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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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now let's talk about the weather, the development of flood processes, as well as cooling in the central part of the country, we will discuss with our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova, she is joining the broadcast, ekaterina, hello, how strong and long-lasting the cold snap will be in the center of moscow, and how the weather affects the development of flooding in southern urals and siberia, the center of the country.
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will see snow at the beginning of the week, but the same cyclone, which is associated with the cold snap in the west of the country, is now pushing warm air to the south of siberia, while the siberian north remains in power frosts and empty rivers, bound with ice. a ship stuck in ice on the tami can be seen in the vicinity of tomsk; an ice jam has formed on the river; they have been trying to get rid of it for several days now, but so far ice explosions have not had a long-term effect. as a result , the water level rises. there are more than 150 houses in the flood zone in several villages, and there is a riot in tomsk itself. extreme videos, the administration insistently asked not to risk their lives and warned that the surviving part of the road would be demolished to reduce the load on the bridge supports. situation the construction of the communal bridge is currently difficult, the cooling dam has been partially destroyed by water, but nevertheless at the moment... the structure of the bridge and its
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operability have not been affected, it has been decided that it is necessary to partially dismantle the road covered with water in order to reduce the water pressure under the communal bridge. the following images are from the kurgan region, where the tobol river continues to overflow and has washed away two wooden bridges. rescuers monitored their path downstream. in kurgan itself, chuusovsky is fighting for little reinforced concrete bridge, the space behind it is filled with garbage brought by the river. the water has risen...almost level with the bridge, an excavator is removing a giant blockage. the water in the ural river in the large cities of orenburg is decreasing, however, it still remains at a record level. you can come across such footage in orenburg telegram channels. a house carried by the current, the bridge is broken. there are thousands of structures in the water across the region. one of the orenburg residents staged a concert right on the roof of a flooded house. noise,
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it means we’ll jump together and fly. there are also regions that are already sweltering from the heat. in primorye, residents stretched out on the beach; thermometers in the region rose to +30. let's open the synoptic map and say a few words about the atmospheric processes that determine the weather. the abnormal warming in primorye was associated with the influence of a cyclone, which moved along the border with china. the neighbors are hot. 40 echoes of this heat, together with the southern winds , have reached our territory, but today the cyclone will shift to the east, it will become cooler, the south of the east siberian district is also under the influence of the warm sector of the cyclone, here is the north opposite in the cold part of the mountain, another cyclone shapes the weather on the russian plain, the eastern part and the urals are in the warm sector of this vortex, here is the west and the central region in the rear on the path of the northern winds. let's open the next card, this is the maximum forecast.
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cold air. in the zone of greatest temperature contrasts, that is, in the east of the central region, the most intense rains will occur today. on the middle volga, the amount of precipitation can exceed 10 mm per day. moderate precipitation will be in the west, and in the evening from rain and sleet are possible. a cyclone is approaching the mound, today there is still no precipitation, +10 in the daytime, tomorrow heavy rain in the daytime +12. on wednesday the precipitation will weaken, warm up to 14°, on thursday to 21, by the weekend to. 25. moscow today is under the influence of the rear part of the cyclone, the air is fresh, cold, during the day with partly cloudy weather no warmer than 11°. tomorrow in the morning from 0 to +5, in the afternoon 10-15 degrees. in the middle of the week there will be rain and a slight cooling again, but
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by the weekend, according to preliminary forecasts , the weather will improve. and you need to add what is in in the central region it is now very windy; gusts of up to 16 m/s are possible in the capital. and in the area up to twenty. yes, ekaterina, thank you, ekaterina grigorova spoke about weather and atmospheric processes. the russian military has improved the situation along the front line in the southern donetsk direction, the ministry of defense reported. the infantry is covered by crews of buk missile systems. they also protect civilian targets from air attacks. details from eduard punigov. the footage shows the combat operation of the buk missile system in the southern donetsk direction. eastern zinichiki groups repel another air attack. buk installations protect the sky around the clock, cover our infantry on the front line and at the same time civilian objects, and create an impenetrable air dome. right
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now the beech is leaving for its next combat mission; the crew is on duty in the area of ​​the village of novomikhailovka, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. now we are moving to readiness one. we are waiting for the equipment to start up completely. the calculation can fully deploy all the equipment in just 3 minutes. almost immediately the first potential target. i'm the second escort. azima 340, range 9, altitude 3, speed 1020. command post operators can tell whether it’s friendly or foe in a matter of seconds. at the moment we see how our artillery is being launched, so it goes, see? yes, it is our artillery that is firing. and what is the definition of depriving ours? they move upward from us when the enemy applies them to us, that is, we observe from top to bottom. a few minutes later another air target was detected again. at the moment we see the target, the mark from targets, most likely it is an unmanned aerial vehicle, so we lay it at
