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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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spoiled, she’s from a different party, that’s why he didn’t recommend her there for the post of general secretary, now now she might not make it into the european union either, but we really hope that the elections are in the elections to the european parliament, we’re preparing an apartment in rostov just in case, yes, so that everyone doesn’t die, we have a habit like, if someone runs away from somewhere, an apartment in rostov, friends in rostov, that is , we need a gynecologist’s office in the specialty, we have a gynecologist, i just imagine this practice, no, well, this is serious.
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in china you also don’t feel very well well, last year the volume of chinese foreign trade decreased, for the first time in many years it decreased significantly, if not for the phenomenal growth and russian chinese trade in general there would have been an acute crisis, this year the situation has improved a little, but in general there is some kind of yes edit value, added value, but it is still at a low level, which does not correspond to germany as a leader, former leader, here... yesterday he said
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that iran didn’t tell us anything, he says iran didn’t tell us anything, they didn’t receive it, problem the fact that no one believes the state department, because inside the state department they don’t talk to each other, so it’s unknown what he says, the cia director flew there on the eve of the attack, at the insistence, they decided to disparage the state department, because there are such funny characters that what should they say, he just sent them, now, yesterday the director of the sru spoke on the phone with the head of turkish intelligence kalin, and now he is already asking the turks to join... the islamic revolution, but to be honest, he could blame his turkish friends, especially , that the british intelligence services have been working hard in turkey for a long period of time, this is their patrimony, and not knowing that hamas directly supports turkey is a creation, by and large
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they are fellow party members, muslim brothers, that is, not knowing this at least it’s strange at least, so when cameron lies, you just look, you think, the englishwoman is crap, nothing changes, and especially for you, dear friend, jozov, rabinet, biden, jr., communicating with the pilots, although i’m not sure that he knows which pilots, what is he talking about, hey guys, you're the best in the whole damn world, man, oh, thank you, that's not hyperbole, man, both of them were amazing, you're incredible, absolutely incredible, you made a difference, maybe , saved many lives, thanks to extraordinary skill, the united states helped israel shoot down almost all of these missiles, you are wonderful, mr. president, we thank you for your words, speaking to you is lt. col. curtis culver, commander of the 494th fighter squadron, and we very proud to have contributed to this cause sir, you are absolutely incredible. i
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just, i apologize for my enthusiasm, i should be more restrained, not at all sir, proud to be an american, but let me say you make me proud of you, i'm not just saying that, i swear to god you incredible, thank you, mr. president, keep up the good work, take care of yourself, dude, well, he says not a dude, he says menen, that is, well , listen, i hear volodarsky here , take care of yourself, dude, dude, unfortunately , yes, although he often said dude, we'll go. that is , he said it many times, but now it was, now it was man, yes, man, man, yes, man, man, man, man, and also, well, it’s clear that he read the text in the first place, that this is not very pleasant, i still don’t understand, please explain to him, it means trump approached his aunt, entered into a complex system of relations with her, yes, by mutual consent, and for the initially agreed upon amount, no, it wasn’t even like that, it was simply by agreement, yes by i agree that... the agreement has been officially signed
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officially yes and not a disclosure and now he is being tried and he will receive 130. if he is convicted for this whole case, but trump will spend at least a year in prison, even the whole point is that this is the only trial that has every chance of ending in a guilty verdict before the elections, that is , until the beginning of november, so of all four
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trials that are being conducted against trump, i will remind you that this is the 6th of january twenty -one, these are secret documents, according to which for some reason the prosecutor took the sole acquittal of biden, trump has this there is a thing, this...
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there’s another thing, why do you want to tell me that an american lawyer took money to give to a porn star and how much he took, he gave as much? yes, oh, something new about the americans, this is democracy, yes, well, the curious thing about this whole beginning of the process is that they have a simple task there, they all know that it will just be armageddon, the selection of jurors, so, well, if it's impossible to find in the district of columbia, the district of columbia. biased, so to speak, in fact, like a jury, because well, there are 94% they voted for biden there in the elections of the twentieth year, although the whole country votes in half, in new york everything is still not so clear, a very long dispute, which means that lawyers and prosecutors, well, in general, lawyers , so to speak, the parties led to the fact that they
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made a whole questionnaire for the jury, which means a signature, why they are trying in new york, and because the money was transferred in new york, accordingly the new york prosecutor's office opened the money. that is, yes, it is clear that in some lawyers, the tv series boston lawyers, the lawyer the office, which was actually the collective protagonist there, would have smashed this case, but in real life, the new york state attorney's office, and it would be cool if a civil war broke out because a porn star was given money from the wrong pocket, not from
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-wars began because of such nonsense; it was not because of such nonsense that wars began, and so in texas one must be judged as a suser. there , it’s really not that bad, and jury selection is now starting, so they gave the jury a questionnaire. which means they are obliged means fill it out, then they will ask more verbally, but there is a question about putin, there is no question about putin, well, now it’s interesting that there is no question about putin and about blm, there is about everything else, are you subscribed to any of trump’s social resources, did you vote for trump, no, yes, yes, no, yes, how can you not answer there, in short, we need strictly neutral people, we need 12 people, i suggest a trial in moscow, listen, by the way, it’s a good idea, well, there’s no basman on them, really sometimes the idea is just on the surface, you can’t grasp it.
