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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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artifacts about the victims have not yet been reported to the security services boards.
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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, and it’s easy to make a deepfake.
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the crew of the first combat icebreaker in the russian navy, ivan popanin, has settled on the ship; in the summer it will begin factory sea trials, after which it will be included in the northern fleet. the patrol ship will operate in the arctic zone. exclusive footage from a unique icebreaker in a report by silima zarev. this process. rarely anyone
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manages to film, the housewarming of a military crew, the crew boards the ship, which will become their home for many years, officers and sailors are accommodated in the cabins, the cabins are as comfortable as on passenger liners, the first place on the shelves is taken by portraits of loved ones, let them stand here, will help me serve here, it’s time to accept the ship, the shipbuilders of the admiralty shipyards hand over the rescue equipment to the crew, show how all the systems work, by the way, they are all domestically produced, start check of the auxiliary diesel generator, there is a start to check, launch, this is a unique opportunity to be on board, perhaps, the most secret ship of the russian fleet, ivan popanin, the first combat icebreaker, these have not been built before, hitherto it was generally believed that icebreakers were purely civilian, but this one will be included in the navy, it’s brand new, it hasn’t smelled the sea,
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the windshield wipers of the wheelhouse have not even had the polyethylene removed yet. have you ever thought that you would serve on an icebreaker? i couldn't imagine this, but overall i want to serve on this ship, i want to be like a discoverer. papanin's ice class is ark-7, that is, ice 70 meters thick is not a hindrance to him. he's formidable. in addition to the artillery mount, it can be armed with a denite missile system. popanin is three in one. icebreaker, tugboat, patrol ship. the anchor-mooring mechanism is currently being checked. you need to make sure that everything is working properly, the chain runs easily. it’s interesting that the deck here is closed, this is necessary so that the mooring crew does not freeze in the harsh arctic conditions. the shipbuilders really tried their best; the sailors were not used to such conditions. there is a gym, a swimming pool, and an elevator. the campus is also equipped with a lift, making a pot of soup. the cook sends him upstairs to
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the officer's wardroom, in all the years of service as a cook, that is, this is my first such galley with such equipment, all the equipment is new, everything works with a bang, that’s it. an unusual spectacle for a warship, he himself took the initiative in this direction, you can play for us, yes, of course, like this under tchaikovsky papanin and his crew are starting a new life, ahead of them are sea trials and acceptance into the fleet, many combat missions of glorious achievements, a big story begins today. salem azarev, evgeny kostin, dmitry lukashevich and galina orlova, news! northwestern bureau. zoya boguslavskaya, writer, playwright, and muse of the poet andrei voznesensky, turns 100 years old. zoya boguslavskaya celebrates this significant date with a gift to all her fans. in the center of voznesensky there is an exhibition
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always zoya - an exhibition novel. it included works of art and family archive materials. unique art objects, such as the image of a staircase from a remodeled house. individuality, this is very important to me, and in another human personality, in another i almost always know how to find in another person the grain from which it consists,
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now is the time for economic news: japan has decided to retain shares in the oil and gas projects sakhalin-1 and sakhalin-2 . the country considers them important for its energy security. this was stated in the japanese foreign ministry. at the same time, tokyo plans to phase out russian energy resources, including coal and oil. currently, japanese companies own 30% of the shares in sakhalin-1 and 22.5% in the sakhalin-2 project. at the end of the year, nlmk increased its net profit by a quarter. the company earned almost 210 billion rubles. this is data from a report on international standards. the group’s revenue is in the black by 4%, a total of 900.33 billion. the company’s total debt is 92.5 billion rubles. previously, nlmk’s board of directors recommended paying dividends of 152 billion rubles based on the results of 23 years. shareholders have not received remuneration since the end of 2021. sales of x5 groups at the end of the quarter
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exceeded 880 billion rubles. growth for the year by 27%, the company’s report says. in terms of revenue , the leader is the pyaterochka chain, with more than 660 billion rubles. about 107 were at the intersection and 45 at the siskin network. during the first quarter, x5 groups opened more than 400 new stores. and switzerland refused to assist the g7 in the search and confiscation of frozen russian assets. rbc writes about this with reference to the federal department of economics, education and research. a special ripo group was created to search for assets in the west. the usa, great britain, canada participate in it largest countries. switzerland does not yet see the need to join this group. it was economic news. short. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for
