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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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it's 10 in moscow, we continue to broadcast the morning news, here's what we've learned by this hour.
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regions of siberia and the urals are rapidly going under water. in the kurgan region, there are already about a thousand houses in the flood zone. the ishim river in the tyumen region has crossed the danger mark. in buryatia, the water is close to the capital, ulanud. a high alert regime has been declared in the krasnoyarsk territory. but in orenburg and orsk the water began to decline. the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant are a matter of nuclear and radiation safety in europe. with such a statement at the meeting of savbe. russia's envoy spoke to the un, vasily nebenze. the diplomat stressed that magathe must stop the verbal balancing act and point out the source of the sanctions attacks. over the past week, the kiev regime has carried out a series of attacks on the territory of the nuclear power plant. the united states will not participate in israel's response to iran's attack, the washington post writes. tel aviv stated that it would not leave iran's actions unpunished, and tehran, in turn, warned. if israel
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strikes again, the response will follow immediately. prosecutor general igor krasnov arrived with first working trip to cuba. today he will discuss issues of cooperation with his counterpart in this country. meetings with the minister of justice and other officials are also planned. and let's start with the latest news: fsb officers detained a russian citizen who blew up the car of an ex-service officer in moscow. security of ukraine vasily, as the man admitted during interrogation, he committed the crime on instructions from the sbu. according to the fsb, after the start of the special operation, the detainee went to ukraine, where he was recruited in 1923. in february, my supervisor told me that he was personally assigned the task by the head of the sbu, malyuk, to do what i owe. go to moscow
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to follow the toyota prado car, then the task changed and i was told to assemble a bomb, my supervisor helped me with this, using instructions, he explained, so i assembled it on the ninth, at approximately 2:00 am. i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car. the urals and siberia are in the grip of powerful spring floods. the level of the tabol river in the kurgan region rose by more than a meter in one day. and without that precipitation can worsen a difficult situation. according to forecasts, more than half of the monthly norm will fall. there are already more than a thousand houses and garden plots in the region in the water. meanwhile, in the tyumen region, the level of the ishim river has exceeded critical levels. values ​​near
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two settlements at once, the village of ilyinka and the city of ishim fell into the flood zone, evacuation was announced, the peak of the flood in these areas is expected in 2-3 days. in the orenburg region, the ilek district is now under attack from the elements. the level of the ural river has already exceeded critical values, and the water continues to rise. special equipment is being brought into the area, protective structures are being strengthened, and temporary dams are being installed. in buryat to create ice jams on the river. blasting works are underway in selenga. the water came close to the capital ulanu. hundreds of household plots have already been flooded in the region. a high alert regime has been declared in the krasnoyarsk territory in the flood zone of district 23. in the coming days , water rise is expected in several sections of the yenisei. and in the tomsk region, specialists are monitoring the situation on the ob river, where the day before exceeding the dangerous level was recorded in several settlements. rescuers are doing everything to reduce the ice load. on
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the river bed. in total, a large-scale flood across the country affected almost 40 regions in the flood zone of about 16 thousand houses. peak floods are expected. in the tyumen and kurgan regions, our special correspondents in tyumen are monitoring the development of the situation, stanislav bernwald in kurgan, stanislav vasilchenko, they have already joined me, colleagues, greetings, if we talk about the tyumen region, are there many districts in the zone now? risk? sash, hello, well, let's start, probably, with the latest news: the water level in the river shimusila, lyinki, kazan region gives criteria for the dangerous phenomenon of flood, today. in the morning, urgently evacuate from houses that may be in a flood zone, temporary
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accommodation centers have been deployed in the city, that is, the water in the ishim river is rising and has already reached, as i said, above critical levels, and this is a very big problem, the water can go, well ... in the coming hours and the peak of the flood, as you are just above noticed, it can only come in 2-3 days, in the region as a whole , flooding is at risk in 139 settlements in seventeen districts near the tobol river region, another big problem that can come with water, from this river, but here not far from tyumen, while the increase in water is insignificant, but they are already waiting... we are in one of the cities of the yalutarovsk region, they are waiting for water here, as you can see, they are now building a dam like this, that is, they are strengthening the existing dam, creating embankments behind in the last few days we have raised the dam by
