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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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it means you recognize it, you smile, it means it’s real, they recognize you, hmm, they love you, they remember you , you really appreciate it, fsb, a bank for the real thing, a charity easter edition of a russian lot and...
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of moscow sent blogger and business coach dmitry portnyagin under house arrest. according to investigators, he could launder money and evade paying taxes. portnyagin made money, among other things, by broadcasting scenes of truth that can be found on the internet, and for free. thousands of adherents brought fame, luxurious parties, personal liners. now, apparently, the luxurious life can be forgotten for a while. what the accused said in court, this and much more. immediately after a short advertisement. stay with russia 24. a lot of things can be confused. effective
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brutish, there are other ideas, of course, let’s count we’ll pay, yur, without a security code it’s been a long time, online, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, also... the duty department is broadcasting the legal program live, we continue the broadcast. blogger dmitry portnyagin will teach business at home. the tverskoy court of moscow sent him to home detention arrest as part of a criminal case for money laundering and tax evasion. the amount accumulated is not small, more than 120 rubles. alina skachkova will tell you what the businessman said during the meeting. only on sunday, dmitry portnyagin celebrated his birthday within the walls of the temporary detention center. already on monday there will be a new stage in the life of the coach, the decision on the issue of arrest. what wish he made, it’s not difficult to guess by candlelight.
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i've never had a birthday like this. the blogger’s wife ekaterina came to the tver district court of the capital, she is in suspect. portnyagin himself was in a good mood, if only he had completely repaid the debt of... 125 million, for this he needed more than one case with banknotes. however, the criminal cases of non-payment of taxes and money laundering have not yet been officially closed; the charges required the blogger to be placed under house arrest. dmitry portnyagin, originally from tynda, a small town in the amur region, worked as a security guard, then as a guide, and after moving to moscow, he plunged headlong into business, here are just some of his companies, judging by data from open sources, they went bankrupt one after another. what is the turnover of the souvenir business in china in terms of money? well, about 15 million dollars a year. what's the margin? good question, i don't know for sure. entrepreneur portnyagin does not know the margin in his business? yes, it was then that the former security guard realized that the real money is where the people
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who dream of earning it are, all they had to do was call themselves a guru and broadcast truths from the stage that can be found for free on the internet. he even created a private club 500 for well... last week, security forces searched portnyagin’s place, wielded a crowbar and a sledgehammer, opened safes, cleared out the accounting department, and apparently found some skeletons in the blogger’s closet. the blogger himself admitted his guilt. partly, they say he really didn’t pay extra to the treasury, so he didn’t launder the money, everything was supposedly earned honestly, but themis had doubts, and portnyagin was placed under house arrest. alena skachkova, lead, duty department. nikolai gogol was involved in a riot on the banks of the senichka river in the moscow region.
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a serious businessman, full of affection for a famous russian writer, promised local residents a recreation area, is building cottages worth hundreds of millions of rubles, and in the process is invading a water protection zone. the investigative committee has opened a criminal case five times, and now there will probably be another one. our film crew was brutally attacked while filming another report. word to alexander karpov. they attacked vilely like a bandit , five of them from behind. the attackers smashed video cameras, the film crew needed medical assistance. i was given an injection, i’m on painkillers now, but i don’t know what to look for, there’s a broken arm, we came here at the request of the residents, they complained that their road was broken, here, construction equipment broke the road, there’s no direction first time in maryana, according to local residents, the river bank here was tricked by... we
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constantly walked on this bank, walked, relaxed, we had a gorgeous slide here where we rode with the children in winter, a multi-story building is being built behind me , three underground levels, six floors, in accordance with the territory planning project, the entire river bank was designated. as a recreation area. only gogol knows how the famous writer performed this nasty trick. here the developer promises the village a luxurious park. this project provides for the development of a coastal strip of 20-20 m width, that is, 20,000 m2 of equipped embankment. plus, 50 acres of land is 50,000 km square. but all this mysteriously disappears from the project.
