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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. almost 40 regions of russia are experiencing large-scale floods. in the orenburg region, large waters move from the capital to the west, in the center of stikhia and leksky district. flooding also threatens kurgan; evacuation has been announced in several areas. russia will continue to protect the zaporozhye nuclear power plant from attacks by ukraine, the permanent representative stated. russia at the un, vasily nebendya. he called on magathe to do everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the plant; the situation at the nuclear power plant was discussed at a meeting of the un subvisa. usa won't participate in israel's response to iran's attack, the washington post writes about this. tel aviv said it would not allow iran's actions to go unpunished. but tehran warned that if israel strikes again, this time the response will be immediate. rallies in georgia. supported by
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the parliamentary committee. the georgian opposition considers the document pro-russian. and now a short advertisement, then weather news. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. don't make fashionable haircuts, and help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, you give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness. and we will support you in any
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situation is not yet conducive to the rapid passage of the flood in the urals and siberia. the day before it snowed again in tomsk, the temperature dropped from +7 to -1. frosty. the weather is unlikely to help the rapid destruction of the congestion on the tami, due to which water began to rise sharply in the regional center and nearby villages and gardens. for example, this is what it looked like on monday: snt left bank. the following shots are from tomsk itself, the river has already found its way into the city through the storm sewer system, as a result , it has flooded several houses. furniture is floating on the floor of the apartment in water. the situation in kurgan is no less alarming. the crest of the kazakhstan flood is moving here, as stated by the regional governor vadim shumkov, over 1.3 billion cubic meters of water are approaching the city along tabul, this is twice as much as came during the last major flood in 1994, and
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this is the tyumen region, it is also threatened flood from kazakhstan, over the past 24 hours the level of the ishim river here has risen in places by half a meter, rescuers are breaking up ice jams so that they... do not interfere with the passage of the flood, the fear is not groundless, this immediately becomes clear if you look at the city of petropavlovsk, it is located upstream of the ishim in kazakhstan, there is already about a thousand houses were flooded, 4,500 people had to be evacuated, and, judging by space images, a large one... had just reached this populated area. today the weather in the urals and western siberia will begin to be determined by the atlantic cyclone, but if the ob region will be away from the trajectory of the frontal cloud fields, then clouds will concentrate over the western urals and cause rain. the most intense precipitation is expected in the south
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of the region. here, in some places, more than half a month’s worth of moisture can pour out. the kurgan region will also fall into the zone of heavy rains. rain clouds will begin to gather over kurgan. in the afternoon, nastya will reach its maximum by the evening rush hour, the intensity of showers will reach 4-5 mm in 3 hours, by midnight almost 60% of the april precipitation norm will fall in the city. it's obvious that over-moistened soil will not be able to absorb this moisture; all of it will go to tabol, overflowing with melt water. but it is in the regional center that the crest of the flood will pass today or tomorrow. if previously the water in tabole rose moderately. pace, then by monday morning the river had added almost one and a half meters, and in the evening the growth intensified and only 6 cm remained to the unfavorable level of 7 m. on tuesday-wednesday the water level will stabilize at a level of 800-900 cm, only then will
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a slight decline begin. in such a situation any influx rainwater will significantly complicate the flood. in western siberia, intense precipitation is unlikely in the coming days, but it will continue to flow into the region. air warmed by the hallstream, this flow will push cold air masses back into the arctic, so that the temperature here will even exceed the level of the climatic norm, but powerful warming will also negatively affect flood processes. the fact is that spring in siberia is just beginning; to date , only the extreme south of the region has managed to free itself from snow. still impressive snowdrifts up to meters lie the middle mountains of altai and sayan, and a sharp increase. below normal, the following days the thermometer will rise to +10-p11, and at night the temperature will become positive, so snowmelt will sharply
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intensify only by the weekend a slight cooling is possible again. that's all for me, goodbye. now let's talk about economics. the first order has been received for the production of high-speed trains in russia, tell us, where will they run? tatyana, i will shuttle between our two capitals. russian railways signed an agreement for the supply of the first trains for the moscow -st. petersburg high-speed line, this was reported on the company’s telegram channel. the cost of the work is estimated at 12 billion rubles. electric trains will be delivered by the end of march 28, the maximum speed of the train is 400 km. at one o'clock. at the moment, the preliminary design has been completed, the structure and design of the train have been determined. in march, vladimir putin launched the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. it will reduce the minimum travel time to 2:15 minutes.
