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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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petersburg, the russian futsal team is playing against the serbian team, this is a friendly match. our correspondent alexander abramov is watching the game right now and he is in direct contact with us. sasha, welcome. so, how is the match going, how is the atmosphere? yes, colleagues, good evening, what is home for the russian national mini-football team's april training camp was the small sports complex new arena, which is located on akran. so two friendly matches against the serbian national team, these teams played here on saturday, are taking place in a very intimate atmosphere in a hall that seats a little more than 700 people. the russian national futsal team today is the 16 best players in our country, and i will say right away that those times are long gone that many of our tv viewers probably remember when the russian national team included a whole group of naturalized brazilians, now of course there is no such thing, the composition includes russian players,
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including three foreign players, including , probably, the main star of the current russian national team, remember football, artem niyazov, he plays in spain, today he scored the winning goal for today, and also the captain of our team is ivan chishkala, he represents the portuguese benfica. among the guests of today's match is the former goalkeeper of the moscow sports team, multiple champion of russia in big-time football, alexander filimonov, and he is also a multiple world champion.
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international air shows and exhibitions. anatoly kvochur began his career in the late seventies at an aircraft plant in komsomolsk-on-amur, where he tested production su-17s and its modifications. in the eighty-first year he graduated from the moscow aviation institute, in the eighty-eighth year at the farnber aviation salon, the quatcher first showed the bell aerobatics figure. on june 8, 1989, at
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the international air show in lebourg, during a demonstration flight on the newest the mig-29 fighter experienced an engine surge, which caused the aircraft to stall. near the ground. the captain managed to eject from an extremely low altitude. in the ninety-first year, quacher went to work at the flight research institute as a test pilot and then head of the ergonomics laboratory. in 1996 he was appointed deputy head of the institute for defense issues. in the ninety- second year, to carry out research programs, he created the test pilots aerobatic team, which 4 years later was converted into a pilot study. through the north pole along a closed route. he also performed ultra-long-range flights in a group of fighters lasting more than
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10-11 hours with multiple in -flight refuelings day and night, including over the ocean from the arctic to tropical latitudes. situation. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant will be discussed today at the un council. the meeting will begin at 22:00 moscow time. the head of magathe, rafael grossi, will speak there. at the same time, he previously stated that it is important to ensure the safety of the facility so that reckless attacks did not lead to a new extreme dangerous brink of war. director general magathe never said that kiev was behind the attacks. accordingly, moscow does not expect anything grandiose from today’s security council meeting. that's how he put it. russia's representative for international affairs at international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov, in his opinion, there will be a useful discussion, so to speak, illumination of what is happening, but no one calls ukrainians by name and will not be considered the guilty country. well, the activity of drones in the ukrainian armed forces
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in the area of ​​the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is not decreasing, on the contrary, it is gaining strength, as director zaes yuriy chernichuk said about 120 drones are recorded on the territory of the plant per week. there were no arrivals last weekend, but the situation on saturday and sunday was still tense. the drones were circling over zaes, we know that. since the beginning of april , ukrainian troops have used drones to attack the territory of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant several times. on april 7, the arrival of one of the drones was recorded in the area the canteen, the second at the cargo port, well, in the end the truck from which food was unloaded was damaged. as a result. three people were injured, and on april 8, a kamikaze drone of the armed forces of ukraine was shot down over a nuclear power plant, its debris fell on the roof of the sixth power unit. on april 9, a drone attacked the station's training center. i would like to note that this building houses the world’s only full-scale
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reactor hall simulator. the building itself was not damaged, but the roof of the building was damaged. what's bad about this particular place is that there is a tank next to us. v in each tank there are two of them, for each block, in each tank there are about 500 cubic meters of distilled water, desalted chemical, which is used in the technological process, yes, this arrival, fortunately, only damaged the lining, but the tank itself remained intact. strikes by ukrainian drones on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant could lead to a global man-made disaster, a nuclear incident. it is unlikely that kiev does not understand this, but nevertheless continues to attack zas with particular persistence. the actions of the ukrainian authorities pose a threat security of europe and millions of people. this was previously stated by deputy russian foreign minister sergei rebkov. at the same time, the diplomat noted: missile
