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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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fsb officers in moscow detained former sbu officer vasily prozorov, suspected of blowing up the car. they found ukrainian in the file. the trace established that the detainee traveled to the territory of a neighboring state, where he was recruited last fall. the agent’s actions were supervised by foreign curators, who also provided him with components for making an explosive device. the topic will be continued by denis alekseev. a couple of days after the suv of ex-sbu officer vasily prozorov, the perpetrator of the terrorist attack, was blown up, just like that classified the crime by the investigative committee and was detained by fsb officers. almost immediately.
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the task was set personally by the head of the sbu malyuk that i had to go to moscow and follow the toyota prado car located at koroevskoye highway 3, which i did, in other words, an outdoor surveillance device was assigned to vasily prozarov, probably his schedule and routes were monitored , as soon as the complete picture emerged. the connection came out again,
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i was told to assemble the bomb, my curator helped me with this using instructions and explained it, so i assembled it with the components an explosive device was provided, as shown, after preliminary reconnaissance in the area where vasily prozarov lived, at night the device was attached to the bottom of a black suv, and this is footage taken immediately after the explosion. prozorov, who more than once publicly exposed the crimes of the kiev regime, himself became its target. what happened? and i have no doubt, this is another attempt at a terrorist act committed by the kiev regime and its special services, but i want to appeal to them, guys, you didn’t succeed, because that god is for us. further operational-search activities are being carried out, investigative actions are being carried out in order to qualify the actions of the detainee under article 205 -
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assassination. over the past 2 years , journalists dugin, military correspondent vladlen tatarsky were killed, last year an attempt was made on zakhar prilepin, he miraculously survived, and today turns 9 years old since another political assassination. on april 16, 2015 , ukrainian publicist and writer oles buzina was shot dead near his home in kiev. the organizers of all such attempts can easily are guessed, but in fact no one hides it. in late march. sbu, but stated that
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this, of course, would never be officially recognized in kiev. the urals and siberia are in the grip of powerful spring floods, the level of the tabol river in the kurgan region continues to rise, in a day it has risen by more than a meter, and precipitation can worsen the difficult situation.
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protective structures are being installed in the area, special equipment is being assembled, and dams are being strengthened. in buryatia, blasting work is being carried out to remove ice jams on the selenga river. water. came close to the capital ulanud. hundreds of household plots have already been flooded in the region. a high alert regime was declared in the krasnoyarsk territory, in 23 districts in the flood zone. in the coming days , water rise is expected in several areas of the enessey. and in the tomsk region, experts are monitoring the situation on the opi river, where the day before they recorded exceeding the dangerous level in several settlements. rescuers are doing everything to reduce the ice. load on the river bed; in total, large-scale floods across the country affected almost 40 regions, with about 16 thousand houses in the flood zone. wave the flood is receding from orenburg, but under the impact of the elements, rescuers erected about
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30 km of protective embankments and dumps in the new area. now they are waiting for big water in the eleksky district. we will find out what the situation is there now from our special correspondent. the area is now intensively preparing for the flood, i note that now a group of rescuers from bashkartastan, tatarstan and samara are waiting there to eliminate the consequences of the flood, this is 114 people, 25 units of equipment, now embankment dams have been erected in elek ozerki slodkoe , concrete slabs have been sent there for
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strengthening to strengthen the dam, construction and utility specialists have also been sent, as well as equipment, and we are also observing an increase in the level. of the sakmara river in the orenburg region, it continues to grow, its level is now 790 cm, over the past 24 hours there has been a significant increase, and i would like to immediately note that specialists are now monitoring the river bed, and also monitoring the dam in the kushkul microdistrict, in case of high water there several settlements may be flooded at once, and i note that it is already beginning there advance evacuation, i note that the level of the ura river... near orenburg is decreasing, falling by a centimeter every hour, now the river level is 11 m 35 cm, a decrease is also observed in orsk, the river is also falling there, i will note that in orenburg the situation, despite for a clear decline remains tense, but at the same time the city
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is gradually returning to normal life, opening up, previously flooded roads are opening, which are now dry, and i suggest listening to the commentary. we are already taking all measures to the life activity of orenburg residents has returned to normal, now, right before our eyes, traffic to the dubki residential complex has opened, literally in an hour or two , public transport will go here after 15:00, and today at the headquarters we decided to open donguskaya street this evening for personal transport , as the roadway dries out, public transport will begin literally within... within one or two days, and we are also now putting things in order on those streets that are being cleared of the applied soil. i will also note that in apartment buildings in orenburg the basements are flooded, so now
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there are restrictions in the power supply there and i will note that in a few days, literally tomorrow, they will begin pumping water from the basements, specialists and electricians will already enter the facilities, and you need to wait for in a week , the water will go down to the maximum level , after which all the necessary commissions will come in for an assessment. i would like to note that snt residents are now very interested in the question regarding payments of financial assistance in the amount of 20 thousand rubles, and
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also regarding financing in the amount of 50 for partial loss of property in the amount of 100 thousand 50 thousand and 100 thousand rubles for loss of property. and i suggest you listen to the commentary now. these issues are being studied in more detail at the level of the government of the orenburg region, and a proposal is also being prepared at the federation level, and, accordingly, after the adoption of all relevant necessary documents. everything will naturally be communicated to the residents, firstly, how the order will be organized, and , accordingly, what funding will be needed will be allocated for this or that damage caused. i would also note that specialists are now being sent from different regions to the orenburg region who will deal with the liquidation of the consequences of the flood, who will begin pumping out water both in apartment buildings and in snt areas, after which, of course, disinfection will begin, now i propose to listen to comments.
