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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client. and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. hello, the legal program “vesti dezhurnaya part” is live. in the studio alexander ostakhov. in the tver court of the capital , the death penalty will be chosen for blogger and business coach dmitry portnyagin any minute now. his wife ekaterina came to the meeting. let me remind you, investigators. they suspected the family, the chikalins and the blinovskys, of money laundering and, like their colleagues in the shop, spouses , of tax evasion. the amount is not small, more than 120 million rubles. having learned about this, portnyagin immediately paid off his debts, but the criminal cases were not stopped. the investigation asks that portnyagin be placed under house arrest. our correspondent, alina
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skachkova, works at the court. during the issue we will definitely return to this story and find out the details. in the meantime, on to other news. star scandalous surgeon timur khaidarov is back in center. good story, his clinic was partially closed on behalf of the head of the investigative committee, alexander bostrykin. investigators sealed the operating rooms and conducted searches. all this after the death of the patient, producer pyotr gavrilov. in february, at khaidarov's clinic, he underwent surgery on his stomach, which he did not compress. andrey romanov, more details. over the weekend , investigators were again working at timur khaidarov’s clinic. now the approach to the medical facility is blocked by warning tape; one gets the impression that the clinic is not working.
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into the territory with video cameras, but if you film with your phone and come a little closer to the cosmetology center, you can see that the light is on inside the room, staff periodically move around there, the doors are closed but not sealed, it looks like the medical institution continues its work, after knocking on the glass door in the vestibule of the clinic , a guard appears and briefly explains the situation, the guard, i can’t say what, but patients come here, sorry, patients come only by appointment, in the meantime, representatives of the investigative committee have already officially reported that the premises were searched again, although the department clarified that the activities of the medical center were not completely suspended, the restrictions affected only
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some services. due to identified violations by the management of the clinic, at the initiative of the investigation, activities to provide a number of services provided to timur khaidarov’s clinic were suspended. sealed: operating room, investigation ongoing. in parallel with the investigative actions at the iq-clinic, investigators conducted searches at places of residence, the management of the medical institution, including surgeon timur khaidarov. we contacted him by phone, this is how khaidarov commented on the situation. sorry, the investigative committee somehow contacted you, discussed it with you somehow, well, you ask them, contact them, are you working today? we are working, so are you at the clinic? no, i'm not at the clinic. but the clinic is working there, listen, i ’m telling you, i’m not in the clinic right now, and you don’t know whether it’s working or not, well, it’s working, it looks like timur khaidarov himself doesn’t know for sure whether his clinic is working, but it’s not surprisingly, the criminal investigation into the death of producer pyotr gavrilov in this medical institution is rapidly gaining momentum.
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gavrilov went to iq clinic in february and had a gastric resection. a few days later, complications began, the victim was hospitalized in another hospital, but was saved. could not, then khaidarov firmly stated that neither the surgeon who performed the operation nor anyone else from the clinic staff was involved in the death of the patient, if you think that we carried out some kind of, i don’t know, negligence, there, you are deeply you're wrong as a result, the investigators opened a criminal case, the story received wide attention , victims of the work of khaidarov and his clinics began to contact law enforcement agencies one after another, waking up after the operation, i realized that i was crooked... no, when i asked timur what happened, he said that he could not sew the tissue on the implant, he had to remove it, and after 3 days i discovered that i had partially necrotic areola. about seventy people were dissatisfied, including pop stars and celebrities. had surgery and passed
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month, i saw that my arms were hanging, that it meant that my chest alone had become stone, became different sizes, the butcher, he just cut my arms, i was all covered in scars. and the seams were not chewed. the victims demanded to check khaidarov’s diplomas, which he allegedly received in a very dubious way. perhaps this will happen now as part of the criminal investigation into the death of peter. investigators have already stated that they have seized the necessary documentation and storage media from the clinic and it seems they are serious about get to the bottom of the truth. andrey romanov, dmitry shastukhin, dmitry belous. lead the duty department. acid in the face. investigators are looking into the motives behind a brutal attack on girls in the village of monino near moscow. let me remind you that a man wandered the streets and doused random passers-by with a caustic chemical; the victims suffered serious burns. the accused andrei suleymanov was sent to prison. he has already confessed to what is known about the attacker, why he could commit a crime and where he got the deadly
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acid, reporting by ekaterina rihomanova. with with a smile on his face, accompanied by police officers in the shchelkovo court of moscow, thirty- one-year-old andrei suleymanov. at first glance, the man is intelligent and very smiling. according to investigators, the defendant attacked defenseless women with one goal - to mutilate them. these shots show a young, successful anastasia. now he’s afraid to look at himself in the mirror, he only shows his disfigured hands, it’s all peeling off, it’s all turning yellow, he’s constantly treated with ointments, medicines, the same thing on his face, last friday, the investigation suggests that suleymanov splashed a caustic substance in the woman’s face, approached unnoticed from behind, now doctors are fighting for the victim’s vision, whether it will be 50% or 100, the question here is so incomprehensible, after all this. i have burns of the first second degree, the area is, well, the damage
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is extensive. among the victims was minor alina rachkova. she was returning home in the evening and walking down the street alone. at first i didn’t even understand what happened. at one point, around here, i stepped on some kind of stick, heard a muffled sound, and started pant leg sticking at the back. many call it an acid attack, the tools chosen by the attackers are insidious, one of the loudest and most public scandals when a person was splashed. face with acid was in 2013. the bolshoi theater is the most famous ballet troupe in the world, and its artistic director at that time, sergei filin, became a victim. it seems that the entire creative elite of the world was following the investigation of this case. i can hardly imagine a fan of galina sergeevna ulanova running with a can of acid for some ballerina. as the investigation found out, sergei filin suffered on the initiative of his colleague, and the act was associated with success. professional activity of the master, the customer and the performer then received serious sentences, the eagle owl needed many
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years for rehabilitation, he was only partially able to restore his vision, suleimanov is a figure, although not so well-known, but a careerist, unmarried, no children, a former college teacher , engineer, remarkable that he was interested in chemistry, and according to some reports, during searches the investigator found vessels with acid in his apartment, at the entrance of the interrogation as an accused...