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taste it! copies are not your style, your uniqueness deserves more, choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices await you in the avita app; 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. catch pyro firebird is not easy, and anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on on april 15, 1935 , representatives of twenty-one countries signed the roerich pact, a document drawn up by the russian artist and thinker nicholas roerik. he laid the foundation for the international system of protection of historical and cultural monuments,
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in fact becoming the forerunner of unesco. for the meaning of the pact and its relevance today, see special report, red cross culture. anastasievskaya chapel in pskov, above which the bridge over the velikaya river hangs, inconspicuous, as if lost, although this small masterpiece was designed by academician of architecture alexey shyusev. in the same year 911 , he was busy with a large project for the kazan railway station in moscow, but did not give up his work in pskov; he wrote sketches for its painting, and invited his classmate nikolai rorekh. for many years the chapel was destroyed, this is what the frescoes
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looked like in 2021, everything is on the verge of being lost. above us is the sky, the sky, the stars, the sun, the moon, in the center of the universe, the image of god. a few years ago, painting finally strengthened for future restoration. two of the four sketches have been preserved, they are in the russian museum, but here is one, one of them is the painting of the entrance group, in general the entire painting of the chapel, it was dedicated to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intercession of the higher powers of the zabs, so here there is an image of the savior, angels, holy pskov loved ones princes, all gabriel and timothy's holy spirit in the form of a dove in the dome. after the seventeenth year, the chapel was abandoned, a ticket office was installed in it,
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then the kiosk and kirosene shop were painted over with a fresco. in the seventies for the reconstruction of the bridge they wanted to demolish the monument altogether, but the pskov architects of the restorer defended it. when the chapel was moved in 1970, the chapel was cut in half, so lower yaros, unfortunately, was completely lost. but, of course, the frescoes are gradually falling into disrepair, because their last restoration was carried out in the early seventies. the guardians have been asking you for years...
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let an ordinary person give a donation, and we will collect this money, we will have 3 million people who have become involved in the preservation of this monument, in their history, than one a businessman who closes it, then the idea of ​​the roerich pact does not work; many people joined the cause of protecting the chapel. thanks to our initiative, the tretyakov gallery published a special issue of the magazine dedicated entirely to the anostasis chapel. by the way, this is a unique number where it was presented for the first time.
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one state - this is the usa and almost all the countries of south america, the so-called pan-american union, a regional organization, henry wallis is authorized to do this from the states, here he is on the left hand of the president, at that moment he is the minister of agriculture economy, but the text of this agreement is very simple and laconic, it contains eight short articles, and most importantly, the first thing, everything is formulated in it, historical monuments, cultural museums, educational, scientific institutions are neutral and enjoy respect and protection. the warring parties, just like the employees of the above-mentioned institutions, and are specially stipulated both during war and in peacetime. nikolai rerrikh has been burning with this
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idea of ​​​​protecting cultural objects since his university years in st. petersburg; he is a student at the faculty of law, knowledge of law will be useful in preparation of the pact, with. student at the academy of arts, conducts archaeological excavations near st. petersburg, veliky novgorod and pskov. ririch, one might say, was one of the pioneers of describing the monuments of ancient russia and one of the pioneers of preservation. one can also recall his participation in the commission for the preservation of the frescoes of the feropont monastery, one can recall the history of the struggle, one might say, so that... the church of the savior nereditsa in the vicinity of novgorod would not be moved. in 903 and so he and his wife elena ivanovna traveled for forty ancient russian cities. kostroma, kazan, uglich, suzdol, he draws, she photographs. this includes the north-west of russia and the central part of the volga region. nikolai konstantinovich made
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the most interesting, valuable architectural sketches. monuments of these cities, then he finalized them in the workshop, including using photographs taken by ilena ivanovna. that same famous architectural series, many temples will remain only in his paintings. the main part of the etids is now stored in the state museum of the east on long-term exhibition at the roerich family museum-institute in st. petersburg. nikolai roerrich said the following phrase: speaking about the fact that monuments are being destroyed, and it’s not about money, in russia there has always been a lot of money, little interest, little love. with a report on the topic of protecting antiquity, roerich addressed nicholas in 915, as soon as the first world war began. on the agid poster, the enemy of the human race, he depicted kaiser
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wilhelm in the image of the devil and a bombed cathedral in the french reims, a destroyed belgian one. criminal portrait in every way so to speak, his radiance, the actions of emperor wilhelm, were reprinted by all european newspapers, and so to speak , the cultural public, the european intelligentsia , just so to speak, believed that indeed such crimes should be held accountable. one of the main roerich places is a memorial office in the museum of oriental art in moscow; under the sculpted ceiling , a collection is exhibited, which was transferred in the seventy-ninth. the ussr, a friend of the family, was preceded by its creation, the receipt by the director of the oriental museum of a large number of paintings gift from an american citizen, a friend of
