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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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in the same month they didn’t give concerts in any foreign city, yes, because those 230 relocants there who also live in poverty and cannot afford to go to stand-up performances by different artists twice a month. israeli agent andrei makarevich at the time of the attack. in general, he performed in yerevan for israel, but is in no hurry to return, plans to go to finland, sweden, norway, is gaining an audience little by little with all his russophobic forces, when, in my opinion, there was a tour in america with another traitors from little big, i watched the concerts the venues announced on the tour are there you know, there were just some beer bars there or garages with a capacity for 30 people, that is, in principle, this was their real audience, for example, the rap group grod, which...
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special attention was paid to supporting participants in a special military operation, and we also talked about elections of heads of both regions, which will take place this fall. key statements in the material by natalia solovyova. the astrakhan region is a dynamically developing southern region of russia. over the past 5 years, budget revenues have increased by a third to 90 billion rubles, which allows the authorities successfully solve difficult problems. we managed to completely close the problem of defrauded shareholders, people have been waiting for apartments for almost 20 years, the resettlement of emergency and dilapidated housing is underway, and... we have been actively carrying out this work for 5 years and
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completed the program ahead of schedule for housing recognized as emergency before january 1, 2017 , we resettled in total 2,663 people from 167 apartment buildings, among the first 15 regions of russia, received additional funds last year, the next stage, the total amount of funding is 3 billion 170 million rubles. we have to master them to the end 2024, the foundations of the region’s economy are the fuel and energy complex, of course, agriculture. there are more than 150 agricultural enterprises and almost 3,000 farms in the astrakhan region. the priority project is the international north-south transport corridor. it will connect st. petersburg with mumbai and pass through the territories of several countries, including the astrakhan region. another point of growth, shipbuilding and...
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industry, using the southern center of shipbuilding, ship repair, since literally last year our shipbuilders they laid down container ships and bulk carriers 20108, a type that can operate in the caspian sea, since the caspian sea is quite shallow, and at the same time they can transport both...
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with the governor of the volgograd region, in this region there is also a broad program of support for participants of the northern military district, 35 different areas for which more than 4 billion rubles have already been allocated. the authorities are working closely with veterans, families and, of course, the medical community; it has been decided
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to build a modern rehabilitation center in the region. the work has expanded vladimirovich, in full, we are fully on schedule, in 5-7 years it will be created on the territory of the volgograd region. a full-fledged, wide-format rehabilitation and support center that will deal, on the one hand, with recovery, rehabilitation, support, coordination of medical care, but also with the employment of our participants in the special military operation, as well as members of their families. the head of the volgograd region spoke about the implementation of major agricultural transport infrastructure projects. a lot of we talked about the social sphere, in particular, how the problem of dilapidated housing is being solved. you have a lot of investment projects, i see, they are simple, and they are so different from different industries, this of course creates confidence in the development of the region’s economy in the medium term, even in the longer term, because these are jobs and
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economic development in the broadest sense in the sense of the word, increasing various competencies and so on, well, i looked, after all, the share of emergency housing remains quite high.