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frozen russian assets in germany are estimated at less than 4 billion euros. this was reported by the press service of the german ministry of finance. this is a cumulative assessment of the property of legal entities and individuals, as well as the bank. in russia, with regard to the mirror situation in our country, here only the percentage of frozen exchange assets of non-residents from may to december last year accumulated 450 billion rubles. they are located in type c accounts, where dividends from russian blue chips are credited. in them , non-residents owned about 50%. such the data was provided by the investment chamber. american f-35 fighters have risen in price by almost one and a half times in 5 years. according to estimates by the us federal agency, expenses until the end of the program will exceed one and a half trillion dollars, which is 44% higher than the pentagon’s estimate in... 2018. at the same time , the operational performance of fighter jets is only falling. over the past 5 years
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, the overall readiness of the f-35 fleet has decreased significantly. only half of the fighters were considered partially suitable for combat missions against the target of 80%. and tesla will fire more than 10% of employees. reuters reports this with reference to internal company documentation. this decision was explained by a drop in sales. based on the results of the first. in the quarter, they decreased by 8.5% year-on-year, this is the first quarterly decline since 2020. tesla also pointed out that logistical problems arose in the winter due to houthi attacks on merchant ships in the red sea. these attacks were a response to israeli military actions in the gaza strip. well, at the end of the issue, as always about currencies: the dollar today costs 93 rubles 58 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 99.79. and that's it for me that's all for now. tatiana. konstantin churikov was with economic news, now there is an advertisement, after it there will be a program of instructions, in which we will tell you
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whether it is possible to register ownership of an abandoned plot of land and how to do it, and are you sure that you chose this profession yourself, or were simply born into a family of musicians, at bigfest you definitely choose, chicken premiere for 109 rubles and others.
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it seems to me that my head is spinning, cashback for alphas in yanexed, you get 20% cashback in yandex food when ordering with any card alpha bank, and if there is no card, order a free alpha card. the neighboring plot is abandoned and you want to register it as your property, how to do everything according to the law, in 5 minutes we will tell you the instructions in the program, let's start with the big one... how to do this? you can order an extract from the unified state register of real estate. since 2023, the personal data of the owner will not be disclosed to all applicants, but neighbors have this opportunity. if your site is adjacent to the site about
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which you want to receive information, then it is sufficient in the request for information indicate the cadastral number of your plot. or put a tick in front of the corresponding box. if the ownership of your snowy land plot is registered in the registry, then you do not need to attach any additional documents to the request, but if the ownership is not registered, you must attach the documents establishing the right. and remember that the boundaries of your site must be clarified in accordance with the established procedure. there are two more ways to find out the owner’s information. contact the chairman of the snt or to the local administration, if the site on... is located in a populated area, when the owner is found, it is safest to purchase the site under a sale and purchase agreement, and if the owner of the abandoned site has not been found, civil law is that thing that does not have an owner or an owner who is unknown, or for some reason has refused ownership of it, such a thing is ownerless, ownerless real estate
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is taken into account by the rights registration authority at the request of the local government body. and after a year has passed from the date of registration of an ownerless thing in the cadastral register, the local government body has the right to go to court with a demand for recognition of ownership of the ownerless thing, but subsequently municipal property can be acquired by any interested person in the manner established by law, this it may be a lease or a buyout, or some other case, it all depends individually on the situation in which you find yourself, that is, you will be required to submit an application to the local authority with a request for placing a plot on... but remember, this does not guarantee that the land will go to you; if, for example, it is put up for sale through an auction, it will go to the highest bidder. at the moment , this is exactly the rule that actually applies, but in february we held the second meeting of the government commission on the development of navigation and vegetable gardening; issues
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related specifically to abandoned plots are the most pressing and were discussed at the government level. with this of course the issue is being considered to ensure that neighboring land users, neighbors have a priority right to purchase, but at the moment the principle of bidding really applies. what if you are already using land that you do not own, for example, you have annexed a plot that seemed to belong to no one and cultivated it. the situation can be legitimized, but only if several requirements are met. the site must be used for its intended purpose for at least... years, and you must have witnesses who confirm this, as well as receipts for payment of utility taxes. a claim for acquisitive prescription is brought against the previous owner, if he does not exist or is unknown to the municipal or state body, everything is decided by the court. abandoned plots often already have owners, well, formal owners
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who don’t even use the plot, nevertheless, the title of the owner is there, it may be included in the information of the igrn, it may not be included. according to article 35 of the constitution of the russian federation, our property rights are terminated only by a court decision, therefore, in this part, acquisitive prescription can work according to a court decision. but keep in mind that it is possible to register a plot of land by acquisitive prescription only if it is demarcated and has an owner. if the property on empty land is not demarcated, it is worth taking into account the position of the constitutional court, which stated that the mere lack of formation of a land plot or the absence of a record of state registration. the rights of a local government body to it does not mean that the latter has actually abandoned its property rights, or shows indifference to the legal fate of a given land plot, that is, in simple language , the constitutional court said that if the land that interests you, the ownership of it is not demarcated, it is still owned by the state and it is impossible to obtain ownership rights to this
