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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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and now to the situation in the special operation zone. crews of the grad rocket systems struck the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces near ugledar. after receiving coordinates from reconnaissance, the fighters took up a firing position and opened fire. as a result of successful combat work , enemy manpower and equipment were destroyed. all details from eduard fudnikov. the crew of the rszzo grad 155 marine infantry brigade of the pacific fleet are preparing to leave for the line of combat contact. the soldiers take a position, deploy the installation in a matter of minutes and open fire. special areas for hail are not required, the crew can work from any position, but it must be remembered that every shot can be detected by enemy aerial reconnaissance, so the soldiers do not stay long in one place. after live firing
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, they immediately dismantle the installation and go to cover. hails cover a huge area, these are the so-called carpet impacts. the shells are capable of penetrating even the most fortified defensive positions. and here is footage of a night raid by the same crew. the salvos are also short, because there are a lot of drones in the sky, you have to quickly redeploy. with the onset of spring , the crew of the rszzo grad began to work much easier, since there is no mud and cars can move much more. faster, but on the other hand, such clear sunny weather means that there may be reconnaissance drones and kamikaze drones in the sky, so the installations are constantly hidden in the forest belt. this vehicle repeatedly came under return fire, but each time the enemy missed, the fighter call sign akim was at the front from the first day of the special military operation, he himself came to the military registration and enlistment office and signed a contract, now works as a hail driver. a tough car, it’s the same as the ural, based on the ural, the same as arthur. installation, well, of course,
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we service everything, the equipment wears out, but we maintain it, the vehicle performed well, the senior grad gunner with the call sign zakhar also signed a contract 4 years ago, he came here from the chetinsk region, but we work more intensively, we work on infantry there on howitzers , according to everyone, everything, everything that he says, what goals, we hit everything, well, the main thing is not to panic, do everything wisely and not get lost, so that everything is quick, clear and... their goal, firing range, installations are approximately 20 km, combat missions, crews are carried out every day, seven days a week. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the navy's first combat icebreaker, ivan popanin, is preparing for sea trials. the crew has boarded the patrol ship that will operate in the arctic zone. military sailors master modern control systems, navigation and, of course, cozy cabins. after finishing. during testing, the vessel will be part of
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the northern fleet. on the most secret salima zarif visited the ship of the russian armed forces. rarely does anyone manage to film this process, the housewarming party of a military crew. the team boards the ship that will become their home for many years. officers and sailors are accommodated in cabins. the cabins are as comfortable as on passenger liners. the first thing to do is take up space on the shelves.
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secret ship of the russian fleet, ivan popanin, the first combat icebreaker, such had not been built before, until now it was generally believed that icebreakers were purely civilian ships, but this one will be included in the composition. he is completely new, the sea is not sniffed, the windshield wipers of the wheelhouse, the polyethylene has not even been removed yet. have you ever thought that you would serve on an icebreaker? i couldn’t imagine this, but in general i want to serve on this ship, i want to be like a rope opener, papanin’s ice class is ark-7, that is, ice 70 meters thick is not a hindrance for him, he is formidable, in addition to an artillery installation he can be armed with an anti-aircraft missile complex. popanin is three in one: an icebreaker, a tugboat and a patrol ship. now the anchor-mooring mechanism is being checked, we need to make sure that everything is working properly, the chain runs easily. it’s interesting that the deck here is closed, this is necessary so that the mooring crew does not freeze in the harsh arctic conditions.
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the shipbuilders really tried their best; the sailors were not used to such conditions. there is a gym, a swimming pool, and an elevator. also a lift. life, ahead of them are sea trials and acceptance into the fleet, many combat missions of glorious achievements, a great story begins today. salemazarev, evgeny kostin, dmitry lukashevich and galina orlova, lead: northwestern bureau. now let's talk
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about the weather, let's return once again to the situation with floods in the regions of the urals and siberia. my colleague, our meteorologist, ekaterina grigorova, knows all the details, she joins me. katya, good morning. are there regions where? good weather, this is difficult today, that is, without reservations, unfortunately, it is impossible, even in the south, in crimea, in the rostov region, in the krasnodar territory, where it is already warm in the summer, and there is a very strong wind, sometimes reaching storm speeds it accelerates, but we will start from siberia, the level water in the ishim river is rapidly rising, in the village of kazanskoye, tyumen region, bordering kazakhstan, from 5:00 in the morning the height of the dump was promptly increased, it was already 10 m, in 2 hours 10 were prepared,
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about twenty dams were washed away from the earthen ramparts that they tried to hold back the water. footage of the consequences of an ice jam on the tami river, which led to a sharp rise in water levels in the tomsk region, appeared on social networks. while the houses there were being drowned higher upstream, the building was literally being squeezed by ice. the following shots from khabarovsk: during ice drift on the amur the ice began to squeeze out onto the embankment; part of the fence was damaged; a cast-iron lantern collapsed. despite the immediate danger to life, some young people... capture this moment from a minimum, from a minimum distance. the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere continues to adapt to the summer circulation regime. the weather is unstable, the contrasts between northern and southern air masses are very great. anticyclones allow the sun to break down ice in temperate latitudes.
