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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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uh, possible floods, a project for the actual transfer of the chapel has already been developed, this is quite difficult, an interesting task will be, the roerich pact, which is almost 90 years old, and today is often referred to, not only as a legal document, with the leakage of unesco’s entire system for the protection of cultural heritage, as educational against vandalism and ignorance at all times. a suspect in the car bombing of former sbu officer vasily has been detained in moscow.
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according to the fsb, he acted on instructions from a ukrainian curator, through who received the components of a radio-controlled explosive device, assembled it and mined the car. in the near future , a number of examinations will be appointed, including medical and explosives. in february, my supervisor told me that he was assigned the task personally by the head of the sbu, malyuk.
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at 2:00 am, i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, well, let me remind you that on korovinskoye highway in moscow last week there was an explosion of a toyota land cruiser prado, the owner of which is a former sbu officer who moved to russia before the start of svo, vasily prozarov. as a result of the incident, he was injured, and nearby cars were also damaged. this is not the first such attempt. over the past 2 years, journalists daria dugina and military correspondent vladlen tatarsky were killed. last year , an attempt was made on the life of zakhar prilepin; he miraculously survived. and today marks 9 years since yet another political assassination. on april 16, 2015 , ukrainian publicist oles buzina was shot dead in his home in kiev. the organizers of all such attempts are easily guessed, and in fact don't hide. this. at the end of march, the head
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of the ukrainian security service, vasily malyuk , gave an interview in which he revealed the subtle details of the high-profile murders. at the same time, he hinted at the involvement of the sbu, but said that this would never be officially recognized in kiev. the urals and siberia are in the grip of powerful spring floods. a colossal volume of water is moving to kurgan; the level of the tabol river has risen by more than a meter in a day. otherwise, precipitation can worsen the difficult situation. according to forecasts , more than half of the monthly norm will fall. residents of the left bank part of kurgan, living before the protective dam, are asked to evacuate immediately. there are already more than a thousand houses and household plots in the water in the region. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is in kurgan. he personally controls how the banks of the tabol are strengthened and protective dams are built. in the tyumen region , the level of the ishim river exceeded critical values ​​in two settlements at once.
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the village of ilyinka and the city of ishim fell into the flood zone, evacuation was announced, the peak of the flood in these areas is expected in 2-3 days. mode a state of emergency was declared there in advance. in the orenburg region , the ilek region is now under the influence of the elements; the level of the ural river has already exceeded the critical value and the water continues to remain. special equipment is being assembled in the area, protective structures are being strengthened, and temporary dams are being installed. but in orenburg and orsk there is a flood.
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regions in the flood zone there are about 16,000 houses. the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen region. we are monitoring the situation in this region. our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is in direct contact. stanislav, greetings, the governor of the tyumen region has ordered the immediate evacuation of the population of the city of ishim, as i understand it, the water is about to arrive close. yes, alexander, hello, indeed, the most difficult situation is in the tyumen region, this is the south of the region, just the cities of ishim and ilyinka, kazan district. region there, the water reaches the criteria for a dangerous flood phenomenon, residents of ishim today at around 6:00 am received an sms notification that they need to leave their homes and go up to a hill, because indeed, from one o’clock to an hour
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the arrival of water may begin until it is noticed, but it is a matter of time, indeed the water has risen above the most critical level, they are waiting for a spill. well , all the services are now preparing accordingly, temporary temporary detention centers are working, and in general the situation in the region is not very favorable, with flooding, 139 settlements in 17 districts of the region are under threat of flooding, the tabola river, which you mentioned a little higher in kurgan, has already caused a lot of trouble , here directly a little downstream , in elutovorsk, for example, yes, the level the tabola is not rising, well, more precisely, it...
