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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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children, women, innocent people, she needs to be stopped, there must be other ways, and as followers of christ, we must follow the path of peace of justice, and we must avoid the simplistic good and evil, listen, understand what is happening, and i implore you, how christian pastor from bethlehem, i implore you to listen. thank you, thank you. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the governor of the astrakhan region. the president discussed it with igor babushkin via videoconference.
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region, the branch of the fatherland defenders fund is working effectively, but even before the opening we began assigning coordinators of the regional ministry of social development to each family; 1.5 billion rubles have already been allocated from the regional budget for one-time payments to svo participants and members of their families. we have introduced 24 regional measures of social support for such families, and worked with the federal ministry of health on the issue of opening.
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new rehabilitation center on the basis of the regional clinical hospital, today vladimirich, we pay great attention to social rehabilitation, we are actively involved in the new program “time of heroes” we hope that combat veterans will return to civilian life in the near future. dear vladimir vladimirovich, 5 years ago you instructed me to lead the astrakhan region, and the residents voted for me in the elections. we have done serious work during this time, i ask you, vladimir vladimirovich, to support my nomination for a new term, i really hope that the people of astrakhan will also support this choice. of course, you need to reach people during the preliminary election campaign, before voting on the relevant candidates, you need to get their assessments, their instructions, their opinion on what needs to be done for development.
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astrakhan region in the near future, i wish you success. russian troops have improved the situation along the front line, in the kupinsky, avdeevsky and south donetsk directions. more favorable positions were occupied in the donetsk direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in the donetsk direction , units of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on the manpower and equipment of the eighty- first airborne, twenty-fourth.
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armed forces caches. after receiving operational information, they blocked and examined one of the local settlements. the caches were found on an abandoned farm, in bushes and ravines. there they found mines, hand grenades, almost 800 ammunition of various calibers, as well as a field uniform of the ukrainian armed forces. later, in other populated areas, the russian guard, together with fsb officers, found other caches, which also contained weapons, ammunition and explosives. russia calls on middle eastern countries to show restraint amid escalation, about this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. according to him, moscow is extremely concerned about the growing tension in the middle east and stands exclusively for a political and diplomatic settlement. we are extremely concerned about the escalation of tensions in the region.
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do you dream of realizing yourself in a creative profession? what if you are just one step away from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmas, declare yourself, get funding and realize your project, become in demand, the creative industries are waiting for you, i want it too, leave a request on the website of the national open championship. now there are new personnel from the presidential press service, andrei ivanovich, good afternoon, yes, good afternoon, vladimirovich, hello, how are you, how are you, okay, vladirovich,
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okay, we are fulfilling the tasks that you set in full, and it should be noted, vladimirovich, today the socio-economic situation in the territory... of the bolgorod region is stable, sustainable, i thank you, vladimirovich, for your trust and support, thanks to your support, support and direct participation of the residents of the volgograd region, we managed not only to stabilize the socio-economic situation in the region, but also to solve current problems. implement plans and development programs, but create, vladimirevich, such a solid foundation for solving the tasks you set in your message to the federal assembly of the russian federation. we understand that the tasks
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are large-scale, but the volgograd region is absolutely ready to complete the tasks. social obligations are fulfilled in full. we provide special attention and support to families with children, people with disabilities, support for older residents, and of course, the absolute priority of our work has been, and will be, support for participants in a special military operation, members of their families, today there are 35 in the territorial region regional support measures, they...
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there are a number of issues that i would like to draw your attention to today, which in our opinion require, well, additional studies, primarily in the volgograd region, vladimirovich, a decision has been made that participants in a special military operation who were wounded or have injuries to the musculoskeletal system are fully provided with vehicles during the fighting. but who, for medical reasons, has the ability to drive vehicles, those who, unfortunately, do not have the ability to drive vehicles, we provide a social taxi so that they need to be taken to a social institution, or
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do certain household chores. i would note that we believe that this is a very important decision that we have made, it is supported in the course of discussion with the participants...
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in full, it is also provided to all participants in hostilities and a car, if they do not have the ability to move themselves as social taxi. another issue that i would also like to draw your attention to is the issue related to the rehabilitation, recovery, and medical care of our participants in the special military operation in the volgograd region a decision was made to create a modern rehabilitation and recovery center, in which our leading medical institutions are involved. in 5-7 years
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, a full-fledged wide-format rehabilitation and support center will be created on the territory of the volgograd region, which will deal, on the one hand, with recovery, rehabilitation, support, coordination of medical care, but also with the employment of our participants in the special military operation, also... i think it’s important to think about and possibly provide for a decision on the creation of interregional or district rehabilitation and recovery centers, which will be equipped to the highest standards with medical equipment, rehabilitation equipment, specialists, and where participants in a special military operation, combat operations, and members of their families can undergo rehabilitation.
