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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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21 backpacks for a son or 11 sneakers for a daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life.
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world prices for aluminum rose sharply after the introduction of sanctions on supplies from russia, as the kremlin said, the ban will primarily hit those who accepted it. dmitry morocco will talk about the consequences of the new restrictions. dmitry, i welcome how much the sanctions will affect russian industry. greetings alexander, most likely they will only lead to an increase in supplies russian. to china. world prices for metals have been destabilized after the introduction of anti-russian sanctions. this is confirmed by data from foreign trading platforms. at the opening of trading on monday , aluminum prices on the london stock exchange rose by more than 9%. by noon, its value was almost $2,500 per ton. nickel and copper prices also increased. previously, the uk and the us banned the import of these metals from russia due to sanctions. i would
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say that nickel and aluminum play a big role here, aluminum prices have started to rise this morning, however, in my opinion, this dynamic may change. according to the ministry of finance and great britain, the actions of washington and london are aimed at importing $40 billion. russia supplies about 6% of the world's aluminum, 5% of nickel and 4% of copper. according to the london mercantile exchange, as of march the share was russian. aluminum in its reserves amounted to more than 91% or 312,000 tons. for nickel this share was 36% for media, 62%. given such volumes , western buyers themselves will suffer first of all. how the kremlin stated that the ban will primarily harm the interests of those who accepted it. back in
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1922, when the idea of ​​such sanctions was just being discussed, representatives of european business came out sharply against it. they pointed out that such measures would lead to the closure of thousands of companies. and pose a direct threat to the existence of european metallurgy. these bans will lead to the fact that even more metal will be exported through china, and accordingly the logistics chain for the end consumer will increase, of course this will affect the prices of these metals. it will affect the main industries that consume these metals, including construction and equipment production. according to experts, new sanctions are unlikely to prevent russia from selling metal, since it will always be in demand on the world market, and the current rise in prices only confirms this. rusal, which accounts for 83% of its revenue from aluminum, has already said that
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the us and uk measures will not affect its ability to deliver as it does not affect global logistics solutions and production system. the london metal exchange is... the place where prices are formed, and at the same time most of the goods pass by the warehouses of the exchange, that is, it does not physically pass through the exchange, the key buyer of russian aluminum, micelle and copper is china, as bloomberg notes, new us and uk sanctions will lead to an increase in the supply of russian metal in china, just as was the case with non. and gasm, all major operations with aluminum, nickel and copper will be carried out on the shanghai futures exchange. thank you, dmitry, dmitry morocco spoke about the consequences of introducing sanctions against non-ferrous metals produced in russia.
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the evangelical lutheran church in bethlehem on the west bank offered parishioners a new kind of nativity scene for christmas. the baby christ lay in a manger among the debris. this is how believers expressed their attitude to the new realities of palestine in the gaza strip in the context of israeli military operations. this week , a pastor was interviewed by tucker carlson about how christians in the middle east are surviving... conditions of bombing and shelling, in our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv. a constant but almost never mentioned topic. american foreign policy, christians always suffer. when there is a us-funded war abroad, it is christians who tend to die disproportionately, and this started a long time ago, 60 years ago , catholics were exterminated in vietnam, but the process has accelerated.
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for example, during the more than ten-year occupation of iraq by the us government, the ancient christian community of iraq was completely devastated. nine out of ten christians in iraq have disappeared, they are gone. this is a consequence of our foreign policy, but it was almost never noted in the united states, almost never even mentioned by the christian clergy in our country, most of whom supported that war and occupation. why? perhaps for the same reasons, almost all american churches were silent when christians were killed in syria, often by islamic extremists for the money of the united states, but everyone was silent, and for some reason anyone who spoke out... happened again in ukraine, the government of the american media banned the protection of christians, we know firsthand, and the united states sent more than 100 billion dollars to the ukrainian government, and what happened, what did this government do, but it banned
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an entire christian denomination, the zelensky government is busy with , that throws orthodox priests and nuns into prison and raids churches, again no one said a word, but what about gas, what about? the entire middle east region, where , of course, very intense fighting is taking place. many christian churches in the united states, especially evangelical churches, support this, but almost never say so. and because no one said a word, the christian population of this region experienced great suffering. in october, the greek orthodox church in the gaza strip was hit by an airstrike. we are now showing you a video. the church lies in ruins. at least 17 people died that day. yet this was not the first time that christians had died as a result of fighting in the region. remember the church of the nativity christ in bethlehem? almost 20 years ago , a clergyman was killed there by american
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weapons, the christian clergy in our country remained silent. and you may be asking yourself: wait a minute, if christian leaders don't protect christian lives, then why do we even need them? that's a good question. so, you would think that in a congress with many self-proclaimed christians, someone would speak on behalf of their brothers in the holy land, but no, in fact, just the opposite.
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but again, how are christians faring in this region in gaza, on the west bank in the very israel? we don't hear much about them, so we thought it would be interesting , perhaps educational, to hear from one of them. rev. muntar isaac is the pastor of the evangelical lutheran christian church in bethlehem and we are honored to speak with him now. father isaac, thank you very much for the interview. so first let me ask you a general question: how are the christos doing? yes, first of all, thank you for
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inviting me, these are very, very difficult times and difficult, they have been for quite some time, when i say difficult times, i mean not only october 7, the fact that we are now divided, as you explained, into three territories: the west bank and gaza, israel itself. and we can add to this east jerusalem, which is a category of its own. this is one element of our situation that we are fragmented. so, in my church there are families who have relatives in gaza and cannot even visit them. before the war, they could not visit them and be with them. and this fragmentation, as i said, is one element of the situation. one of the biggest problems we face now.