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strikes by the armed forces of ukraine, as well as attacks on a nuclear power plant using drones, create a threat to kiev itself and its sponsors who flow in to it. ukrainian side. russian troops have improved the position along the front line in the kupinsky, avdeevsky and south donetsk directions. more favorable positions were occupied in the donetsk direction. the ministry of defense reported this today. and we’ll find out the details from denis alekseeva, denis. hello, how is the situation on the ground? yes, denis , judging by the data from our ministry of defense, the daily losses of the armed forces of ukraine in the avdeevsky direction amounted to about 300 military personnel, what is the situation in other areas of the special operation? yes, but looking at the events of the past weekend,
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the state of mind of the ukrainian formations becomes clear. our military has already liberated the fifth settlement in this direction after avdievka - pervomayskaya, and this. this means that the ukrainian armed forces units continue to rapidly retreat, not even managing to repel the russian armed forces. well, fresh data from the ministry of defense confirms this within 24 hours from our group. the center improved the tactical position. retreating to the west, the ukrainian armed forces are trying to launch some counterattacks, but all of them only worsen their situation. three hundred militants, a tank and a pile of nato scrap metal, as a result of a successful counter-fight, counter-battery fight, another one. and here is the footage from where our multiple launch rocket systems inflicted defeat on the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. actions of russian missilemen, worked out in collaboration with reconnaissance drone operators. they go to the position, a short reconnaissance from the air and calculations of the installations receive the coordinates,
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then a targeted drill on the fortified area, this is a daring raid of tula paratroopers in the northern direction, sometimes our fighters, in order to eliminate the ukrainian stronghold , drive up to it almost closely, and sometimes armored groups drive right in into it, that ’s how here, under incessant fire from the enemy, the tank and bmd crews were able to break through to the target. and open counter fire to kill, in words, everything may be simple and fast, but in reality, without careful preparation there is no way. a task was set, everything was discussed before the task, we went through the route, developed it, even, well, on foot everywhere in armor, we looked at where, first visually, then... we looked at everything from the cameras, and now the time has come,
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we completed the task, here is the result coordinated work of russian intelligence, bombers and missile forces, the day before the command and observation post of the battalion of the thirteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine was destroyed, on new, more advantageous positions have been occupied in the donetsk direction; up to 420 military personnel and a tank have been lost in eisa. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces, artillery, groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, destroyed the command and observation post of the battalion 13 brigade of the national guard of ukraine, defeated the personnel and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 110 regions. well , the russian military continues to trophy for. western technology, and we are not only talking about ground-based weapons, but if you approach the matter skillfully, you can
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to land the american drone unharmed, as did the fighters of the irbis detachment, the southern group of troops. the puma drone was also correcting the fire of american m37 howitzers; the principle applies here: why shoot down if you can put it into action. the insides of such uavs, laser guidance, control module, could be extremely interesting to our military. no incentive to fight for ukraine. meanwhile, ukrainian military commissars continue
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to take people into the army by force. maria valieva has details. to an inconvenient question, simple answer, by the collar, dozens of people gathered with their heads on the asphalt near the military registration and enlistment office in the city of dunaivtsi, khmelnitsky region. they called an ambulance for the woman, who was rudely pushed away by the tskashniks. she just came to ask why they were forcibly detaining the guy who had... if you didn't respect the military commissars, you'd get a bullet. this is exactly what they did to the guy in transcarpathia. anton
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kudrich was stopped at a checkpoint near the village of bogdan. he stated that his brother died at the front and he had a reservation, but this did not stop tsk. they called for reinforcements tried to kidnap a young man. he escaped and ran into the forest. then the brave men and warriors came up with nothing better than to open fire. i am father anton ivanovich, whom they have found...