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nicholas roerich, katherine cambo. after 917, roerich was forced to stay outside of russia, first he ended up in finland, then the family wandered around the world. usa, england, expedition to central asia, india, but the idea of ​​a pact does not leave him. this is a very important, unique publication from 1935, the year when the roerrich pact was adopted, this is the building of the roerich museum in which it was located in new york, which was built towards the end of the thirties. first draft agreement was published in the twenty-ninth. the signing was preceded by several conferences, including in bruges
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. there was hope that this treaty would become universal, but at the end of the forties only india ratified it, although the pact in europe is known and appreciated. in the nuremberg verdict, which was pronounced against the main war criminals of germany, a statement was made in relation to one of them, who participated there in especially in all kinds of such atrocities not only against people in relation to historical monuments. that the principles of paktor erich were violated, you see, this cannot be underestimated. his office contains late works. the artist spent a third of his life in the himalayas:
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the famous triptych, long live the ruler, the treasure of the world canvas, paintings by his son svyatoslav, personal belongings from the roerichs’ house in the indian kullu valley, and many works contain this sign, the banner of peace. the roerich pact was developed by analogy with the international red cross. article three of the pact describes the distinctive banner, it looks like a circle with three red circles inside on a white background. according to
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roerich's plan, flags with such symbols should be hung over all buildings that the signatory state considers necessary to protect. in general, the sign of the three unities is sacred and exists in all cultures, starting with the spiral of life, known from the times before columbus in america to the sign of the three treasures in tibetan buddhism, well... and we can be proud that the idea of ​​this pact originated with the russian, it was
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the russian people who thought about how to unite humanity on some kind of sublime idea. nikolai konstantinovich wrote a lot, he has a whole long essay dedicated to this. the collections of the museum in st. petersburg contain artifacts that tell. the history of the creation of the pact, everyone has the same security sign and motto, pak sculpture, peace through culture. in a magazine published by the ossetian community in paris, a reproduction of this wonderful painting was published, which is called the patron saint or madonna protectris, here the mother of god protects cultural monuments that require protection, here we can see how famous russian architecture objects are. st. vladimir's cathedral, here is notre dame de paris, here is st. peter's cathedral in rome, which were in very real danger - on the eve of the second
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world war.
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and the decision of the gaga conference of 1899 and 1907, that is, you and i can say with full justification and pride that the international legal system for the preservation of cultural heritage rests on three russian documents. the treaty itself did not seem to protect many monuments, although this little-known fact from 1945 year says the opposite. initially, after all, in the list of objects. for nuclear bombing was included, the city of kyoto, that is, the ancient capital of japan, was included. advisor to president isenhaura, dr. rayshaur, knowing that the americans were signatories of the roerich pact, he came to the president and said: “mr. president, if we destroy kyoto, we will violate our obligation under the pact, this will never be forgiven us.” and then it was decided to cross out kivota and include
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nagasaki on this list. this is also a terrible tragedy, but however, here is the real defense of the pact, these days in the us military everyone is taught that the us has an obligation to preserve cultural sites in the light of paktor erich. today the pact formally continues to operate and you can join it. roerrich did not set out to develop, so to speak, a kind of responsibility; it was about legislation, about respect, and so on, about voluntary. ideas began to take shape... even from the beginning that an attempt or damage to cultural property constitutes its own crime, the tribunal for yugoslavia, he found the serbian general guilty of the fact that there were reasons for the destruction, there are actually many examples of examples that were assessed, but could not be resolved, the destruction in afghanistan, remember, yes, when the taliban came, in the nineties,
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they destroyed ... there are seven monuments that were preserved by the previous ones, including three statue towers there, we all saw it explode, in syria, well, in syria, yes, palmyra is known, yes, the destruction of the corresponding objects began in 2021 reconstruction work original appearance of the chapel, it was conceived like this...
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the very transfer of the chapel, this will be a rather complex, interesting task, the roerech pact, which is almost 90 years old, and today is often referred to, not only as a legal document, with the leakage of the unesco entire system protection of cultural heritage, as well as educational, against vandalism and ignorance. at any time. a suspect in the car bombing of a former sbu officer, vasily prozorov, has been detained in moscow. according to.


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