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the ministry of emergency situations announced this today, clarifying that the flood affected 33 regions of the country, and in some areas the situation continues to worsen. a colossal volume of water flows to kurgan; in half a day, the tobol river rose by 73 cm. at 13:00 people have already been evacuated, the authorities are calling on residents of the right bank part of the regional capital to leave for a safe place. in tomsk, the strength of the dam across the tom river is being tested. powerful flows of meltwater partially eroded the structure, but as authorities said, there were threats. there is no communal bridge, construction thorough. in the tomsk region , four settlements are currently partially flooded , and nearly one and a half hundred residential buildings have been damaged by floods. and tyumen is preparing for a historic maximum of water in the ishim river. a storm warning has been issued there. our special correspondent
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stanislav bernwald is monitoring the situation in the region. we will slowly take out all the shoes, from here we will empty the closets and the bed, and somehow try to take them apart and bring them in too. tabol can quickly start for hours, if not even minutes, then save it to arrive in the coming days, then the count will begin the property will no longer be possible, the airplanes from below must be removed, do you know how many there are? orsk served as a sad example, where after the dam broke, the city very quickly began to go under water. first of all, we prepared the boat. just in case there is a firefighter, her and her husband’s house is located 100 meters from the dam, for a week now, as svetlana says, builders and ordinary townspeople have been building up the ridge of the dam. many thanks to our authorities, who quickly brought together such a large amount of equipment; round-the-clock work was carried out on
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construction of the dam, in general, one and a half meters have been built up at such a rapid pace, yesterday our men walked around, stacked bags, strengthened this dam, well, there is only one hope for it, work on... tambi has been going on for quite a week, the task is to build it up and the main thing is to strengthen it so that if water comes , it will not burst. today we have a more negative outlook than in normal times. we set ourselves the task of increasing the body of the dam to a level of one to one and a half meters, the entire dam is 2.8 km long, now there is literally another 400 m will be poured to the required level, today we expect to complete this work completely, this is how the dam in the settlement of uroro is built up by several meters. cars arrive, bring coal from a nearby quarry, and then heavy equipment
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compacts this loam, just a few more meters, and the dam will close. today, in some areas of the region, which is located in a zone of potential flooding, voluntary evacuation was announced, temporary accommodation centers are opening residents. we are deploying temporary temporary accommodation centers for 464 places; they and we have five of them in the area, all services. today, the medical and educational services are involved, everything is fully involved - they take part in the staffing of temporary temporary accommodation, they are, in principle , ready for us, we are now ready to accept people, sleeping places, catering, psychological support for citizens, organization of leisure extracurricular activities with children who will be on pvr, social services take an active part in the care of people with disabilities, elderly citizens, palliative patients, 8 cm. monitoring.
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the water level there is rising and approaching dangerous levels; there are hundreds of residential buildings in the potential flooding zone. we received an updated forecast, which significantly exceeds.
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diesel generators were delivered to the belgorod region today, which are needed by residents of a number of settlements where there is a power outage due to terrorist attacks by the armed forces of ukraine. volunteers of the popular front of the all-russian student corps took over the delivery. rescuers. our special correspondent igor pikhanov will tell you what else is included in the humanitarian aid cargo and what the situation is in the region by this time. volunteers of the popular front are preparing
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food packages to be sent to the border villages of the belgorod region . local residents need humanitarian assistance, the territory was heavily damaged by shelling by ukrainian militants, food delivery there is difficult, there are cereals, canned food, that is , non-perishable goods that are necessary for cooking, there that's about what the package weighs there 10-12 kg depending on the configuration and contains everything you need for about a week. past burnt-out houses and... destroyed infrastructure, regional self-defense fighters are taking volunteers to remote villages, cars are driving along the highway at high speed, otherwise it’s impossible to get to the front, ukrainian kamikaze drones are hunting for civilians, a wing has been spotted not far from here, that is, a copter or an observation aircraft type, so at any moment, in any place, we are now one and a half kilometers from the border, a car arrives in the front-line gorky municipality in five villages. half of the residential buildings were damaged or destroyed by ukrainian armed forces militants. the village of sovkhoznaya was left without electricity. only