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the command post, after which they clarify whether it is theirs or someone else’s unmanned aerial vehicle, who i am second accompanies 270, 112. 10-20 is loudly approaching. this crew has already hit hundreds of aircraft and missiles, but one still flew back. fortunately, everyone survived. hammers flew in, but didn't hit. they missed by about 50-100 meters. what were you doing at that moment, how did you react? at that moment we were working, we captured the target, fired one missile at a time, but we the complex is single-channel, we cannot track two targets at once. accordingly, the second target flew nearby, but thank god they missed. it was scary, well, how are we carrying out the task, here is one of these shot down shells from khaimars, the missile was flying towards mariupol, but was neutralized by air defense forces, the sappers destroyed the shell right on the spot. anti-aircraft gunners are well aware that they themselves are a potential target, so
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they install additional protection on the beech tree. these are ordinary tracks taken from a moto ski, we broke them, hung them, welded hooks, hung them them for protection, because the main personnel are... behind the beeches. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get
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the best in the country. get a credit card and everything will be fine the way you want. in the west, discussions about the idea of ​​​​creating a renewed entente continue. this proposal was recently made by the foreign ministers of great britain and france. true, in the new union, unlike what existed more than a century ago, it is not provided for. russian participation. moreover, according to the plans of london and paris, it should be aimed at
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fighting moscow. they are the unlearned lessons of history, the author and presenter of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov. here we see an allegorical image of three women, symbolizing faith, in the center, on the left hand of it is hope, and on the right hand is love. this is how they portrayed it in russia in 1907. the newly formed military-political alliance of russia with england and france, the entente. entente, in french, means agreement. back then this union was called entente cordially, cordial agreement. russia joined the entente exactly in 1907. england and france declared a cordial agreement 3 years earlier. the union was based on the future. because the upcoming big the war in europe was already felt;
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germany, which was late to the division of the colonies, advocated the redivision of the world. since the end of the 19th century , austria-hungary and italy have been in a triple alliance with it. that’s how long the formidable force had to resist the entente, and it so happened that it was russia that saved the allies twice during the first world war. from complete defeat, but we have more to say about this, first a fresh event on april 8 this week. bearskin caps of the british royal guard: french republican guard in hippolets and aiguillettes with pencils, and also everywhere there are stripes, gold embroidery, goluns, chevrons, monograms, polished brass buttons, partupees, lacquer visors, cockades, fluffy shakos and white gloves, of
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course, bare blades, in short, complete stuffing. such was the choreographed and, if you like, well-tempered changing of the guard of honor, when the british replaced the french, and the french replaced the english, all in a cross ceremony in london and paris, both in the booking and elysee palaces. the occasion of 120 years since the anglo-french alliance of 1944, which became the embryo of the entente, which russia will join 3 years later. russia, which will be destined to sacrificially save those who are now celebrating, but ungrateful. in
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the speeches of the leader of france and england, emmanuel macron and richa sonok nodded. each other in eternal friendship, but it was the bearskin caps of the british royal guards that reminded us that the relationship between the two countries had been known in other times. initially, such hats were part of the uniform of the elite grenadier units of emperor napoleon bonaparte. according to the plan, they were supposed to make a terrifying impression, making grenadiers higher, and additional volume on top often. confused the shooters, because the bullets went above their heads. but when napoleon suffered his last defeat at waterloo from the army of the british duke of wellington, his morauder guards tore off the hats of the killed frenchmen, and have since adapted themselves to become a symbol of the defeat of france.
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the headdress, however, was slightly modernized by the british, stretched onto a frame like “
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the kingdom is united not only by a long, glorious joint history, but also by a common future that has yet to be built. let us take advantage of the cordial agreement of the 21st century to strengthen the friendship between our peoples and in the name of the common goals that we strive for in this world. but this is just a ceremonial text. in the subtext is the main idea of ​​the joint article in the british telegraph of the foreign ministers of england and france, david cameron and stéphane sejournet. april 8, that’s its very subtext in black and white, the seventh. it is very clear to both of us: ukraine must win. if ukraine loses, we all lose. if we don't support ukraine now, then later the price will be much higher than if we rebuff putin. but the school
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has a heartfelt agreement, the entente, the very one of which we are... peter the bad's russia, to the emperor, where durny warned against getting involved in the war, because military victory is not guaranteed, and a revolution in the country will be more likely.