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volume we are implementing, well, industry, yes, yes, i see everything from
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the documents, you have an increase in industrial production, the level of agricultural production and investment is maintained, and andrei ivanovich, twice as much as in the country the birth rate has decreased, still twice as much, volgograd is such a good place, we are working, we are working on this task, we believe that we need to introduce additional support measures here, we are considering them, vladimirovich, we understand what we need to do, you have a very there are a lot of investment projects, i see, they are just so different from different industries, this of course creates confidence in the development of the regional economy in the medium term, even in the longer term, because these are jobs and economic development in the very in the broad sense of the word, increasing various competencies and so on, well, i
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looked, after all, the share of emergency housing remains quite high, and here we are fully implementing the tasks set by you, further, the second stage of the program will be completed on time, directly in the twenty-fifth year, we will try to do this earlier, and today we are working with the government of the russian federation in order to participate in: the new program to continue the implementation of the program, the tasks that you have set, they will completed, well, andrei ivanovich, you handed over the documents here regarding bridge crossings, and on work in the military-patriotic direction, everything else the government will work on and , of course, we will try to support you. thank you, vladimirovich, task. we have really large-scale, ambitious work ahead , very difficult, intense work lies ahead,
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naturally, it is necessary to mobilize the power of funds to fulfill the tasks facing us, and of course, vich, i will ask for your support, the support of the residents of volgograd region, i ask you to support my decision to nominate the governor of the volgorod region in 2024, yes andrey ivanovich. uh, the work is really big, a lot has been done, but everything is on track for you, as they say, and i certainly wish you good luck, well, of course, you need to work with people in order to...
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video conferences. amsterdam will allocate an additional 4.400 million euros to ukraine until 2026. this is stated in the spring memorandum with amendments to the national budget of the netherlands. the head of the government also calls for increased support for the kiev regime. european diplomacy jose borel. however, experts are sure that western partners will not have time to save the ukrainian armed forces. artyom krosulin will tell you why. but there are no results yet, as the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry dmitry kuleba comments on the situation with supplies to the armed forces of ukraine system patriot. josep borel promises to speed up the issue of equipment. the head of european diplomacy will hold a meeting of eu foreign ministers of defense in luxembourg dedicated to this topic. at the same time, kiev is holding discussions with warsaw about scenarios for joint defense of ukrainian regions, here
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the united states is in no hurry to help the zelensky regime. i don’t believe it, i don’t think anyone in ukraine does. i don't believe that the huge us army doesn't have. at least one patri battery, with the help of which billions of dollars worth of infrastructure in ukraine can be saved, priceless ukrainian lives. i will repeat my question: do you believe that america cannot now provide one battery? washington's reluctance to provide for kiev is explained by republican senator of wisconsin, ron johnson. according to him, taxpayer money spent on military aid should have been used for solving internal problems, especially since the biden administration was unable to influence the balance of power at the front, much less weaken russia. we need to acknowledge the reality and realize that the only way to end the bloodshed is to sit down and start negotiations with vladimir putin. every day ukraine is being destroyed more and more, so the sooner the better. personally, i wanted to be in istanbul unnoticed when the peace agreement was being negotiated. the biden administration sent boris johnson there to
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thwart them. i think it has become tragic turn of history. about what the goals really are. washington should follow, argues former director of the french general directorate of external security allen joué. he emphasized that the ukrainian conflict has weakened europe and increased its dependence on the united states. since the beginning of the conflict in ukraine, europe has weakened significantly, and the united states takes advantage of this. america has in fact become the main supplier of gas, and we buy american lng at much higher prices than it is sold to companies and individuals in the united states. there is currently a serious economic crisis. germany unexpectedly found itself in a recession. as for france. then after the news that its budget last year was reduced much more than predicted, it is absolutely clear that all european countries are experiencing difficulties, the british are bad, everyone is bad, and this is the result of us policy. official paris is not yet ready to overcome addiction and realistically assess the state of affairs. the military command reported that dozens of ukrainian pilots are undergoing training in the south of the country. as a result, they will be able to fly american f-16s. is it true,
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when the fighters are at the disposal of the armed forces of ukraine , will the ministry of defense of the fifth republic even be there? clarifies. the german media are looking at the prospects for the ukrainian conflict with skepticism. berlindeutung journalists spoke with colonel of the austrian armed forces markus reisner, who pointed to the imminent defeat of kiev. one could say that kiev is on the life support of the west. the military-industrial complex of ukraine suffered heavy losses during the conflict. on the other hand, we see russia, which produces ammunition in three shifts. observers of the publication agree with the expert’s opinion. they write that. take a sober look at the situation; the germans are being hampered by propaganda. the authors of the article note that officials in washington, brussels and berlin use the same anti-russian clichés, which are completely divorced from reality. artyom krosulin, lead. the large-scale flood is covering more and more territories, with almost 200 settlements in the flood zone. the tobol river is rapidly flowing in kurgan;