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three people live here now; the rest have evacuated. volunteers delivered food and diesel generators. despite the difficult situation, yuri returned home from moscow the day before. i returned home, and my wife and i decided to go at our own risk. volunteers delivered the main load of humanitarian aid to the city of graivarn thanks to their work divisions. the number of shellings has decreased, people are gradually returning home from evacuation, social services are distributing humanitarian aid, shops are opening, local resident tatyana left for half a month, her... apartment building was damaged by an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. they had just renovated the beautiful building, just to admire, suddenly shells came, pierced the roof, broke our windows, damaged pipes, gas and water pipes, and flooded the apartments in the next entrance. the city is quiet, but the situation can change at any second. enemy
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shelling continues. ukrainian militants they hit residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. into the roof. the store was hit by a mortar shell, the building was heavily damaged; fortunately, at the time of the shelling , none of the staff were present there. after each attack, pensioner grigory kholod conducts a walk around his street in the private sector, there are almost no people left here, the man monitors the estates of his neighbors, as soon as they see the windows knocked out by the blast wave, covers the openings with film, and in case of a fire calls the ministry of emergency situations. and in the yard there were such fragments that there were explosions. in the yard at the top such explosions are like flames, full of fragments. until recently, the gory-voronsky urban district was the hottest spot in the region. local authorities are currently assessing the damage, and emergency services and construction crews will soon begin repair work. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. well, he seemed to have come to negotiate cooperation,
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but immediately threatened with certain consequences for friendly relations with russia. this is the very controversial agenda of olaf scholz, which is located. on a three-day visit to china, where he has to solve a difficult problem, trying to sit on two chairs, because on the one hand, german industry simply cannot survive without asian production capacities, on the other hand, the current western situation requires criticizing beijing 24/7; the german chancellor is hardly able to find a middle ground, ours will confirm staff correspondent of the people's republic of china alexander baletsky. usually such excursions are called industrial tourism and by the industrial tourist scholz. hydrogen fuel power plants for trucks, but even allowed drilling not only did the german chancellor see a hole, but spiegel’s focus was on a dialogue at shanghai tundza university with a chinese student who would be happy to go
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to study in berlin, but is very worried that marijuana has been legalized in germany, the answer. the chancellor, as quoted by spiegel, was struck by its simplicity. just don't smoke, scholz said. the chancellor is 66 years old and, according to him, has never smoked cannabis. not everyone in berlin runs around with joints. scholz's thoughts on soft drugs, although they made headlines, the main thing he notes the german press, in china a chancellor with an exclusively pragmatic mission. germany positions itself as the economic locomotive of europe, and understands that without china, this locomotive will remain in the depot. don't forget that 30% of industrial gdp comes from china. germany can offer a lot of technology, this is how we develop our economies. and in the future, i think we have the next stage ahead - the introduction of new productive forces at a higher level. therefore, together with scholz, large german businesses are delegated from siems to bayer. chinese publications even depicted the supposed seating arrangement on the plane. the closer to business class, the
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more important the projects and the higher the expectations. and it turns out that scholz came to make peace, because last year. germany adopted its first ever china strategy, which indicated that china poses a serious threat to german interests. here is the terrible elephant of germany , the famous german automobile industry, chinese electric cars, which are rapidly conquering world markets, causing the germans to reduce their own automobile production. production. last year , 40% fewer cars rolled off german assembly lines, all because germany simply overslept the turn towards electromobilization. realizing that the chinese car market is the largest in the world, the germans expect to make money at least here. and at the same time gain access to now new chinese technologies; without them, neither bmw nor mercedes will go far, which means they will have to look for a compromise. the german automotive association has already stated that it is against the eu imposing additional tariffs on the import of chinese electric vehicles, pointing out that this could trigger a trade war and threaten jobs in germany. in general, the task is difficult, to lobby for the interests
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of german companies, but in such a way as not to go beyond the european union, which aims to reduce dependence on china, and apparently, so that beijing is superfluous. their aggressive goals, which is why europe and countries around the world provide support to ukraine. scholz already said all this in beijing in 2022, but it had no effect on the chinese leader. china is staying away from the conflict, which it wants to resolve possible only through negotiations and taking into account security guarantees for everyone. alexander baalsky nakoshkin, nikolai petrov,
