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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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“i came for my brother, i have to find him, i ’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally, it has come, spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now it’s spring he's waiting for you". at the russia exhibition, what happened publicly, as it seems, is very crowded here, this has never happened before, that is, in ukraine, the caste, zelensky, kuleba, all these people were running around and so on and so on, they...
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created a caste , they said, we are untouchables and they are in the law on mobilization, yes, firstly, how to let everyone go to war, how to let everyone go, not let anyone go, yes, like in that movie, everyone goes to war, and all ukrainians have to fight, and the worst thing for those who are fighting is an incomprehensible prospect, an incomprehensible prospect of rotation, demobilization, it’s generally incomprehensible , and how many people will be at war, here they are, they, they said, we are removing demobilization and...
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he is from the people’s service, he speaks publicly, we deputies of the verkhovna rada took an oath to the people, we already serve the ukrainian people, so why do we we still have to go serve in the army, why do we they still have to go to war, good logic, well , here is one logic, here is the second logic, there is kravchuk, a deputy, she and a woman, she says, you know why we took away this demobilization norm from the law on mobilization, because?
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the last 2 weeks, they write a lot about rallies, but this is the third rally already behind the partisan movement in odessa, in the dnieper, i ’m reading this, they write this in ukraine, yes, because there is some kind of action, i don’t see any organized actions, but against this background, i conclude, the minister speaks internal affairs of ukraine publicly and says: ukraine, ukrainians have from 1 million to 5 million weapons in their hands, and countless grenades.
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yes, well, now that this is a zahilyand - it’s a draft dodger, a gymnaklo, the border was closed, the law was passed, i’m a stalinist, well , it’s clear, uhilyand, i’m a 25, 25 year old uhilyand, but you’re not 25 years old, you’re an old hulyant. you know, now, when vasil
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listed the number of people, it means, and i want to remind you of the numbers, yes, that is, the numbers, because 10 years ago, a little more than 10 years ago, 50,000, maximum, came to the maidan. 50.000 they they turned the country upside down, they brought revolutionaries to power, they demolished yanukovych, they demolished, dispersed everyone and turned the country in the opposite direction and sent it to destruction. now a law is being adopted according to which in the near future they want to mobilize 500,000, they will succeed, they will not succeed, yes, that is, but they have 5000, 10 times more, they are going to send to the front for disposal, without giving a return ticket, that is, this is what else should. get in the mood, what else needs to happen in your head to make it clear, yes, that is, they tied you up, caught you, put you in a stall and sent everything, they definitely sent you away, from where you will not return, well, at least in one piece, that’s what still needs to happen in this country, while i
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understand perfectly well that now the atmosphere in the territory itself ukraine, it does not have any version of the maidan at all, there is no maidan, there will be no maidan, because there are no democratic or civil protests on the territory. will not be perceived, they will be dispersed, that is, any maidan, that is, 10 years ago these figures, yes, that is, the maidan would have been dispersed by, i don’t know, about 100 people, probably a person with machine guns would have just been there in 10-20 minutes, but there would probably have been about 100 people left lying on the maidan, everyone else there, all the other thousands would just run away, because they would just shoot to kill everything, and nothing would happen, no one would mess with them, no yanukovych there would think, would not twitch about, disperse, not disperse, do, do not do, they will take it from me money, they won't take my money. and so on, that is, no one could hold this the government then is just in this tension, so ukrainians think about it, think about it, that is, you are simply being led to destruction, destruction is planned, i’m just convinced that today even ukrainian demographers, they really are talking nonsense, yes, that is they say, you know,
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we say that there are already 31 million there. they say, yes, but 31 million on the territory of ukraine, but they say that men now live for 57 years, 57 years maximum, yes, that is, well, that’s up to which they live to see, why? tests put badges then they say: guys, relatives, yes, that is, we, we are people, ultimately we are people, so if you come, we will show you where the grave is, here is your leader, who came to our land to kill, and they kill a lot, they kill, but in mainly not those who are fighting with them, but they are hitting
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civilians, because today, by the nature of my activity, this is the data that we collect, and for us this week was against the backdrop of all the international events, yes, somehow it moved a little to the side. we have 161 people injured in a week, civilians, only civilians people, and this week, you know, this is what we just didn’t have in the front-line territories, but we were shooting at people with cluster munitions, we had new anti-personnel mines there, which means more than 30 people were killed by drones, they weren’t killed, and more than 30 people were injured, and we had more, which means they used long-range storm shadow missiles, which flew across lugansk near...
