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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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ella ponfilova presented the russian presidential id to vladimir putin, who won the elections. the meeting of the head of state and the chairman of the central electoral committee took place in the kremlin. panfilova noted that they took part in the voting.
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who registered in his apartment the islomov brothers, who are defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus. the suspect admitted his guilt in full. it is noted that he has a valid passport of a citizen of tajikistan and a russian foreign passport. russian operatives it has been established that the ukrainian special services are behind the attempted murder of ukrainian blogger anatoly sheriya. this was reported today by an unnamed law enforcement source . according to this source, the main intelligence department for interaction with the security service of ukraine was involved in preparing the assassination attempt. the purpose of the operation was the physical elimination of the blogger, for whom they wanted, of course, to blame russia. for this purpose , ukrainian agents in spain, where shariy lives, recruited migrants from ukraine and local bandits, and they allegedly recruited them from named after russian intelligence services. the operation was supervised by the head of the main intelligence department. ukraine kirill budanov, while
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a source in russian law enforcement agencies noted that the spanish police treated the investigation of the assassination attempt openly formally, without even bothering to go to inspect the crime scene and interview witnesses. let me remind you that in early march, unknown criminals fired at anatoly sheriya’s car with a machine gun; according to the blogger, two unknown people took part in the attack. fsb officers. determined that the detainee traveled to the territory of a neighboring state, where he was recruited last fall. the agent’s actions were directed by foreign curators, who also supplied him with components for making an explosive device. denis alekseev will continue the topic. a couple of days after the suv of ex-sbu officer vasily was blown up. the performer
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was detained by the fsb of russia almost immediately, the first confessions, i am a citizen of russia, living on the territory of ukraine since 2010, in november 2023, i was recruited by an sbu officer. since the fall i have received all the tasks a supervisor from ukraine, who acted on the instructions of the head of the sbu malyuk, and the action plan was constantly changing. in february , my supervisor told me that he had been given a task, personally by the head of the sbu, malyuk , that i had to go to moscow and follow the toyota prado car located at korovenskoye highway 3. and what did i do? simply put, vasily prozarov was assigned surveillance. probably
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his schedule and routes were monitored, and as soon as a complete picture was formed, the curators contacted him again. i was told to build a bomb in this to me. my supervisor helped, with the help of instructions, explained, so, i assembled it, they provided it with the components of an explosive device, how to make it, they showed it, after preliminary reconnaissance in the area where vasily prozorov lived, at night the device was attached to the bottom of a black suv, and this is the footage taken immediately after the explosion, prozorov, who more than once publicly exposed the crimes of the kiev regime, himself became its target, what happened? i have no doubt, this is another attempt at a terrorist act committed by the kiev regime and its secret services, but i want to appeal to them, guys, you didn’t do a damn thing, because god is for us. further operational-search activities and investigative
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actions are being carried out in order to qualify the actions of the detainee under article 205, a terrorist act and article 275, high treason of the criminal code of the russian federation, under which he faces punishment up to... life imprisonment. and again about the methods of ukrainian intelligence, an explosion in the courtyard of a residential area on the outskirts of moscow. tens of meters from you can see cars in the footage, children playing. fortunately there were no casualties. prozarov himself is now in the hospital, alive. he's getting better. denis alekseev, anastasia ivanova, olga rebrova. news. this is not the first such attempt. over the past 2 years , journalists daria dugina have been killed. adlin tatar. last year absolutely. pakushenin zakhar prilepin, he miraculously survived, and today marks 9 years since another political assassination: on april 16, 2015 , ukrainian publicist and writer oles buzina was shot dead near his home in kiev. the organizers of all such attempts are easily
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guessed, and in fact they do not hide it. at the end of march, the head of the ukrainian special security service, vasily malyuk, gave an interview in which he revealed the details of the resonance. murder, while he hinted at the involvement of the sbo, but said that of course this would never be officially recognized in kiev. the spring flood has already affected almost 40 regions of the country, with about 16 thousand houses in the flood zone; the most difficult situation is in the kurgan region. the level of the tabol river continues to rise, new territories are going under water in the tyumen region, emergency evacuation was announced in fifteen settlements. in orenburg, under attack. now it’s the ileg region, where special equipment is being deployed, protective structures are being strengthened, and temporary dams are being installed. in buryatia, blasting work is being carried out to remove ice jams on the selenga river. the water came close to the capital ulanud. a high alert regime