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from the developer, access to the river and forest from maryan was recently blocked off with a fence, but the last straws for people were roads broken by heavy trucks and fights from a security construction site. the driver starts to run into us, at this time three healthy men from a construction site with a security patch and badges on their chests attack us from behind, they just stupidly start to surround me and start beating me. with these questions we looked for the head of the site. we were told that you are the boss? and what is happening, why the guards behave this way, the question is not for me at all, why are they beating up the local residents, the question is not for me, i
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i’m saying, i’m an ordinary worker, a gigantic dusty construction site, this is what the once blessed bank of the sinichka river is now, on which not only the residents of marinade, but also the residents of all the surrounding villages came to relax, when a huge residential complex grows here, no one will set foot here at all , here the attack began, which was led, apparently personally by the head of security dmitry pogodin,
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all in the ground, the wallpaper inside also peeled off and cracks appeared on the ceiling, there was a refrigerator on the floor, water and dirt everywhere, residents they calculate the damage... for the destroyed houses and apartments, they promise to restore the housing, we carry out the assessment in this way, we have a conclusion, established forms, established by the administration, a resolution of the administration of the city of ortsk, which contains a list of lost essential property. rescuers continue to eliminate the consequences of a powerful flood, water is pumped out using fire-pumping stations of the complexes,
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the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is again working in orsk, he met with residents of flooded areas. and checked how commissions work damage assessment, the state will help, and the region will react a little differently, you see, there are things that are according to the state, according to state standards, yes, but there are things from the heart, now those people who came here, who are now engaged in russian streets, now we have seen, including from all over, from the entire orenburg region from neighboring regions, people are coming to help you, not alone, okay, thank you very much, we will work, we spoke in detail about the scale of the flood in orenburg at... .
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freed from ice, you and i can watch how pieces of ice float on the water, but now a huge block of ice is floating, one might say an iceberg, in general, experts say that this year the ice drift began earlier than expected, but they warned about this in advance, this is how they greet the ice drift in the sky quadcopters and rescuers assess the flood situation in the village of zaton, which takes the brunt of the elements every spring. in order to prevent local honor, an aerobic group annually leaves for the backwater before the arrival of high water, armed with rescue craft, motor pumps, mobile pumping stations. the flood situation is monitored around the clock at the regional headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations. senior operational duty officer of the main directorate, colonel kotov, i wish you good health. the water level in
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the ural river in the orsk region is decreasing. all services in the city are now working in enhanced mode, and the streets are being sanitized. residents continue to receive humanitarian aid; they remember the great disaster with tears in their eyes; this flood for the entire region has become a record in recent decades. alexander mustava and sergey velichko, lead the duty unit from the orenburg region. meanwhile, the media in orenburg are publishing details from the life of the family of the head of orsk, which suffered a severe blow from the flood. according to journalists, the mayor’s children live in dubai, where they have a luxurious apartment at their disposal. however, vasily. did not shy away from questions; the ural56 telegram channel publishes the mayor’s comments on this matter. i am proud that my children achieve everything themselves. my son graduated from higher education with honors. geological engineer by profession. for about 10 years
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he worked on sakhalin under difficult conditions. and now with my family. i was traveling. the scandalous star surgeon timur khaidarov is again at the center of a bad story. his clinic was partially closed on behalf of the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. they had surgery on his stomach, which he did not survive. andrey romanov, more details. over the weekend , investigators were again working at timur khaidarov’s clinic. now the approach to the medical facility is blocked with warning tape, one gets the impression
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that the clinic does not work, but this is only at first glance, you can get closer only by passing the checkpoint, security is strictly velina. let reporters in, the clinic is a private area, iq plastic, are you guarding it? yes, you were told to guard and not let anyone in? they said to prohibit filming. why? who exactly said khaidarov? as soon as the name of star surgeon timur khaidarov is heard, security suddenly loses interest in the dialogue. at the checkpoint that runs the clinic, the guards do not allow anyone into the territory with video cameras, but if you film with your phone and approach. a little closer to cosmetology center, you can see that the light is on inside the room, staff periodically move around there, the doors are closed. but not sealed, it appears that the medical facility continues to operate. after knocking on the glass door in the vestibule of the clinic, a security guard appears and briefly explains the situation. i'm
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a security guard, i can't say anything. do patients come here? all patients come by appointment only. meanwhile , representatives of the investigative committee have already officially announced that the premises were searched again, however, the department clarified that that the activities of the medical center have not been completely suspended. the restrictions affected only. due to identified violations by the management of the clinic, at the initiative of the investigation , the provision of a number of services provided to the clinic by timur khaidarov was suspended. the operating premises have been sealed and the investigation continues. in parallel with the investigative actions at the iq-clinic , investigators conducted searches at the places of residence, the management of the medical institution, including surgeon timur khaidarov. we contacted him by phone like khaidarov commented on the situation. the investigative committee contacted you somehow, discussed it with you somehow, you ask them, contact them, but you are working today, yes we are working, that is, you are in the clinic, i
