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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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information picture of the day about the facts - this is russia 24 in the studio artemshakov and olga armyakova, this is what you will learn about today. as open and transparent as possible, the elections in russia took place despite unprecedented external pressure. and a presidential certificate for a new term, a detailed conversation about the results. company,
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what else was discussed in the kremlin? urgent evacuation of vyshim, schoolchildren in the tyumen region are switching to distance learning, in kurgan region 25 settlements were left without electricity. the situation is critical in tomsk, opposite in orenburg the water is gradually leaving, how will the dam be restored when people can return to their homes? investment growth.
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the symbol of the country has already lost its recognizable spire. a historical building from the early 18th century for the danes, like noterdam for the french, so why hasn’t it been extinguished yet? well, let's start with the main international news of the hour, russian president vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the president of the islamic republic of iran, ibrahim reisi. as the kremlin reported the conversation. took place at the initiative of the iranian side, the leaders of the two countries discussed the situation in the middle east after israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus and tehran's retaliatory measures. but vladimir putin also expressed hope that all parties will show reasonable restraint and will not allow a new round of conflict. the president of iran noted that his country’s actions were forced and limited in nature. at the same time , ibrahim raisi emphasized his disinterest in the future. well, in addition to the news from the kremlin,
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ella pomfilova today presented the certificate of the president of russia to vladimir putin, who won the elections. meeting of the head of state and chairman of the central election commission took place in the kremlin. and panfilova noted that more than 87.5 million russian citizens took part in the voting, and this is a historical figure. report by egor grigoriev.
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- ela pomfilova noted that the wisdom of our people could not be prevented by the most cynical machinations of ill-wishers. they relied on terror. this is something that has never happened before. i mean, why? how can i show up? intimidate people, cause fear, panic. and, that is, with the hands of their accomplices, ukrainian, that is, sitting in kiev, that is, they... practically organized terror, we saw it all, this is not only in relation to our border troops, these explosions, killings of people all together, our commission members faced the same thing, telephone threats, but they failed to intimidate anyone, the created voting system once again showed its transparency and openness, there was video surveillance of the voting process at polling stations, more than 317 thousand observers, including foreign ones, 2900...
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media covered the election process, this is actually some kind of important stage battles for russia, this happened among people, within our system, it’s so complex. seemingly consisting of representatives of many parties. for the future of the country around a strong leader, his ideas, and regardless of political views, each candidate of the past presidential race has common goals: a strong and prosperous russia, which they have voiced more than once, the most important attention to donbass and novorossiya, crimea and sevastopol, the implementation of orders ahead voters that, as the candidate was recognized by the people, only the current president vladimir putin could do it, and this work has been going on for a long time.
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military operation will also receive compensation for injuries or disability, and their relatives in the event of the death of a serviceman. the corresponding decree was signed by the russian president and published on the official portal of legal information. i would like to note that the document corrects the provisions on compensation, which previously concerned
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volunteer formations assisting the russian armed forces. but in the previous edition, the corresponding paragraph where the national guard troops were mentioned was missing. let me remind you, the president led. compulsory insurance for special operation volunteers in august last year; according to the document, compensation is paid to the soldiers themselves in the event of disability or injury. the insurance payment for disabled people of the first group is set at more than 2,300,000 rubles. the second group is more than one and a half million or about 780 thousand disabled people of the third group. well, in the event of the death of a volunteer, the family receives a payment of more than 3 million
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to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, like this , you don’t need it, you need it like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket, swimming pools with cashback up to 50%, grandpa, but you like fishing or tinkering more, receive your pension at the postal bank, of course, because there are great benefits there, transfer your pension to the postal bank and get 2.0 rubles and a chance to win a car, receive your pension profitably at the postal bank. the batrider is an innovation in plant protection, it will instantly identify and destroy the main garden pests, it is safe for humans, the batrider will defeat the pests. hunting, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100
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rub. hunt, come out to win. what are you waiting for? you are a metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection , look, these are people from monaco, bright.