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has been declared in the krasnoyarsk territory in flood zone 23. and in the tomsk region, specialists are monitoring the situation on the opi river, where they recorded it the day before. exceeding the danger level several settlements. the podmayachny microdistrict of orenburg may be flooded due to rising water levels in the sakmari river. the city authorities decided to evacuate residents in the orenburg region, our special correspondent margarita semenyuk works. the increase in water in the ural river in the ileko region is now 913 cm. per day the increase is 16 cm, in the oleg region they are now intensively preparing for the flood, now a group of rescuers from bashkartastan, tatarstan and samara are waiting there to eliminate the consequences of the flood, this is 114 people, 25 units technology, now
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embankment dams have been erected in leki ozerki sladkoe, concrete slabs have been sent there to strengthen the dam, construction and utility specialists have also been sent, as well as equipment, and we are also observing an increase in the river level. sakmara in the orenburg region, it continues to grow, its level is now 790 cm. over the past 24 hours , a significant increase has been observed, specialists are now monitoring the river bed, and also monitoring the dam in the kushkul microdistrict. in case of high water, several settlements may be flooded there at once, and i note that that early evacuation is already beginning there. the level of the ural river near orenburg is decreasing, falling by a centimeter every hour. now the river level is 11 m 35 cm, a decrease is also observed in orsk, the river is also falling there, i note that in orenburg the situation, despite a clear decrease, remains tense, but at the same time the city is gradually returning to normal life, previously flooded roads are opening,
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which have now dried out, we are taking all measures to ensure that the life of the arenburg residents returns to normal course, now movement is open literally before our eyes. to the dubki residential complex, literally in an hour or two , public transport will start here after 15:00 , and today at the headquarters we decided to open it. donguskaya street this evening for personal transport, as the roadway dries out, public transport will start in literally one or two days, and we are also now putting things in order on those streets that are being cleared of the applied soil. apartment buildings in orenburg are flooded basements, so now there are restrictions in power supply, literally tomorrow they will start pumping water from the basements, specialists will already enter the facilities. electricians who will inspect all the equipment and after that residents will be able to return to their
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homes. damage assessment commissions are also starting to work, and immediately after them construction commissions will start working, which will assess the damage caused by the floods, examine the whole picture, that is, work on the city, microdistricts and snt, it will be possible only after the water has completely subsided, now it is 11 and you need to wait, within a week the water will go down to the maximum level... after all the necessary commissions for prices will come in, now the residents of snt are very interested in the question about payments of material assistance in the amount of 20 thousand rubles, as well as about financing in the amount of 50 thousand and 100 thousand rubles for loss of property. these issues are being studied in more detail at the level of the government of the orenburg region; a proposal is also being prepared at the federation level, and, accordingly, after all all relevant necessary documents. naturally, it will be communicated to residents, firstly, how the order will be organized, and, accordingly, what funding
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will be allocated for this or that damage incurred. specialists from different regions are now being sent to orenburg to deal with the consequences of the flood and begin pumping out water both in apartment buildings and in snt areas. after this , disinfection will, of course, begin; in parallel, commissions will begin to work ; 51 of them have already been formed, which will come to every home, as he says. leave a check mark quickly about the loss of all goods if necessary, followed by disinfection accordingly. orenburg residents are already receiving material assistance and financial support. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. in buryat, the flood situation is worsening, so an intermunicipal emergency regime has been introduced on the territory of ulanu-d in the ivalginsky and pribaikalsky regions of the republic. the region is already flooded. about 600 household plots are monitored by floods in buryatia ilya
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koshlyunov. the consequences of the arrival of big water are clearly visible behind me. the channel of the selenga river changed its direction due to an ice jam. now the current passes where houses and garden plots stand. water up to the windows and outbuildings is hidden or washed away by the stormy current. from a hillock where the river has not reached, the owners of country houses watch in horror their property, or rather what is left of it. completely from scratch all the luck. they were building a dacha, a garage there in the garage with tools, a boat, motors, everything that was there, the house has all the equipment, like an ordinary permanent house made with water-heated floors, people don’t yet have the opportunity to get to their property, the depth in some places reaches one and a half meters, while the flow of water in narrow streets does not stop, appearing in new places , look how the water overflows, look, it is pouring here, and the water is coming, the water is coming, many are talking about the arrival of the water.