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’m not, not in the clinic, well there the clinic is working, listen, i’m telling you, i’m not in the clinic right now, and you don’t know whether it’s working or not, well , it’s working, it looks like timur khaidarov himself doesn’t know for sure whether his clinic is working, but it’s not surprising, there’s a criminal investigation about the death of producer peter in this medical institution gavrilova, the impetus... is gaining momentum, gavrilov turned to the iq clinic in february, he underwent a gastric resection, a few days later complications began, the victim was hospitalized in another hospital, but they could not save him. then khaidarov firmly stated that neither the surgeon who performed the operation nor anyone else from the clinic staff was involved in the death of the patient. if you think that we carried out some kind of, i don’t know, negligence there, you are deeply mistaken. as a result, investigators opened a criminal case. the case story received wide attention in law enforcement agencies began to contact one after another those affected by the work of khaidarov and his clinics. when i woke up after the operation i realized that i didn’t have crudit. to my
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question to timur, what happened? he said that he was unable to stitch the tissue on the implant. he had to remove them. and after 3 days i discovered that i had partial areola necrosis. about seventy people were dissatisfied, including pop stars and celebrities. surgery, a month passed, i saw that my arms were hanging, that it meant that my chest alone had become stone, the butcher became different sizes, he simply cut up my arms, i was all covered in scars and my stitches were not chewed. the victims demanded to check khaidarov’s diplomas, which he allegedly received in a very dubious way. perhaps this will happen now as part of the investigation of the criminal case into the death of pyotr gavrilov. investigators have already stated that they seized the necessary documentation and storage media from the clinic . and it looks like they are serious about getting to the bottom of the truth. andrey romanov, dmitry shestukhin, dmitry belous. vesti, duty officer part. killed, but not guilty. in the ivanovo
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region, the court completely acquitted local resident alexander krasnov, who defended his family from an aggressive crowd with a weapon in his hands. could krasnov have acted differently? and what should you do if villains break into your house, defend yourself or attack? don't miss the premiere this weekend on russia-24 tv channel. new investigation of eduard petrov. stones, they came specifically to kill, the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot , young people bombarded the businessman’s plot at each other, chaos was going on, a shot was fired, and i felt a pain in my stomach, blood flowed into my head immediately, that they wanted to kill us all, krasnov shot in response. less than three times attacked. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents
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of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee and told them what happened here. they they look at me with such eyes and say: this cannot be. a man who killed an intruder or a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. acid in the face. investigators are looking into the motives behind a brutal attack on girls in the village of monino near moscow. let me remind you that a man wandered the streets and doused random passers-by with a caustic chemical ; the victims suffered serious burns. the accused andrei suleymanov was sent to pre-trial detention. he expected a confession. what is known about the attacker, why he could go on crime and where he got the deadly acid. report by ekaterina lekhomanova. with a smile... with the aim of disfiguring.
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in these shots, young successful anastasia labada, now afraid to look at herself in the mirror, shows only her disfigured hands. it all peels off, it all turns yellow, it is constantly treated with ointments and medicines. same thing on the face. last friday, as the investigation suggests, suleymanov threw a caustic substance in the woman’s face. he approached unnoticed from behind. now doctors are fighting for the victim’s vision. will it be 50% or 100, here the question is already so incomprehensible, after all this could be, i have first or second degree ajugas, the area, well, how extensive the damage is, among the victims is minor alena rachkova, she was returning home in the evening, she was walking down the street alone, at first she didn’t even understand , what happened, at one moment, around here i stepped on some kind of stick, heard a muffled sound, and
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the back of my trouser leg began to stick to me, many call it: this is an acid attack, the tools chosen by the attacker, insidious, one of the loudest and most public scandals when a person splashed in the face with acid was in 2013. the bolshoi theater is the most famous ballet troupe in the world, and its artistic director at that time, sergei fillin, who became a victim. it seems that the entire creative elite of the world was following the investigation of this case. i can hardly imagine a fan of galina sergeevna ulanova running with a can of acid. for some ballerina, as the investigation found out, sergei filin suffered on the initiative of his colleague, and the act was associated with the successful professional activity of the master. the customer and the contractor then received serious sentences, and filin needed many years of rehabilitation, and only partially was he able to restore his vision. suleymanov is a less well-known figure, but a careerist, not married, no children, a former college teacher and engineer. it is noteworthy that he was interested in chemistry, and according to some information, during the searches
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, investigators.
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such actions, what motivated the defendant, can only be assumed by psychologists. this may be a situation of anger towards the female figure, perhaps mother or one of the significant adults in his childhood who suppressed or humiliated or insulted, and thus maniacs choose women as victims in order to, as it were, take revenge on those who offended him in childhood. we managed to meet with suleymanov after the court hearing,
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strangely, but the only thing he said was that the investigation was in the pre-trial detention center, meanwhile experts were studying medical documents, the no- doubtful connoisseur of women was sent to rule out that the man was sick. ekaterina likhomanova, maxim shevchenko, alexey gorshkov, lead. duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department of an honest detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. alexander ostakhov was in the studio. see you later, this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. right-wing terrorists refuse.


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