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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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you can watch 73 professional fights, basically my fights, yes, they are everywhere for everyone, they are sort of in the public domain, there are 22 fights there, and you can see whether i had such opponents or not, of course, beterbiev, he - unique in its own way, yes, in its own, in its toughness, and in general any opponent is unique, and some, perhaps, certain features, yes, those that are... characteristic of beterby, they were in other opponents, but the whole set , but of course there was no whole thing, zenit kazan was the first to make it to the men's final russian volleyball championship, the kazan team beat the torch from the new one in the away match.
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therefore, on april 17, in the next match in moscow , dynamo can make it to the final. cska moscow dismissed head coach emil rajkovic after failure in the second part of the season. andreas pestiolis has become the new coach of the army team, whose contract runs until the end of this season.
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the forty-five-year-old greek specialist returned to cska, where he previously worked for almost eight seasons as an assistant to dimitris itoudis from 2014 to 22. after losing to tunisia in the final match of the season, cska moved into third place in the table. the army team's opponent in the first round of the vtb united league playoffs will be krasnoyarsk yenissei, which , by the way, beat csk twice in the second part of the season. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. almost 40 regions of russia are experiencing large-scale floods in the orenburg region, large waters are moving from the capital to the west, in the center of the disaster. and lek district, flooding threatens and kurgan, evacuation has been announced in several areas. russia will continue to protect the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant from attacks by ukraine, this was stated by our country’s permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya. he called on magatte to do everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the station. the situation was discussed at the meeting by the courts. the united states will not participate in israel's response to iran's attack, writes about this. tel aviv stated that they would not leave iran’s actions unpunished, but tehran warned that if israel again hits, the response will follow immediately. rallies in georgia at night, the police whitewashed and detained 14 demonstrators, the protest was caused by a scandalous bill on foreign agents,
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which the parliamentary committee had supported the day before. the georgian opposition believes that the document is pro-russian. first. the russian navy combat icebreaker ivan popanin is preparing for sea trials of a patrol ship that will operate in the arctic zone with a crew settled in. military sailors master modern control systems, navigation, and, of course, cozy cabins. after completion during testing, the vessel will be part of the northern fleet. and the most secret ship in the russian imf was visited by saleima zarif. captain of the second rank. at ease. rarely does anyone manage to remove this process. housewarming party for a military crew. the team boards the ship that will become their home for many years. officers and sailors are accommodated in cabins. the cabins are as comfortable as on passenger liners. first of all , portraits of loved ones occupy space on the shelves. let them stand here and
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help me serve here. time to take the ship, shipbuilders admiralty shipyards hand over emergency rescue equipment to the crew and show how everything works. systems, by the way, they are all domestically produced. start checking the auxiliary diesel generator, start checking, start. this is a unique opportunity to be on board, perhaps, the most secret ship of the russian fleet. ivan popanin, the first combat icebreaker. these have not been built before; hitherto it was generally believed that icebreaker ships were purely civilian, but this one will be part of the navy. he's completely. new, sea, not sniffed, the windshield wipers of the wheelhouse, the polyethylene has not even been removed yet. have you ever thought that you would serve on an icebreaker? i couldn’t imagine this, but in general i want to serve on this ship, i want to be like a rope opener, papanin’s ice class
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is ark-7, that is, ice 70 meters thick is not a hindrance for him, he is formidable, in addition to an artillery installation he can be armed with an anti-aircraft missile complex. papanin - three in one: icebreaker, tugboat, patrol ship. now the anchor-mooring mechanism is being checked, we need to make sure that everything is working normally, the chain runs easily. it’s interesting that the deck here is closed, this is necessary so that the mooring crew does not freeze in harsh artillery conditions. the shipbuilders really tried their best; the sailors were not used to such conditions. there is a gym, a swimming pool, and an elevator. the kambus is also equipped with a lift. having screwed up. boiler of soup, the cook sends him upstairs to the officer's wardroom. in all the years of service as kokom, that is, this is my first such cabus with such equipment, all the equipment is new, everything works with a bang, here this is a completely unusual sight for a warship, he himself took the initiative in this
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direction, you can play for us, yes, of course, this is how tchaikovsky’s nin and his crew begin a new life. they have sea trials and acceptance into the fleet, many combat missions of glorious achievements, a great history that begins today. sale mazarev, evgeny kostin, dmitry lukashevich and galina orlova, lead: northwestern bureau. russian-tajik exercises have begun in tajikistan. the armed forces of the two countries are practicing the destruction of terrorists, training units for work in mountainous areas, as well as protecting borders from illegal groups. the training will last 3 days. the armed forces of our countries must first of all be ready to respond to changes in the situation, promptly identify and suppress any security threats.
