understand it, or less? 2-3 days in the first settlements, which are located on the border with kazakhstan, well, further downstream, relatively speaking, from kazanka to ishim
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three, well, 4, 5 days and then until the next obatska another 4-5 days, therefore. soviet and russian passed away test pilot anatoly kvachur. this was reported by his son nikolai. kvachur participated in testing supersonic and carrier-based fighters. su-27 to australia.
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kudryavtsev, janet arlt.
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