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the cyclones that follow the north throw portions of the arctic cold, maintaining the strength of the ice shell at the mouths of siberian rivers. the european territory of russia is divided today. in the northern and southern half between the cyclone and the anticyclone, in the northern part it is cloudy, cold, precipitation, in the south the weather is mostly sunny, the air is warming up better, but the proximity to a large cyclone is one of the reasons for the strong wind, which in gusts accelerates to storm speeds . in donetsk, today partly cloudy with no precipitation, the air will warm up to +25, while windy, possible gusts up to 17 m/s. it will become another degree warmer on... on thursday, well, on friday, with the approach of an atmospheric front , rain will begin, which will bring down the temperature a little, but it will still remain above normal +20-21. tyumen today is under the influence of a cyclone, cloudy there, showers during the day, strong winds with gusts of up to 17 m/s, temperature +11.
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tomorrow or the day after tomorrow there will be light rain, gaps will appear in the clouds, the air will begin to warm up, on wednesday it will reach 13 degrees, on thursday up to 17, well, by the weekend it will be like summer warmth +25. in... in moscow today there is no significant precipitation, the maximum temperature is +1, tomorrow the clouds will thicken again, there will be more rain that can bring up to 6 mm of precipitation, while... it will get warmer, precipitation is possible on thursday, the peak of bad weather will be on friday , when up to 20 mm can fall into the precipitation, but the thermometers will show +17 during the day, but we continue to monitor the weather, it’s not easy to catch the pyro firebird, and anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum , open a deposit on...! it tastes better on fire! burger king.
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experts are striving further to get more; we have something to offer them. bks - pin world received german chancellor olaf scholz. the meeting took place at the state residence in beijing. in the coming hours, the german politician will hold talks with premier of the state council li tsang. and now. connection with the studio is our own correspondent in china, alexander balevsky. alexander, greetings, what statements have already been made and what topics will be in the focus of the negotiations today? well, we met, as planned today in beijing, the german chancellor olaf scholz and the head of kenya have already made the first statement, and the chairman of the people's republic of china told scholz that bilateral ties with germany will continue to develop steadily, but as long as both countries respect each other and seek on... if the parties adhere to
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the principles of mutual respect, search for commonalities while maintaining differences, maintain communication , learn from each other, carry out mutually beneficial cooperation, then the relationship the two countries will continue sustainable and long-term development. the meeting was over. in the residence of navili van liu, here, of course, it is very curious how this phrase by van liu can be translated, one of the meanings is to persuade guests to stay or not to let go, for example, guests, but although here, probably, it’s more about scholz . after all, he flew to china on a three-day visit to persuade beijing not to let german companies leave the chinese market and allow them to stay and work here, but germany understands that under the conditions of its own anti-russian sanctions, when the german the economy found itself in an extremely difficult situation with an unfavorable forecast for gdp of only 2% and a drop in industrial production, and germany really needs at least some equalization of the trade balance,
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export-import and additional sales markets, so scholz faced a very difficult situation . .. such political acrobatics, or balancing act, but on the one hand berlin has obligations to its allies, and washington brussels demands that beijing turn away from berlin, on the other on the other hand, there is a large german business in china, there are now 5.00 german companies operating, they literally demand that the chancellor cooperate with china, which is why , together with scholz , top managers of the largest german companies from siemens and bair to bmw and mercedes flew to china, by the way, too it’s very interesting what the german auto industry is going through today. not the best of times, including precisely because chinese electric cars are rapidly conquering world markets, they also opposed brussels’ initiative to tax chinese electric cars with additional tariffs, saying that this will further worsen the situation for german automakers, as it will lead to a trade war. in general, german automakers themselves are in favor of cooperation with china, including
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because they understand that here, given the huge chinese market, they still have at least some chance of selling. that's why they talk about joint development. technology, in general, scholz to some extent tried to win over beijing today, and apparently that’s why he started tiktok account and did not include the head of the foreign ministry, anna lena berba, in the delegation, who is known for her anti-chinese position by constantly accusing beijing of collaborating with moscow. however, even without berbock, the conversation about ukraine, of course, came up; scholz, as he himself said the day before, should have warned xi against any help to moscow. well, it’s worth adding that a year and a half ago , here in beijing, he already tried to do this, but the mission, to be honest about... china is staying away from the ukrainian conflict, which it considers possible to resolve exclusively through negotiations taking into account security guarantees for everyone. thank you, our sub-office in china, aleksandrevsky, was in touch with the studio. let's take a break now for a short commercial. uralsip is a bank for business, and we
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work on... the all-or-nothing principle, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip - nothing extra. an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the muse to the wife of the poet andrei voznesensky has opened in moscow.