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the main motive for the first military operations in august 1914 was to help the allies who were being defeated in france, and this despite the fact that the russian army at that time was frankly poorly armed and trained. we were we are not ready for a fight that is unnecessary for us. but nevertheless, on august 1, 1914, germany declares war on us, and the third. august back in the french war. the western front immediately became a priority for germany. according to schlieffin's plan , they decided to finish off france in 39 days, and then take on russia. and here, literally
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the next day after the start of the german offensive, french president poancare literally falls at the feet of russia, and the french ambassador in st. petersburg then still asks nicholas ii. the french army will be forced to withstand a powerful onslaught. twenty five german corps, i beg your majesty to order your troops to begin an immediate offensive, otherwise the french army risks being crushed. the tsar responds to such a desperate request and sends two armies to east prussia, the first - general ranyan-kamf, the second - general samsonov. elite troops. the germans, meanwhile, having quickly swallowed belgium, advanced from the north of france towards paris at a speed of 20 to 40 km per day. the french government, having boarded a train at night, secretly fled to bordeaux. and if it weren't for russian
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offensive in east prussia, the outcome of the first world war would have been different. from the book by anatoly utkin. the forgotten tragedy of russia in the first world war. on august 25, two corps of the german army were sent to the east. august 31 lord. kitchener telegraphed the first encouraging message of the current war to the commander of the english expeditionary force, sir john french. 32 echelons of german troops were transferred yesterday from the western front to the east to meet the russians. ours had a very hard time in east prussia. at first there was success, but the battle of pritanenberg on august 26, september 3, the second army of general samsonov was on its head. shot down, two of the six corps were surrounded and captured, the losses were colossal, general samsonov himself shot himself. on august 30, 1914
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, russian foreign minister sergei sazonov informed the french ambassador maurice poléalogue: samsonov's army was destroyed. we had to make this sacrifice to france, which has shown itself to be such a loyal ally. then there was no combat aviation at all, in the same flight, with a low-level trajectory at an altitude of only 25 m, the same taube, in german, a dove,
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released into the pennant of german colors with the following text: the german army dodges paris, any resistance is doomed to failure, but due to the transfer of corps to the east, the germans on the marne still do not have the strength enough, it is known in this regard, the marn... taxi operation. then the moroccan zouaves arrived in paris to help, but there was nothing to lead them to the front. then parisian taxis were mobilized and 6,000 fresh soldiers were transported to the front in this way. there are many pictures of this and photographs. renault even monopolized the story for its own advertising purposes. one way or another, it was the battle of the marne that became a turning point in favor of the french. and the british in the early stages of the war. the losses of the parties in the battle of the marni were several times less than in east prussia, but it is not fashionable to remember this now, be it in france or
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as a result, the entente allies won the first world war, but paradoxically, russia was the biggest loser, this is how churchel wrote about it. according to the superficial fashion of our time, the royal system is usually interpreted as blind, rotten tyranny, but an analysis of the 30 months of war with germany and austria should have corrected these frivolous ideas. we can measure the strength of the russian empire by
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the blows that... britain, even in the event of a successful outcome of the war, will not allow us to take advantage of its gains, this is how it turned out. the british embassy in petrograd became the end of 16 .
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years, for example, there were the basphorus and dordanello straits, and constantinople itself, now istanbul, from the book of anatoly utkin, the forgotten tragedy of russia in the first world war. 20 on march 1915, the british government signed a secret agreement with petrograd, it agreed to the annexation of russia and constantinople, the possession of basphorus and the derdanelles, half of the turkish possessions in europe, in return for russian consent. any option for the division of the ataman’s possessions that london desires, that’s actually all we need to know today about the entente, whose 120th anniversary was celebrated so brightly and so callously this week in london and paris. the flood covers new territories
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in the flood zone... populated areas are affected points in eleven regions, in kurgan the water in the tabol river is rapidly rising, its level has exceeded 6 m. residents were urged to collect documents and things for evacuation from houses that may be in the danger zone. the tense situation remains in the arenburg region; in total, since the beginning of the flood in the region, almost 18,500 residential buildings and more than 36 thousand household plots have been flooded. in the territories where the elements have retreated, they began. work of the commission to assess flood damage. high waters are also expected in tyumen. in the morning the military engineers began blasting the ice to avoid congestion on the rivers. there is a threat of an emergency in the novosibirsk region; the water level in the tomsk region has risen by almost a meter and is approaching a dangerous level. due to overflows, traffic on several sections of roads is limited. the head of the ministry of emergency situations
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alexander kurenkov arrived again today. wordsk,


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