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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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this is to observe remotely and, depending on this, take corrective actions to maintain such new technological developments, new personnel are needed, as well as to create innovations. of course, before, technology seemed to go from one country to another, we bought some, we didn’t buy some, now we will buy something and do something ourselves, but now the demand has really increased greatly. this, of course, is it, the most popular in terms of demand, then, then everything that is connected with... energy networkers, hydropower, generation and so on. during the three days of the summit, it is also planned to discuss cooperation with partners in russia and friendly countries, as well as industrial cooperation between factories producing electrical equipment. anna voronina, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov, anna nikulaesh, news!
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the fifth studio is on air, i’m anton potkovenko, we are discussing current international news, and above all, of course, the meeting of the united nations security council dedicated to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is ongoing. russian representative to the un vasily nebenzya said that the ukrainian authorities, with the connivance of western countries, are systematically attacking the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and western colleagues, according to him, without even noticing it, spoke out at the meeting that they say - transfer control of zas to us, then you they will stop shelling, that is, they essentially betrayed themselves and the kiev regime. let's discuss this with vladimir dzhabarov, first deputy chairman.
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the federation council committee on international affairs leaves connection with the fifth studio. vladimir mikhailovich, i greet you. hello. hello. so, well, russia constantly states that kiev is attacking the country with drones, there are literally hundreds of proofs, while the head of magathe grossia does not deny the attacks, but his wording is impersonal, that’s what vasily nebenzya actually said from the series, no matter who was behind the attacks, so grossia formulates, in quotation marks, so how long do you think they will play this game in general? the game will be played constantly, because they simply have no option, they are focused on in order to blame russia at any cost, to shield kiev, they do not understand that they are playing with fire, because any disaster at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant threatens with grave consequences for not only ukraine, and partly russia, but also for the whole of europe, because rose the winds will be in the direction of the european part. therefore, i think that
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these attempts, it’s unclear where it’s coming from, and it’s unclear who is behind it, but they are simply ridiculous and, frankly speaking, show. all the lies of western countries in relation to russian federation. moving on to the topic that is now one of the most discussed, also iran, israel, of course, the united states expects that israel’s military response to iran’s attack will be limited, this is reported by the american media. it is said that most likely these will be attacks on iranian armed forces abroad against foreign groups supported by tehran. washington post. at the same time, he writes that state authorities generally refused to participate in israel’s retaliatory measures. it turns out that white the house is not aimed at escalation, and, probably, it is holding back israel, so this is how all this can be commented on, what goals the white house is pursuing here. i think that the americans
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are realizing that they are now unable to play the role of a hegemon who can decide the fate of any conflict in any part of the world, where before and... further escalation of the conflict, israel, it seems to me, has moderated its military ardor a little , and iran is not interested in a large-scale conflict, because it understands that sooner or later it may lead to dire consequences for the involvement of new countries, including countries that possess
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nuclear weapons. the british newspaper the sun writes, with reference to ukrainian officials, that kiev is allegedly threatening to destroy the crimean bridge. no further than the middle of this summer, how do you think we should approach such threats? this is a completely irresponsible statement by the british, they have long been in charge of this area in the ukrainian special services, they are the ones who oversee budanov’s military intelligence, because he is behind all attempts to destroy the crimean bridge, they just don't understand what retaliation is. in this case, it will be such a terrible force that, in general, it seems to me that the british cannot even fully predict its consequences, but they constantly continue to engage in such petty dirty tricks, constantly hiding behind the scenes, nevertheless they continue
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to unload the entire situation on the special services of ukraine , i think the success of the special military operation. this is unambiguous, because as long as ukraine has access to the black sea, the threat of crimea will always exist, i think that these tasks probably need to be set before us, before russia, because otherwise it will be very difficult to constantly maintain tension, and the fact that
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we must reach transnistria, from all over ukraine to the black sea, it seems to me that this is simply necessary, so let’s discuss the statement of the ukrainian mida. said the other day that if the united states does not give patriot complexes to ukraine, then everyone survives as best they can, this is his wording, then kiev will ignore the request of the united states not to launch drones against ours, against russians oil refinery, the tail tells the dog, i somehow involuntarily remember, some kind of blackmail, what do you know, looks so funny that the kuleb, that in the face, it means that ukraine is trying to kuleb. to blackmail those from whose hand they have been feeding for decades, but the cessation of any supplies to ukraine, including from the americans and other countries, means that within a month ukraine as a state will become completely insolvent,
