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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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stock exchange, as for the fate of the exchange not in the picture, in the center of copenhagen, the forecasts are not encouraging. according to rescuers, extinguishing the fire will last at least 24 hours. a large area in the center of copenhagen was cordoned off. the police received a warning about the fire in the morning and urged people not to go outside in the city center unless necessary. dany's king fredrik has already thanked the rescuers. who fought for an important part of the architectural and cultural heritage. defense minister trols lond pols wrote that the fire in the building - this is our noterdam moment, and the minister of culture said that 400 years of danish cultural heritage are on fire. the fire occurred during the restoration of the facade of a historical building, so there was scaffolding on it. the restoration began in the twenty-second year and was supposed to end no later than the twenty-ninth year. well, a little. about the history of the task: the exchange
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was designed by order of the king of denmark and norway, christian iv. built in 1625, the building housed a raw materials exchange until the 19th century, then it operated there until 1974 stock exchange. denmark now belongs to the danish chamber of commerce. the spire on the exchange building was made in the shape of the tails of four dragons intertwined together, reaching a height of 56 m. it was crowned.
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the structure of the building and the two towers of the cathedral were saved by relics including the crown of thorns, which, according to holy scripture, was placed on the head of jesus christ before the crucifixion. it was planned to complete the reconstruction of noterdam by the 2024 olympic games, which will be held in paris, but the opening of the cathedral was postponed to december, and construction the forests will be completely abandoned until 2028. this is how long the repair work will take. fires in historic buildings are, of course, not uncommon. in september 2018 , a fire broke out at the national museum of brazil and lasted throughout the night, resulting in 90% of the exhibits being destroyed by fire. in january 2014 , a fire in the ancient city of duketsun in southwest china destroyed over 100 residential buildings. the history of the city dates back more than 1,300 years, it is clear that it was very popular among tourists, due to many are well preserved. buildings in
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the tibetan style, the russian president spoke on the phone with the president of the islamic republic of iran, ibrahim reisi, as reported in the kremlin, the conversation took place at the initiative of the iranian side, the leaders of the two countries discussed the situation in the middle east after israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus and from.. .
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and the past elections are characterized by general consolidation, noted ela pomfilova, this is the wisdom of our people, the most cynical requests of ill-wishers could not interfere. they made a bet on terror, this is something that has never happened before, that is, why, and how can one appear, intimidate people, cause fear, panic, and that is, with the help of their ukrainian accomplices, that is, sitting in kiev, that is, they practically organized the terov. we saw all this, this is not only in the relations of our border residents, these explosions, murders of people all together, our commission members faced the same thing, telephone threats, but it was not possible to intimidate anyone, the created voting system once again showed its transparency and openness, there was
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video surveillance of the voting process at polling stations, more than 317 thousand observers, including foreign ones, 2,900 media outlets covered the election process, this is actually some important stage in the battle for russia, this was what the people had, we inside the system, it is so complex, seemingly consisting of representatives of many parties, for the future of the country around a strong leader, his ideas and regardless of political views, each candidate of the already past presidential race has common goals, a strong and prosperous russia, which they have voiced more than once, the most important attention to donbass and novorosiya, crimea and...