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one wonders how many more victims there would have been if not for the detention of suleymanov, because obviously he did not store dangerous substances at home for chemical experiments. it’s interesting that the man’s victims were completely random girls, nothing connected him with them, so now the main task of the investigators is to establish the motive of the aggressor. jealousy, revenge, envy, then, as a rule, justify such actions, which guided the defendant, as long as they can psychologists assume. this could be... a situation of anger towards a female figure, perhaps a mother or one of the significant adults in his
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childhood, who suppressed or humiliated or insulted, and thus maniacs choose women as victims in order to take revenge on those who hurt him as a child. we managed to meet with suleymanov after the court hearing, strangely, but the only thing he said was that he respects and values ​​women. andrey, tell me, do you hate all women? a dubious connoisseur of women was sent to jail investigations in the pre-trial detention center, experts are meanwhile studying medical documents, it is possible that the man is sick. ekaterina lekhomanova, alexey gorshkov, news! duty department. the fight against international terrorism, combating transnational crime and money laundering. these are just some of the topics that were discussed by the prosecutor general of russia and the minister of justice of the algerian people's democratic republic. igor krasnov arrived in algeria on a working visit. in this african country , the head of the russian supervisory agency has already second time. in november last year , the prosecutor general invited alzhis colleagues
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to exchange experience in combating transnational criminal acts, including those committed using high technologies. approach. at the conclusion of the meeting, the parties exchanged memorable gifts. for the third time this month, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the orenburg region. let me remind you that the record flood in the region in recent decades began after a dam broke on the ural river in orsk. remain sunk about 16 thousand plots and houses. somewhere the big water has already receded, but
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it is impossible to live in the conditions that the elements left behind. in some other regions, the flood situation is also difficult. my colleague alexandra mostovaya saw everything. pensioner maria grigorievna returned to her home, which was hit by the elements. the big water went away, but left behind terrible consequences. maria grigorievna’s home is now damp and moldy. survived, hunger, survived hunger. and now, as soon as it’s not night to die, it’s tomorrow, he says, my trouble has come. after the arrival of great water, the owners of this house. evacuated, the house, as you and i can see, is completely rotten, let's see what's inside, it smells damp inside, living here now, of course, is impossible, the floor is peeling off, it's black, covered in dirt, the wallpaper inside has also peeled off and appears on the ceiling cracks, a refrigerator on the floor, water and dirt everywhere, residents
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are counting the damage in destroyed houses and apartments, they promise to restore housing,
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the speed will increase. many regions today are faced with natural disasters. the day before, the head of the ministry of emergency situations visited the omsk region and held meetings with governor vitaly khatsenko. from the experience of the events in the city of orsk, the orenburg region, respectively, the city of orenburg itself, there is a certain concern. based on the actions of the rschs system on the eve of the flood in the roma region, well, we will assume that the first wave is already ending, yes. colleagues are suggesting that there will be a second, perhaps even a third, the risk of an emergency from the fire is minimal, we are constantly discussing this with our ministry of emergency situations, with the hydrometeorological service. territory, well, it will still be today there is a report on this topic; the situation as a whole is assessed as predictable and stable. the passage of the flood in the region is being monitored by rescuers in the omsk
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region; several areas are flooded. with the onset of warmth, the irtysh river also thawed. in omsk, it was practically free of ice. you and i can watch how pieces of ice floes float on the water, here is a huge block of ice now floating, one might say, an iceberg. at all. experts say that this year the ice drift began earlier than expected, but they warned about this in advance. and like this a quadcopter is cruising in the sky when they encounter an ice drift. rescuers are assessing the flood situation in the village of zaton, which is hit by the elements every spring. in order to prevent local honor, an airmobile group annually goes to the backwater before the arrival of high water, to arm the rescuers with watercraft, motor pumps, and mobile pumping stations in flood conditions. the water level in the ural river in the orsk region is decreasing, all services in the city
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are now working in enhanced mode, the streets are being sanitized, residents continue to receive humanitarian aid, they remember the great misfortune with tears in their eyes; this flood for the entire region has become a record in recent decades. part from the orenburg region. the sale of vapes in the donetsk people's republic may soon be limited. senator from the dpr alexander voloshin publicly spoke about the possibility.
