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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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hello, the legal program is being broadcast by the duty department. in the studio alexander ostakhov. blogger dmitry portnyagin will teach business at home. the tverskoy court of moscow sent him under house arrest as part of a criminal case on money laundering and tax evasion. the amount raised is not small, more than 120 million rubles. alina skachkova will tell you what the businessman said during the meeting. only on sunday dmitry portnyagin celebrated. birthday within the walls of the temporary detention center , already on monday in the life of a coach a new stage, the solution to the issue of arrest, what wish he made by candlelight, it’s not difficult to guess, i ’ve never had such a birthday, the blogger’s wife ekaterina came to the tver district court of the capital of the blogger, she is in the status of a suspect, portnyagin himself was in a good mood , he would have completely repaid the debt of almost 125 million, this would require more than one case with banknotes, nevertheless, criminal cases, and not paying taxes and laundering this... money have not yet been officially
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stopped, charges were required for the blogger house arrest. dmitry portnyagin, originally from tynda, a small town in the amur region, worked as a security guard, then as a guide, and after moving to moscow, he plunged headlong into business. but some of his companies, judging by data from open sources, went bankrupt one after another. what is the turnover of the souvenir business in china? in money? well, about 15 million dollars a year. what brand? good question, i don’t know for sure, entrepreneur portnyagin doesn’t know the margin in his business? yes, once a former security guard realized that the real money is where the people are, who dream of earning them, all they had to do was call themselves a guru, broadcast truths from the stage at a high price, which can be found for free on the internet, he even created a closed club of 500 for very rich entrepreneurs, and words poured out to the party guy, luxurious parties, including number on an ice floe in antarctica, show me every day how you win? last week, security forces
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conducted searches at portnyagin’s place, wielded a crowbar and a sledgehammer, opened safes, seized accounts, and apparently found some skeletons in the blogger’s closet. the blogger himself he partially admitted his guilt, he said he really didn’t pay extra to the treasury, he didn’t launder the money, everything was supposedly earned, honestly, but themis had doubts creeping in, and the party guy. nikolai gogol was involved in a missing message on the banks of the senichka river in the moscow region. a serious businessman, full of affection for a famous russian writer, promised local residents a recreation area, is building a cottage worth hundreds of millions of rubles, and at the same time invading a water protection zone. the investigative committee has opened a criminal case five times, and now there will probably be more one. they attacked our film crew while filming another report.
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that is, we have it more than 10 km, and according to the examination that he received, it is 9.5 km, due to this he reduced the water protection zone , reduced the coastline from 20 to 5 m. and this is the upper reaches of the senichka river, further is the source, but unfortunately, this entire channel,
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this entire watercourse, it is not taken into account in the developer’s documentation, the passage to the river and forest from maryan was recently blocked with a fence, but the last straw for people was the roads broken by heavy trucks and... a dusty construction site, this is what the once blessed bank of the senichka river now represents, to which not only the residents of marinna, but also the residents of all the surrounding villages came to relax, when a huge residential complex grows here, no one will set foot here at all, here the attack began, led, apparently personally, by the head
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of security, dmitry pogodin. are you breaking down? we won't deal with it, i'll shoot. to marentsev’s surprise , a local official watched all this, what was happening here, why was it here at the moment? nothing is happening, just now, well, i didn’t see any attack, that’s it, i went then, don’t wait, wait, you and the residents will talk, the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided, the police have identified a resident of the kaluga region who may have been involved in the attack, at present currently , the police are conducting an investigation into this fact, interviewing witnesses and eyewitnesses of the incident. but so far, alas, no one has been detained. alexander karpov, savichev, mikhail utkin, lika dzhevakhishvili, lead the duty department. head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkov arrived in kurgan, which is preparing to take the blow of the flood. earlier, the governor of the region reported that a colossal volume of water
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is already a few kilometers from the city and called on local residents to evacuate the area, which is at risk of flooding. meanwhile, about 16 plots and houses remain flooded in the orenburg region. it’s not night yet to die, tomorrow still say my trouble came after the arrival of great water , the owners of this house were evacuated, the house, as you and i can see, is completely rotten, let’s see what’s inside, it smells inside dampness, it is of course impossible to live here now, the floor is peeling off, it is black all
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covered in dirt, the wallpaper inside has also peeled off and cracks have appeared on the ceiling... refrigerator, water and dirt everywhere, residents are counting the damage in the destroyed apartments, they promise to restore their housing. we conduct assessments in this way, we have conclusions, established forms. established by the administration by a resolution of the administration of the city of ortsk, which contains a list of lost property, the first necessity. rescuers continue to eliminate the consequences of a powerful flood, water is pumped out using fire pumping stations and complexes. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is working in orsk again. he met with residents of flooded areas and checked how damage assessment commissions work. the state will help, and the region will react a little differently, you know, there are things.
