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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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well, how can i include myself? well, what is the criterion? well, you are spectacular, you are a champion, these are very subjective criteria, subjective criteria that it seems to me, someone else should analyze other fighters, because i personally don’t analyze other weight categories, i don’t watch lightweights, well that’s why fury can say, i’m a tough fighter, but you can’t say that, well, because we were brought up in different social societies. it’s still a little different, yes, that is, since childhood we have had a tail, it’s not very much like was welcomed, yes, that is, in the soviet union it was kind of not very good, and i absorbed it in principle, in the west it works a little differently here, yes, i can’t say that one thing is right, something else wrong, it’s just that i’m like, and he ’s like, yeah, now a lot of exhibition or one might even say funny fights have begun to appear, when bloggers are honored veterans...
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today i wouldn’t really like to see myself there in retirement, coming out in, which goes to rome, i don’t know, maybe this will change, but on i wouldn’t like to today, thank you very much, it was dmitry bival, world champion in the light heavyweight category according to wba and ibo, my name is stas ridikultsev, you play sports, cheer for ours, all the best good luck, today in... handed to the winner of the elections
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vladimir putin receives a presidential id. ella pamfilova called the results of the last campaign amazing, noting the unprecedented consolidation of society and the wisdom of the people in this matter. as the chairman of the central election commission noted, russia managed to create an open transparent system, despite all attempts at western intervention. this time the interference was so indecent.
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the fsb in moscow detained former sbu officer vasily prozarov, suspected of blowing up the car. a ukrainian trace was found in the case; it was established that the detainee traveled to the territory of a neighboring state, where he was recruited last fall. the agent's actions were directed by foreign curators. they also supplied him with components for making an explosive device. denis
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alekseev will continue. a couple of days after the suv was blown up, ex-sbu officer vasily prozarov, the perpetrator was detained by the russian fsb. almost immediately the first confessions. i am a citizen of russia, living in ukraine since 2010. in november 2023, he was recruited as an sbu officer. in the fall, i received all the tasks from a curator from ukraine, who acted on the instructions of the head of the sbu, malyuk, and the action plan was constantly changing; in february, my curator told me that he had been given a task, personally by the head of the sbu, malyuk, that i should go to moscow and follow the car toyota prado, located at the address "koroenskaya". c3, what i did, simply put,
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outdoor surveillance was assigned to vasily prozarov, probably his schedule and routes were monitored, as soon as a complete picture emerged.
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he miraculously survived, and today marks 9 years since yet another political murder. on april 16, 2015
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, ukrainian publicist and writer oles buzina was shot dead near his home in kiev. the organizers of all such assassination attempts are easily guessed, and in fact, it was no one... .hides. at the end of march, the head of the ukrainian security service vasily malyuk gave an interview in which he revealed the subtle details of the high-profile murders. at the same time, he hinted at the involvement of the sbu, but said that this would never be officially recognized in kiev. you will immediately realize that the stench has not changed anything. now in a situation in a special operations zone. hurricane multiple rocket launcher systems calculations. northern groups destroyed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the border area. area in the belgorod region, the ministry of defense reported this. details in the report by igor pikhanov. twenty-ton combat vehicle, the north group's hurricane multiple launch rocket system has arrived at the firing line;
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under the cover of darkness, the fighters are hunting the enemy. near the russian-ukrainian border, intelligence officers discovered enemy military equipment. in the darkness, the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces was preparing to strike. in the peaceful villages of the belgorod region, thanks to the professionalism of our fighters, the militants’ calculation of surprise failed. the ukrainian military uses cannon and rocket artillery against civilians in order to identify the enemy. in the sky observer drones are present around the clock. the hurricane multiple launch rocket system is a nightmare for enemy forces. only one such vehicle carries 16 high-explosive fragmentation shells of 220 mm caliber, which effectively combat enemy and defender military equipment. structures, a firing range of almost 40 km, simultaneously from different points the unit opens fire on the hidden weight of enemy artillery. the shells fall on the enemy one by one, the forest belt in which the ukrainian armed forces have taken refuge catches fire,
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the militants retreat with heavy losses. in a matter of seconds, the ukrainian army lost an entire unit and expensive military equipment, they worked, in principle, throughout the columns of movement of equipment along... according to the personnel, according to the accumulation along it, here are the support units under construction, that is, there is equipment that helps in construction opornikov, yeah, well , all sorts of foreign equipment from the enemy, yeah, it scatters well, in the zone of a special military operation , large-caliber rocket launchers have shown their reliability and irreplaceability, the hurricane is based on a modernized high-power tractor, so the vehicle can quickly arrive at any given point to strike, well, the enemy... when he realizes that he has been identified, he tries, of course, to hide, that is, to change his firing positions, so , well, all its movements are tracked, and work is also done on it. now in the black earth region there are difficult weather conditions, it is raining and strong winds are blowing. in order to