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city buses, which were tracked by a drone, which were struck. that 's what, that's what they haven't done yet, even for this, they even tried to undermine this terrorist act of vasily the prosorious this week, but that’s what they haven’t done yet, well, i have questions for everyone on whom this depends, maybe we can finally start fighting with...
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it is now controlled by the kiev regime, it is so toxic that it can be allowed its existence with weapons, led by this
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government, with this orientation and controlled from the outside, we cannot afford in principle if we want to remain a state and if we do not want to live for decades in a state when it arrives, not they will fly in, they will shoot, they won’t shoot, and so on, but there is movement in this direction, i really liked the expression, today or yesterday there was a statement by barel, barel, who said, we need it versus we need it. work very actively to prevent a coalition of the rest against the west, a good idea, yes, only the rest of the world, the global world against the west, and now, well , it seems to me that our efforts to create a multipolar world, they are starting to reach even borel, that now there is already a world in which, which does not accept the hegemony of the west, which does not allow this wonderful golden satnut, led by europeans, with their habits of living at the expense of others.
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look into his head, look in the app or on the website. det just made an insert, defending israel, the free world,
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demonstrating that such unity is not only possible 100%, effective. the decisive actions of the allies prevented the success of the terror; the loss of infrastructure forced the aggressor to cool down. the same is possible in protecting ukraine from terror, which, like israel, is not a nato member. for this there is no need to activate sufficient political will. listen, what an illiterate moron. firstly, they shot down the drone.
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iran has shown that, in fact, if necessary, we can easily flash through your security system; israel has shown that it does not have its own security system that could cope if almost all nato forces located in the regions are not connected to it, which is not very good for israel, but the worst thing that israel showed is, here you go... a bunch of cheap, unnecessary stuff that you are consuming at an expensive price, here come the missiles that you you don’t even know the name, they asked for it and arrived, so military experts take it very seriously because it happened, unlike many newspapermen who wave flags in one direction or another. vladimir nisibo, vladimirich, at the beginning of the conversation you raised a very important topic, it is about the importance and role of the leader and... the individual in world history in states, each state in particular, it is clear that
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first of all, a leader must have such qualities as loving his people, love your country, well, of course, have some basic knowledge and strategic thinking, calculate steps and moves much ahead, well, zelensky is an absolutely random person, elected for fun and pursues the same funny, criminal, bloody policy, remember? scenes he asked: do you really want me to be president? everything is so, yes, we want it, therefore it is the fault of my ukrainian people, mine, because i am part of this people, they took and elected a person absolutely by accident. for today, what is it? well, our eyes widened, now we look at what the consequences are, this is a disaster, so it’s understandable that he will remain in power by any means, because there is only a tribunal ahead. now about the current events: the snow melted, the law on mobilization or mobilization was adopted,
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the people carefully read it, got on skis, getting on skis means running away, began to run away, we saw these shots. we were also discussing this topic during the break, when it’s no longer confusing to put off your skates, yes, yes, the gypsies got involved in this in the area, so to speak, of the romanian border, instead of smuggling cigarettes, people have already started profitably, people are ready for any money though pay just to escape, as statistics show, 80% of those who are of military age do not want to serve, the question arises, what is 20%, and these are those who have a reservation, that is, i have not seen people who would say:
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summer , forty-year-olds, this is already a question of the gene pool and so on, they left and will not return, we know that the older the generation, the higher the chances of returning, yes, and the younger, they have settled down there and maybe, god willing, they will return at least a percent 15-20, and the rest i’ll tell you why we need such a homeland, especially further devastation, and look at the part they are talking about, here is zelensky himself, a one-mover, in fact, and...