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institutions are failing, it definitely won’t go to europe will go, he must seek protection here, and that means he still has three more trials to go, and these are unlikely to last, so to speak, they have a clear feeling that if they now find him guilty, then perhaps its ratings will fall, then it will be possible... well, a crazy idea, this is a crazy idea, in fact, and apparently, all this does not lead to good in the grand scheme of things, but as for this, so to speak, iranian-israeli , as it were and as for iran-israeli immediately after a little advertising, in the summer of 2021 year, a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny. young people threw stones at the businessman’s property, they came specifically to kill,
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the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other, chaos was happening, a shot was fired and i felt a pain in my stomach, blood flowed in my head immediately that they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting his attackers at least three times. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used weapons, i repeat once again, i defended my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to federal. level, some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a cruel killer, he came to the investigative committee, told what was happening here, they look at me with such eyes, they say, this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family , we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. dmitry, about israel? we have trump, can we show you a trampoline? can we show you some? he has a brilliant everything
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about israel, that is, we show it all the time, he has such a lematic, if it were me, nothing would happen it was, well, yes, if it were me, there would be nothing, there would be no ukraine, there would be no iran, there would be nothing, there would be no world, there would be only me, well, yes, trump is talks all the time, but i’ll say this, i don’t agree with the thesis that the biden administration... lost in a tactical sense, in my opinion it won, it had very low authority and ratings, and generally speaking, about it they said that she couldn’t do anything , especially since the whole middle east was pissing her off, well, let’s do it, what could they not do? now, well, look, they have put together a coalition, yes, from a few countries, the united states has not assembled a coalition for a very long time, the planes of at least three powers, maybe four, have taken off, which means they have repulsed, no matter how many they have repulsed, maybe they have repulsed 10 %, maybe... 90, it doesn’t matter, they shut up the press all over the world, even jordanian princesses flew, for a long time, i know, well
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, yes, jordanian princesses, as if yes, but pay attention, this administration failed to shut up even the press for a very long time, she managed literally everything, of course, so to speak, now a showdown will begin within the biden administration, which of the clans has done the most here, apparently the clintons, because the lion's share, that means all these diplomatic settlements, yes, yes, that means glusdeb said, us, yes... the white house says: us, us warned, we received a message from iran, but none of them spoke about the timing and purpose of an air attack on israel. can i ask a question, what kind of message was this from iran to the usa, that is, it was, usa, fuck you, that is, this shuble was a message, a message indeed it was, apparently , at least, so to speak, a message was received by the state department, it was not received, i don’t know, the state department, judging by the way it is breaking down, cannot tell one truth, what they talked about.
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then after that he said, and after that who spoke? bibi netanyahu, no, danny gans spoke, that is, the main one, as if the oppositionist in the war cabinet, before joining the war cabinet, he was the main amizator, moreover, the man who visited washington, the main contender for the post of prime minister, of course, here opposition, that’s why, by the way, i think that hans said, and hans said, we need a coalition to fight, which means, accordingly, with iran, we will strike then and in such ways as we deem necessary.
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as if you understand, well, as if there is no place, well, there will be some sanctions, there will be some blows, but again, these blows are, as it were , called by the united states now, even the united states is calling for restraint, and this means that of course the situation is like this , tactically, of course, the byne administration has shown that it has won, but what is it using it for, it uses it so that, god forbid, war doesn’t break out there now, well, here, firstly, because it’s not really clear how it will end, let’s start with this, and secondly, of course, well, that’s all , this will be the end of the administration, even before that moment... it will be ready to give up power, the second point, this is also, by the way, from soviet times, i served in the army in soviet times, i remember karik, well, at least not in the tsarist era, well not the tsar’s, yes, otherwise i would have been too well preserved, so, that means, i remember there was such a caricature in a soviet newspaper, the eighties, there sits this, well , caricatured businessman, and a caricatured reporter, and
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the reporter asks the businessman, do you have a hobbit, he says no, but i have a lobby, it turned out that lobbies don’t work very well either. .. and this only means one thing: the responsible countries, especially those who live in eurasia, who live next to this region, should already have decisions on how to solve all this in a new way, so we will now live in a new way, we will all live according to new ones, well, in any case, we must understand as if there should be, but they are not there yet.
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the exact case somehow doesn’t add up, well, for example, the israeli defense forces are thoroughly bogged down in hostilities in the gas sector, it seems that the entire sector was razed to the ground and tens of thousands of civilians were killed there, but nevertheless the problem with hostages is not resolved, hamas has not lost its combat capability, it has retained the will to continue the armed struggle, that is, not a single problem has been solved. in fact, this is the israeli defense army in this sector, the idf did not achieve its goals, the northern fronts, more precisely, the south and lebanon, well, there, as a matter of fact...
