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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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russia calls on the magats and sensible members of the international community to do everything. to prevent a nuclear incident at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, these are the words of the russian permanent representative to the un vasily nebende at a meeting of the security council. over the past week, the kiev regime has carried out a series of unprecedented attacks on the territory of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, including the dome of one of the power units. we will learn the results of the security council on shelling behind nuclear power plants from our own correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov. those assessments that sounded from the head of magathe in the council chamber. un security
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is perhaps the toughest on recent incidents. it is known that ukraine has been shelling the territory of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant for two years now, but the latest attacks were truly drunken. we are dangerously close to nuclear disaster. these reckless attacks must be stopped immediately, although fortunately this time they did not result in a radiological incident, they significantly increase the risk at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. nuclear safety is already compromised threat, the context in which they occurred is important, several months before these direct attacks there had already been an increase in the number of individual drone incursions in the vicinity of the facility in the nearby town of energodar, that is, in a certain sense , rafael grossi today again stood in solidarity with representatives of the collective west, who once since russia is blamed for what is happening, although the current case is truly egregious, there is everything...
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at the site, experts magathe have the opportunity to see everything perfectly with their own eyes. in lack of any retaliation on the part of its curators, on april 7, the kiev regime, believing in its own impunity, again switched to the tactics of direct shelling of the station. first, with the help of a kamikaze drone , a strike was made on the territory of the canteen, where a truck with food was being unloaded at that moment. three people were injured, one of them was seriously injured.
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in fact, to justify the attacks that the ukrainian regime is carrying out on potentially providing the necessary basis so that, a dangerous object, what this could lead to, one can only guess, however, examples before our eyes on the territory of ukraine in the eighty-sixth year there was an accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, larger than
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the chernobyl station, so the potential consequences could be worse, vasily nebendev warned his colleagues against blindly following the kiev narratives.
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safety at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but at least think about your own prospects and trust the instinct of self-preservation, if there are no rational arguments for the kiev sponsors are no longer valid. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin, news from new york. the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov , flew to the kurgan region for the second time since the beginning of the flood season. he will check how protective dams are being built to strengthen the banks of the tabol river. daily water level. more than 300 residential buildings were flooded, almost 13,000 people were evacuated, the spring flood in russia affected almost 40 regions, according to the ministry of emergency situations, in total , almost 16 thousand houses, residential and country houses remain in the flood zone. the most difficult situation is
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in the orenburg region, where this flood became the most abundant water on record. after several dam breaks in orsk, the ural river drowns entire districts in orenburg. in the tyumen region they expect high water in 2-3 days, they do not rule out forced evacuation about how they are preparing for the arrival of a natural disaster on the banks of tabola and ishim about how they are blowing up ice to reduce the flood level near tomsk, in reports by stanislav bernwald and andrey malanovat i started to slowly take out all the shoes, from here we will empty the closets and the bed, try to sort it out somehow too bring it in, but it’s a pity, because it will all get wet, everything cannot be restored. for the second day now, svetlana and her husband have been transporting things from their house to their mother. large water from the bed of the tobol river may rapidly begin to rise in the coming days, then the count will begin in hours, if not minutes. then it will no longer be possible to save the property. the airplanes need to be removed from below, do you know how many there are?
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orsk served as a sad example, where after the dam broke, the city very quickly began to go under water. first of all, we prepared the boat. on every fireman. them with my husband. the main thing is to strengthen it so that if water comes , it will not burst. today, having a more negative forecast than in normal times, we set ourselves the task of increasing the body of the dam, to a level of one to one and a half
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meters, the entire dam is 2.8 km long, now all that remains is to fill literally another 400 m to the required level, today we we expect this work to... be completely completed, this is how the dam in the village of uporov is built up by several meters, cars come and bring loam from the nearest quarry, well, then heavy equipment compacts this loam, just a few more meters, and the dam will close. today, in some areas of the region, which are in the zone of potential flooding, it was announced. voluntary evacuation, temporary accommodation centers for residents are opening, we are deploying temporary temporary accommodation centers for 464 places, we have five of them in the area, all services are involved, today the medical service, education, everything is complete, they are taking part in staffing temporary temporary accommodation centers, they are basically ready for us , we are now
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are already ready to receive people, sleeping places, catering, psychological support for citizens, organization of leisure activities outside of school hours with children who will be at the temporary temporary detention facility. social services take an active part in the part of people with disabilities, elderly citizens, palliative patients, 80 m. monitoring of the water level in tobol is carried out several times in court.
