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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 16, 1871 , berlin was proclaimed the capital of germany. on the same day , the constitution of the german empire was adopted. this was the result of the struggle of prussian chancellor otthoff. bismarck, for the creation, on the basis of all the diverse german states, kingdoms, duchies, principalities, of a single strong country, led by prussia. the german empire is also called the kaiser's germany or the second reich, prussian king wilhelm ii became emperor or kaiser. since then, berlin has remained the main german city. after world war ii, for a long time it was divided into western and eastern. for almost 30 years, the symbol of the division of germany was the berlin wall. erected by the authorities of the gdr and
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passing through the entire city, after the unification of the country, berlin, no longer without a wall, became its capital. since the 13th century, the symbol of the city has been the bear. according to some versions, the name berlin may come from the german word ber bear. april 16, 1932 the first b2 tvs in the soviet union were released. named after their inventor, soviet engineer anton breidbert. then the so-called mechanical, small-line television was born. and that device was a device with a nipkova disk. the image, measuring 16x12 mm , consisted of thirty lines. to examine it, a magnifying glass was built into the body, but even with it, the image was enlarged to dimensions of 3x4 cm and. and practically i could only look at the picture on such a tv.
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one man. b-2 tvs were produced in leningrad at the oldest radio engineering plant in russia named after kazitsky. and in total they produced about 3.00 pieces. and in a magazine for radio amateurs they published a detailed description of the b2 so that people could assemble them themselves. regular transmissions of mechanical television have been broadcast from moscow since thirty-one through radio uzel, but already in thirty-eight electronic television began broadcasting in the soviet union. and he was already completely accepted. on april 16, 1947 , the term cold war was officially used for the first time, and it stuck for many years. decades. the term itself was coined by the writer george orwell several years earlier, but it was first used at the official level by bernard baruch, an adviser to us president harry truman. speaking to members of the south carolina house of representatives, baruch used this expression to describe the confrontation between the usa and
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the ussr. the contradictions between the capitalist west and the socialist bloc led by the soviet union began with the adoption in the united states of the truman doctrine aimed at containing the ussr. world. split into two poles. cold the war between washington and moscow began to gain momentum, accompanied by an arms race, primarily nuclear. this confrontation began to lose its urgency only in the mid-eighties, with mikhail gorbachev coming to power in the ussr. on april 16, 2003 , forty-year-old michael jordan played his last nba game. playing as an attacking guard, jordan became an olympic champion twice and is still... considered the best basketball player in history. he did a lot not only to popularize basketball throughout the world, but also achieved that basketball began to be perceived as a prestigious game, big money came into it. jordan was the first billionaire athlete to become a billionaire and
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is still ranked by forbes as the highest-paid athlete in history. if we translate everything he earned at today’s exchange rate, the amount will exceed $2 billion. in many ways. jordan's success was facilitated by his unique explosive style of play with high starting speed and the ability to change the tempo of the match at the right moment. plus the incredible jumping ability that brought him his nickname is his airiness. the original is air jordan. but as a child, little michael was not even accepted into the school basketball team the first time due to poor physical fitness. but a year later, the strong-willed jordan corrected this shortcoming and was accepted. this is what this day in history was like.
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this wall displays seven different types of majolica ceramic tiles, this wall is completely old, meaning it is more than a hundred years old. years, which means that on this wall we have ceramic tiles completely recreated by us. the majolica on this wall was completely lost, but now you can’t tell, restorers are not just repeating the work of 19th century masters, they are artificially adding new age tiles so that it doesn’t look like a remake. it is produced piece by piece using the method of firing or double firing. to start the form is fired. then the glaze is applied, the glaze is baked for the second time on the finishing
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layer of glaze with a special chemical composition , aging is done, that is, cracks, new fragments of the railings cannot be distinguished from historical ones, experts try to restore the original wooden handrails, but if this is no longer possible, exact copies of the lost elements are created in the workshop , a 3d model is drawn, after that... control programs are inserted and the blanks are cut out accordingly using machine tools, but there is still a difference, albeit invisible to the eye, the new fragments are made from glued beams, it consists of several longitudinal boards, lamellas, the historical handrails were made of solid wood, restorers assure that modern technology is more reliable.