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the ice block is now floating, one might say, an iceberg. in general, experts say that
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this year the ice drift began earlier than expected , but they warned about this in advance. and this is how they greet the ice drift in the sky quadcopters. rescuers are assessing the flood situation in the village of zaton, which is hit by the elements every spring. in order to prevent local dishonesty, the aerial group annually leaves for the backwater before the arrival of high water. in the city, all services are now working in an enhanced mode, the streets are being sanitized, residents continue to receive humanitarian aid, they remember the great disaster with tears in their eyes, this flood has become for the entire region...
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that my children achieve everything themselves, my son graduated from higher education with honors, by profession a geological engineer, he worked on sakhalin for about 10 years, in difficult conditions, now he and his family went to work, where he was invited to saudi arabia, by the way, there is no honey there either, it is very hot, a very difficult climate.
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the scandalous star surgeon timur khaidarov is again at the center of a bad story; his clinic is partially closed on behalf of the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. investigators. the clinic is a private territory iq plastic you guard it yes you were told to guard it
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not to let anyone in they were told to prohibit filming why who exactly said khaidarov , the name of the star surgeon timur khaidarov barely sounds ; security suddenly loses interest in the dialogue. at the checkpoint that runs the clinic, the guards do not allow anyone into the territory with video cameras, but if you film with your phone and approach a little. closer to the cosmetology center, you can see that the lights are on inside the room, staff periodically move around there, the doors are closed, but not. printed, it appears that the medical facility continues to operate. after knocking on the glass door , a security guard appears in the vestibule of the clinic, and briefly explains the situation. i'm a security guard, i can't say anything. do patients come here? sorry, patients come by appointment only. meanwhile, representatives of the investigative committee have already officially announced that the premises were searched again,
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although the department clarifies that the activities of the medical center have not been completely suspended. the restrictions affected only some services. due to identified violations by the management of the clinic, at the initiative of the investigation , activities to provide a number of services provided to timur’s clinic were suspended khaidarova. the operating premises have been sealed and the investigation continues. in parallel with investigative actions at iq clinics , investigators conducted searches at the places of residence, the management of the medical institution, including surgeon timur khaidarov. we contacted him by phone, this is how khaidarov commented on the situation.
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received wide attention , victims of the work of khaidarov and his clinics began to contact law enforcement agencies one after another. when i woke up after the operation i realized that i had no breasts. to my question from timur, what's happened? he said that he was unable to stitch the tissue on the implant. he had to remove them. and after 3 days i discovered that i had partial halo necrosis.