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one and a half to 2 m, let's listen to what the authorities say, now we are working on constructing the embankment in principle, probably a day before... here we have a lot of private houses, quite a lot, but the task is to raise the existing dam, we are already working here filling, laying out with sandbags, we raise it by about 30 meters, this is with a reserve, we need to lay out approximately 650 m, then we will reach the level and close the apartment buildings and the harrow area accordingly. well, judging by the fact that the tobol river is on the top, at the top point is now starting to rise, then here in this city itself we expect the water to also rise in a day or two, accordingly, now everyone is preparing, including the taps, there are now three
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operating taps in this city, 40 people already they turned to the temporary temporary residence and were resettled, there was an overnight stay, hot meals, and medical care. all services have been put on maximum alert, let's listen to what they say in the temporary detention centers. after the governor introduced a state of emergency in the temen region on april 8 situation, a decision was made, agreed upon with the department of education and science. on the territory of the city, ilotorov agricultural technology college has three general mines. promptly by the 10th at 15:00, we prepared 365 places for residents of the city of iltorsk who may end up in the flood zone. people are now preparing for the arrival of high water, they are removing things from the roofs, someone is transporting things to higher ground to relatives, in fact, with domestic animals here, based on experience , they decided to immediately take preventive action, it is open
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a point for receiving pets for rest, including agricultural livestock units. that is , this approach is possible, well, with regards to pets, livestock, roughly speaking, can also be taken out to rest, the authorities have organized as many animals as possible, let’s listen to what the experts say, the maintenance of pets and evacuated citizens has been ensured on the territory of the intermunicipal shelter for catching stray animals, how long are you staying today? we have four dogs, three cats, ready accept? and yes, we are ready to accept up to 100 dogs and 36 cats, so, once again the bottom line, now two rivers that are in the critical zone here in the tyumen region are the tobol river and the ishim river, ishim is already
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rising directly in the city and ishim in the nearby areas, here the tobol rises a little higher upstream, the water is here, at this point closer to. alexandra, greetings, the flood situation in kurgan and in general in the kurgan region is still not stable, over the past night the water in the tobol has risen more than less than half a meter now the level is 745 cm , entire villages are going under water, more than 300 flooded houses are already known, the tobol is drowning the mound itself, the water is rising in the city center, the embankment is already flooded. just the day before you could walk along the pedestrian path there, now this path
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has already disappeared more than a meter under water, information is coming in about overflows across bridges and roads, today the police blocked the tyunin highway in kurgan and the approaches to this highway, here is one of entrance is located right behind us, it is clear that the water overflowed very heavily over the road, at first while there was little water, passenger buses and heavy-duty vehicles were allowed through these entrances, so the road is now blocked for all types of transport, and it is also impossible
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to travel from here to the village of smolino, the water also overflowed over the road, many snt are now being evacuated , sirens sound as a sign that it is urgently necessary to leave their homes, which are located in a potential flood zone, we talked with local residents, these are the comments they share about the flood situation, what are you going to risk? no, no, why? won’t let you in, do you even need to go to the other side? no, my house is like that, is the house already flooded? no, it shouldn’t yet, well, maybe the water will come, the ninety-fourth was just in the fence, it’s far from here, well, it’s in the center, look in the center, such a flood, high on foot, while we’re still passing, this is actually the first time you’ve had something like this, well why were they? i don’t remember exactly which years, how do you generally assess
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the situation this time, forecasts, the beginning is still unknown, what will happen next, don’t worry, why do i worry, of course, last night the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in kurgan, together with the governor of the region vadim shumkov, they discussed the operational situation regarding the flood, and the head of the ministry of emergency situations also checked how the city and the region as a whole ready for this situation, also wadi... shumkov told the minister about round-the-clock video surveillance, which is carried out using quadrocopters, so, according to him, it is much easier and more quickly possible to respond to the current situation, also alexandra kurenkov got acquainted with the map of flooded areas developed in the region; this also makes it possible to more quickly cope with the consequences of the flood. now the minister , together with the head of the region, is flying over the kurgan region in a helicopter to assess.