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the water level there is rising and approaching dangerous levels; there are hundreds of residential buildings in the potential flooding zone. got an updated forecast that significantly exceeds the one we received back on the fifth. april, by half a meter per meter, and these are absolutely historical maximums that have never been observed on the ishim river, so this will now require us to make a certain recalculation of the number of houses in populated areas that may be subject to flooding. a regional emergency has been declared in the tyumen region, all services are put on maximum alert. stanislav bernwald, sergey ukhvaryonok, danila kuznetsov, conduct the tyumen region. just now
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behind me, a large piece of the bank collapsed, this is part of an earthen dam in the area of ​​the communal bridge, we see how the water easily carries away reinforced concrete blocks. powerful streams have already washed away the road under the bridge and continue to destroy the earthen dam; there is no threat to the bridge itself, its concrete foundation is deep underground. west, about four meters, probably, the water level in the tom river has reached critical levels, the coastal infrastructure in the area of ​​the river station is flooded, and a powerful ice jam has formed. to give movement to the ice drift to reduce the water level, for the third day in a row , sappers carried out ice blasts, but due to sub-zero temperatures at night, the river froze and rose again. i called my friend, a fisherman, and... he said that the water was rising, but the current was not increasing. there are four
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settlements in the flood zone, including the regional center and several gardening communities. on the left bank , several streets went under water, more than a meter deep. an evacuation was announced there over the weekend, but some residents decided to wait out the high water in their homes. here is seryozha, the house is flooded, tatyana, there is irina. in several areas. on regional roads , water flooded the roadway in places, making it impassable, even for trucks. the highly cross-country ural three-axle vehicle could not pass; it was already beginning to demolish it. this morning, cars are already passing through, and this indicates that logistics connections with populated areas have been restored. in the tomsk region , almost 140 houses remain flooded, temporary accommodation centers are in constant readiness. more than eighty people have already left dangerous areas.
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foreign agents, rally near the georgian parliament building participants in the action against the adoption of the law on the law had meanwhile practically ended, most of its participants had already dispersed, the scandalous initiative, which the georgian opposition immediately called, quote, pro-russian, was supported on monday by the parliamentary committee on legal issues, a little earlier, during the discussion because of it already georgian deputies got into a fight, the document itself is essentially a copy of a similar american law, it involves mandatory registration of non-profit legal entities...
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the borderlands of the belgorod region were brought diesel generators. in some settlements in the region, due to attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, there is a power outage. the necessary aid was delivered by volunteers of the all-russian popular front. student lifeguard corps. igor pikhanov will tell you what the current situation is in the belgorod region. volunteers of the popular front are preparing food packages to be sent to the border villages of the belgogorod region: humanitarian aid is needed for local residents, the territory was heavily damaged by shelling by ukrainian militants, delivery
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food supply there is difficult. there are cereals, canned goods, that is, durable goods. therefore, at any moment, in any place, we are now one and a half kilometers from the border, the car is in the front-line gorky municipality, in five villages, half of the residential buildings are damaged or destroyed by militants of the ukrainian armed forces. the village of sovkhozny was left without electricity, now only three people live here, the rest were evacuated, volunteers delivered food and diesel generators, despite the difficult situation.
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situation yuri returned home from moscow the day before, returned home, well... his wife and i decided to go at our own peril and risk. volunteers delivered the main cargo of humanitarian aid to the city of grayvor. thanks to the work of the minabaruna unit, the number of shellings has decreased, and people are gradually returning home from evacuation. social services are distributing humanitarian aid and shops are opening. local resident tatiana was away for half a month; her apartment building was damaged by an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. they just renovated a beautiful, admired one and... suddenly they arrived shells, pierced the roof, broke our windows, damaged pipes, gas, water pipes, apartments in the next entrance were flooded, the city is quiet, but the situation can change at any second, enemy shelling continues, ukrainian militants are hitting residential buildings and civilian infrastructure, the roof of this
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store was hit by a mortar shell, the building received extensive damage, fortunately , there were no personnel here at the time of the shelling. there were no visitors. after each attack , pensioner grigory kholod conducts a walk around his street in the private sector. there are almost no people here left. the man keeps an eye on his neighbors' estates; as soon as they see windows broken out by the blast wave, he covers the openings with film. in case of fire, call the ministry of emergency situations. and there were fragments in the yard. well, there were explosions in the yard above, such explosions were like flames, full of fragments. until recently, the gory-voronsky urban district was itself. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. german chancellor olaf scholz arrived in china on a three-day visit. a bilateral meeting with the chairman of the republic, sidinpin, is scheduled for tuesday. one of the main goals of the german politician is
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convince the chinese leadership of the need to resolve the conflict in ukraine. or more precisely, to persuade the prc to side.
