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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, i told them that something was happening, they looked at me with such eyes, they said: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. wait, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me, reporter, director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, white roses, can you, can you sing sometime, brucey, lived, we don’t need names, you can’t touch her, ilicha, don’t touch her, it’s not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, homer to the bullet gun. no, what to do, commander, shoot,
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call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. and you don’t change at all, you missed me, baby, the fate of the planet of the milky way and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies is in our hands. 100 years ago.
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the parliamentary hour is on the air, we continue. brix's role as an important center of economic political influence will be strengthened. this is one of the priorities for the members of the association. what state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin talked about with the heads of the international affairs committees at the meeting parliaments of the brix countries. over the 15 years of its existence, the association has become an example of mutually beneficial international cooperation, built on...
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india, china, russia. the brix countries are developing dynamically. this partnership is built primarily on the principles of reciprocity and respect for each other. and, of course, do not interfere with the affairs of sovereign states. we agree that it is very important to build cooperation on the principles of mutual respect and respect for each other’s sovereignty. we also believe that we should work on the basis multipolarity within our group, and no one outside brix should try to impose anything on us. this year russia is presiding over brix. the association is attracting more and more supporters and like-minded people; about three dozen states have already declared their intention to join it in one format or another, added vyacheslav volodin. they forced me to work overtime and were required to pay more. the new law protects labor. citizens' rights.
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read more about this and other initiatives that deputies considered this week. in our review. the state duma adopted amendments to the labor code. from september 1st this. years, when calculating overtime pay , all components of the salary will have to be taken into account, including regional coefficients and incentive payments. according to current legislation, the first 2 hours of overtime work are paid at one and a half times the rate, and subsequent hours at double the rate. but often employers are cunning when calculating and take into account only the base salary, which is a smaller part of the salary. the new law eliminates this injustice.
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this law was adopted by deputies, as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin noted; family members of deceased svo participants will also be exempt from paying fees when registering the right of ownership of inherited real estate in the russian register. the law will also apply to relatives of those participants in the special operation who died within a year after dismissal due to shell shock or injury. the state duma adopted a law that expands support measures for young professionals. from now on it's official. a young specialist will be considered a person who gets a job in his specialty for the first time, regardless of previous work experience. the concept of a young worker is also introduced; this is a person under 35 years of age, inclusive, with no more than 3 years of experience and not classified as a young specialist.
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for example, this status will be given to students who work but do not yet have qualification documents, as well as those who are getting a job for the first time, but not in their profession. protect it. well, they introduce themselves, of course, and say that you have debt for housing and communal services, you didn’t pay back and forth, i say, yes, i’m aware, you urgently need to pay there almost today, this second, this minute, otherwise we will come there, describe all your property, take everything from you, many russians have received a call from collectors are not coming to the phone, to the door
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of the apartment, they checked it a long time ago, what about the phone and physical health in general, why are you interested in my health, do you want to harm? such cases were common practice 5 years ago, but in 2019 the state duma banned hoa management companies housing cooperatives and resource-supplying organizations to transfer housing and communal services debts to collectors, vyacheslav volodin reminded of this, that is, svetlana, after the collector’s call, could sue the management company, they do not have such a right, a person certainly needs to immediately file a pre-trial claim with the management organization. to get an explanation, then you need to go to court to protect your rights, also to the prosecutor, because his rights have been violated, so that the state reacts. now on the list of those who are prohibited landlords under social tenancy agreements, as well as rental premises of state and
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municipal housing stock, have entered into transferring debts for housing and communal services to collectors, this is a decision of the state duma, and such agreements cannot be concluded not only with collectors, the norm applies to any third parties, there is only one exception in the law:
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this does not mean that one can forget about paying debts, the deputies note; the owner’s debt will be collected through a court decision. the total debt for housing and communal services today is: nationwide 900 billion rubles and moreover, a significant part of these funds, of course, is already in enforcement proceedings. the point is that we still protect.
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there the scripture is given incorrectly, there, that is, given with reduction, there are sources that can be trusted,
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but after a thorough filter, and it is generally better not to mess with many internet portals, their grammatical and spelling errors are taken by some users at face value. many modern dictionaries, both in print and online publications, do not even have authors, they do not undergo examination, and specialists are no longer even they are not surprised when they see mistakes or scary shapes. carrying, for example, a contract, or now i can’t even dare to say dishes. to exclude such low-quality publications is one of the main tasks of the national dictionary fund. teachers and students of specialized universities often face the problem of searching in such a bottomless space. future philologists know firsthand what it’s like to sift through hundreds of pages in search of the right word, only to find nothing in a couple of minutes. confusion occurs due to the fact that...