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the situation will not change in the near future, then hundreds more houses are at risk, so temporary accommodation centers continue to operate work and are ready to receive new victims. ilya kashlinov, oleg anosov, lead buryatia. in copenhagen, the stock exchange building is on fire, the hallmark of the danish capital, an
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architectural monument and a leading example of the renaissance, built in the first half of the 16th century. as a result of the fire, the famous dragon spire, made in the shape of the twisted tails of a mythical animal, collapsed. the debris fell directly onto the roadway. the police have sealed off the block and rescuers are working on the scene. the manager told us the latest details tas representative office in sweden irina. dergacheva. this is one of the oldest buildings in the city. it was built in 1625. it is located near the royal palace and parliament. some of the roofs collapsed. with the famous spire. a large area in the center of copenhagen was cordoned off. the police received a warning about the fire in the morning and urged people not to go outside in the city center unless necessary. there has been no information about casualties yet. about 120 firefighters and 60 military personnel worked at the fire and helped remove valuables. one of them was saved famous paintings by the danish artist pedor
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severin kroer. five people were required for the vuctation, since the dimensions of the painting are 2.5%. at 4 m, this is a group portrait of stock exchange employees standing in the stock exchange hall, and the stock exchange is one of the oldest in the world, king fredrik of denmark has already thanked the rescuers who fought for an important part of the architectural and cultural heritage. defense minister trols lond folsson wrote that the fire in the building is our noterdam moment, and told the minister of culture that 400 years of danish cultural heritage are on fire. fire occurred during the restoration. to a historic building, so there was scaffolding on it. the restoration began in the twenty-second year and was supposed to end no later than the twenty-ninth year. the work focused on three main areas: replacing the building's copper roof, replacing the brick façade and updating the extensive decor. the famous spire with dragons on it was beyond restoration.
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the volume of investments in the russian economy in the twenty-third year increased by almost 10. this was stated by mikhail mishusti at the strategic government session on the development of financial instruments. as the prime minister noted, state support made a significant contribution to this indicator. among the support measures, mishustin named special investment contracts, infrastructure budget loans, special conditions in industrial and technology parks, as well as assistance to small medium-sized businesses. on behalf of the president, we are working on issues together with the bank of russia. strengthening the country’s financial sovereignty and developing the necessary tools for this. last year the institute was significantly modernized public-private partnership, a regional investment standard has been introduced, such work should be completed in new russian entities - already this year. together with
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the bank of russia and the moscow exchange, we also participate in supporting companies that raise capital. through a public offering of shares, and a mechanism has been implemented for eurobond holders to issue replacement securities . all these measures, of course, do not exclude direct assistance from the federal budget, those subsidies that are issued to legal entities, budgetary and autonomous institutions, interbudgetary transfers to regions. a total of over 8 trillion rubles has been allocated for these purposes for the current year alone. the president of egypt and the head of the russian foreign intelligence service discussed the situation in the middle east and options for reducing the level of escalation. sergey naryshkin is now in cairo. it is noted that assisi and naryshkin also touched upon a number of issues related to africa, the fight against terrorism and events in the international arena, including ukraine and afghanistan. russian troops have improved
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the situation along the front line on kupinsky and... in the donetsk directions, and in the avdeevsky direction they also repelled eight enemy counterattacks. this was reported to the ministry of defense. more favorable positions were occupied in the donetsk direction. in the donetsk direction, a unit of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment, the 46th airmobile, 92nd air assault, 28-93 mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in populated areas. andreevka, krasnogorovka, kurdyumovka and klescheevka of the donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to 630 troops, an armored fighting vehicle and four vehicles. during the counter-battery fight , 1505mm paladin self-propelled artillery units made in the usa and krab made in poland were hit. a 152mm