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on the embankment, in principle, probably a day or two, and we will sort of finish it, level it, go to the level already, and uh, the area is the so-called borovushki, here we have a lot of private houses, quite a lot, yes, the task is to somehow raise the existing dam, here we are already doing the filling, laying it out with sandbags, raising it by about 30 meters, this is with a margin, we need to lay out approximately 650 m, then we will reach the level and close the apartment buildings accordingly and... the borovushka area, well, besides the fact that the dam is being strengthened, its ridge is being built up, sandbags are still being prepared in order to further strengthen those hills that will be subject to water filling, and this is
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very serious work, not only builders, but ordinary residents of the city take part in it, almost all week employees... of our institution took part in rounds to inform the population, to distribute leaflets, regarding the situation that is now predicted, yesterday we called our entire team, here mainly the coaching and teaching staff the team, the sports school, the workers, the drivers of our institution, everyone responded and today we have been working together since 8:00 am to strengthen the dam, and of course the work of volunteers is now very... important , thank you very much to them, low bow, a really big volume they carry out the work, help builders, help the city authorities, because really big water is a big disaster, if it comes, i think that the strengthening of the volunteer movement here in the city will be directly noticeable,
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and if we talk about the evacuation, which announced in many districts of the tyumen region, but it is worth saying that here in eltovorsk there are already three... taps are ready to accept people now, there are about 40 people there already, 17 taps have been prepared, and there is also a free number of rooms. let's listen to what they say about the work of the tap here. after the governor introduced a state of emergency in the tyumen region on april 8 , a decision was made, agreed with the department of education and science in the city. ilotorovsky agricultural technology college has three public diggings promptly. by the tenth at 15:00 we have prepared 365 places for residents of the city of ultarsk who may end up in the flood zone. we continue to monitor the situation in the tyumen region, all the latest news is on our air. alexander, i give you the floor. stanislav, thank you,
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our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, spoke about the flood situation in the tyumen region. residents of the left bank part of kurgan, living before the protective dam. asked to evacuate immediately. people received sms alerts from emergency services. how the regional government reported that the level of the tobol river continues to rise, and a colossal volume of water flows towards kurgan. our special correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, is monitoring the flood in the region. the flood situation in kurgan and in the kurgan region as a whole is still unstable. over the past night , the water in the tobol rose by more than half a meter ; now the level is 745 cm. entire villages are going under water; more than 300 houses are already known to be flooded. tobol drowns the mound itself. the water is rising in the city center, already flooded. city ​​embankment, just the day before you could walk along the pedestrian path there, now this path
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has already disappeared more than a meter under water, information is coming in about overflows across bridges and roads, today the police blocked the tyunino highway in kurgan and the approaches to this highway, the water overflowed very heavily across the road, at first, while there was little water, passenger buses and heavy trucks were allowed through these entrances, but there were brave souls among the local residents, here were the greeters. now the water level on the highway has risen so much so that it’s not so much that you can’t get there with a bicycle, you can’t get through with heavy trucks anymore, so the road is now blocked for all types of transport, it’s also impossible to get from here to the village of smolino, the water has also overflowed across the road, in many snt there is now an evacuation, sirens are sounding, as a sign that it is urgently necessary to leave your houses, which are located in a potential flood zone. would you take a risk, no, no, why, they won’t let you in, do you actually
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need to go to the other side, no, my house is there like that, the house is already flooded, no, it shouldn’t be yet, well maybe the water will come at all, in ninety -four there was only such a flood in the fence, and you’re on foot while we’re still passing, this is actually the first time you’ve had something like this, but why it happened, i don’t remember exactly in what years. how do you generally assess the situation this time, forecasts, while the beginning is unknown, what will happen next, don’t worry, why am i worried, of course, last night the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov arrived in kurgan together with the regional governor vadim shumkov, they discussed the operational situation regarding the flood, and also the head of the ministry of emergency situations checked how the city and the region as a whole are ready for this situation, vadim shumkov also told the minister about round-the-clock video surveillance, which is carried out using quadrocopters, as he said... it is much easier and more quickly possible to respond to the current situation, and
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alexander kurenkov was also introduced to what has been developed in the region a map of flooded areas, this also allows you to more quickly cope with the consequences of a flood. stanislav vasilchenko, denis tsitsaronov, nikolai purtov, olga prokanova. news kurgan region. copenhagen is on fire the stock exchange building is the hallmark of the danish capital, an architectural monument and a leading example of the renaissance. was built in the first half of the 16th century; as a result of a fire, the famous dragon spire, made in the shape of the twisted tails of a mythical animal, collapsed. the debris fell directly onto the roadway. the neighborhood was cordoned off by the police. eyewitnesses say people are trying to save paintings and other valuable artifacts from the fire. danish security services have not reported any casualties. the causes of the fire are also unknown. calculations of rocket systems in one salvo fire hurricane. northern groups destroyed ukrainian positions in the border area. this