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open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. at vtb, everything will work out together. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment and easily shared. holy spring with natural juice, fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. pairs of grand and grand picant at an attractive price. only tasty, period. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest period of 120 days begins every month, and the notification service is free forever,
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which is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. alfabank for business. activate overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. to a free account for business. alfabank is better. bank for business. well, now to the news about the spring floods, which have already affected almost 40 regions of the country. today , about 16,000 houses remain in the flood zone. the most difficult situation is in the kurgan region. the level of the tobol river continues to rise according to the local department of the ministry of emergency situations, and will continue to rise in the coming days. we will introduce a regime in the region. the emergency has been going on since april 8, but the situation is now difficult in the tyumen region, where
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emergency evacuation has been announced in 15 settlements. measures are being taken in connection with a critical rise in river levels, in the orenburg region the ilek region is now under the blow of the elements. the level of the urals near ilek is already 15 cm above the dangerous level, and the water continues to remain. special equipment is pulled there, protective structures are strengthened, and installed. temporary dams. in the tomsk region , specialists continue to monitor the situation on the op river, where the day before there was an increase in the dangerous level near several settlements. in the near future, the water level in tomsk will only increase. the local ministry of emergency situations warns about this. high mode readiness was declared in the krasnoyarsk territory in the flood zone of 23 districts. well, the main question for residents of the areas affected by the water spill is: how quickly will they be able to cope with the consequences, when will it be possible to talk about the normalization of the situation. according to epidemiologists, the main problem is,
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of course, flooding of water supply systems. dirty water, including from the sewer, could get into the water supply. that’s why it’s so important to boil any water now. we are talking primarily about tap water, but experts recommend boiling even bottled, food, rinse with boiled water, and wash your hands with soap to reduce the risk of infection. in some settlements, for example, in orsk, residents began to be vaccinated against hepatitis a. this measure is also important. a dangerous intestinal infection is transmitted through water, which means vaccination is another additional measure of protection. in general, experts say, restoration of water supply is possible within one to two months. as for cleaning houses and local areas, there are no special recommendations. the main thing is to work in gloves to reduce any possible risks. infections, well, now ulga, we’ll tell you what kind of compensation the victims are entitled to, to date, residents
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of the orenburg region have been paid more than 561 million rubles in total, over 27 thousand people have received benefits, in the region the amount of a one-time payment is 20 thousand per person, in case of partial for loss of property, 5,000 per person is due, and for complete loss of property, 100. authorities of the kurgan region. also began to pay compensation to those who found themselves in difficult situations. according to governor vadim shumkov, compensation is 10,000 rubles. a citizen receives if his home is flooded. 30 in case of partial loss of property, and 50,000 if property is completely lost. in the tyumen region, financial assistance is provided in the amount of 10 thousand rubles per person for serious damage to property, 40,000 for its loss. payments can be made through government services or.