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original design, it soaked up water so many times and gave it away so many times during thawing after the winter period that its literally self-supporting ability... dried up, that is , formally all the decorative elements could be poured on people’s heads, dolepnina tried to be extra without even touching it, the measurements were taken using non-contact technologies, a special program helped determine exactly how much material was needed and what work needed to be done, and an engineer with a device
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completely scans the building, and what appears at first is an incomprehensible cloud of points. but then , after processing the special program , a clearer and more detailed picture appears, where you can see all the cornices, all the decorative elements. the apartment building was built by the varvara society of homeowners; in fact, this is one of the first moscow developers, among there are many famous names as guests, for example, the russian engineer vladimir shukhov rented an apartment here. the monument to geniu stands on turginevskaya square, side by side with another building, where major renovations are currently underway. the apartment building of the insurance company russia, a building like something out of a fairy tale, although the luxurious decor is still hidden behind scaffolding, only the gothic turret with a dial is visible, it delights from afar, but if you look closer, it becomes clear that the stucco molding is in a deplorable state. the tulip is where it should be, it is already missing, we have it
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let's recreate it in the same place. losses in sculptural elements where griffins are. knight's shields - all these elements will be restored to their original form according to existing analogues. this is the only secular residential building in moscow that has a bell, but it does not have a tongue. probably the owners wanted to build a mechanical system, but did not have time. the revolution broke out. it was possible to hear the ringing only in 2011. he only rang once, when the house was 110 years old, we specially invited bell ringers from the temple christ the savior, they gave exactly 110 blows in honor of the birthday of our house. two buildings and three courtyards, almost one and a half hundred spacious apartments, before the revolution they were rented out for long-term rent, now we want it
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to be a high-rise building. marina austinova settled here about 20 years ago. the owners, who lived in the house for only six months and sold the apartment, could not live here, you cannot come to this house and do everything the way you want and be capricious, you must reckon with these walls, with the atmosphere of this house, the master this is taken into account they work with respect, the walls in the entrances have already been cleared, the forged fences are being restored, they were badly damaged in soviet times when elevators were installed. here pieces of genuine metal fencing were cut out and pieces were actually welded, pieces of reinforcement were welded, which was a kind of fencing, naturally we could not leave it in this form and replaced this section of terrible rusty reinforcement with a recreated piece of the drawing for a farted
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element, completely hidden behind the construction scaffolded facade and this building is an apartment building merkel in arkhanelsky lane, premises were also rented out to offices and individuals here. for example, a prominent scientist and dentist pavel dauge lived here. the doctor was known for providing his apartment to the social democrats for secret meetings, and he also personally treated vladimir lenin’s teeth. by the way, there is still a dental clinic here. the steps along which the leader of the world proletariat walked can no longer be found. the worn-out stone was replaced with porcelain stoneware or concrete; only a few samples remained, from which craftsmen are now recreating all spans, made from historical materials respectively, are a dolamite base, dolamite flour, which will be poured into a form that has now been prepared by restorers, with their specific roller, with their specific shape, size, and not
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as was done in the soviet years by local repairs, somewhere in... laid on the landings, but in this case the restorers are happy. when we touched the tile, under a layer of glue we discovered an authentic historical uedi sotmet tile. why did you like this tile, why are they in did they make something like this in the soviet union? well, because, apparently, it was difficult to restore it or there was no time or money for it. therefore, it was simply preserved, and thanks to this , it has survived to this day in such luxurious condition. the masters say this building is full of secrets. under layers of plaster, for example, marked bricks with names were discovered.
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located very close to the kremlin, but residents cannot see the towers with stars. if you walk along tverskaya and look into the arch, you can see a building of incredible beauty, almost a tower. this
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savinsky courtyard was built at the beginning of the 20th century. until the thirties, it was located on the first line of the street, but as a result of the expansion of tver, the building was taken and moved about 50 m. savinsky courtyard at. belonged to the savino-starozhevsky monastery, in fact, it was an apartment building; church people and secular people, for example, alexander khanzhonkov, one of the first russian film producers, rented housing here. he himself rented an apartment here on the third floor, on the second floor there was his office, the office of his cinematheque, and he managed to come to an agreement with the owners, with the landlord, and he used the courtyard of the house as a... to move the building inside the block, from the old foundation to the future, soviet engineers laid railway
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rails, 36 in total, 2,100 steel rollers were installed on them, this is what ensured the movement, the house itself was strengthened with metal beams, i-beams, they can still be seen in the basement of the building , this is the foundation on which the arcade building was built. despite such shocks, the courtyard had never before undergone major renovations, restorers are touching the building for the first time, scaffolding is being installed on the façade,
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work is already in full swing inside the entrances, they had to start with the electrical wiring. and why are there so many wires in this building, but these are still remnants, because initially, when we came here, there was a jungle of these wires, the old wires were not removed, and the operating organization hung more and more new wires on top of the old ones. the non-functional wires have been removed, the rest will be hidden, the restored decoration of the main staircase is already visible, the windows are in good condition condition, some of the glass seems to have never been replaced in a century, that is, we can even see this arched frame, where the original glazing is visible with a slight distortion, that is, with human distortion, because before they could not make such a straight flat glass, and this just confirms that these glasses are genuine, in addition, there will be... original fittings, and here we can even see the original wedge for fixing the window sash so that it does not open, or here is
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another interesting element of the building - blocks falconier glass bricks folded into panels, somewhere they were lost, somewhere hidden under plaster, to the delight of the residents , the openings are returned to their original form, it is located here in the common space, well, including in the apartment, it... light passes through, yes, this element was created specifically so that through light would come into the apartment, from this beautiful huge window in our apartment, it is now sealed, it was back when our parents were, but we hope to restore it completely so that the play of light was in the apartment as well. glazing, stucco, majolika. major renovations in apartment buildings , on the one hand, preserve the historical appearance of the buildings, and on the other hand, provide residents with modern amenities. the combination is difficult. that’s why the work is so meticulous. every year , dozens of cultural heritage sites are put in order in the capital. moscow is committed to renovating all historical buildings in the city. in the summer of 2021
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, a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny, young people threw stones at the businessman’s property, they came specifically to kill, the situation became tense, the parties began to shoot at each other, chaos was happening. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used weapons, i repeat once again, i defended my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, told them what was happening here, they looked at me with such eyes and said: this cannot happen. the man who killed
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the intruder. or a hero who saved his family, we took up this matter and carried out their investigation, stand by, who are they, newbies, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why not adam adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, the white rose can, i can, you can sing somehow, i shave, i’m alive, we don’t need names, you can’t touch her. or whatever is not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, gober to the machine gun, there is something to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing to call sign rebina, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia. programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website,
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where are you from? i’m not lying, but i’m from the 19th century, now i’m 2.124 years old, this is not fantasy, this is love, with alice and i, as if i didn’t understand, you don’t mind, 100 years in the future.
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