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and under these conditions, on april 1 , a decision was made to strike the iranian consulate on the territory of damascus. the question is, i would like to ask the israeli military and the politician. what prompted you to make this decision, i exclude some, this is not in my department, now there are elections, politics and so on from a military point of view, but they carried out a strike with six of these missiles, well, 13 people died there, of which there are two generals ksir, from a military point of view, well, from an operational point of view from the point of view, well, the consequences are military, well , they’re simply insignificant, but now what’s behind this, what’s going to happen next, what’s going to happen next, since the challenge has been thrown at iran. and if we talk about the blow that iran dealt on the territory of israel, then some experts,
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well, let’s say, of a certain direction, have already hastened to declare that this is, like, a total defeat of the east in its struggle with the west or the complete superiority of western non-honologies compared to backward eastern ones , well, this is how it is positioned, some even they compare it to the battle of '. iran, they cannot solve anything in this matter, well, in my opinion, after all, all these assessments are not only exaggerated, they are generally untrue, since
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the iranian strike itself, well, according to my personal assessments, it was purely demonstrative in nature, that is, some tasks to achieve crushing defeats of some sort for the israeli defense armies, causing some heavy damage to the infrastructure of this country, in general, were not set, the task was set. strike some military targets and nothing more, by and large to show, well , this is what we can, we can lift 300 unmanned aerial vehicles, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, today we raised 300, but if the situation requires, we can lift 300, and iran has such capabilities according to by and large, there is something to be said about the effectiveness of israel’s air defense, and the actions of its allies. then yes, it seems like, according to their estimates , some kind of unprecedented efficiency has been demonstrated, but we shouldn’t forget that very recently, very recently, hamas has demonstrated that all these
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iron domes, they are generally not as effective as they seem, according to their tactics, technical characteristics, hamas, and now you want to fight with a very large country and quite powerful armed forces, yet i repeat once again, they launched 300, but they could also launch 3. the raid will no longer be of a demonstration nature, so that, because it was important for iran to both save its face and demonstrate that it has some capabilities, but the question is that the answer may follow much larger in scale. further, some experts claim that iran has an atomic bomb, well, in my opinion, judging by the rhetoric of iranian government officials. at the moment, as the military says, in my opinion, they don’t have special weapons yet, but the question is that they will soon have them, after all, we probably need to evaluate
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this prospect as more than real. there is a lot of speculation that some kind of massive missile and air strike could be carried out on iranian territory in the near future, that from iran the horns and legs will fly there and there will be nothing left at all. at the same time, it should be remembered that iran is a very large country with a very... iran and such plans there, for example, to revive some kind of democratic opposition, in this case they can work, because in this case iranian society will show its unanimity in possibilities, all its possibilities. to answer iran, well,
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probably, after all, these assessments of its situation are correct in the sense that now in the big war in the middle east there is little who is interested, and it can become very real if the parties begin to exchange blows and eventually get to weapons of mass destruction. how long can they exchange blows? because the ukrainian crisis has shown that a number of weapons are already being depleted. in particular regarding air defense missiles, that is, how many of these kinds of massive attacks from iran and its proxies can israel and its allies withstand, while it is interesting that for the first time we are seeing direct insubordination, because turkey, which the nato country occupied a diametrically opposite position in relation to the coalition, well, by and large , this again is purely in my assessment of the capabilities of the israeli defense forces. in
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repelling massive air strikes, attacks by ballistic missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, well, it is somewhere within two or three ammunition loads, stocked anti-aircraft guided missiles, but in general this is not so much, since the whole system is in general, it was guided either by the massive reflection of water pipes there flying out of the gas sector, with this serious serious means of air attack like... medium -range missiles, but this can still be allowed to be a single defeat, and if they are launched in hundreds or even thousands, then the chances of repulsion are generally not that great, while we we really don’t know yet, because today information appeared that one plane was damaged, but it’s -130, so one or more, that is , information is creeping out little by little all the time, now they will give it, yes, but first they communicated that one girl was killed or injured.
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well, everything will become clear much later, since now neither one nor the other side is interested in open information, it’s very strict, like our telegram channels, blogger censorship, military censorship, but in our country there is none, we are democrats, well, yes, ours using the vocabulary of sergei aleksandrovich, our discussion today evoked in me such immanent allusions with and with cinematic works, here are the battles of amdurmaniya, i have four famous feasts at once, and there is such a promansipe saga, emmansipee sesa, or for example, today you , vladimir rudolfovich, dmitriovich the brilliant , acted out a scene from such a classic american film about lawyers,
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you can even star in spielberg there. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow; a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ. hey moscow gop, the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra.
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united states. the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. niven the lord is with his saints. let's see what will happen next. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. take russian digital solutions to new heights. there are prospects. ours are more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal. it will be more than...


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