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they find, the nerves of ukrainians are on edge, here is a car enthusiast, trying to break away from the military commissars, irritably tells who are called ukhilants, that is, draft dodgers, you are a woman and do not want to serve, you are ukhilyan, but who -he is not shy about openly declaring that he is a draft dodger; in kiev, for example, even a car appeared with a number that said ukhilyand, clearly the owner is not poor, since he can afford this, he’s a tsekashnik. thrifts, with the common people, they are unlikely to stand on ceremony, they will be tied up and sent to the front, to die somewhere near avdeevka, then only surrender will save them, otherwise there is only one road to the cemetery, the number of funeral processions of the armed forces of ukraine is increasing every day. maria valieva and maya alenova, lead. well
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, right now, informagentv’s client patrushev had a telephone conversation with... the chairman of the israeli national security council. the news is being updated apparently, we are talking about the situation in the middle east. we are monitoring the situation. well, let's continue, now to the movie news. fantastic premiere. the film 100 years ago is released in wide release in cinemas. the action takes place back in 2124. around the heroine, familiar to all soviet schoolchildren, and in general, and not only. so, new adventures. selizneva’s space pirates were assessed by the author and presenter of the film industry ivan kudryavtsev, and learned the opinion of the first television viewers. 100 years ago is not just a new russian film, it is a film in a very rare and even risky genre for our cinema. science fiction is a genre that teaches us to dream, to look into the future, it so happens that the world looks into this future
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mainly through the eyes of hollywood, which, by the way, is the one that develops the most in this genre, including until recently in our country. russia. just think about it, out of the 100 highest-grossing science fiction films in the entire recent history of russian distribution, there are only six domestic films, of which invasion and attraction collected a billion each, a new film from the same team of creators, moscow, moscow, october 2, yeah, why are there so many green trees, definitely global warming. what's funny to say? we control temperature changes to ensure the stability of the aspheric environment and maintain photosynthesis. the plot centers on two teenagers. kolya, from our time, finds in the physics room cosmion, a really well-known hypothetical particle of dark matter that allows time travel. so he meets alisa seleznyova, who lives 100 years ago looking for
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her mother who disappeared many years ago. but now the guys are being hunted space pirates who are trying to seize power. over time itself, maybe we can put the children to bed, and i like it that way too, but it doesn’t hurt me, it’s always very interesting to play - such fairy-tale characters get into other worlds, of course, watch mark and... stein from the film “the righteous”, daria vereshchagina, alexander petrov, victoria isaakova, konstantin khabensky, today’s schoolchildren and their parents can easily recognize themselves in the heroes, even if the images are from a beautiful distance.
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of this generation, technologically, such projects simply move the entire industry forward, we so carefully went through this moment in this film, did it in such a new way, while respecting what happened, that i now have the feeling that the audience will thank us for this, the film is very cool , i really liked it, it directly talks about the future, what is possible, there are very cool special effects, i really liked it, i think this is one of the best films of russian cinema that i have watched in the last couple of years. very beautiful, very specific,
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a lot of music, excellent, in general. 100 years ahead, a film from those, for those and about those who want to look into the future with their own eyes. in theaters from april 18 ivan kudryavtsev, janet arlt, dmitry komarov, danila fedorov, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotareva and olesya shempel. news. from the cinema center october. now it's time for economic news. russia increased seaborne oil exports to an annual maximum. according to bloomberg, in march , an average of 3,800,000 barrels per day were supplied abroad. prices for all domestic varieties in this year are staying above the ceiling. as a result , in the first quarter, the country’s oil and gas revenue soared by 80% to 2.900 billion rubles. russian railways signed an agreement for the production of the first two trains for the high-speed railway. moscow st. petersburg signed a contract for 12 billion rubles with ural locomotives. this was stated in the official telegram channel of russian railways. ready-made trains should be delivered by the end of march
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2028. it is expected that the trains will be able to reach speeds of up to 400 km/h. avtotor launched the production of cars of the chinese brand zhitur. first released the dashing crossover became a model at the plant in kaliningrad. the company said that over time the level of localization will increase. increase, so in the first quarter of next year they plan to produce the machines in a full cycle, this is welding, painting, assembly. now the cost of doshin in russia starts from 2.5 million rubles. in russia, chocolate production increased by 9%. in january-february , the enterprises produced more than 160,000 tons, this was announced by the men's agricultural enterprise. as for the production of confectionery products in general, the volume here is 667. tn. it affected growth.