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about seventy people were dissatisfied, including pop stars and celebrities. they had an operation. a month passed, i saw that my arms were hanging, that it meant that my chest alone had become stone, it became different sizes, the butcher, he just cut my arms, i was all scarred and my stitches were not chewed. the victims demanded to check khaidarov’s diplomas, which he allegedly received very in a dubious way. perhaps this will happen now as part of the investigation of the criminal case into the death of pyotr gavrilov. investigators have already stated that they confiscated the necessary documentation and storage media from the clinic and it seems. they are serious about getting to the bottom of the truth. andrey romanov, dmitry shestukhin, dmitry belous. news, duty department. killed, but not guilty. in the ivanovo region, the court completely acquitted local resident alexander krasny, who defended his family from an aggressive crowd with a weapon in his hands. could krasnov have acted differently? and what should you do if villains break into your house, defend yourself or attack? don't
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miss the premiere this weekend on russia-24 tv channel. new investigation of eduard petrov. protect yourself. to shoot or not to shoot in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny: young people threw stones at the businessman’s site, they came specifically to kill, the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other, chaos was going on, a shot was fired, and i felt pain in stomach, blood flowed into immediately realized that they wanted to kill us all, krasnov shot at least three times in response. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used weapons, i defend, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests, the case was transferred to the federal level, some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, i tell him something happened, they look at me with such eyes, they say: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his
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family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. acid in the face. investigators are looking into the motives behind a brutal attack on girls in the village of monino near moscow. let me remind you that a man wandered the streets and doused random passers-by with a caustic chemical; the victims suffered serious burns. the accused andrei suleymanov was sent to pre-trial detention. he expected a confession. what is known about the attacker, why he might have committed the crime and where he got the deadly acid. report by ekaterina lekhomanova. with a smile on your face, accompanied by. employees police in the shchelkovo court of moscow, thirty- one-year-old andrei suleymanov. at first glance, the man is intelligent and very smiling. according to the investigation, the defendant attacked defenseless women with one goal - to make monsters. in these shots, young successful anastasia labada, now afraid to look at herself in the mirror, shows only her disfigured
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hands. it all peels off, it all turns yellow, it is constantly treated with ointments and medicines. same thing on the face. last friday, as the investigation suggests, suleymanov splashed a woman in the face with a caustic substance, approached unnoticed from behind. now doctors are fighting for the victim’s vision. among the victims was minor alena rachkova, she was returning home in the evening, she was walking down the street alone, at first she didn’t even understand what had happened, at one moment, around here i stepped on some kind of stick, i heard a muffled sound, and my pant leg began to stick to me from behind, many call it an acid attack. weapon chosen by the attacker, one of the loudest and most public scandals, when acid was thrown in a person’s face, took place in 2013 year. the bolshoi theater is the most famous ballet
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troupe in the world, and its artistic director at that time, sergei fillin, who became a victim. it seems that the entire creative elite of the world was following the investigation of this case. i can hardly imagine a fan of galina sergeevna ulanova running from a jar of acid for some kind of thing. as the investigation found out, sergei fillin suffered on the initiative of his colleague, and the act was associated with the successful professional activity of the master. the customer and the contractor then received serious deadlines, and filin needed many years of rehabilitation, and only partially was he able to restore his vision. suleymanov is a figure, although not so well-known, but a careerist, not married, no children, a former college teacher, engineer. it is noteworthy that he was interested in chemistry, and according to some reports , during searches investigators found it in his apartment.
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products are strictly accounted for - only highly concentrated substances, but even schoolchildren know that sulfuric acid is dangerous in any form, even though it can be easily purchased in the online store. by the way, deputies have repeatedly advocated limiting the trade turnover of such substances. there are chemically deadly substances in free circulation today, we have already appealed to the government so that they regulate this market more responsibly, we will keep it under control and do our part accordingly. it’s scary to imagine how many more victims there would have been if not for suleymanov’s detention, because obviously he did
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not keep dangerous substances at home for chemical experiments. interestingly, men were victims absolutely random girls, nothing connected him with them, so now the main task of the investigators is to establish the motive of the aggressor. jealousy, revenge, envy, as a rule, justify such actions. the defendant was guided by this, so far psychologists can only speculate. this may be a situation of anger towards a female figure, perhaps a mother or one of the significant adults in his childhood, who suppressed or humiliated or insulted, and thus maniacs choose women as victims in order to take revenge on those who is it hurt me as a child. we managed to meet with suleymanov after the court hearing. it’s strange, but the only thing he said is that he respects women. in the pre-trial detention center, experts are meanwhile
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studying medical documents, it is possible that the man is sick. ekaterina likhomanova, maxim shevchenko, alexey gorshkov, vesti, duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department of an honest detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you.
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just a moment, the fraudsters would have had access to the money at your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count took seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money could be transferred to a secure account, open the window to the bank yourself. hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. april 16, 1871 berlin was proclaimed the capital. on the
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same day, the constitution of the german empire was adopted. this was the result of the struggle of prussian chancellor otto von bismarck for the creation of various german states on the basis of all. the german empire is also called kaiser's germany.


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