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germany positions itself as the economic locomotive of europe and understands that without china, this locomotive will remain in the depot. don't forget that 30% of industrial gdp comes from china. germany can offer a lot of technology, this is how we develop our economies. and in the future, i think we have the next stage ahead, the introduction of new productive forces at a higher level. therefore, together with scholz, a delegation from a large german businesses from siemс to bayar, chinese publications even depicted the supposed seating arrangement on the plane; the closer to business class, the more important the projects and the higher the expectations. and it turns out that scholz came to make peace, because last year germany adopted its first ever strategy on china, where it indicated that china poses a serious threat to german interests. here is the terrible
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elephant of germany, the famous german automobile industry, chinese electric cars, which are rapidly conquering world markets, causing the germans to reduce their own automobile production. production. last year , 40% fewer cars rolled off the road in germany, all because germany simply overslept the turn towards electromobilization. understanding that it is chinese. the car market is the largest in the world, the germans expect to make money at least here, and at the same time gain access to now new chinese technologies; without them, neither bmw nor mercedes will go far, which means they will have to look for a compromise. the german automotive association has already stated that it is against the eu imposing additional tariffs on the import of chinese electric vehicles, pointing out that this could trigger a trade war and threaten jobs in germany. in general, the task is difficult, to promote the interests of german companies, but in such a way as not to go beyond the framework of the european union, which is aimed at. reducing dependence on china, and apparently, so as not to provoke beijing once again, scholz did not take with her foreign minister annalena berbak, frau minister, known for her harsh statements
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addressed to the prc and personally the chairman of the association, whom she even accused of collaborating with moscow in the ukrainian conflict, however, without berbock, the meeting with the president of the people's republic of china, which is scheduled for tomorrow, will not happen without ukraine. i will talk about the war that russia is waging against ukraine and insist. on the fact that no one has the right to help russia achieve its aggressive goals, therefore europe and countries around the world provide support to ukraine. scholz already said all this in beijing in 2022, but it had no effect on the chinese leader. china is staying away from the conflict, which it considers can only be resolved through negotiations. and taking into account security guarantees for everyone. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news, beijing bureau. in moscow. awarded the first prize named after journalist anatoly lysenko, it is called an educator, creator, creator, among the laureates are famous media workers, as well as cultural and artistic figures,
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they were awarded in three categories for personal contribution, for achievements for philanthropy. olga mecheryakova's report on how the award ceremony went. in this room there are people of different professions, but the main thing unites them, they are masters of their craft, creating new forms whose ideas work for the development of society.
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largely thanks to him and with his efforts , a new russian television broadcasting was organized, non-partisan, educational and entertaining addressed to the viewer; they were like-minded people, valentin lazutkin and anatoly lysenko. i was lucky enough to be friends with him for more than 50 years, to work in the same team for more than 30 years. everyone knows that the founder, a great man, raised everyone, everything is correct, but it is important to emphasize that he founded everything that he founded on russian
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television, modern, he founded from scratch, with zero mark, among the laureates are not only representatives of the journalistic profession, the symbol of the award is here, it’s called dinosaur television, it’s very heavy, like the mission carried out by people who really create something new. sergei ursulyak, his films from liquidation to the quiet don, united several generations on television screens, truly folk, but smart and subtle cinema, a fresh and unusual look. there are people, there are wonderful professionals, there are simply decent people who continue to do their job and their job as it should be. it is extremely important to return to this criterion, when television does not work for destruction, but for... creation. the award is being awarded for the first time and will become annual. olga mishcheryakova, mikhail altarkop, stanislav petrov, alexander merkuriev, anastasia serikova, news.
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it's close in st. petersburg. the large-scale restoration of the rimsky korsakov conservatory, the same one where tchaikovsky, shestakovich and prokofiev studied, is nearing completion. due to unscrupulous contractors, the work dragged on for almost a decade, and the historical heritage site was actually destroyed. in a state of disrepair until the president drew attention to the problem. about how painstakingly they are recreating the country’s first music university, day and night. report by salei mariev. a long and dramatic restoration. the story is coming to an end, for 10 years there was no music in this building, but during this period the noise of construction work was not always heard, the contractors were unlucky, they changed, contracts were broken, the building stood abandoned for years without heating, until the president paid attention to the situation , that's work now finally reaching the finish line, when the scaffolding was removed, st. petersburg saw the conservatory in the historical beige color, and not in the usual green, the facade is already ready, there is
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a construction anthill inside, they work in two shifts and at night too, this is the main staircase, larch railings, steps made of marble, rare, dark, bardizhlivo had to be completely replaced, white karera was preserved better, we were very lucky, and we found the last piece of marble in russia, italian karara, the upper part is historical marble, this the insert, which is already aimed, is absolutely no different. 19th-century paintings were found under 15 layers of paint; only a third was preserved, the rest had to be recreated. in search of sketches, restorers visited the golden ring museum of both capitals, and here is the result: they cannot be distinguished. in glazunov’s amazingly small hall, craftsmen worked for 3 years on the curly linden that frames the picturesque image of apollo and continue to conjure up the chairs. there are harp-shaped perforations on the backs. both the chairs and the walls here work for acoustics.
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there are actually two walls here, one real, another so-called spruce coat, between which such an air cushion is created for better acoustics in this hall. the work on the roof of the conservatory is also already nearing completion. previously there was a simple wooden roof here, but now there is a high-tech metal structure with air conditioning systems, ventilation, heating, and in addition... transparent domes like this were installed above the courtyards, thereby creating a useful area for the conservatory increased by 700 square meters. where there used to be a smoking room, there will now be public space. one of the tasks of the restoration is to return to students and professors the feeling of belonging to the first music university in the country, where rimsky korsykov, rubinstein and glazunov taught, where tchaikovsky, prokofiev and shestakovich studied. blog
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gone. ekaterina bobkova. news: northwestern bureau.
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