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and frequently asked questions, then an expanded block will appear, the fund will unite all existing dictionaries from the time of pushkin to the present day, there, in addition to these basic dictionaries that contain basic norms, they will also offer dictionaries, for example, a dictionary of morphemes of the russian language, an etymological dictionary , which will tell about the history of the origin of this
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word, a dictionary of synonyms, in fact, a national vocabulary fund - a single digital database. where not just every word, but the whole story of his life will be collected. and if such in-depth study is not required; the search engine, upon request, will return a modern version of spelling and pronunciation that can definitely be trusted. all our officials, all our government bodies are ordered to express themselves and write in correct russian. here they are turning to this platform, to officially approved dictionaries, which are
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publicly available and extremely easy to use. the national dictionary foundation will become such a platform. law on the creation of the federal state information system accepted. elena zhelnina, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, lana tian, ​​andrey brumberg, sergey vergunov. duma tv. parliamentary hour. symbol of the feat of scientific achievements. this week we celebrated the anniversary of yuri gagarin's flight. on okhotny ryad it works right away today. several people who saw the earth from the outside, including the first female cosmonaut valentina terezhkova. the state duma systematically supports this industry. for example, plans for may include ratification of the russian-chinese agreement on cooperation in the field of creating international scientific lunar station. and recently, deputies passed a law that will help finance the development of the domestic satellite constellation. about the past, present
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and future of space, report by yana dobrovolskaya. on april 12, 1961 , the first spacecraft sputnik vostok with a person on board was launched into orbit. piloted by major yuri alekseevich gagarin, the events shocked the whole world. yuri gagarin landed in the saratov region. 3 years ago , a memorial complex was created on this site on
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the initiative of state duma chairman vyacheslav volodina. there, in the saratov region, yuri gagarin learned to fly and first took to the skies at the local flying club in dubki. on cosmonautics day, vyacheslav volodin visited him. the chairman of the state duma laid flowers at the monument to the first cosmonaut of the planet. previously , vyacheslav volodin took patronage of the aeroclub. a large-scale reconstruction has been completed and a new runway has appeared. the headquarters building was renovated, a hotel and aircraft hangars were built, landscaping was carried out, the chairman of the state duma talked with paratroopers from different cities of the country who came to the flying club for competitions. a holiday throughout the country, but for residents of the saratsk region, it is special, because yuri alekseevich gagarin is dear to us, one of our own, he studied here, he flew
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into the sky for the first time, gained wings, then landed here, everything is connected with '. cosmonaut of the world, the flying club must develop, we must create the opportunity so that everyone can get in touch with our history, thank you again, thank you, good luck, from the moment when a person first flew beyond the earth, and the development of the space industry has stepped far forward, the legislative framework is being improved, deputies have introduced amendments to the federal budget, and more than 5 billion rubles will be allocated for the modernization of the cosmonaut training center. when i calculated all this...
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the means, we have good, rich we have quite serious technical historical experience in space research, we have wonderful specialists, scientists, enterprises, we are returning to our position as the most powerful country, a space power, should not remain . only within the framework of traditional priorities, he should opportunities will arise, without, of course, compromising the task of national security, jointly, including in
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global partnerships, to consolidate the leadership of russia and its friends in space for the entire 21st century. on the eve of cosmonautics day, the state duma adopted a law on remote sensing of soil from space. currently, we have achieved that we can not only from different angles. can sell images from space to authorities and other consumers, the funds will be used to develop the domestic satellite constellation. many people think that space is rockets, rockets, yes, but this is only part of it, we are good at rockets, we don’t have enough platforms right now, this is where there is a huge foundation for a leap into the future, right here... at
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the russian orbital station they are planning to create a separate sector for space tourism. you and i must understand that the development of tourism will happen. we already see this; our country has such experience. i'm sure it will scale. and i am confident that our country will be one of the leaders in solving these problems. about legislative prospects, achievements and plans for the future one can talk endlessly about the development of the space industry, because its development is gaining momentum every day, and the historical event that opened the way for further space exploration has been celebrated for 63 years now, inspiring many people around the world who strive to understand the secrets of the universe. and the famous ones have gone since then, as a symbol of the beginning of the new era. yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, anna melikyan, duma tv parliamentary hour. and that’s all, you
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watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize everything resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, do you think you’re on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change in any structure? some kind of evolution, if you are a creative, ambitious young professional who is ready to prove through action that you are the best in the profession, then rather take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery.
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"i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at
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the russia exhibition." we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
6:00 am
almost 40 regions of russia are experiencing large-scale floods in the orenburg region, large waters are moving from the capital to the west, the ilek region is in the center of the disaster, flooding threatens kurgan, and evacuation has been announced in several areas.


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