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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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creativity, i don’t think this is creativity, at least from my side the question exists, what is creativity, what exactly is such an act of creation, creativity, creativity, it seems to me that this is primarily a state of mind, but when we talk about children's creativity or about art, these are all certain social forms, which, in principle, are initially yes, but are designed to foster this state of mind in a person, that is... they by no means always work perfectly, like so many things in human communities, but creativity, i’m here here at the same time, i completely agree with the bishop, in his answer to the question, i will directly use that this is the ability to experience unconditional love for god, this is such creativity, if you have this experience, then it doesn’t matter what you touch with a hammer or hammer in nails there, i don’t know, draw a picture, write a philosophical one.
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you lived in a big city, but moved to small yurievits, there are 800 people there, it’s not boring there at all, that’s what you do, you did, you don’t miss big cities, a person who is busy with business, he’s not bored, and he is self-sufficient, it’s like i’m thinking about the fact that sometimes i sit like this, i think, well , here’s the yuryevitz, yes, well, sooner or later this yuryevitz will end there, well, due to the fact that...
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fantasy, that’s it and tell us a little about the workshop, because we saw it, but the tv viewers didn’t see it, for example, and our guests, vladyka fiaktista, bronislav didn’t see it, this handsome guy appeared in my workshop, now there’s a maximum drilling machine, here i’m working on the stove now, i’m making a damper, i installed the chimney today, i’m going to have such a cool stove, i have a pond like this made here. it’s right
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out of my house, there’s this little pond here, well , there’s a whole bunch of work, there’s such a workshop, yes, i formed there when i was still buying this house, i had this one lathe there, i also made it myself there , according to my drawings, there was then a factory working according to my draftsmen there, for some kind of moonshine, they did this, then i...
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i restored the house, um, a workshop, as it were, too, i think it is simply necessary in the house, because that i deal with this every day i come across that these are her needs, because... that i have to do something on the territory of the house, come up with something there, i make some kind of stoves and grills for myself, now - for this summer restaurant , in the summer he will begin to work more actively here, as it were, i wrote in the title there that i am a cook, and the difference for the ignorant is that the cook cooks according to what is ready.
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guys, how do you live without workshops, in your apartments, but here almost no one lives in an apartment, maybe the bishop phiaxis, but in a cell, as it were, no, i live in a house, you also live in a house, yes, there are no people here who - you have a workshop, i also have a workbench in my barn, there are all kinds of tools, in general, it’s great, without this, without this.
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years, all our historical houses will be renovated and will look great, but this was an initiative, well, you know better than me how many people there are, very small, and maybe even just one, i don’t know exactly how it started, but it’s clear , which began somehow with little something, branislav, now there is
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such an ideology, i would say, even a concept or something, transhumanism, and probably one of the main provisions of transhumanism... is that man is a biosocial being, and what does biosocial mean ? this means that a person is conditioned from the point of view of nature, that is, biology, but we have genetic conditioning, predispositions, and things predetermined by the genotype, on the other hand, there are social norms, and accordingly a person absorbs, well, from childhood, what he carries to him.
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can be encoded, yes, it must be encoded by introducing some social norms, good ones, for the sake of human harmony.
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in fact, only a creator can change something in the sense in which i described it, as if you have the ability to remain in this state of love for god, love for the world, love for yourself, in god, i don’t know, in world, that’s when you have, and not always, by the way, if you follow what’s happening very carefully, yes, well, carefully, not tensely, but just pay attention to to the world, to the people, then what do you think...
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you take sparkling wine there on the banks of the volga , you watch the sunrise, well, you’re an oligarch, it seems like
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no, it doesn’t look like it, no, no, no, i’m not a rich person there, i’m right over there field, but my wealth, perhaps, will be envied by many, because , believe me, i have seen rich people, but they are not happier than me, so i have much more - capital than material, because i have freedom, and i like one of those little people who want to change something, who would be glad to change something, because, let’s say, returning to our conversation, yes there and there hammers, i would like it in our country to have a...
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creative professions go somewhere, even in some sense despising such truly let’s assume they are achieving there success, somehow they earn some money, and then they turn to branislav: there is no happiness in life, help, right? in search of happiness, comfort, spirituality, they turn to you, right? i recently
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took part in one such party, such a secular, very famous company, i was asked to tell fortunes using a book of changes, it means that i’m doing this, i’m interested in it, i’m studying, i’m researching this process, which means, of course, what was happening there amazed me that these were all people from directly or top management , owners, that’s right.
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and for people who, well, are not monks, often, well, there is an idea that this is accordingly, well, they live in the world, yes, a very kind of well, a secondary or something, path, but it is second-class, or something like that, a path, but according to compared to the monastic one, and accordingly, this is what we are talking about, about a creative state, a state, well, like... some kind of happiness, yes, precisely some kind of inner peace, that it is unattainable, or achievable, that’s how you can say about it? listen, the church has never said, does not say and will not say that monasticism is somehow preferable, and on the contrary, in
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the stories of lost people there are many such stories when a monk who began to think too highly for himself...
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and for someone physical labor is what brings joy, it reveals itself, for some it is intellectual, for others it is work that is generally impossible, it is not leaves a material trace, but if the work of a plumber or a janitor leaves a material trace, there is work that leaves no material trace, for example, the work of a driver, well, he drove by, delivered, but it’s like... no trace, but we we see and know that there are people who just do it virtually, masterfully, i apologize, they do it masterfully, and it’s straightforward, well, this is creativity, you admire the way a person drives, controls a vehicle, it’s just something incredible, and i’m not saying this because i can’t do it, but we have another tradition, in addition to the things that we take
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2062, we try to summarize each program with theses, like some kind of abstract manifesto of the russia of the future, russia 20072, well, here we go you can object, complement, disagree, agree on the contrary, there is such a general opinion that a human creator is some special type of people, a rare species, but in fact we are in russia 2062, well, in fact, today we were doing this together with you , we like to say that the very essence of everyone of a person in the realization of the creative self, in the harmony that a human creator brings into the world, that is, a person becomes humanized with... becomes a full-fledged person precisely through creative creative activity, bronislav and i, without saying a word, mentioned everything already related to god, but there it is not noted. yes, we have a secular program, let’s add, so the second thing is that the current civilization is increasingly processing creators, consumers, and thereby dehumanizes a person, depriving him of his
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subjectivity in order to resist this effectively, it is necessary to preserve the preservation of a person in his completeness and value, make it a strategic goal, this is my favorite , make it a strategic goal of any activity, individual, social and state, even if the goals of entrepreneurship and state programs are all... discomfort, he tries to improve, he not very good, this is some kind of consumer state, because
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the slave, he puts up with discomfort, yes, the consumer tries to avoid it, the creator utilizes the discomfort, so still, i hope that the future will consist of... these are creative creators and third, third, small, the last one is not so pretentious for me, finally, when in russia there will be a million people like this,
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creators, viktor pavlikovs , we need to reproduce at least a million, then we won’t recognize the country, i’m telling you for sure, you support, i think, yes, well, okay, thank you very much, you need to open a school for viktor pavlik. thank you all very much, thank you, thank you, good luck, happy, all the best,
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buddy, hello, as promised, we’re cooking today pilaf, hey, hey, butter is not the first thing, oh, you need to transfer money home, by the way, it ’s better to transfer it from vtb here.
11:55 pm
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11:59 pm
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12:00 am


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