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will have a long-term effect. it is clear to me that many
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evangelical leaders in the united states care much more about the secular government of israel than they do about christian communities in the middle east. do you have a guess why this is so? part of this theology, the theology of christian zionism, which teaches, for example, that christians should support israel because the bible teaches that. and this is often part of a larger end times theology in which they view the presence of jews on this earth as...
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don't get me wrong, i'm for christians and jews, like all religions that come together to understand each other, but a serious problem arises when we make a certain religious group the object of our theology, and even eschatology, and treat it... accordingly, again, without really understanding what is happening on the ground, without even understanding how complex the state of israel is, how secular it is, how much it oppresses the palestinians, violates international law, committing sometimes documented
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human rights violations against palestinians, including palestinian christians. in my opinion, christians should advocate for peace, and again, i would like them to put that energy and money into initiatives that bring peace, rather than continuing to unconditionally support israel without holding it accountable, which is what i think opinion led us to this catastrophe in which thousands of palestinians were killed on october 7 everything else, it's all about these policies and... "we we continue to say that the church is part of the problem, and one of my desires is to see the church as part of the solution to the problems of palestine and israel. during or before this war, i became convinced that the church was part of the problem. it would be quite easy for republicans in the us congress to say, we support the government of israel, but if you hurt
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one christian, harm one church, prevent one christian from practicing theirs."
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as i said, including relatives, members of the church who were devastated by this strike, we were all devastated by this because frankly we thought the church was safe and i will clarify that they took shelter in a building on the church grounds, it is a small campus building that was hit , is located
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in close proximity to the historic church building. centuries, and the church took the hit, things could have been worse if, you know, the building where the bomb hit didn't fall on the historic church building, so it was a serious incident, in fact, tucker, i noticed that even the christian media didn't cover this, you know, a lot of the christian media were silent, and this suggests that support for... christians really depends on what part of the political spectrum you are in, not that if christians are exposed.
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and tell us that their biggest problem is hunger, they are literally starving and many of them have died due to lack of medical care, so in gaza right now if you get sick you have little chance of surviving because there is no medications, no medical care, especially in older people. so, about four or five members of our palestinian christian community died inside the church due to illness. most likely, due to lack of medical care or any medications, you cannot go to the hospital. again, i invite people to listen to the stories and understand
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what's going on, talk to church leaders, church leaders in jerusalem, about the problems, the difficulties that they faced before the war or during the war, right now in jerusalem. so, speaker of the united states house of representatives, third after the president, third person. evangelist and supporter of the government of israel, and i would be interested in asking him what he thinks about the fact that israelis who convert to christianity have fewer rights, i don't know if he is aware, but he said he supports israel for theological reasons , which you described, that christians have a moral duty to support the government of israel, because scripture says so, if?
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the bible does not speak of an elected state, and for me the biggest problem is that we are giving special attention to some
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group of people, giving privileges to some group of people, tucker, i am a theologian, and for me the idea of ​​chosenness is never about entitlement, chosenness is about responsibility, it is about your calling to be the light, be blessed. and i ask, what about context? what
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if hypothetically, let's not get into our argument, but what if israel commits war crimes or violates international law, does that mean that we as christians should support them despite for nothing? and i fully understand and am fully aware of the shameful history of christianity, especially when it comes to anti-semitism, but the problem of anti-semitism cannot be solved by blindly... supporting zionism, especially since this support for zionism comes at the expense of the palestinians. i always say that it seems to me that many christians in the west repent of the sin of anti-semitism, they repent on our land, for the sin committed on their land. so to answer your question, no, i don't think the bible condones or calls for unconditional support for political
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education. i think the bible. calls us to be good neighbors to all people, jews, muslims, buddhists, atheists, i think the bible calls us to love everyone and not show favoritism, because god does not show favoritism, that's what the bible says, and the way many of these christians talk about israel actually immediately puts us middle eastern christians on the defensive if you wake up in the morning and decide that... i think you've lost track of what's going on. if you contacted message to christian leaders in the united states, in government or churches, or just citizens who care about their religion, about their fellow christians, what would you say to them? i would remind them that when the state of israel was created, it was not created on an empty land, it was created on a land where
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millions lived...
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suffering because of this war, it is time for christian leaders to admit that war is not a way out, be it iraq, afghanistan or libya, when we realize that war does not help, when we take seriously to the words of jesus about the peacemakers about mercy, there must be other ways, so i would invite them... to listen, to learn more, to avoid very superficial simplistic views that are not based on the holy scripture itself, more on political equations, and i would right now call and i will continue to call, we need to stop this war in gas, it is killing many children, women, innocent people, it needs to be stopped, there must
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be other ways. and as followers of christ, we must walk the path of peace and justice, and we must avoid the simplistic polarization of good and evil, listen understand what is happening and i implore you as a christian pastor from bethlehem, i implore you to listen. holy father, thank you for a very worthy and reasonable analysis, i hope that all christians in the west will hear it. thank you. thank you, vladimir putin held a working meeting with the governor of the astrakhan region, the president discussed topical issues of regional development with igor babushkin via video conference. in particular, the head of the subject
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spoke about what measures. accept for support for svo participants and their families.


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