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akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount, a 105mm m1 19 gun made in the usa, as well as a nota electronic warfare station. hurricane multiple launch rocket system calculations. northern groups destroyed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the border area with the belgorod region. this was reported in ministry of defense. details in the report by igor pikhanov. twenty-ton combat vehicle multiple launch rocket system hurricane group. arrived at the firing line, under the cover of darkness, soldiers were hunting the enemy, near the russian-ukrainian border, scouts discovered enemy military equipment, in the dark the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces was preparing to strike. attack on peaceful villages in the belgorod region, thanks to the professionalism of our fighters, the militants’ calculation of surprise failed. the ukrainian military uses
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cannon and rocket artillery in order to identify the enemy. observer drones are in the sky around the clock. the multiple launch rocket system and hurricane are a real nightmare for enemy forces. only one such vehicle carries 16 high-explosive fragmentation shells of 220 mm caliber, which effectively combat enemy military equipment and... the firing range is almost 40 km, at the same time , from different points, the unit opens fire on the hidden forest of enemy artillery. the shells fall one by one on the enemy the wheel strip in which the ukrainian armed forces took refuge catches fire, the militants retreat with heavy losses. in a matter of seconds, the ukrainian army lost an entire unit and expensive military equipment; they worked, in principle, on everything along the columns of movement of equipment. in terms of people, in terms of personnel, in terms of the concentration, here are the oporniks being built, that is, there is equipment that helps in the construction of oporniks, yeah, well, all sorts of
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foreign equipment from the enemy, yeah, it scatters well, in the zone of a special military operation there are rocket launchers large caliber have shown their reliability and indispensability, the hurricane is based on a modernized high-power tractor, so the vehicle can quickly arrive at any given point to strike, well... the personnel were awarded medals and orders. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. russia's trade turnover with the countries of the organization of islamic
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cooperation over the past 3 years has increased by 37%. now it is about 156 billion dollars. this was stated by deputy prime minister marat khusnulin at meeting of the organizing committee of the international economic forum russia-islamic world. kazan. according to him, independence in the foreign policy of muslim countries allows the development of joint projects to take advantage of new opportunities. russia’s goal is to strengthen this partnership and increase exports. the kazan forum will begin its work on may 14. there will be 125 sessions on the topics of international cooperation, high technology, investment and islamic finance. in the context of anti-russian sanctions on the part of unfriendly countries, there is an increase.
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regions of russia and 18 regions confirmed participation at the manager level. zoya boguslavskaya celebrates this significant date with a gift to all her fans. the exhibition "always zoya" - an exhibition novel - has opened in the center of voznesensky. it includes
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works of art, materials from the family archive, and unique art objects. report by ilya filippov. near the voznesensky center on bolshaya ordynka , the name oza, aka zoya boguslavskaya, is written in large letters. zoya borisovna. hello. this is an exhibition of a journey through her books, through her meetings, her life with the great poet, in her century, as in a literary work, a living poem by oz. you know, it’s evil, now our paths diverge without chatter. a literary critic, playwright, author of books, and in general a married woman with a son, never liked sentiments and pathos, but always tried to save pity, and voznesensky just at the same time became a disgraced poet. “you can say that now it’s no longer a thaw or a frost, but a wizen, that’s when they ended up together and lived for 46 years, ours is all about the youth.
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hosted 22 times, and boguslavskaya joined because of the director. as a small, lively ballerina in childhood, a great love for the big theater began. andrei voznesensky, zoya boguslavskaya and radion shchedrin with maya plesetskaya are friends at home. here at vostanka’s poetry evening a couple can be seen in the hall, shchederin will then play, along with above, by the way, zoya borisovna herself, seventy-six. a thundering taganka with performances based on poems by voznesensky, they go to visit andrei and zoya at the kotelniks, vysotsk is a frequent guest for them.
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that's what you said. and genius, and you yourself how do you differentiate between talent and genius? well, this is very individual, those whom i may have considered a genius, he was only talented, but history enlightens everything, those who stay for a long time, they are geniuses.
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look around, now the year is 200-124, 100 years from now, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, where are the flying machines, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old , but the main thing will remain unchanged. "i know what it's like to give your word, just look at me, when everything will end, alice will return to her time, and you should kind of return to yours, i mean, why? we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, their personal path and 13 galaxies of all, delicious, very, because made with
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love." 100 years ahead!


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