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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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these are, for example, monuments of the green belt of glory near st. petersburg or monuments in closed areas of factories and institutes. now municipalities and enterprises will be able to repair these cultural heritage sites in a simplified manner. zenaida kurbatova, lead.
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in the second friendly match, the russian national futsal team defeated the serbian team, the final score was 5:0. my colleague alexander abramov watched the match, here is his report from st. petersburg. home for the russian national futsal team for the april training camp.
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big football, you are the world champion in beach soccer, have you ever played minifootball? i played during my student years and, to be honest, i was very bad at it, so that’s why it didn’t work out with futsal, but it worked out in other types of football. the russian national futsal team today consists of 16 people. the largest club representation at the exenburg senara is four people. the team has three foreign players, including the main star of the current russian national team, artyom neyazov. he plays in spain. also. captain ivan
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cishkala represents the portuguese benfica. always come to the national team - this is the best thing that can happen, because this is a single family, we come here with great desire, that is, there are no people who would remain indifferent, so when the call comes to the national team, everyone who is happy immediately buys tickets for direct flights and flying. i play abroad in spain, and you come home here and everything is native, training, games, guys. you miss a lot of people, a lot of people, i used to play in the same team, with someone against me, so the atmosphere is always positive, especially since we play here in russia, in st. petersburg, here people love futsal, they come here, watch, there is a team here, playing in mid-april against the serbian national futsal team has already become a tradition, on the same dates they played twice in serbian varshets last year, here are two matches in st. petersburg, 5:5 on saturday and 5:00 in the match on monday, two completely different games, including me and the team,
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well, definitely, you know how, when people react to something correctly, today's game proved this. you play in europe in benfica, now there were two friendly matches against the serbian national team, can you somehow assess from your performances in europe, from these two friendly matches, the level of the russian national team in terms of football, is this where we are now? well, the level of the russian national team is always at the highest level, because our team is a contender, has always been and is a contender for the most. high places, so all european teams respect our team, everyone wants to play against us, i can say more, even the guys who play with me in the team are there spaniards and brazilians also follow the russian championship, they know the players, they know the teams , we are always there somewhere on the bus, i always turn it on, they enjoy watching
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the russian super league. the russian national minifootball team completed its april training camp with a crushing victory over the serbian team 5:0. next time our team will gather closer to the fall, the next opponent is not yet. definitely, but most likely it will be a friendly match against one of the national teams participating in the september mini-football world championship. alexander abramov, aleksalchuk, alexander kutataladze and alexander salmashevsky. vesti st. petersburg. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? receive a pension from the postal bank? of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post office bank and...
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touch the rock star, burger king, votper on fire, taste it! the weather may affect the flood situation in the regions of the urals and western siberia. according to forecasters, there will be strong winds in particular. help accelerate the flow of water in the tobol river towards the city of kurgan. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatyana, hello, will the wind be the only negative weather factor? unfortunately, no, its contribution to the rise in water levels in rivers may bring rain. well, let's start with a sharp complication of the flood situation in the south of the tyumen region. the water level in the ishim river is rising rapidly. in the morning, it increases the height of the dump in the kazan and ishim regions , which has already been prepared. for tens of thousands of sandbags, residents of some settlements have already been evacuated, but regional authorities
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are warning that we are talking about an unprecedented rise in water, so it will not be possible to avoid a large-scale evacuation. yesterday we received an updated forecast from roshydromet, it says: that the water level will be even higher, significantly higher. in this scenario , the number of flooded settlements increases. they promise a lot of water. the likelihood of a dump breaking or overflowing is growing, so we are starting an urgent evacuation of the population. but what is happening upstream of the ishim river, on the territory of kazakhstan, in petropavlovsk , more than 2.0 houses were sunk, the overflowing river washed away about 20 dams and earthen ramparts that were used to hold water. rivers continue to overflow in the kurgan region, according to the village of menshchikova in the morning could only be moved by boat. in the tabol river in kurgan grew by more than a meter in one day. some roads began to submerge in water,
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and snt within the city began to flood. this is our store that we go to, it’s generally bad to go there any further. footage of the consequences of an ice jam on the tami river appeared on social networks, which led to a sharp rise in water levels in the tomsk region, while houses there were flooded higher up. the structure was literally compressed by the current of ice. weather in the urals in western siberia today began to be determined by the atlantic cyclone, but if the obi is away from the trajectories of the frontal cloud fields, then clouds will concentrate over the western urals and charge rain. the most intense precipitation today is expected in the south of the region, here in some places more than half of the monthly volume of moisture may pour out, and the zone of heavy rainfall will fall, including the kurgan and tyumen regions. however. today, under the influence of the cyclone, cloudy during the day , heavy rain, strong wind with gusts up to 17