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i know how to find the grain in another person, from this is very important to me, and i almost always have it. dozens of buildings that were not recognized as cultural heritage sites received a real chance of salvation. the law prohibits the demolition of buildings, if the decision. not yet, but applications for state protection have already been submitted, such amendments came into force the day before. there are other important changes. zinaida kurbatova has all the details. the current law on cultural heritage sites was adopted back in 2002 , according to professional architects, restorers and city ​​defenders have long needed additions
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to simplify procedures, now some of these problems have been solved, the ministry says. this applies to apartment buildings. residential buildings, the fact that service organizations and ordinary citizens can safely carry out major repairs where there is no subject of protection. we have introduced the opportunity to work as a volunteer at cultural heritage sites. some types of work may be carried out by uncertified specialists or volunteers. it's no secret that the pearls of the russian north, wooden churches, huts, often save local or youth from such public organizations as a common cause, before that, according to the law, they are allowed. but is located on the territory of a place of interest, as a rule, these are the historical centers of many ancient cities. construction, excavation, reclamation and other work, all
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work that is not related to ensuring the safety of such objects, is prohibited. new construction is prohibited. in addition, it is possible to reconstruct a building on the territory of a landmark, but without increasing the volumetric space characteristics. in other words, you cannot build on it. house in the center of the ancient city. there are many such sad examples when a skyscraper grows on the site of a two-story mansion. another important addition is the appearance of the term object that has the characteristics of a newly identified cultural heritage object. this means a building for which an application has been submitted to register it as a monument. if they are included in this list of objects that have signs of a monument, architecture or history, then... it is no longer possible to wear or destroy them until, of course, the procedure for identifying this value is completed; it often happened that while social activists or city defenders
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were trying to put something on guard in order to prevent this demolition, they managed to finish it. among the objects that have not yet received the status of even regional monuments are, for example, architectural objects in the postmodern style; they were created in the 1970-1980s. thus, in st. petersburg , an iska was destroyed, an interesting structure, famous for its engineering structures, it never managed to receive the status of a monument; perhaps amendments to the law will help preserve the pulkovo airport in st. petersburg, a masterpiece of architects alexander zhuk and jean vershbitsky, built in 1973, popularly called glasses. the airport has no status, they tried to demolish it for many years, and this threat still exists, and on april 17 the law on the preservation of monuments of the great patriotic war comes into force, among them there are many little-known ones, for example, the monuments of the green belt of glory near st. petersburg or monuments in closed areas of factories and
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institutes, now municipalities and enterprises will be able to repair these cultural heritage sites in a simplified manner. zenaida kurbatova, lead. and now the latest news. fsb officers detained a russian recruited by the security service of ukraine who... blew up the car of ex-sbu officer vasily prozurov in moscow. and to other topics. the georgian parliament will vote today on the law on foreign agents. the parliamentary committee on legal affairs supported this bill in the first reading. the hearings took place against the backdrop of heated debates between representatives of the ruling party and the opposition. and now the editor-in-chief of the georgian form news agency, arno khidevichvili, is in touch with us. hello, good afternoon, what do you think its authors expect from this bill and can we say that it is relevant for
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modern georgia today? the first time the question arose, is georgia a state, or are we just a colony of a reservation, we want one thing, transparency, funding. europe and usa, on the streets in parliament today you observe agents of foreign influence who, after
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the liquidation of the ussr and until today , worked with the sole purpose, they were funded much more than with the sole purpose, so that georgia again, not official grants received by georgia, with became a friend of russia, because it was one of the closest russian republics of the soviet union to georgia.
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the law will be adopted unambiguously, there cannot be two opinions, they were excited because all their plans were collapsing, they thought that in 30 years, in more than 30 years , they had achieved their goal, there could be no questions, georgia is in their channel, in their, so to speak, main current, but georgia has shown character, we have entered over the last year, the georgian power was constantly in conflict.
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thank you, i will remind you that we spoke with the editor-in-chief of the news agency gruzinform, arno khidibereshvili. slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank. another moment and the machine would have had access to the money. but svetlana petrovna turned on scout. seconds counted. urgently dictate your card number so that
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the money can be transferred to a secure account. you hung up the phone yourself, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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it's 10 in moscow, we continue to broadcast the morning news, here's what we've learned by this hour.


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