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accordingly disinfection. i would like to note that, if necessary, the orenburg residents are already receiving material assistance and financial support. studio. thank you, margarita, about the flood situation in our correspondent told the orenburg region. margarita semenyuk, advertising now, let's continue. it tastes better on fire, burgers. that's it, don't, it's necessary, that's it, that's it, that's it. i see, i understand. this is how a folding scooter at the megamarket costs only... my friend, hello, as promised, today
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touch the croque star burgering, votter on fire taste! now footage from the presidential press service. allow me. but it is very important for the country, for the internal stability of the state, especially today, thank you very much, thank you, i ask you,
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of course, these elections are amazing, they are unprecedented, but... i thought about this too, well, just like that here are all the numbers there is, that means all the statistics, the most important thing is that how wise our people turned out to be, that this is simply an unprecedented consolidation of society , an understanding that this is not a simple, not just presidential election, but that this is actually some important stage of the battle for russia, that’s what people had. we have a system inside us, it ’s so complex, it seems to consist of representatives of many parties, but this consolidation, solidarity, that we are now all fighting for the country, it seems to me that this is how these elections turned out, and despite to the incredible, i would say, hysterical machinations of our ill-wishers, that’s how
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indecent the intervention was this time.
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it just shows everyone what ’s really going on, now it’s more and more difficult to lie, to make fakes, that is, to oppose it. okay, thank you very much and all your colleagues. these were shots from a meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the central election commission le panfilova. russia's trade turnover with the countries
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of the organization of islamic cooperation has increased by 37% over the past 3 years. now he is about 150. this was stated by deputy prime minister marad khusnulin at a meeting of the organizing committee of the international economic forum russia-islamic world (kazan-forum). according to him , independence in the foreign policy of muslim countries allows the development of joint projects to take advantage of new opportunities. russia’s goal is to strengthen this partnership and increase exports. the kazan forum will begin its work on may 14, with 125 sessions on international topics.
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iran, azerbaijan. tajikistan, tatar and. georgian mps will vote today on the law on en agents in the first reading. this was announced by the speaker of the georgian parliament. the day before in tbilisi. a protest rally took place and 14 people were detained. the opposition calls the bill pro-russian, despite the fact that it is essentially a copy of a similar american law. the document requires
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mandatory registration of non-profit legal entities of the media whose income comes from abroad. opponents of the law believe that it will hinder georgia’s integration into the european union, and the leader of the parliamentary majority i am convinced that non-governmental organizations undermine safely.
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the ussr, to this day, worked with the sole purpose of preventing georgia from becoming a friend of russia again, because it was one of the closest republics of the soviet union to russia. to resolve the ukrainian crisis , it is necessary to stop adding fuel to the fire, the president of the people's republic of china stated this at a meeting with the german chancellor. sidinpin spoke in favor of convening an international peace conference, which would be recognized by both russia and ukraine. details from our subcorrespondent in china, alexander baletsky. of course, today’s meeting between german chancellor olaf scholz and the head of konerpien has an interesting background: colorful
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carp in the pond and flowering trees on the one hand, but on the other, not the most rosy prospects for the german economy, where everything has faded and withers more and more. and in fact, that’s why scholz flew to china on a three-day visit to promote the interests of german business. china is actually not against it, but as scholz and the xi news agency reported after the meeting, the prc chairman said it directly.