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conducting these exercises is the main form of operational and combat training of military formations, designed to promote coordination of units, ensure their coordination and... interaction in carrying out combat missions. in modern under conditions , military and military-technical cooperation between our countries is becoming increasingly relevant, the most important component of which... is manifested in the presence of 201 russian military bases on the territory of tajikistan, which, together with our fighting brothers, ensures the security of the southern ones near the cst. and again on the topic of floods, according to hydrologists, the tabul level in kurgan may exceed the dangerous level in the coming days. how will the heavy rains that will occur in the region today affect the situation? anna volkova will talk about this. a new cyclone is breaking through to the urals, and this is bad news for the sinking regions. already
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today, heavy rains will feed the flood in the ishim and tabolo basins, how long will the downpours continue and how will the cold weather affect the condition of the ice jam in tomsk. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 centers tv channel. i'm anna volkova. hello. the atmospheric situation is not yet conducive to the rapid passage of the flood in the urals and siberia. the day before in tomsk i started to feel sleepy again. frosty weather is unlikely to help quickly clear the traffic jam on tom, due to which in the regional center and nearby villages and gardens, water suddenly began to rise. this is how, for example, snt left bank looked like on monday, the following shots are from tomsk itself, the river has already found its way into the city through the storm sewer system, as a result, several houses have been flooded, furniture is floating on the shelf. water , the situation in kurgan is no less alarming, the crest of the kazakhstan flood is moving here, as stated by
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the regional governor vadim shumkov, over 1.3 billion cubic meters are approaching the city along tabul water, this is twice as much as what came during the last major flood in 1994, and this is the tyumen region, it is also threatened by floods from kazakhstan, over the past 24 hours the level of the ishim river here has risen in places. half a meter. rescuers undermine ice jams so that they do not interfere with the passage of high water. the fear is not groundless - this immediately becomes clear if you look at the city of petropavlovsk, it is located upstream of ishim in kazakhstan. about a thousand houses have already been flooded here, 4,500 people have come. evacuate, and, judging by space photographs, high water has just reached this
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populated area. today the weather in the urals and western siberia will begin to be determined by the atlantic cyclone, but if the ob region turns out to be away from the trajectory of the frontal cloud fields, then the clouds will concentrate over the western trans-urals and rain. the most intense precipitation is expected in the south of the region, here in some places more than half of the monthly volume of moisture may pour out, and the zone of heavy downpours will also fall... over kurgan , rain clouds will begin to gather in the second half of the day, at maximum nastya will come out by the evening rush hour, the intensity of showers will reach 4-5 mm in 3 hours, by midnight almost 60% of the april precipitation norm will fall in the city. obviously, the waterlogged soil will not be able to absorb this moisture, all of it will go to tabol, which is overflowing with melt water, and it will take place in the regional center today or tomorrow. flood, if previously the water in tabola rose at a moderate pace, then by monday morning the river
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had added almost one and a half meters, and in the evening the rise intensified to an unfavorable level of 7 m in general, only 6 cm remained. on tuesday, the water environment will stabilize at the level of 800-900 cm and only then will a slight decline begin. in such a situation, any influx of rainwater will significantly complicate the flood. in western siberia in the coming days. intense precipitation is unlikely, but air warmed by the hallstream will enter the region, this flow will push cold air masses back into the arctic, so that the temperature here will even exceed the climatic norm, and such powerful warming will also negatively affect flood processes. the fact is that spring in siberia is just beginning; to date , only the extreme south of the region has managed to free itself from snow. there are still impressive snowdrifts up to a meter high. the middle mountains of altai and sayan, and a sharp increase in temperature will significantly increase
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the influx of melt water in the river, for example, in tomsk today, after night frosts, during the day it is only +5 - this is 2° below normal, in subsequent days the thermometers will rise to +10 -1, and at night the temperature will become positive, so the snowmelt will sharply intensify, only by the weekend again possible slight cooling. that's all for me, goodbye. now advertising, further in economic news, we will talk about high-speed trains that will run between moscow and st. petersburg. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, and we’re kind quickly, we’re at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, a whopper, it tastes better when cooked on fire,