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what they used, how much they beat, to whom what information was passed on, the main thing is what will happen next, all these are still unanswered questions about the iranian attack on israel, tension is growing, the world community is calling for restraint and... the next step is up to tel aviv. according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, moscow is extremely concerned about the escalation in the middle east and advocates exclusively for a political and diplomatic solution. the russian foreign ministry also called on both sides to show restraint. the situation will be discussed today in un security council. the meeting was convened at the request of tel aviv. israel's main ally also fears aggravation in the middle east. united states. according to the politician’s publication, this is precisely what can explain joe biden’s restrained reaction to the iranian attack, saying that the us president does not want to provoke the parties to further
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rash actions, and, according to the media, this primarily concerns israel. but the americans were unhappy that two weeks ago israel bombed the iranian embassy in syria, but also the iranian attack on april 14 was a response to a strike in damascus. in turn, the secretary of state. for almost two days now, the united states has been doing nothing but trying to prevent further escalation between iran and israel, and exclusively through diplomatic efforts. statements by european authorities were harsher regarding iran. both the french, in the person of emmanuel macron himself, and the germans, through the mouth of annaline berbak, and the poles condemned tehran’s actions and spoke about israel’s right to self-defense.
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iran when it carried out the april 14 attack. tomorrow eu foreign ministers will hold a meeting to discuss steps towards, quote, “de-escalation in the middle east.” statements by israeli officials are contradictory, indicating a deterrent role for the americans. well, i can even disagree a little with the official assessments, but i don’t see the deterrent role of the americans. we are not dealing with theoretical research into controlled chaos; unfortunately, this policy manifests itself in practice. more and more details are being revealed about the iranian attack itself, and the information is contradictory. israel claims to have shot down quote 99% of all iranian army-launched drones and missiles. but earlier media reports said tehran
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had deployed 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles. and according to the iranian ministry of defense , as many as seven hypersonic missiles were used, and all of them reached their targets. moreover, according to iranian statements , every second missile launched hit its target. significant damage was caused to israeli bases on the dutch heights in the negev desert. supposedly it's from there the planes that took part in the attack on... the iranian embassy in damascus took off. israel says the damage is insignificant. it was also reported that the us and jordanian air forces participated in the defense of israel. they, together with petriat air defense systems, shot down iranian drones and missiles while approaching the israeli border. the media write that together with the iranians, hezbollah’s allies managed, as they say, to overload the israeli iron dome missile defense system. when
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hundreds of air targets are flying, let them. the most modern and expensive ones, then it’s impossible to intercept everything even a perfect system can. well, it’s worth mentioning the economic components. according to the press, repelling the iranian attack cost israel more than a billion dollars, while iranian expenses did not exceed 100. in order to repel this attack, iran also did everything very correctly, they were warned 72 hours in advance and all everything that is in the mediterranean.
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72 hours warned all its neighbors in the middle east of the impending attack, including turkey and the gulf monarchies, as well as the attention of the united states. americans naturally they passed this on to tel aviv, plus they shared their own intelligence. well, now, as reported, iran is preparing for a possible retaliatory attack by israel, strengthening its air defense, and temporarily closing international airports. however, what exactly the hotel will be like is tel aviv's answer. and whether it will follow at all is still a big question. this campaign is not over yet, we must be vigilant, pay close attention to the instructions of the israel defense forces and the home front command, and be prepared for any scenario. at the same time we repelled the first wave of attacks, and we did it with great success. iran does not seek to escalate tensions in the region and reaffirms its commitment to the principles and purposes of the un charter and international law. iran
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will take stricter measures against any israeli actions that cross iran's red lines at any level.


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