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plot is in the order of acquisition, so here we would recommend resolving the issue of empty real estate through the local authorities. another important point: do not listen to tempting offers. unscrupulous snt chairmen. by law, they do not have the right to sell other people's land, including neglected ones. for example, you and i have an abandoned plot next door, and we understand that no one uses it, but in fact there is an owner somewhere. and if we have an owner of an abandoned site, then it is possible to deprive him of his ownership rights only through the court, or by recognition. such a plot without an owner, there is a certain procedure for this, so when the chairmen or some other persons try to sell you an abandoned plot, in another otherwise, of course, there are big legal risks that subsequently you will not be able to formalize it, and your transaction will actually be insignificant. let us repeat the most important thing: to register your own
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abandoned plot, first you need to look for its owner, this can be done by ordering an extract from the unified state register of real estate, neighbors have the right to receive the owner’s data, and also through the management of snt or local authorities, when the owner is found, you can buy the land belongs to him, and if it turns out that it is ownerless, to the state. at auction, if you have been caring for more than 15 years such a plot, you can try to register it as ownership through the court. if you have any questions, if you want to understand the topic of cadastral registration or property registration, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk with experts and be sure to tell you everything in one of the next issues of the manual. and then about the most important events of this day in history, in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. what do you remember? let's tell this day in history right now. hello. on april 16, 1871 , berlin was proclaimed the capital of germany. in
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on the same day the constitution of the german empire was adopted. this was the result of the struggle of prussian chancellor otto von bismarck to create, on the basis of all the diverse german states, kingdoms, duchies, principalities, a single strong country led by prussia. also called the german empire. kaiser's germany or the second reich. the prussian king welhelm ii became emperor or kaiser. since then, berlin has remained the main german city. after the second world war, for a long time it was divided into western and eastern. almost 30 years the symbol of the division of germany was the berlin wall, erected by the authorities of the gdr and passing through the entire city. after the unification of the country, berlin, no longer without a wall, became its capital. since the 13th century, the symbol of the city has been the bear. according to some versions, the name berlin may come from the german word "beer" bear. on april 16, 1932
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, the first b-2 televisions in the soviet union were released, named after their inventor, soviet engineer anton braidbert. then the so-called mechanical low-line television, that device was... a device with a nipkovo disk. the image, 16x12 mm in size, consisted of thirty lines. to view it, a magnifying glass was built into the body, but even with it the image was enlarged to a size of 3x4 cm and practically only one person could view the picture on such a tv. b2 tvs were produced in leningrad at the oldest radio engineering plant in russia named after kozitsky. and in total they produced about 3,000 pieces. and in a magazine for radio amateurs. printed detailed description of b-2 so that people can assemble them themselves. regular transmissions of mechanical television have been broadcast from moscow since thirty-one through radio uzel, but
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already in thirty-eight electronic television began broadcasting in the soviet union. and it was received by completely different tvs. on april 16, 1947 , the term “cold war” was officially used for the first time, and it stuck for many decades. the term itself was coined several years earlier by the writer george orwell, but at the official level it first used by bernard baruch, adviser to us president harry truman. speaking to members of the south carolina house of representatives, baruch used this expression to describe the confrontation between the usa and the ussr. the contradiction between the capitalist west and the socialist bloc led by the soviet union began with the adoption in the united states of the truman doctrine aimed at containment. the world is divided into two poles. the cold war between washington and moscow began to gain momentum, accompanied by an arms race, primarily nuclear. this is a confrontation
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it began to lose its urgency only in the mid -eighties, with mikhail gorbachev coming to power in the ussr. on april 16, 2003 , forty-year-old michael jordan played his last nba game. playing as an attacking defender, jordan became an olympic champion twice. and is still considered the best basketball player in history. he did a lot not only to popularize basketball throughout the world, but also ensured that basketball began to be perceived as a prestigious game, and big money came into it. jordan was the first a billionaire athlete, he also remains the highest paid athlete in history according to forbes. if we translate everything he earned at today’s exchange rate, the amount will exceed $2 billion. jordan's success was largely due to his unique explosive style of play with high starting speed, ability to change the pace of the match at the right moment, plus
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incredible jumping ability, which... earned him the nickname of his airiness, in the original it was air jordan, but in the childhood of little michael from the first times they didn't even take it school basketball team due to poor physical fitness, but a year later the strong-willed jordan corrected this deficiency and was accepted. this is what this day in history was like.
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welcome to asia, it's beating here.
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in the kurgan region , a colossal amount of water is being prepared for the peak of the flood on the capital of the region; in the tyumen region , an evacuation has been announced, we are waiting for our correspondents to be included directly, russia is calling on the international community to do so. everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which was discussed at the meeting un security council vasily nebendya, we will tell you: the united states will not participate in israel’s retaliatory measures against iran, tehran said that if israel launches an attack again, the response will come immediately, as the conflict breaks down into its neighbor.


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