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’s so special about it, magnum oil growth, consumption is less by a third, it provides reliable protection. every month, and the service notifications are free forever, that’s why the credit sbercard is the best in the country, get a credit card , everything will be the way you want,
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touch the croc star, burger king, here you go. the first order for the production of high-speed trains in russia, what are we talking about? yes, tatyana, we are talking about trains for the highway between the two capitals. so, russian railways signed an agreement for the supply of the first trains for the moscow -st. petersburg high-speed highway. this was reported in the company’s telegram channel. the cost of the work is estimated at 12 billion rubles. the electric trains
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will be delivered by the end of march 2028. the maximum speed of the train is 400 km/h. for now. the preliminary design has now been completed, the structure and design of the train have been determined, you can now see it here. in march, vladimir putin launched the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway, which will reduce the minimum travel time to 2 hours, 15 minutes, which will contribute to the further economic development of regions along the entire highway. well, its construction itself presupposes broad industrial cooperation, thanks to which they will receive an incentive for development. a number of economic sectors. the united nations has called for urgent reform of the global financial system. this statement was made by the chairman of the 78th session of the general assembly. the existing bretten woods system was created taking into account the interests of exclusively developed countries. this leads to government debts most developing countries are growing
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disproportionately fast. first of all, this concerns the so-called global south, what do you mean? the results, according to un experts, pose a threat to the entire global financial system. credit agencies work not only with mathematical or financial statistics. much of their ranking is based on subjective estimates, which means literally hundreds of billions of dollars of higher interest rates paid by developing countries. our international financial system, not just its architecture, perhaps not completely. honest business in the european way, the german chancellor believes that there is overproduction in china, which is what he called for. fight in heaven. olaf scholz is on a working visit to the people's republic of china, one of the goals of which is to point out to beijing the allegedly discriminatory practice against companies from germany from berlin's point of view.
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in fact, the demand to stop supplying affordable goods to the world market with which western goods cannot compete is only an echo of the words of the us treasury secretary. just a few days ago janit helen demanded exactly the same from china. then in an interview with cnn she said that in the fight against overproduction in caen. does not exclude any options, including new protective duties. meanwhile, the united states is actively trying to disrupt the arctic lng2 project, the wall street journal writes about this. the us assistant secretary of state for energy resources directly stated the day before that washington’s ultimate goal is to completely stop the project. since september, the united states has approved four packages of sanctions against the russian lng industry. measures apply to companies operating arctic lng-2. storage vessels and shipping companies that presumably intended to purchase specialized lng carriers. the publication notes that at the same time , the biden administration stopped issuing new
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licenses for the export of its own lng, from the point of view of the fight against russian gas, and this looks somewhat strange. well, at the end of the issue i’ll tell you about currencies. the dollar today costs 93 rubles 58 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 99.79. and that's all the economic news i have for now. uralsip is a bank for business and we work according to the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bankural sip, nothing extra. almost 40 russian regions are experiencing a large-scale flood in the orenburg region, water is moving from the capital to the west
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of the region in the epicenter of the ilek region. the peak of the flood is expected in kurgan, evacuation has been announced there, and the water level in tobol is rising. crews of the grad rocket systems struck a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces under ugledar. after receiving coordinates from reconnaissance, the fighters occupied firing position. and opened fire, as a result the enemy's manpower and equipment were destroyed. the us will not participate in israel's response to iran's attack. the washington post writes about this. tel aviv stated that it would not leave iran's actions unanswered, and tehran, in turn, warned that if israel strikes again, a response will follow immediately. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov arrived on a working trip to cuba, negotiations are planned with his cuban colleague and other officials. the prosecutor's offices of russia and cuba have already successfully implemented four cooperation programs. the russian national football team played