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so these threats look ridiculous, i don't think ukraine can hold out a dilapidated country without its own bod that can hold out for some time. without being fueled by american help, i think it’s just that the pot exploded a little, by the way, regarding the help, the american dash is western, the european union intends to transfer... to ukraine equipment for decentralized energy generation, the belgian energy minister announced this. at an informal meeting it was the eu energy ministers in brussels. please tell me whether this can be called, well, indirect, or maybe direct even confirmation that we are very seriously knocking out the energy system of ukraine, on the one hand, well, we are talking about portable generators, as far as i understand, this could be a solution in general for ukraine, issues of electricity, so to speak, no, this is not a solution, because here... what the european union offers, portable generators, this is so much, well, how can i tell you, well, it’s not
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prepared for such powerful countries as, because it has always been ukraine, well, how can a generator solve the problem of power supply to the country, otherwise that russia caused very serious damage to the energy system of ukraine, everyone says, and the ukrainians themselves , i don’t understand, at first they hid the damage that they suffered afterwards. mm, here, the participation of the israeli team in the olympic games, which will accordingly be in paris in the summer, and the participation of
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the israeli team under its own flag and the denial of this right to russian athletes, according to macron, is explained by the fact that israel, in his opinion, cannot be called the attacking party, he suffered from a terrorist attack, so maybe the athletes can perform under their flag, russian athletes cannot, an example of double standards, again we see, i understand correctly, a classic example for... standards, macron is a politician who has absolutely lost all conscience, especially political conscience, a man who inflames everything conflicts in the center of europe, and which constantly incites ukraine against russia, i am very sorry that these olympic games will be in france, whose representative perda coubertin was the founder of the modern olympic games, and i think that...
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very large prize money so that many, not only russian, but many world sports leaders come to our country and show good results. but vladimir mikhailovich, if we go back to the council meeting for the un, but to the previous one, and iran itself, israel were there, and well, this topic, and nibendi called this meeting a parade hypocrisy, this is a quote, because the west condemned tehran’s actions, but rocket, respectively, its rocket.
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israel, and iran, if it had not responded, would simply have lost face in the eyes of the arabs peace, in the eyes of many leaders of the muslim world, because such things cannot be forgiven. thank you very much for such detailed answers, vladimir mikhailovich. first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs vladimir dzhabarov was in contact with the fifth studio, and
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now to georgia, to what is happening there, hot vicissitudes around the law on foreign agents, rallies the day before were in tbilisi, they even blocked rustavele avenue, where georgian parliament, there are detainees, there were also pickets in batumi, in zugdida in okhaltsykha, the fact is that in parliament again for the second time this year... a lot of copies were broken around this law: the bill on transparency of foreign influence, in other words, the bill on foreign agents, is being introduced by the ruling georgian dream party, here - a decision must be made. in fact, there are a lot of organizations in georgia that actually promote the interests of a foreign power, as foreign agents are now called in the new text of the law, president salameshvili opposed this law, the opposition was also expressed by diplomats, european and the americans, according to them, will prevent the introduction of this bill of law, will prevent
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georgia from entering well into integration into the european union. archil sikharulidze, a political scientist, is in touch with us now, hello, archil tirazovich, good afternoon, good afternoon, please comment, firstly, how is the situation in tbilisia as a whole in the country, what might be your forecasts, will the unrest continue , the bill will continue to be discussed, a decision is about to be made, yes, if i’m not mistaken, thank you very much for the invitation, really i said a year ago that i was surprised, why is it so easy? refused this bill, moreover, they shot themselves in the foot, because they suddenly initiated it, wanted to quickly pass it, then held some negotiations with their european colleagues, and it was also quickly taken away, so with all due respect to the protesters, but not because of them, and those people who supported the ruling government, they did not understand anything, i even then said that this law would be adopted, it seems to me that
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this government or the next government will adopted, it’s not about the law, it’s about... under what conditions this law will be used in our country, now about rallies, well, first, and with my respect, again, there’s no need to imagine every rally as something so unimaginable, georgia knows a very large-scale rally, which did not lead to anything, yesterday’s rally was so small, and there everything became complicated at the moment when member of parliament alekoli sashili suddenly attacked everyone, which means a member of parliament from the majority. hit him, after that he came out, he was taken into the buildings parliament, he stated that he does not like traitors, he will beat everyone, he does not like those who negotiate with russia, well, such an act even for the opposition was very ugly, indecent, now about rallies, well, rallies will take place, it seems to me yesterday the situation was deliberately heated up, because well, the expectation that after
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all these statements tens of thousands of people would now be rioting in the street, this did not happen, it seems to me that this...