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was reported to the ministry of defense. the enemy was found on the border with the belgorod region. details from igor pikhanov. a twenty-ton combat vehicle with a hurricane multiple launch rocket system of the north group arrived at the firing line. under the cover of darkness, fighters hunt the enemy. near the russian-ukrainian border, intelligence officers discovered enemy military equipment. in the dark, the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces was preparing to strike peaceful villages belgorod region. thanks to the professionalism of our fighters, the militants’ hope for surprise failed. the ukrainian military uses cannon and rocket artillery against civilians in order to identify the enemy. observer drones are in the sky around the clock. the multiple launch rocket system and hurricane are a real nightmare for enemy forces. only one such car. carries 16 high-explosive fragmentation shells of 220 mm caliber, which effectively combat
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enemy military equipment and defensive structures. the firing range is almost 40 km; simultaneously , from different points, the unit opens fire on enemy artillery hidden in the forest. the shells fall on the enemy one by one, the forest belt in which the ukrainian armed forces have taken refuge catches fire, and the militants retreat with heavy losses. in a matter of seconds... the army lost an entire unit and expensive military equipment, they worked, in principle, on everything in the columns of movement of equipment and in people, in personnel, in clusters along it, these are the support units under construction. that is, there is technology that helps in construction of support towers, uh, well, all foreign equipment from the enemy, uh, it scatters well, in the zone of a special military operation , large-caliber rocket launchers have shown their reliability and indispensability, the hurricane is based on a modernized high-power tractor, so the vehicle can quickly arrive at any given location point to strike, well,
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the enemy, when he realizes that he has been identified, of course tries to hide. that is, change your firing positions, all his movements are tracked, also according to him the work is being done. now in the black earth region there are difficult weather conditions, it is raining and strong winds are blowing. in order to hit the target accurately from a long distance, you need to be a professional. the combat crews of the hurricanes are called real snipers ; each crew has behind them dozens of units of enemy military equipment destroyed, the crew was personally awarded medals and orders. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin. news belgorod region. 8 years in a maximum security colony, this was the sentence handed down by the court to blogger maxim lyutoy, who starved to death the hunger of his own month-old son. the child was born in february last year, but he was not even registered. the baby was not given normal food. the blogger taught him, as he himself called it: to eat the sun.
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the parents turned to kracha only when the child became very ill, but the doctors could no longer save him. the mother of... the deceased baby was also found guilty of improper performance of parental responsibilities and sentenced to two years of correctional labor. georgian deputies will vote today on the law on foreign agents in the first reading, the speaker of the georgian parliament announced this. the day before , a protest rally took place in dbilelisiya, 14 people were detained; the opposition calls the bill pro-russian, despite the fact that it is essentially a copy of the same. american law, the document requires mandatory registration of non-profit legal entities of the media, whose income comes abroad. opponents of the law believe that it will hinder georgia's integration into the european union. well, the leader of the parliamentary majority is convinced that non-governmental organizations undermine the security of the country. supporters of the bill believe that the document is quite soft and will serve to
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support the strengthening of sovereignty. the government is not stupid, it understands that it is the opposition, which has its own ngos, and these ngos receive money abroad, then they secretly invest this money in rallies, in protests, in mobilizations, so in 2022 back in 2023 the government decided that it was necessary to introduce a law that would allow not only to know, but you and i all know that there is some problems, but in order to document that this money, this is how it came from america, it turned out...
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to resolve the ukrainian crisis , it is necessary to stop adding fuel to the fire, the chairman of the people's republic of china stated this at a meeting with the chancellor of germany. pin advocated the convening of an international peace conference, which would be recognized by both russia and ukraine. we will learn more from our subcorrespondent in china , alexander baletsky. he's in direct contact. alexander, greetings, what other topics are the focus of the negotiations? interesting, of course, the background of today's meeting between german chancellor olaf scholz and the head of konerpien, colorful carp in the pond and flowering trees on the one hand, on the other, not the most rosy prospects for the german economy, where
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everything has faded and withers more and more. and that’s actually why scholz flew to china on a three-day visit to promote. interests of german business, and china is actually not against it, but as reported after the meeting between scholz and the xi information agency, the prc chairman directly told the german chancellor: bilateral ties with germany will continue to develop steadily, but as long as both countries respect each other and look for common ground amid ongoing differences, an important message that scholz should have heard, like the fact that protectionism in markets that are actively used by the west, it’s not that china is ready to tolerate, but it’s clear that today it’s not possible without ukraine either... scholl stated from the very beginning that he would warn beijing against any help to moscow, and would also ask china to put pressure on russia so that moscow took part in peace negotiations on kiev’s terms, only this was in china. they are not ready to support, although they also support peaceful negotiations, but in principle taking into account security guarantees for all parties, and therefore the position of moscow too. first, we