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hit the target accurately from a long distance, you need to be a professional. combat crews hurricanes are called real snipers; each crew has dozens of units of destroyed enemy military equipment behind them. the personnel were awarded medals and orders. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. are you sure that you chose this profession yourself, or were you simply born into a family of musicians? at bigfest you definitely choose, chicken premier for 109 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank in a delicious period, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, it’s clear, i understand, that’s it so on megamarket home textiles with cashback. up to 40%. to order household goods, use jandex go, and if you need a courier,
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affected almost 40 regions of the country, with about 16 thousand houses in the flood zone. the most difficult situation is in the kurgan region; the level of the tobol river continues to rise. new territories are going under water in the tyumen region. emergency evacuation has been announced in populated areas; in the orinburg region , the ilek region is now under the influence of the elements, and is being pulled there special equipment, strengthening protective structures, installing temporary dams. in buryatia, blasting work is being carried out to remove ice jams on the selenga river. the water came close to the capital, ulanuda. a high alert regime was declared in the krasnoyarsk territory in the flood zone of 23 districts. and in the tomsk region he is a specialist. the peak of the flood is expected in the kurgan
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and tyumen regions, our special correspondents are monitoring the development of the situation there: stanislav vasilchenko in kurgan, stanislav bernwald in tyumen. they are in direct contact with the studio. hello, colleagues, has the rise in the water level in the tabol river near kurgan slowed down or not? what is the current situation? yes, alexander, greetings, there is still an unstable situation with floods in kurgan and in the kurgan region as a whole , the water in the river has increased over the past 24 hours. amounted to more than a meter, is now recorded at 749 cm, that is, almost 7.5 m for the last 4 hours, unfortunately, fortunately, of course, the increase - water - is slowing down, and if, for example, last night in an hour the water could rise by 30-40 cm, now in 2
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hour, the last increase was only around one centimeter. however, the consequences of the flood are quite serious, in the region it is already known about more than 300 flooded houses, the water enters the village, the dacha community continues to stay, in kurgan itself the situation is also difficult, there are overflows across roads, overflows across bridges, many settlements become inaccessible for wheeled transport, for example, today the police blocked all the entrances to the tyunin highway, at first while there was water there... passenger buses and freight transport, but now there is so much water that the road is blocked for all wheeled transport, right now the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov is working in kurgan, together with governor vadim shumkov, the head of the department got acquainted with the current flood situation, made sure that
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all measures taken for liquidation of consequences are also executed. we flew over the region in a helicopter to see this whole situation from above in order to understand how to correctly and quickly distribute all the forces involved in eliminating the consequences. later, the minister of the ministry of emergency situations, together with the governor, checked how the tap works, and talked with the kurgan residents, so i suggest listening to a fragment of this conversation. no, he’s just worried about something, we built a dam there, laid slabs of concrete there to prevent it from washing away, it’s just a good idea to create a rapid there. a very fast current, we were standing now, the current there is very fast, like a mountain river, so that it doesn’t wash it out, yes, so we have to wait a little, put the slabs down so that it can be assembled, well, they assembled us, so i saw how they fortify it there, well, thank god , everything is fine, fine, excellent, thank you very much for everything, everyone, everything, it’s great that we have it all the time, today
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the minister of emergency situations visited the kurgan embankment, here he examined one of the embankments that protects... then we’ll look at the situation or we’ll transfer to belozerka or offer something else, as long as there are enough resources everywhere, they are still working, that’s it, that’s it, thank you, thank you, good luck, goodbye, but today a very difficult situation
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is developing precisely because it complicates the work of employees ministry of emergency situations, weather conditions. today there are wind gusts that reach 18 m/s and rain, all this, of course, affects the work of rescuers, but nevertheless, this work continues, and the region is doing everything possible to minimize the severe consequences of this flood, this is the situation by this time, colleagues, thank you, stanislav, now in tyumen 15 settlements have been evacuated; due to rising river levels, overflows over dams and roads cannot be ruled out. who is taking steps in the region to reduce flood damage. yes, hello, colleagues, indeed, in region is a very very difficult situation, this is probably the most difficult now in the south of the tyumen region, the water level in the river and ishim, near the village of ilyinga, kazan region, there are criteria for the dangerous phenomenon of flooding, residents of
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the city of ishim itself, ishim region, today received sms notifications about , that... in this scenario, the number of flooded settlements increases, they promise a lot of water, the likelihood of a breach of the dump or overflowing through them increases, therefore...