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overnight the level rose above 6 m. flooding of the embankment began. waiting for the flood and in tyumen. in the morning, military engineers began blasting ice to avoid congestion on the rivers. the situation in the orenburg region remains tense. the number of flooded houses by this morning exceeded 15,000. the water recedes extremely slowly. over the past 24 hours , only 1,500 buildings have been freed from it. in these areas, cleaning and disinfection of the territory will begin in the near future. the threat of an emergency due to the passage of floods in the novosibirsk region. over the course of a day, water has increased, water has increased in the tom river, its level in the tomsk region has risen by almost meter and approaching the dangerous mark. head of the ministry of emergency situations. alexander kurenkov today flew to the orenburg region for the third time since the beginning of the flood; he headed to orsk, which was most severely affected by flooding. there, the minister will monitor the implementation of instructions
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to eliminate the consequences of the flood, provide assistance to victims and check the work of the damage assessment commission. according to the ministry of emergency situations, over 3,700 houses in orski remain flooded at the moment. more than 2,500 people have been evacuated, the water level is... that a large piece collapsed behind me banks, this is part of an earthen dam in the area of ​​the communal bridge, we see how water easily carries away reinforced concrete blocks, the elements
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are looking for a way out, a powerful ice jam has formed in the area of ​​the river station, another one remains near the village of kazanka, it was noted at a staff meeting with the governor today, that despite the difficult situation, there are positive trends, in particular from kalarov to the communal bridge the river has cleared of ice, overnight you already... no increase in water level was noted on the black river, in the area of ​​​​the villages of baturino and vershinino observers they even recorded a decrease of 10 cm. kazanka maturina, the most powerful break was the overflow, yesterday even the high-passage ural three-axle vehicle could not get through this overflow, it was already starting to demolish it. this morning , cars are already passing through, and this indicates that there is a logistical connection with populated areas. last weekend, blasters from kusbas blasted the ice in the hope of weakening the ice shell in critical places. five explosions, more than half a ton of explosives. all these days we
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are working closely with representatives of federal structures, from the leadership of municipalities. this allows us to quickly coordinate our actions aimed at ensuring the safety of life and health of citizens. the ministry of emergency situations reports that today it is located in the flood zone. 326 personal plots and 30 residential buildings, in which 74 people live, including six children, all of them were evacuated to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers, which were deployed in schools in vershinino, baturino, sinemutyos, kaftanchikova and kislovka. they are on duty at flood sites representatives of municipalities and operatives of the ministry of emergency situations. our television company is also monitoring developments. andrey malanov, evgeny lasinok, vesti tomsk. russia and igor krasnov
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met with the minister of justice of algeria, separately in the program of interdepartmental interaction, the issue of countering terrorism was highlighted. our special correspondent in algeria, evgenia nit, will tell you what else we managed to agree on. algeria is the first country from which a working trip begins. russia igor krasny to the countries of the middle east, north africa, and also in latin american countries. at the plane, the head of the russian supervisory agency was greeted by the prosecutor general of the republic, majid abdarakhim. during negotiations at the airport's presidential terminal, the algerian representative noted that such meetings reflect the depth of relations between the two countries. afterwards, the russian delegation went to the ministry of justice. a meeting was held in the department building with the minister of justice and the keeper of the seals of the algerian people's democratic republic.
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russia for 2024-2025. we discussed measures to the fight against international terrorism, an issue relevant for the two countries, they also talked about solutions that will help improve the fight against transnational crime and money laundering, at the request of igor krasny, rosfinitoring to share with algerian colleagues the practice of passing monitoring procedures of the fatf, the international group for developing financial measures to combat money laundering money. much attention was paid to security issues in cyberspace. as a result of the meeting, a cooperation program was signed between. representatives in the final the algerian ministry of justice handed over to the russian prosecutor general's office a traditional gift woven in the sahara desert in the province of garay
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and a pure silver coin. tests of supersonic and carrier-based fighters, performed demonstration flights at dozens of international air shows and exhibitions. anatoly kvocher began his career in the late seventies at an aircraft plant in komsomolsk-on-amur, where he tested serial su-17s and its modifications. in 1981
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he was transferred to the mikayan design bureau, where he participated in tests mig-29 and mig-31 aircraft, testing air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, testing the mig-29k carrier-based fighter, as well as testing the latest prototypes of mik aircraft. in the same 1981, he graduated from the moscow aviation institute. in 1988 at the farborough air show, quatcher showed the figure of the supreme for the first time. aerobatics bell on june 8, 1989, at the international air show in lyabourge, while performing a demonstration flight on the newest soviet fighter mig-29 , an engine surge occurred, which caused stalling of an airplane near the ground. kvochur managed to eject from an extremely low altitude. a week later he continued flying. in 1991, quacher went to work at the flight research institute as a test pilot and then head
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of the laboratory. and ergonomics. in 1996, he was appointed deputy head of the institute for defense issues. in 1992, to carry out research programs, he created the test pilots aerobatic team, which 4 years later was transformed into a flight research center. in march 1995 kvochur performed an ultra-long flight on a single-seat su-27 fighter to australia, in july september 1999... flights across the north pole along a closed route, he also performed ultra-long flights in a group of fighters lasting more than 10-11 hours with multiple refuelings in the air day and night, including over the ocean from arctic to tropical latitudes, until the age of 65, quacher conducted flight tests of supersonic aircraft. passions are boiling again in the georgian parliament over the so-called law
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about... agents, which caused widespread unrest in march last year. now protests have begun again in tbilis with demands to withdraw the document.
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a long time ago, a psychiatrist and a famous scientist, and then he quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you’re killing me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy. i'm digging for you.


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