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the president of russia and, first of all , sergei lavrov spoke today about the organization of the work of foreign polling stations. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs chaired a meeting of the united russia party general council commission on international cooperation and support for compatriots abroad. the election process took place against the backdrop
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of a hybrid war unleashed by the collective west against russia, and this was before the elections. the war became especially fierce character, ill-wishers actively used various methods of pressure, blackmail, intimidation of voters, they tried with all their might to disrupt the elections, to question their legality, legal purity, our ministry of foreign affairs successfully coped with the task, hundreds of thousands of russians were allowed to realize their... friend, hello , as promised, today we are preparing a flop, hey, butter is not the first, oh, we need to
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savita’s travels, a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for the next trip, the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback, bonuses, how do you like it, great, but you’ll have to save up for a subscription . if you replenish your strong vtb account regularly , you will save up 16% faster. well, now to the news about the spring floods, which have already affected almost 40 regions of the country. today , about 16,000 houses remain in the flood zone. the most difficult situation is in the kurgan region. the level of the tabol river continues to rise according to the local emergency department. in the coming days the growth will continue; from april 8 , a state of emergency was introduced in the region, and also a difficult
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the situation in the tyumen region, where emergency evacuation has been announced in 15 settlements. measures are being taken in connection with a critical rise in the level of the ishim river; in orenburg, the ilek region is now under the influence of the elements. the level of the urals near ilek is already 15 cm above the dangerous level, and the water continues to remain. special equipment is pulled there and strengthened. protective structures install temporary dams. in the tomsk region , specialists continue to monitor the situation on the op river, where the day before the dangerous level was exceeded in several populated areas points, but in the near future the water level in tomsk will only increase, the local ministry of emergency situations warns about this. a high alert regime was declared in the krasnoyarsk territory in the flood zone of 23 districts. well, the main question for the residents affected by the water spill. territory, how quickly it will be possible to cope with the consequences, when it will be possible to talk about the normalization of the situation. according to
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experts, the main problem is, of course, flooding of water supply systems. dirty water, including from the sewer, could get into the water supply system, so now it is so important to boil any water. we are talking primarily about tap water, but experts recommend boiling even bottled water. food should also be washed with boiled water. be sure to wash your hands with soap to reduce the risk. risks of infection. in some settlements, for example, in orsk, residents began to be vaccinated against hepatitis a. this measure is also important: a dangerous intestinal infection is transmitted through water, which means that vaccination is another additional measure of protection. in general, as experts say, restoration water supply, possibly within one to two months. as for cleaning houses and areas, there are no special recommendations; the main thing is to wear gloves to reduce any possible risks. infections include viral infections, for example, viral
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hepatitis e, viral hepatitis; bacterial infections include a whole range of intestinal infections, for example, iriya, submonulosis, but nevertheless it all depends on how to help people, we are talking about leaving access to independent sources of water supply, or for large volumes clean drinking water, treating hands with sanitizers, washing hands regularly with soap, processing food, preparing hot meals with high-quality water, well, i’ll tell you about what kind of financial assistance is provided to flood victims, and how to get it? to date, residents of the orenburg region have been paid more than 561 million rubles, and over 27 thousand people have received benefits. in the region, the amount of a one-time payment is 20 thousand rubles per person, in the case of partial loss of property it is 50,000, and in case of complete loss
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the loss is already 100. the authorities of the kurgan region also began to pay compensation to those who were caught. situation, according to governor vadim shumkov, compensation is 10,000 rubles. a citizen receives if his home is flooded, 30,000 in case of partial loss of property, and 50 if property is completely lost. in the tyumen region, financial assistance is provided in the amount of 10,000 rubles per person for serious damage to property and 40,000 for its loss. payments can be made through government services or at the mfc. well, now in more detail. situation in the kurgan region , our special correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, works in the region, he gets in direct contact with the facts. stas, welcome, what is the situation, what do the experts say? yes, stas, judging by the news agent’s tapes, the water level in the tobol river in kurgan increased by 16 cm in just 2 hours. what's next? olga,
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artyom, greetings, yes, a really unstable situation with floods is developing in kurgan. in the kurgan region, in general, over the course of a day, the water level in the river increased by more than a meter, for in the last 2 hours there was still a significant increase of about 16 cm, now the water level in tobol is 768 cm. the water level continues to increase in the area of ​​​​the settlements of the kitovsky district, these are the settlements of kitova, temlyakova, laptevo, kryukova, sanatorium, menshikovoy and bely yar in area of ​​sanatornaya and ki... the water level is already about 10 m, the consequences of the flood are quite serious, both in kurgan and in the region as a whole, more than 300 houses have been flooded in the region, the water is entering the villages themselves, into dacha communities, evacuation is being carried out population, in kurgan itself the situation is also difficult, there are overflows over bridges, water also passes through roads, many