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the law is essentially a direct copy of the law that is in force in the united states states of america. in this regard , the question arises: why about western, and directly, well, actually european diplomats, and american, why do they seem to speak out against this law, because the same one is in effect in their homeland. well, first of all, i will remind you that, moreover, the european union is now discussing the adoption of exactly the same law, in america it has been working since... since the forties, in fact, here, in order to understand the situation, firstly, you need to understand , that with us, when someone doesn’t like a law, he immediately call the law russian, american, chinese, i don’t know what else, they directly stated that they will not delve into the documents of the judge, that is, this is not even a matter of debate, here people are just saying that we don’t care, so you just don’t like it, and we will discuss it, we need
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to put it into history, in fact , it has been a problem for a long time, what is it simply? collapse of the soviet union, our european colleagues considered that in order for democracy to develop in georgia, it is necessary to support the main aspect of democracy, according to them opinion, in the western hemisphere, this is the non-governmental sector, this is civil society, in their opinion, over time, after 10-15 years of support, civil society and society as a whole should have become stronger, they would have all these financial flows that were invested and interrupted citizenship society would come to... the maximum, where the absolute majority of the money comes from abroad, therefore, they are responsible primarily to those people
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who finance them, so this is the problem that exists that we have civil society, which essentially is not financed by the citizens of their country, and the problem is that over time, unfortunately, part of this civil society has become politicized to us, and now we all know that at least 20-30 or 40% of those incomes.. who leave abroad, they find themselves in some kind of political processes, and the government, it is not stupid, understands that the opposition, which has its own ngos, and these ngos receive money abroad, then they secretly invest this money in komsomolskaya pravda . in rallies, in protests, in mobilizations, therefore in 2022 back in 2023, the government decided that it was necessary to introduce a law that would not only allow us to know, we all know that there are some problems, but in order to...