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must prioritize maintaining peace and stability and refrain from seeking self-interest. secondly, we must cool the situation, and not add fuel to the fire; thirdly, we must create conditions for the restoration of peace refrain from further escalating tensions. fourth, we must reduce the negative impact on the global economy and refrain from undermining the stability of global industrial and supply chains. in general, the task before schwolz was extremely difficult, directly, say, at the level of political balancing act, because on the one hand , berlin has obligations to its allies, and washington and brussels demand that beijing turn away, on the other hand, there is large german business, in china 5.00 german companies, they literally demand from the chancellor close cooperation with china, in fact, that’s why, together with scholz , top managers of the largest german concerns flew to china, from siemens, bayar to bmw and mercedes, here, by the way, it’s also very interesting, the german
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auto industry, which today is not going through the best of times, including precisely because chinese electric cars are rapidly conquering world markets, and so even the german auto industry opposed brussels’ initiative to tax chinese electric cars additional import duties, and stating that this would further worsen the situation of german companies. because it will lead to a trade war, and the germans don’t need this, because here in china, with its huge market, they have a chance to sell themselves, and apparently that’s why, just so as not to irritate beijing once again, the scholz didn’t take them with them on the trip of the head of the german foreign ministry, to lena berba, who is known for her anti-chinese position, and well, another very interesting detail of today’s meeting took place at the residence of ville wan liu, which translates from chinese as 10,000 willows, but the phrase “persuade the remainder” sounds exactly the same as wan liu in chinese?
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hello, alexander. information from the ministry of agriculture is received regularly and updated almost hourly. the main thing is that today the functioning of enterprises
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in the agrarian-industrial complex has not been disrupted. let me remind you that a federal-scale emergency regime has been introduced in the orenburg region, at the regional level in the kurgan, tyumen regions, altai territory, potentially in the risk zone samara region. this is what the minister of agriculture, dmitry patrushev, said.
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it will be possible for the water to go away exactly in rubles, but the exact data will be known after everything is calculated, however, the ministry of agriculture is already involved in eliminating the consequences. we have 390 enterprises operating, there are a number of enterprises that suffered from flooding in the city of orsk, so today, providing people with water, including bread, we have reoriented part of the orenburg enterprise to axis, so we are doing the same work today. we separately reviewed the progress of seasonal field work. which have been started in many regions of russia, this is what the minister of agriculture also said in particular. in addition to the issue of emergency situations, we will continue to analyze the progress.
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calmly carry out major repairs where there is no security item. we have introduced the opportunity to work as a volunteer at cultural heritage sites; some types of work can be carried out by uncertified specialists, volunteers. it's no secret that the pearls of the russian north, wooden churches, huts, often they are saved by locals or young people from such public organizations as a common cause; before this, according to the law, they were allowed little, clear the monument, patch the roof, but do not replace fragments of rotten logs, do not
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touch. changes in the law, in particular , relate to buildings that are not monuments in themselves, but are located on the territory of a place of interest, as a rule, these are the historical centers of many ancient cities. construction, excavation, land reclamation and other work, all work that is not related to ensure the safety of such objects, and new construction is prohibited. in addition, the territory of the landmark will be reconstructed. the building is possible, but without increasing the volumetric-spatial characteristics. in other words, you cannot build on a house in the center of an ancient city. there are many such sad examples when a skyscraper grows on the site of a two-story mansion. another important addition is the appearance of the term object that has the characteristics of a newly identified object of cultural heritage, this means the building in relation to which the claim is made. a statement about the need to register it as a monument. if they hit
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this one. list of objects that have signs of an architectural or historical monument, then it is no longer possible to demolish or destroy them, until, of course, the end of the procedure for identifying this value, it very often happened that while social activists or city defenders tried to put something under protection in order to prevent this demolition, the demolition was completed, the number of objects that have not yet received the status of even regional monuments includes, for example, architectural... so in in st. petersburg, a coke was destroyed, a most interesting structure, famous for its engineering structures; it never managed to receive the status of a monument. perhaps amendments to the law will help preserve the pulkovo airport in st. petersburg, a masterpiece of architects alexander zhuk and jean vershbitsky, built in 1973. people call it glasses. there is no airport.
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they tried to demolish it for many years, this threat still exists, and on april 17 the law on the preservation of monuments to the great patriotic war comes into force, among them there are many little-known ones, these are, for example, monuments of the green belt of glory near st. petersburg or monuments in closed areas of factories and institutes; now municipalities and enterprises will be able to repair these cultural heritage sites in a simplified manner. zenaida kurbatova, lead.


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