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he was everywhere, will not be, people don’t want to, they have undermined the morale of the armed forces of ukraine, why? because at the first meeting, when it was still zaluzhny, they agreed that 50% would still mobilize the military, security forces, because more or less at least he held a pistol in his hands, and oh, although this is an unequal replacement, still 2 s half a year, well, 2 to
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2 years, those who were called up in the 22nd year, this is a fighter, this is a warrior, yes, this is so on and really here. the americans hit the tambourine, no, don’t touch it, but the next meeting came, there was no longer one, the next meeting came, the security forces said, how will you maintain power within the country, so they didn’t touch a single one, not a single one was trolled, there are deputies here, here we know this topic with peredon pavlovech, they say, book two more assistants, we know the role of the assistant, well, let’s be like that in general and zero, what’s the secret, i ask... listen, why do you need assistants for booking? but a very simple agreement, since i can’t take your relatives as assistants according to the law, yes, because this is a conflict of interest and corrupt actions, then they agree, you know this scheme, you take mine, and i take yours to choose from, that is, it’s also like two people, a trifle, but this irritates people to the fullest, well
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, it’s clear that they move on to the worst story that ever happened.
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if boris johnson is already saying that if we lose, then both america and europe will lose, but if we serve these interests, then we will lose everyone, so save the children as much as possible. kulebu joke they remembered, yes, and i thought that it reminded me, i remembered how in the nineties, during the dashing gangster years - we went to donetsk, decided to hold a meeting in a restaurant nearby, it belonged to a local bandit there, well, part-time to the governor, that is so this was generally a normal thing at that time, well , we sat down, there was no one else in the restaurant, we were at the table, it was a working day, but there was no one, labukhi, sorry, the cants start playing loudly, we can’t talk, we ask them, listen, well, we are no one else no, please, you don’t have to play, they were offended, we don’t know anything, we work
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here, in the end he says: listen, let us pay you so you don’t play, they took the money offended, but left, then half an hour passes, we continue there we continue, they come out, turn it on again, they start, we say, listen, we paid you not to play, but you only paid us for three songs, you know, here’s the kuleba. some drunken gangster who says: we will create noise and interference for you, yes, but if you don’t pay us, then give us patriots, whatever, pay, yes, but we will give you, otherwise we will create such a problem for you, so you think that this is the height of diplomacy, such ukrainian diplomacy from the nineties apparently originated, as for the fragment that you showed, indeed , april 15, '14.
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he held the defense, spoke calmly, supported the dpr there, said: “well done, guys, we need to drive the tanks, he said a lot at this press conference that no one has the right to ban the russian language, it’s the language we all speak.” we say with you, yes with we are russians in general, they are one people with us, which means, well, he said a lot of things like that, the good clown, yes, plus, you know, what else is remarkable about this day, what exactly, if you believe the official document." on that very day when he was in the dpr, you know,
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yes, from which he hooted, hooted, absolutely right, then there were three more, and nothing, that is, normal, now this evil clown, zelensky, catches people, he has become a lure hunter, yes, he sends them to slaughter , the same one who himself talked about our...
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history with the middle east, i will very briefly well, since you now again remember , i’ll sum up the military results, you need to understand that yes, indeed we saw a very interesting military premiere, i’m removing the entire political component, but let’s just say the bottom line, the bottom line is that iran’s attack was quite limited, then there is in relation to those stocks of cruise missiles, drones, missiles. supersonic, literally a few percent were used there, that is, it was such a demonstrative attack, i note that this attack was repelled by the entire israeli air defense, this is for a moment the iron dome,
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there are more of them... well, it’s clear, that is, he at least says that he raised them, so , accordingly, you need to understand that the famous aegis system was also used there, which is the basis of everything, this is a naval group united into a single a system for, as it were, targeting instructions, accordingly it is tied to the pro, and so - the forces that were involved in repelling the iranian attack are such that a mouse should not have slipped through, but i will remind you that every single hypersonic missile went
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right through this entire system,
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but boris, she is now sharing this knowledge of hers in the baltic states, and she is rolling up, and i thought there, that is, she is putting up a defense, that is, in this case, i say again, this is the answer to how ukraine shoots down or doesn’t shoot down, that is, this is just ordinary propaganda and lies, now i want to answer, at first they asked the question, is there anyone in ukraine who is able to adequately assess russia in general, you see, no, the question in this case is basic, the problem is: that ukraine was originally...
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