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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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biden, after netanyahu’s report that they had heroically shot down all these missiles and drones, said: “well, i congratulate you on your victory, but don’t fight anymore.” about your actions. you inform us, israel
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does not have the strength to fight iran alone, there is aviation, yes, it will not reach the nuclear industry facilities, but it will not return, tanker planes are needed, only the americans have planes, tankers in the region, the americans now it is unlikely that they will be provided; on the night from saturday to sunday , air force refueling aircraft in the united states, if you look at flight radar, they were hovering just above this region and heading to gas stations. aircraft in the coalition that were already in the air and performing combat missions. by the way, one of the planes 0.30 sent a distress signal 7.700 went to an emergency call to one of the airfields, to one of the american bases, it seems like in bahrain, so it is unlikely that now the americans will present refueling aircraft to the israelis, here they have boats, they have winged ones missiles, but they won’t solve the problem, other than that the israelis don’t have...
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to overcome the marijuana problem, you need it to resolve, by the way, what went through his head, well, students began to show him that in berlin now there is nightmare marijuana, he said, but i don’t know what he’s saying, of course you don’t know that you don’t go to berlin, but that’s in general, this means that the young man said from shanghai that they will soon go to study in berlin, he fears that he is using drugs everywhere, well, he was hinting at the law on the legalization of marijuana that recently came into force, in china...
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it is prohibited, the guy asked what he should do if he doesn't want to try cannabis at all and doesn’t want to risk his health, the chancellor was surprised, just don’t smoke, he says, not 66 and never smoked maricana, if he studies in berlin, you can run there all the time and not meet anyone who does something like that, the chancellor said, who himself lives in the basement. these words from berlin's nightlife caused suppressed laughter from the german delegation. scholz tried to dispel the impression that because of the new law, everyone in germany will now be. it seemed to me that in germany there were a number of great philosophers who in particular, they worked on the basis of a good logical apparatus, well, at least, yes, i will say so politely, yes, apparently, scholz is a supporter of a different philosophical one phrase literally, they allowed marijuana, and after 2 weeks, now they have passed a law that sex is allowed change once... a year, it
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seems to me that the connection is obvious, once a year, i mean it seriously, i understand, i started smoking, changed it, smoked, changed it, now i’m declaring it. five large petrochemical enterprises are concentrated in haifa; tankers from azerbaijan-kazakhstan arrive there oil. if, god forbid, one drone flies there and explodes, for example, over an oil refinery, then there will be a huge environmental disaster, and given
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the small size of israel, it will not seem like much, probably to the whole country, and 50% of israel’s trade turnover goes through the port of haifa, etc. .. if possible, i would like - we have just returned from the balkans, with a group of employees working there, we were in bosnia and herzegovina, in serbia, for them now a huge problem is the upcoming hearing of the initiation resolution germany ponogenosamblenie ion on the genocide of bosnian muslims in 1995, in 2015, 2015 our paspret. noted that guys, we are now going to blow up the situation in the balkans as a whole and in bosnia, too, now everything is moving towards this, but for me personally the goal
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of the westerners is clear now, this is to split the serbs, force them to dumbly agree to the surrender of kosovo, to join anti-russian sanctions, so of course, now brother... the love of clients is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just make cakes, give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, you give them the opportunity
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has been distinguished by these affairs lately, the director of the cia, but sooner or later iran and israel will clash again, and this will happen sooner rather than later. i'm sure that in new escalations, new outbursts will soon follow, the contradictions are too strong, the contradictions are too strong and... a lot, but, among such buts, the position of the hawks, both in america and in israel, well, also the half-crazy statement of john bolton, who again calls to the change of power in iran, you can laugh at such statements, but i once talked with john bolton back when there were entire previous governments in iraq and... many laughed at him, said, what is he like, looking for weapons of mass destruction in iraq, calls
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to a big war, this will not happen, but it happened in 2003, and the consequences are the saddest, iraq over the past many years has been just a hotbed, a breeding ground for new terrorist organizations, a refuge for old ones, they have barely begun to deal with this problem now , so i would... take such hawks and statements with complete seriousness, especially since what john bolton says coincides with the desires of benjamin netanyahu, as soon as the pressure on benjamin netanyahu increases, as soon as there is talk about early parliamentary elections in israel, they will start talking again, so we can expect another escalation, don’t go to a fortune teller, there will probably be one. i was very surprised by the former director of the cia, david petraeus, the one
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who, even before becoming the director of the cia in iraq , commanded troops there, he was also called king david, king david, today he advises the israelis, why should you respond directly to iran, well, hold it, take your time , you can answer indirectly, under cover he says: “you can answer under a false flag, answer somehow with this the other end, for example, that it was the ukrainians who struck and lists cyber attacks, some other attacks, but what is this, rather than adding fuel to the fire, a provocation, advice, you don’t answer directly, saying that we are holding you back, well, answer how- something like this under a false flag and under cover, how many such attacks have already happened? under cover, and how many more will come, but since iran’s