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thank you, our special correspondents, stanislav vasilchenko and stanislav bernwalt, spoke about the floods in the kurgan and tyumen regions. now let's start with a short advertisement. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable ones. emotions. haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other, you don’t create fashionable things, you give
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balancing act to point to the source of the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. with such a statement at the meeting. the un security council was addressed by postpret russia vasily nebenze. the diplomat emphasized: attacks on zas are a matter of nuclear and traditional security of europe. therefore, we call on all parties. contrary to obvious facts, the well- known party that is behind the attacks on the station is not indicated to all of us. moreover, those located on at the magathe expert’s facility they have the opportunity to see everything perfectly with their own eyes. in the absence of any retaliation from their curators. on april 7, the kiev regime, believing in its own impunity, again switched to the tactics of direct shelling of the station. first, with the help of a kamikaze drone , a strike was made on the territory of the canteen, in which a truck with food was being unloaded at that moment. three people were injured, one of them was seriously injured, and
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this place was visited only 20 minutes before the impact magath experts located at the zas. in accordance with the plan agreed upon in advance, that is, they could well have been the targets of the ukrainian attack. in response, the head of the atomic energy agency said that the organization does not yet have the opportunity to identify those responsible for the attacks on the plant; according to rafael grossi, magatta needs direct evidence, which is supposedly missing at the moment. however, the agency is confident that such attacks create a dangerous precedent. we are dangerously close to a nuclear disaster, these reckless attacks must end immediately stopped, although fortunately this time they did not lead to a radiological incident, they significantly increase the risk of...
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know that the israeli military response to such injuries will be limited in scale, the american television channel nbc reported, citing sources in white house. and the washington post writes: the country's authorities refused to participate in israel's retaliatory measures. according to the newspaper , the states fear that such a step will lead to an expansion of the conflict. the risks of escalation in the middle east are being talked about in europe. today there will be a video conference of the eu's extraordinary council on foreign affairs. israel, for its part.
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talk about the main topics of this morning.
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implementation prospects. the latest technologies for russian production are being discussed in moscow today. the expo center is hosting a three-day innovation summit. what our developments were presented there and what i learned in the trend now anna voronina. technological sovereignty and partnership, these are the main topics today at the elektrik system innovation summit. at the plenary session, experts noted that this is not only about joint work in the production of equipment, but in the field of cybersecurity, which is extremely important for the facility.
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on the one hand, it is more difficult and longer, because it takes time, on the other hand, it is more interesting from a professional point of view, and for our country this is good, because these technologies, they will be developed, will remain in our country. one of such developments has already become the rme monoblock; for its assembly it requires 900 components from twenty types of metal alloys, as well as sixteen types of plastic. the device is used in electrical networks to distribute electricity across urban infrastructure facilities or industrial enterprises. in addition, important smart control systems were presented at the summit. this is the first completely locally developed low voltage circuit breaker in russia for critical infrastructure facilities, for low voltage systems voltage. it can exert a control effect, yes, that is, turn it on and off. on the other hand, it can monitor the state of the network. that is, we can also have some emergency situations, there is overheating, problems
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with... the power supply network, we can all observe this remotely, and depending on this, we can take corrective actions. to service such new technological developments, new personnel are also needed, as well as to create innovations. of course, before , technology still came from one from one side to the other, we bought some, we didn’t buy some, now we will buy something and do something ourselves, but now the demand has really increased greatly. this, of course, is the most popular in demand, here. then everything that is connected with energy: grids, hydropower, generation, and so on. during the three days of the summit, it is also planned to discuss cooperation with partners in russia and friendly countries, as well as industrial cooperation between factories producing electrical equipment. anna voronina, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov, anna nikulaesh, news!


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