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a friendly match with serbia in st. petersburg. this was already the second game between the opponents in 3 days. the first was a bitter struggle and ended in a 5:5 draw; the day before the match went according to a completely different scenario. and how exactly, my colleague, alexander abramov, will tell you. home for the russian national team for the april training camp. the nova arena sports complex on the outskirts of st. petersburg became the center for futsal. two friendly matches against the serbian national team in a chamber setting in a hall for 700 people. among spectators are unexpected guests. somehow it happened that the rfu invited me here. do you know any of the players of the russian national mini-football team? i know the coach of the russian national team, sergei abramov, and we train the national team together. you have had great football in your career, you are a world champion in beach soccer, have you ever played mini-football? i played during my student years and , to be honest, i was very bad at it, so that’s why it didn’t work out with futsal,
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but it worked out in other types of football. russian national futsal team today it is 16 people. the largest club representation at the exenburg senara is four people. the team has three foreign players, including the main star of the current russian national team, artyom niyazov. he plays in spain. also captain ivan cishkala represents the portuguese benfica. always come to the national team - this is the best thing that can happen, because this is a united family, we come here with great desire, that is, there are no people who would remain indifferent, so when the call comes to the national team, everyone is happy immediately buy tickets for direct flights and fly. i play abroad in spain, and here you come home, but everything is native, training, games. guys, you miss a lot of people, you used to play in the same team, with someone against you, so the atmosphere is always positive, especially since we play here in russia, in st. petersburg, here people love futsal.
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they come here, they look, there is a team here, playing in mid-april against the serbian national futsal team has already become a tradition, on the same dates we played twice in serbian varshets last year, here are two matches in st. petersburg: 5:5 on saturday and 5:00 in the match on monday, two completely different games, both in content and result. our team has this state, when inspiration comes, aggression, and all this is expressed in actions, this was what was missing in the first game, and we were calm, why i... i don’t know, i’m also together with the team, well, definitely, you know how when people react to something correctly, today’s game proved this. you play in europe, in benfica, now there were two friendly matches against the serbian national team, can you somehow assess from your performances in europe, from these two trade matches, the level of the russian national football team, is this where we are now? well, the level of the russian national team is always at the highest level, because our team is a contender, has always been and is a contender for
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the most. high places, so all european teams respect our team, everyone wants to play against us, i can say more, even the guys who play with me in the team, the spaniards there, the brazilians are also watching for the russian championship, they know the players, they know the teams, we’re always there somewhere on the bus, i always turn it on, they enjoy watching the russian super league. the russian national minifootball team completed its april training camp with a crushing victory over the serbian team 5:0. next time our team will gather closer to the fall, the next one...
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behind the column, to take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours is more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, your questions are incomparably original, what in in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product.
7:00 am
almost 40 regions of russia are experiencing large-scale floods in the orenburg region, large waters are moving from the capital to the west, in the center of the disaster is the legsky district, flooding threatens kurgan, and evacuation has been announced in several areas. russia will continue to protect the zaporozhye nuclear power plant tatak of ukraine. this was stated by our country’s ambassador to the un vasily nebenze. he called on
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magathe to do everything... to prevent a nuclear incident at the station, the situation at the nuclear power plant was discussed at a meeting of the council of bizos. the usa will not participate.


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