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m/s, temperature +11. tomorrow after tomorrow light rain, there will be a gap in the clouds and the air will begin to warm up. on wednesday it will be up to 13 degrees, on thursday up to 17, by the weekend it will be like summer temperatures +25. in moscow today there is no significant precipitation, the maximum temperature is +11. tomorrow the clouds will thicken, there will be rain, which can bring up to 6 meters of precipitation, while it will be a little warmer up to +13. precipitation is possible on thursday, and the peak of bad weather will be on friday, when the altitude chamber could receive up to 20 mm of precipitation, with thermometers showing +17 during the day. these are the predictions: at bigfest chicken premiere for 109 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable - with cashback of 50% from alphabank in a delicious period , just like that, don’t need it, it’s so clear
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12:45 pm
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12:46 pm
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moreover, while getting into blu sky was only available by invitation, the service strongly asked users not to transfer. are no longer needed and registration in this rather unusual project is open to everyone. the bluesky social network originated within twitter long before elon mask took control of the short messaging service. initially, this was an experiment by the founder of twitter, the legendary jack dorset, he is now on the board of directors of bluesky, who was looking for a recipe for such an ideal social network, free from any dictate,
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the owner, or some other external force. one of the features of the project is that it is a decentralized network, similar to the mostadon project, anyone can create their own node with their own rules using their own hardware and at the same time accessible to all users of the social network. in by , however, this functionality is still a little limited; the second feature of blusky, as an attempt to create the most free social network, is an automatic neural network moderation system, which the user himself configures to suit his needs. the idea is so as not to write complaints about what seems offensive or unacceptable, but simply not to see it. filter for a certain type of content, the content of posts, or even individual words. moreover, bluesky has made the moderation tool, called ozone, publicly available, which means that any third-party company can fine -tune it to meet any special requests, even to the point of revealing any picture of a spider from the feed, for example, bluesky users in in turn, they can
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subscribe to such custom filters. pluskay launched behind closed doors in february. twenty-third year and experienced several outbursts in its own interests associated with elon musk’s innovations on twitter, but now on the social network x, and accordingly the user’s flight from there. at the moment , they were asking for several hundred dollars for an invitation to bluesky. the new microblogging service now has about 5 million registered users, of which 1 million are said to have registered on the day the invitation was cancelled. apple is no longer a smartphone manufacturer. number one in the world, after after a short-lived championship, the cupertist company returned the first line of the rating to the korean samsung. if you believe the report of the analytical company idc, in the first quarter of this year samsung shipped 60 million smartphones to apple - 50 million, which in relative terms is 21 and 17% of the market, respectively. in general , global smartphone sales grew
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by almost 8% over the year. the market is recovering, but it is not samsung and apple that benefit primarily from this. both leaders, on the contrary , reduced supplies, but the koreans simply lost less than the americans. but they added essentially, the chinese companies xiaomi and trension, well known in russia for their techn brands. xiaomi added exactly three , entering the chinese concert, and dropped to fifth place. in general, according to idc estimates, these top 5 brands account for more than 70% of all smartphones sold on the planet. an abandoned plot of land can be registered as a property, but only under certain conditions, which irina matyushenko will tell you in the program. the neighboring plot is abandoned and you want to register it as your property, we will tell you in the program how to do everything according to the law in 5 minutes instructions. let's start with the fact that there is a high
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probability that even the most wild-looking site has an owner, so the safest option is to try to find him. how to do it? you can register an extract from the unified state register from 2023; the personal data of the owner in it is not disclosed to all applicants, but to neighbors. there is such an opportunity, if your plot is adjacent to the plot about which you want to receive information, then it is enough to indicate the cadastral number of your plot in the request for information, and also put a tick in front of the corresponding column. if the ownership of your adjacent land plot is registered in the registry, then you do not need to attach any additional documents to the request, but if the ownership is not registered, you must attach title documents. remember that the boundaries of your site must be clarified in accordance with the established procedure. there are two more ways to find out the owner’s information: contact the chairman of the snt or the local
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administration, if the site is located in a populated area. when the owner is found, it is safest to purchase a plot under a purchase and sale agreement. what if the owner of the abandoned site has not been found? in civil law, that thing which has no owner or possessor. who is unknown, or for some reason has refused ownership of it, such a thing is ownerless. an ownerless immovable property is registered by the rights registration authority at the request of the local government body, and after a year from the date of registration of the property without ownership for cadastral registration, the local authority self-government has the right to go to court with a demand for recognition of the right of ownership of an abandoned thing. but subsequently , municipal property can be acquired by any interested party in accordance with the established procedure.