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industrial and supply chains. in in general, the task before schwolz was extremely difficult, let’s say, at the level of political balancing act, because on the one hand, berlin has obligations to its allies. washington and brussels demand that beijing turn away, on the other hand, there are large german businesses, in china there are 500 german companies, they literally demand from the chancellor close cooperation with china, in fact, that’s why, along with... top managers of the largest german concerns flew to china , from siemens and bair to bmw and mercedes, here, by the way, is also very interesting, german auto industry, which today is going through hard times, including precisely
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because chinese electric cars are rapidly conquering world markets, and so even it, the german auto industry, opposed brussels’ initiative to impose additional import duties on chinese electric cars, and stated that this will further aggravate the situation of german companies, since it will lead to a trade war, and the germans do not need this, because here in china... with its huge market, they have a chance to sell, apparently that’s why, just so as not to irritate beijing once again, the scholtz did not take the head of the german foreign ministry with them on the trip, lena berwa, who is known for her anti-chinese position, and another very interesting detail of today’s meeting took place at the residence, in the villa wan liu, which translates from chinese as 10,000 willows, but in the same way wan liu, in chinese the phrase is “persuasion to stay” or not to let go, this is just a scammer who is in china to persuade beijing not to let go ... german company from the chinese market, after all, under the conditions of its own anti-russian sanctions, the german economy found itself in an extremely difficult situation, this includes an unfavorable forecast for gdp and a fall in industrial production, and germany
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is very, very in need. at least some leveling of the trade balance, i hope, is precisely where china will come to the rescue. alexander baltsky, nikolai petrov, lead beijing. now to the situation in the middle east: the us expects that israel's military response to the iranian attack will be limited in scope. this was reported by the american television channel nbc with reference to sources in the white house. and the washington post writes: the country's authorities refused to participate in israel's retaliatory measures. according to the newspaper, people in the states are afraid. that such a step would lead to an increase in conflict. the risks of escalation in the middle east are being talked about in europe. a video conference of the eu's emergency council on foreign affairs will take place today. israel, for its part, said it would respond to iran's aggression. we are carefully assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness. iran will face the consequences of its actions and the response to their actions will be
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appropriate. the idf remains ready to confront any threat from iran and its terrorist proxies. in turn, tehran reported that if israel attempts an attack again, iran’s response will follow immediately. the islamic republic emphasized that this time the armed forces will not wait 12 days. let me remind you that on april 2, israel launched a missile attack on the diplomatic quarter in damascus, where the building complex is located. iranian embassy. at least 13 people were killed. in reply, on the night of april 14, tehran sent several hundred drones towards the jewish state. and now some shots from the publications. the stock exchange building in copenhagen is on fire. the visiting card of the danish capital. the architectural monument and leading premier of the renaissance was built in the first half.
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the country considers them important for its energy security, the japanese foreign ministry stated this. at the same time, tokyo plans to phase out russian energy resources, including coal and oil. currently japanese companies own 30% shares of sakhalin-1 and 22.5% in the sakhalin-2 project. at the end of the year, nlmk increased its net profit by a quarter. the company earned almost
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200 rubles. this is report data according to international standards. the group’s revenue is in the black by 4%, totaling 933 billion. the company’s total debt is 92.5 billion rubles. previously, nlmk’s board of directors recommended paying dividends of 152 billion rubles based on the results of the twenty-third year. shareholders have not received remuneration since the end of 2021. sales of x5 groups at the end of the quarter exceeded rub 880 billion. growth per year over. 27%, said in company report. in terms of revenue, the leader is the pyaterochka chain, more than 660 billion rubles. about 107 were at the intersection and 45 at the cizek network. during the first quarter, x5 group opened more than 400 new stores. and switzerland refused to assist the g7 in the search and confiscation of frozen russian assets. rbc writes about this with reference to the federal department of economics, education and research. to
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search for assets. in the west , a special ripo group was created; the usa, great britain, canada and the largest eu countries participate in it. switzerland does not yet see the need to join this group. it was economic news, briefly. and the current government. the ukrainian acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, an assembly has been created that is not the church of christ, the day of the moscow circle.


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