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what i mean is that in the south, namely the tyumen region, the water level in the ishim river, near the village of iliinka, kazan district, is within the criteria dangerous flood phenomenon for residents. today at exactly 6 am a notification came that it is necessary to urgently evacuate if you live in a flood zone and get out to the upper parts or contact the temporary detention center, which will probably be the most correct thing, today the water arrives directly to the city of ishim, while there is no spill , the water level has not
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been established, but nevertheless the water has reached critical levels and today the governor urgently addressed the residents of a potentially dangerous area, let’s listen to what he said. the water level will be even higher significantly higher. in this scenario , the number of flooded settlements increases. they promise a lot of water. the probability of dumps breaking through or overflowing through them increases. therefore, we are starting an urgent evacuation of the population. we were in the city of yalutarovsk today. this is along the bed of the tobol river, downstream, tabol, which is just now causing problems for kurgan, so here below, the water is 449 cm, in just 1 cm, it rose today, but if there is water in kurgan, it reaches high marks, which means it will reach the lower ones
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borders, now in these settlements... them, i will remind you now, there are 139 settlements that are under threat of flooding, this is no more, no less than 17 areas, and so, until the water comes, the authorities are trying to build up the existing dams, they are pouring coal with coal, the region's builders are taking part in this, let's hear about the progress of the work, now we are working on construction on... on the embankment, in principle, probably in a day or two we will finish it, level it, reach the level already, and uh, the so-called borovushki area, here there are a lot of us, private houses, enough, yes - the task is to somehow raise the existing dam, here we are already doing filling, laying out with sandbags, raising it by about 30 meters, this is with a margin, we need
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to lay out approximately 650 m, then we will come out we will close the apartment buildings and... the borovushka district into a level. in all potentially dangerous flood areas , voluntary evacuation has been announced, temporary temporary accommodation centers are working, they are already meeting people, people who have decided to stay can go to temporary temporary accommodation centers, they can go there 24 hours a day, they will be provided with comprehensive assistance, including medical, legal, uh, warm meals, hot meals, and, accordingly, nachlek, and this should not be neglected, they say.
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took part in rounds to inform the population, to distribute leaflets, regarding the situation that is now predicted, yesterday we called our entire team, here mainly the coaching and teaching staff of the sports school, workers, drivers of our institution, everyone responded and we today we have been working together since 8:00 am to strengthen the dam. stanislav, thank you, take care of yourself, stanislav was in direct contact with the studio. bernv. well, we continue, the court in tver arrested a man who fictitiously registered in his apartment, the islomov brothers, who are defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus. the suspect admitted his guilt in full. it is noted that he has a valid passport of a citizen of tajikistan and a russian international passport.
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a suspect has been detained in moscow for blowing up the car of a former security officer. acted on the instructions of the head of the sbu malyuk, moreover, the action plan was constantly changing. in february, my curator informed me that he was given a task personally by the head of the sbu
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, malyuk, that i must go to moscow to follow the toyota prado car located at koroenskoye highway 3. a...
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further operational investigative measures are being carried out actions in order to qualify the actions of the detainee under article 205 - a terrorist act and article 275 - high treason of the criminal code of the russian federation, under which he faces punishment up to life imprisonment . and again about the methods of ukrainian intelligence, an explosion in the courtyard of a residential area on the outskirts of moscow. tens of meters from the car, the footage shows children playing. fortunately , there were no casualties, and there were no surprises. now in the hospital, alive, recovering. denis alekseev, anastasia ivanova, olga rebrova, lead. russian operatives have established
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that ukrainian special services are behind the attempted murder of ukrainian blogger anatoly shariy. this was announced today by an unnamed source in law enforcement agencies. according to this source, the preparation of the assassination attempt was carried out by the main intelligence directorate in cooperation with the security service of ukraine. the purpose of the operation. there was a physical elimination of a blogger for whom they wanted to blame russia, for this purpose the ukrainian agents in spain, where shariy lives, recruited emigrants from ukraine and local bandits, and they recruited them allegedly on behalf of the russian special services, the operation was supervised by the head of the gur of ukraine kirill budanov, while a source in russian law enforcement agencies noted that the spanish police treated the investigation of the assassination attempts with a frankly formal attitude, not even bothering to go to inspect the crime scene. and interview witnesses, let me remind you that in early march, unknown criminals fired at anatoly shariy’s car with a machine gun; according to the blogger , two unknown people took part in the attack. today