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these materials will be transferred to the relevant authorities, so the work continues. let me add that the company is against the sale of veps in the public field and is just getting started. it is previously known that
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the dpr may discuss the initiative to ban the sale of vapes at the regional level at the end of may. killed, but not guilty in the ivanovo region, the court completely acquitted local resident alexander krasny, who, with a weapon in his hands, defended his family from an aggressive crowd. could krasnov have done anything differently and what? don't miss the premiere this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, a new investigation by eduard petrov, defend yourself four: to shoot or not to shoot? in the summer of 2021, at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasnov a heated crowd appeared: young people threw stones at the businessman’s site, they came specifically to kill, the situation became tense, the parties began to shoot at each other. and chaos was happening, a shot was fired, and i felt a pain in my stomach, blood started flowing in my head immediately that they wanted to kill us all, krasnov shot
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the attackers at least three times in response, the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder, i used a weapon, i defend it once again , family, children, home, guests, the case was transferred to the federal level, some residents in the ivanovo region they still consider him a brutal killer, he came to the investigative committee, i tell him what happened here, they look at me with such eyes, he says: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. and now we return to the tverskoy court of moscow. there, let me remind you, the process of choosing a preventive measure for dmitry portnyagin is taking place. a famous blogger and business coach was accused of tax evasion and money laundering. last friday portnyagin was detained in rostov by nadona and taken to the capital, although he himself is a blogger. he hurried to pay off his debts. my colleague, alina skachkova, is now working at the courthouse. she was present at the meeting and is now contacting us. alina, hello, what
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mood do you think the tailor is in? he awaits a decision from the court. hello, it’s worth saying that the meeting is still ongoing, in addition, it’s worth saying that these were, of course, the most incredible days in the life of dmitry portnyagin. look for yourself, just yesterday he celebrated his birthday, and celebrated this holiday within the walls of the temporary detention center, and today he was taken to the tverskoy district court of the capital to select a preventive measure. let me remind you that the coach was accused of tax evasion.
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safes, documentation, accounting, crowbars and sledgehammers were used in the closed club 500, portnyagin founded this establishment exclusively for millionaires, parties and... business meetings took place there, the former tour guide and security guard pretended to be a business guru and broadcast on stage how to make money correctly, however other portnyagin’s companies, judging by data from open sources, went bankrupt one after another, now the blogger’s defense is asking to be released on bail or to choose a preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions, portnyagin himself partially admitted his guilt, they say he really didn’t pay extra to the treasury, here’s the money did not launder, everything
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was earned honestly, in the next... years of marriage, lerchik and artemchik, this is what coaches and their fans on the internet know, decided to get a divorce, even despite the fact that they went through serious tests together, last spring in 2009, both became defendants in a case of tax evasion and money laundering. in december, artyom and valeria paid off a debt of 504 million rubles, which resulted in the cessation of criminal prosecution in march of this year, but such passions did not unite the bloggers at all, and now the judges will have to decide who will remain what. even despite paying off
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tax debts. there is something to pour. artyomchik, according to the claim, claims 1.250 million rubles. and a bentley continental. such an iron horse costs almost 30 million. in addition, the blogger intends to pay the state duty of 60,000 rubles with his ex-beloved. the court accepted artyomchik’s application; all that remains is to wait for the trial to begin. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and a private detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you. at 21:30. the southern federal district is in the spotlight, a new medical complex for the rehabilitation
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of participants. the operation will appear in astrakhan, and the same one will open in volgograd. working meetings of the president with governors, socio-economic indicators of the regions and beyond, what else was discussed and learned. there is more and more water, almost 16,000 houses are flooded in the tomsk region, the dam is partially destroyed. the rise of the tobol river in the kurgan region continues, well, in the tyumen region, where the peak of the flood is expected in the near future, they began to blow up the ice on the ishim river. well, in orsk, where the water has gone, it is being transferred and disinfected. work to eliminate large-scale floods is supervised by alexander kurenkov. you are the ministry of emergency situations again in orenburg today, let’s evaluate the scale flooding in other regions of the country. the weekend passed quietly, but the threat remains
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over the largest. in europe , ukrainian drones continue to fly at the nuclear power plant in zaporozhye. against this background, the day before all zas power units were transferred to the state.


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