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news, beijing bureau. today in moscow for the first time the award ceremony named after anatoly lysenko, educator, creator, creator, was held. the event was timed to coincide with the birthday of one of the founders of modern russian television. however, the prize is awarded not only by representatives of the media sphere; among the winners there are also cultural figures. art. the expert council especially noted how personal the outstanding achievements of the laureates and their contribution to the development of future generations. details in the report by olga mishcherikova. in this room there are people of different professions, but the main thing unites them: they are masters of their craft, creating new forms, whose ideas work for the development of society. this is being discussed here today at the presentation of the prize established in honor of anatoly lysenko. she is called the enlightener, the creator, the creator. i hope this is the fund. will live on and live in the ideology of anatoly grigorievich. the award is presented for the first time, those for whom anatoly lysenko was more than a friend and colleague,
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a teacher. and for maryana lysenko, the head of the fifty-second moscow hospital, where thousands of lives were saved at the height of covid, her father. it was through the efforts of anatoly grigorievich’s daughter that this prize was established. he invested, without dictating, many things in me that, well, make up. the meaning of my life, to be able to incorporate global concepts for formation , for spiritual growth, for the formation of character in general, absolutely unobtrusively, well, probably, few people can. the award is presented in three nominations for personal contribution, for achievement for philanthropy. one of the laureates is valentin lazutkin. it is his merit that the emergence of fm radio stations is possible. largely thanks to him, and with his efforts, it was organized.
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everyone knows that the founder, a great man, raised everyone, everything is correct, but it is important to emphasize that he founded everything that he founded on russian television. modern left from scratch from zero. among the laureates are not only representatives of the journalistic profession. the symbol of the award, here it is, is called the television dinosaur. he is very heavy, like the mission carried by people who truly create something new and important and leave a legacy. one of the laureates , sergei ursulyak, his films from liquidation to the quiet don, united several generations, truly people, on television screens.
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the first concert at the renovated st. petersburg conservatory should be played this year, the restoration of the oldest higher musical educational institution in the country dragged on for almost 10 years, it was supposed to be completed back in the nineteenth, but work constantly stopped and the historical building stood covered with scaffolding, but now the process is already at the finish line, which conservatory will land in front of the audience. salema zarif saw the long and dramatic restoration of the st. petersburg conservatory coming to an end, for 10 years there was no music in this building... but during this period the noise of construction work was not always heard, there was no luck with the contractors, they changed, contracts were broken, the buildings stood abandoned for years without heating, until
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the president paid attention to the situation, now the work is finally reaching the finish line direct. when the scaffolding was removed, st. petersburg saw the conservatory in the historical beige color, and not in the usual green, the facade was already ready, there was a construction anthill inside, they worked in two shifts and at night too, this is the front door.
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the so-called spruce coat, between which such an air cushion is created for better acoustics in this hall. work on the conservatory roof is also nearing completion; previously there was a simple wooden roof, but now there is a high-tech metal structure with air conditioning systems, ventilation, heating. in addition, transparent domes like these were installed above the courtyards, thereby increasing the usable area of ​​the conservatory by 700 square meters. where there used to be a smoking room will now be a public space. one of the goals
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of the restoration is to return it to students and professors. tchaikovsky, prokofiev and shestakovich. blog, after going to the opera here - wrote carmen. meirholt and mayakovsky worked together on this stage; mravinsky, timerkanov, and gergiev are from here. the st. petersburg conservatory deserves the best conditions, and as soon as possible. our dates have been postponed. they promise to play the first concert here this year. salim azarev, sergeishchenko, dmitry lukashevich, galina orlova and ekaterina bobkova. news: northwestern bureau. i came to the special military operation zone at the call of my heart. based on my years, of course, i didn’t qualify, but as a military specialist i
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considered it necessary to be there. difficult time for russia right here, i just went to the military registration and enlistment office, such a time had come for russia that i had to get back into line with my former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war stood as a legacy for our homeland, many, even children, fled to the front to get to, take up arms and fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts... doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be ours, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down, serve under a contract.
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