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period of patience is over, then even if it is an attack under cover, then expect a new escalation, yes, the parties now unanimously say that each of them won, stuffing now there is a lot going on in the media, each side explains why it... considers itself the winner, but this is not surprising, i know that veterans who participated in the 1973 war between israel are still alive. egyptians, and to this day each of them says: we won, they still can’t decide, the israelis say that they are, and the egyptians are their allies, that they are, so here it’s probably not unimportant, because a lot now there will be a mulik of such and untruthful ones
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stories related to these events, how jordan distinguished itself. yes, they talk about princess salma, who allegedly personally shot down drones on a fighter jet and shot down as many as six of them, of course, this is fake news, this is fake, who, well, who knew this princess salma before, except for her family, we don’t know who she is knew, she was performing, she was on top, but her mother is palestinian,
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she won, someone says that iran fell into a trap, supposedly because it got involved, how did it get involved, where did it get involved, he very carefully answered that for him these traps, iran still, i think, treats israel as its rebellious province, street journal, from which they quarrel with the turks, who treat it the same way, the wall street journal has now calculated that, at a minimum, at least to repel an iranian attack. the israelis alone spent about half a billion dollars, and together with allies and partners , figures of almost one and a half billion dollars are cited, while there are no clear calculations yet, it is very difficult to calculate, while many military
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analysts claim that iran’s expenses were several times higher less, ten times less. what the advanced countries of the west are capable of, well, finally, we will not determine the winners, but it is clear who lost, the joe biden administration lost, well, yes, once again these events have shown that americans cannot control either their opponents or their
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partners and allies, the same netanyahu, but it’s not strategically beneficial for the americans...
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great, yes, that’s why, regarding the democratic world, israel explained with this theory a lot of what it does, by the way, the second country that adopted the united states, well, of course. changes in regimes and so on, but here is another theory that israel is de facto used very actively, this is what serge already told about, this is the so
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-called theory of the madman madame fury, it was invented, of course, for nixon during the era of the vietnam war, but in in principle , this is the same situation when five of you hold me, because four cannot be held, this is just about israel, because it could afford a disproportionate, provocative reaction to any events around. and the whole world was calm about this, so the events of yesterday, or better to say, starting from january with the terrorist attack in iraq, in iran, i apologize, show that the attitude is changing towards this practice and the states of the middle east will evaluate israel’s behavior accordingly in these days, israel was attacked directly from the territory of iran, this is beli’s incident, israel has no response to this...
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another short comment regarding macron’s idea of ​​a truce, what is called carefully watch your hands, the nearest time any contacts between russia and our partners. from kiev showed that it is impossible to believe, after all , i wanted to dwell on one more hero who was remembered today, on scholz, scholz
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went on a visit to china, the second day of the visit is today he is in shanghai, in general, and this visit is very speaks a lot about affairs in europe and about affairs in the world, and we are witnessing a very grandiose phenomenon, if not a collapse, then at least a deep crisis of the german economy, which... is going to china to save, and scholl cleaned up in china, the previous time he there was in november '22, then he was traveling as a representative of the european union, to convince the chinese to join efforts to put pressure on russia, in general, then the german economy, of course, was not in very good condition due to the energy crisis, but the effect of biden's decisions on inflation in science, in science and chips, these two laws were not yet obvious, now this law... for - its effect on the german economy is more or less obvious, germany’s trade with various regions of the planet is being curtailed, in relation to china,
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for example, and the german economy, if you look at the statistics, german companies invest money in the united states, but this is not from a good life, because they transfer their production there, and ultimately scholz went to china in order to save the german economy, well as we know it, an economy that exports... china and germany is quite large this year, last year it was 255 billion euros, but it is not growing, and its structure is changing, the german economy is suffering from chinese electric vehicles , german the economy is facing competition in these electric light panels.
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parts european owners are no longer german , not mercedes while there are international ones, mostly , in my opinion, mercedes are already germanler, already bought by the chinese, in my opinion, they said they separated before that, yes, that’s why the head of mercedes-benz came to see where the factories are or will be , yes, because they are there they closed their representative office in germany yes yes 2 years ago scholz’s trip to china was a failure he was criticized in he was received at a high level, his morning by deputy mayor met the deputy, now the results will be
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the same. there is little support within the country and many believe that the elections will be early.
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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the big picture, the pursuit of views
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changes the whole. there is a clear and clear signal in russia; is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up , dusted yourself off, went, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?
2:59 am
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3:00 am
russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. and the coalition is falling apart and relations with ursula vonderijn have deteriorated, she is from another party, so he did not recommend her there for the post of secretary general, now she can we won’t be able to get into the european union either, but we really
3:01 am
hope that the elections -


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