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american senators are again at an impasse, speaker johnson proposed considering the allocation of aid ukraine is separate from israel, while the white house insists that the package must be
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common, the pressure on congressmen from the administration does not end, the american president raises the money issue at any opportunity, this happened at a meeting with prime minister of the czech republic. i want to thank you for your help, mr. prime minister, for helping to provide for ukraine. almost a million rounds of ammunition. the us is ready to contribute, congress just needs to approve continued funding. they must do it now, immediately. the house and senate would see overwhelming support if they were to allow a vote. meanwhile, the white house emphasizes that they are not going to participate in the direct defense of kiev. against the backdrop of support for tel aviv, excuses are heard, saying that the states are not can help ukraine defend itself from air attacks. the same way they help israel, because the threats of the two conflicts are incommensurable. well, these are different conflicts, different airspace, different
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threat landscapes, and president biden has made it clear from the very beginning of the conflict in ukraine that the united states is not going to get involved in the fighting. at the same time, western politicians are even proposing to stop military support for the kiev regime. in their opinion, american dollars are not capable of changing the situation of the armed forces of ukraine; it is better to direct investments. v own security, when there are so many expenses on all fronts that there is not enough for everything, one should focus on restoring one’s own country. let's take, for example, one of the weapon systems - 155mm artillery shells. currently , the russians have an advantage over the ukrainians in the ratio of such shells 5:1. meanwhile, the position of the ukrainian armed forces in the sky has noticeably deteriorated, german media write. experts say there are gaps in ukrainian air defense. in their opinion, military-industrial. the complex of the kiev regime is suffering heavy losses. on a strategic level is currently dominated by russian troops. if their attacks continue to be successful, it will become a more disastrous
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war of attrition. for ukraine, because ukraine does not have enough anti-aircraft systems to shoot down, for example, russian glide bombs. according to analysts, ukraine is now dependent on western countries; the greater the tension among them, the worse the situation of the armed forces of ukraine. victoria koroleva, vesti. in the second friendly match, the russian national futsal team defeated the serbian team. the final score is 5:0. for the match my colleague alexander abramov observed and further his material from st. petersburg, with this i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, see you, good news. for the april training camp , the home of the russian national futsal team was the nova arena sports complex on the outskirts of st. petersburg. two friendly matches against the serbian national team in an intimate setting in a hall for 700 people. there are unexpected guests among the audience. somehow it happened that the rfu invited me here.
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do you know football? i know the coach of the russian national team, sergei abramov, we are together we train the national team. you have had great football in your career, you are a world champion in beach soccer, have you ever played mini-football? i played during my student years and , to be honest, i was very bad at it, so that’s why it didn’t work out with futsal, but it worked out in other types of football. the russian national futsal team today is 16 people, the largest club representation is at the exenburg senara, four people. the team has three foreign players, including the main star of the current russian national team, artyom niyazov. he plays in spain. captain ivan chishkalo also represents portuguese benfica. always coming to the national team is the best thing that can happen, because it is a single family. we are coming here with great desires, that is, there are no people who would remain indifferent,
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so when the call of the national team comes, that’s it. the happy ones immediately buy tickets on a direct flight and fly, i play abroad in spain, and you come home here, everything is familiar, training, games, guys , you miss a lot of people, i used to play on the same team with someone else, so i always the atmosphere is positive, especially since we play here in russia, in st. petersburg, people here love futsal, they come here and watch, there are teams here, playing in mid-april against the serbian national futsal team has already become... a tradition on the same dates we played twice in serbian varshedec last year, and here are two matches in st. petersburg. 5:5 on saturday and 5:0 in the match on monday. two completely different games, both in content and in results. our team has this state, when inspiration comes, aggression, and that’s all expressed in actions. this was what was missing in the first game, we were just calm, i don’t know why, including me and the team. well, definitely, you know how, when
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people are right... you play in europe, in benfica, now there were two friendly matches against the serbian national team, you can somehow assess the level of the russian national team based on your performance in europe in these two friendly matches in mini-football, that's where we are now? well, the level of the russian national team is always the highest level, because our team is a contender, has always been and is a contender for the highest places, so all european teams respect our team, but everyone wants to be against it. us to play, i can say more, even the guys who play with me in the team, there are spaniards, brazilians also follow the russian championship, they know the players, they know the teams, we are always there somewhere on the bus, i always turn it on, they enjoy watching the russian super league . the russian national minifootball team completed its april training camp with a crushing victory over the serbian team 5:0. next time our the team will gather closer to the fall, the next opponent has not yet been determined, but most likely it will be a friendly match against one of the teams participating in the september championship.
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a suspect in the car bombing of former sbu officer vasily prozarov has been detained in moscow. according to fsb information, he acted on instructions from a ukrainian curator, through whom he received the components of a radio-controlled explosive device, assembled it, and mined the car. in the near future, a number of examinations will be appointed, including medical and explosive technical examinations. in in february, my supervisor told me that he was given a task personally by the head of the sbu,
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malyuk, that i... had to go to moscow to monitor the toyota prado car. then the task changed.


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