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marks 9 years since the assassination attempt on another popular ukrainian publicist, oles buzina. he was shot, let me remind you, on april 16 , 1915, near his home in kiev. this is the case too. the murder was brought to trial, but since then no progress has been heard. propose to divide the american congress, they want to fund ukraine separately from israel and taiwan and do not... johnson proposed introducing
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separate bills to help ukraine, taiwan and israel. previously, this was a single document, but it had, to put it mildly , big problems getting through congress. they have not been able to agree on this for more than six months. republicans said they would not do so under any circumstances. approve the allocation ukraine gets 60 billion dollars, now there’s a new option: first voting for aid to israel, and only then everything else, and aid to ukraine is not in the form of a grant, as originally intended, but in the form of a loan. the white house, however, reacted warily to johnson’s proposal; they still insist that the bill on american assistance be uniform, but for kiev, everything so far means only one thing: the discussion in washington is again dragging on. for an indefinite period, which means no help in the near future from the united states for sure, kiev will receive. in the united states there is
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a very rigid two-party system. the pro-israeli consensus, of course, the republicans are trying to put a spoke in the wheels of the biden administration and the main turning point of its policy, yes, ukraine, and this, of course, is such a huge black hole in which american financial resources and weapons disappear. well, kiev allows itself to make a statement. in the spirit that the united states is obliged to help ukraine, as well as israel, bearing in mind that american aircraft and air defense forces participated in repelling iran's attack on israel on april 14. this also applies to the priority order in the allocation of military and financial assistance. according to the head of the kiev regime, the ukrainian armed forces lack air defense equipment, modern missiles and artillery shells, and supposedly the americans must urgently provide all this in the amount of
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tens of billions. dollars, while the united states has already allocated 44 billion in military assistance to kiev since february 2022 and provided financial assistance for more than 20 billion. as far as i understand, it’s still johnson i’m determined to push through this kind of aid to ukraine, i don’t know how much it will be, 60 billion, as planned and less, but in the form of loans, at least, which, as you know, they and trump announced. but it is a fact that zelensky and his team are very scared that the focus of the west’s attention has shifted to israel, and ukraine has been forgotten for some time. well, kiev is trying to compensate for the lack of modern western weapons with cannon fodder at the front. today zelensky signed a scandalous bill on mobilization forced mobilization, which will allow hundreds of thousands more ukrainians to call up troops. but
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it is decreasing. the mobilization age is from 27 to 25 years old, all men aged 18 to 60 will be required to carry military id cards with them, the police and border guards will be able to check the presence of documents, if the document is not there and the data is not found in the electronic system, the person liable for military service has the right detain. the amendments on demobilization and rotation, which provided for demobilization, were also removed from the law. employees after 36 months service, of which 18 months on the front line. and in other news, 8 years in a maximum security colony , such a sentence was handed down by the court to blogger maxim lyuty, who starved to death his own month-old son. the child was born in february last year, but he was not even registered. the blogger taught the baby, as he called it, to eat the sun, but such a diet turned out to be fatal for the baby. with details sofya sergeeva. criminal
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code of the russian federation, article 156 of the criminal code of the russian federation sentence him under part four of article 111 of the criminal code of the russian federation in the form of imprisonment for a term of 8 years. under article 156 of the criminal code of the russian federation in the form of a fine in the amount of 100.00 rubles. the lazarevsky district court of sochi sentenced the blogger. food for maxim lyuty, whose child died of exhaustion. the baby lived for less than a month; he was born prematurely in february last year at home without the help of qualified specialists. despite obvious signs of dystrophy, the child was not registered with a medical institution, and the parents did not call the doctors; they decided to heal him themselves, by starvation and hardening. the little organism could not withstand the execution. on march 8 last year, the child died. according to the investigation, maxim lyuty
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took the baby from his mother at least three times. he deprived him of food for a day and systematically doused him with cold water. even when his son started wheezing, the man refused to see a doctor. before the verdict was announced, lyuty remained calm, even grinned, expected to leave the courtroom today, complained about the violation of his rights, in between times, he recalled how sensitively he cared for his son. we are both absolutely equally to blame , but neither i nor my wife had any intention of harming our son, otherwise we would not have cared for him, after all, there is a lot of evidence that... for example, i bought a huge bathtub for swimming.


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