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the second meeting of the government commission for the development of vegetable gardening, issues related specifically to abandoned plots are the most pressing, were discussed at the government level. in this regard, of course, the issue is being considered to ensure that priority is given to neighboring land users, neighbors have a preferential right to purchase, but at the moment the principle of bidding really applies. what if you're already using land you don't own? let’s say they annexed a plot that seemed to belong to no one and cultivated it. the situation can be legitimized, but only if several requirements are met. the site must
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be used for its intended purpose for at least 15 years, and you must have witnesses who confirm this, as well as receipts for paying utility taxes. claim for acquisitive prescription is claimed against the previous owner. if it is not there, or it is unknown to the municipal or state body, everything is decided by the court. abandoned sites often already have owners, well, formal owners who do not even use the site, nevertheless, the title of the owner is there, it may be included in the information of the igrn, or it may not be included. according to article 35 of the constitution of the russian federation, legal ownership in our country is terminated only by a court decision, therefore in this part the acquisitive prescription can work by court decision, but keep in mind that a plot of land can only be registered by acquisitive prescription if it is demarcated and has an owner. registration of the rights
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of a local government body does not mean that the latter has actually renounced its ownership right, or is indifferent to the legal fate of this land plot, that is, in simple language , the constitutional court said that if the land that interests you, the property belongs to it is not delimited, it is still located is owned by the state and it is impossible to obtain ownership of this plot by way of acquisition, so here we would recommend resolving the issue of standing real estate. through local authorities. another important point: do not listen to the tempting offers of unscrupulous snt chairmen. by law, they do not have the right to sell other people's land, including neglected ones. for example, you and i have an abandoned plot next door, and we understand that no one uses it, but in fact the owner there somewhere. and if we have an owner of an abandoned site, then it is possible to deprive him of his ownership rights only through
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the court, or. recognition of such a plot as ownerless, there is a certain procedure for this, so when the chairmen or some other persons try to sell you an abandoned plot, in another order, of course, there are big legal risks that subsequently you will not be able to formalize it, and your transaction in fact, it will be insignificant, let us repeat the most important thing, to register an abandoned plot as your own, for starters you need to look for its owner, this can be done by ordering an extract from the unified state register of real estate, neighbors have the right to receive the owner’s data, and also through the management of snt or local authorities, when the owner is found, you can buy the land from him, and if it turns out that it is ownerless, from the state at the auction. if you have been caring for such a plot for more than 15 years, you can try to register it as your property through the court. if you have any questions, if you want to understand the topic of cadastral registration or property registration, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we
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let's talk. “i have been waiting for you for an eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring. now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition.
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fsb employees in in moscow , a suspect in the car bombing of former sbu officer vasily prozarov was detained. a ukrainian trace was found in the case, and it was established that the detainee fled... to the territory of a neighboring state, where he was recruited last fall. the agent’s actions were directed by foreign curators, who supplied him. components for the manufacture of an explosive device. denis alekseev will continue the topic. a couple of days after the suv was blown up, ex-sbu officer vasily prozorov, the perpetrator of the terrorist attack, was classified as such by the fsb officers. almost immediately the first
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confessions. i am... a citizen of russia by


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