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settlements are cut off and inaccessible to wheeled... transport, also today the tyunin highway and the entrances to it were blocked, the road is closed to everyone types of transport. today, minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov worked in kurgan, here he, together with governor vadim shunkov, checked how instructions to combat the disaster were being carried out. also, alexander kurenkov and vadim shunkov flew over the region to understand what is the current situation with floods? later. the ministry of emergency situations, together with the governor , checked how the temporary accommodation centers work, and also talked to the kurgan residents themselves. no, he’s just worried about something, we built a dam there, laid slabs of concrete there so that it wouldn’t wash away, there ’s a very fast current to make a rapid there, we were standing now, the current there is very fast, like a mountain river, so as not to wash it out, yes , so we have to wait a little for the slabs
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to be assembled, so i saw how it was there strengthen. well, thank god, everything is fine, good, excellent, thank you very much for everything, everyone, everything, today the minister of emergency situations visited the kurgan embankment, saw how badly this place was flooded, and of course, here he talked with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, who all this is the time when we are fighting the elements. if the situation improves, guys, the next transfer point, mister, they will be here, because then there will be accidents, then we will look at the situation, or we will transfer to belozersk, or propose another maneuver, while there is enough everywhere, they are still here, that’s for sure, that’s it, thank you,
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thank you, good luck to everyone, yes, thank you, it was stanislav vasilchenko. from the kurgan region, now advertising, after we continue, touch the croque star of booger king, votper on fire in the know, the credit card is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. what are men silent about? painful
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the parliament building resumed a rally against the law on foreign agents. it is being considered in the first reading. the document requires mandatory registration of non-profit legal media entities whose income comes from abroad. details from anna voronina. the meeting for georgian deputies began to the sounds of a protest right under the windows of parliament. in daylight, protesters against the foreign influence transparency act are less vocal than they were the night before. those gathered tried to break through the law enforcement officers who blocked access to parliament building. there were fights and arrests. 14 people were sent to the police station. the day before it was noisy in the parliament itself; first, the head of the opposition attacked the leader of the parliamentary majority right on the podium. the brawl
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escalated into a mass brawl in the hall itself, after which fist fights continued in the corridors of the building. this is already the second coming to the georgian parliament for the bill on foreign agents. they tried to pass it last year, which also caused widespread unrest. this time protesters call the document russian that such a law. already exists in france, great britain and australia prefer to remain silent, as to turn a blind eye to the fact that the georgian version of the document is, in fact, copied from the american law on registration of foreign agents, although without a harsh punishment in the form of a 10-year prison term. the union is discussing the adoption of exactly the same law, in america it has been working since the forties, after the collapse of the soviet union, our european colleagues considered that... that in order for democracy developed in georgia, it is necessary to support the main aspect of democracy, in their opinion, the western hemisphere, this is the non-governmental sector, over time, unfortunately, part of this civil society has become politicized to us, and
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now we know everything.
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some representatives of the diplomatic corps, or the diplomatic corps in general , are unnecessarily involved in internal political discussions. the main surprise is the following: behind closed doors we discuss some issues, be it a bill or something else. during these discussions we do not hear on the contrary, some counterarguments happen when we disagree with some issues, but later other positions are publicly voiced, which, of course, is wrong. the fact is that the law on agents is this time parliament. will accept, political scientists have no doubt that this will be followed by a massive exodus of foreign funds from georgia. anna voronina, irina zaborskaya, anna nikulaevich, news. dubai emergency services are responding to severe flooding. the cause of the cataclysm was a powerful thunderstorm front. showers were accompanied hurricane winds, as a result, several areas of the metropolis were immediately under water. the international airport canceled and redirected
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dozens of flights. passengers filmed them with smartphone cameras, and we see these images of planes and special equipment literally floating around the terminal. car traffic is also almost completely paralyzed. well , one of the local metro stations was in the flood zone, the water level in the tunnels, knee-deep sporting events, including football matches of the domestic championship, were postponed to indefinite term. according to local media reports, the decoy turned out to be a site for a crypto conference, where pavel durov was supposed to speak. damage. under the weather anomaly will be, according to preliminary estimates, several billion dollars.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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a suspect was detained in moscow. in the bombing of the car of former sbu officer vasily prozarov. about this.


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