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the area of ​​​​the so-called borovushka here we have a lot of private houses, enough and the task is how to raise the existing dam, here we are already doing the filling. we raise the masonry with sandbags by about 30 meters, this is with a reserve, we need to lay out approximately 650 m, then we will reach the level and close the apartment buildings and
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the borovushka area accordingly, not only regional builders, but also ordinary ones are involved in this work volunteers, city residents, because everyone understands perfectly well that if the water comes, it will be a common disaster, and it is desirable to prevent it, therefore...
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yes, thank you, stanislav, about the flood in our special correspondents, stanislav vasilchenko and stanislav bernwald, spoke about the kurgan and tyumen regions. support for farmers in regions affected by floods and the sowing campaign was discussed at a meeting of the operational headquarters in the men's agricultural enterprise. taras kucharenko will talk about the decisions made. information from the ministry of agriculture is received regularly, yes. is updated almost hourly, the main thing is that the functioning of enterprises in the agrarian-industrial complex has not been disrupted; let me remind you that a federal-scale emergency regime has been introduced in
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orenburg region, at the regional level in the kurgan, tyumen regions, altai territory, the samara region is potentially at risk. for the further uninterrupted operation of the agro-industrial complex, i ask you to continue monitoring the situation, prompt exchange of information, and of course, direct interaction with agravia. go to the affected areas, go directly to the places and help people, spring field work is underway, to carry it out efficiently, it is necessary to minimize the consequences of this flood, so keep an eye on provision of farmers with material and technical resources. according to operational data from the orenburg region , about 5,000 hectares were flooded, a massive death of cattle was recorded and... the damage is estimated at approximately 65 million rubles, but the exact data will be known after the water goes away and it will be possible to accurately calculate everything, however, in the ministry of agriculture
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farms are already engaged in eliminating the consequences. we are draining the activities of 390 enterprises, there are a number of enterprises that suffered, were flooded in the city of orsk, therefore, today, providing people with water , including bread, we are part of... we separately examined the progress of seasonal field work, which has begun in many regions of russia. in addition to the issue of emergency situations, we will continue to analyze the progress of the sowing campaign in general, which we are currently implementing in our country. at the moment, fertilizing with azimakh has already been carried out on an area of ​​13.2 million hectares, and is gaining momentum.
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in kuban, the fsb stopped the sales channel for russian weapons abroad; the organizer of the criminal scheme turned out to be a teacher from krasnodar, in japan and the usa she found it through the network, placing advertisements on online services, sent orders by mail, the first such parcel to the land of the rising sun was intercepted back in december. twenty-first year. the declaration stated that the shipment was supposedly a souvenir. well, instead of a souvenir, they found an optical sight for heavy machine guns. during searches of the offender’s apartment, optical callimeter sights for sniper rifles, parts of small arms ready for shipment abroad, as well as computer equipment were found. equipment with information on planning
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smuggling deliveries. two criminal cases were initiated against the citizen; the prikubansky district court sentenced her to imprisonment for a term of 4 years in a general regime colony. april 16 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. april 16, 1945 - berlin operation. the berlin strategic offensive operation began. the battle of berlin was the culmination of the great patriotic war. the assault was carried out by the forces of the second belarusian front, marshal rakosovsky, the first the belarusian front of marshal zhukov and the first ukrainian front of marshal konev. after only 5 days, our advanced units reached the northern and southeastern outskirts of berlin.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. now personnel from the government coordination center. good afternoon, dear colleagues, on behalf of the president, we, together with the bank of russia, are working on strengthening the country’s financial sovereignty and developing the necessary tools for this. our efforts are aimed not only at improving the mechanism itself and attracting capital to the economy, but at solving systemic strategic problems. this is a replenishment of internal ones.


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