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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. a suspect in blowing up the car of former sbu officer vasily prozurov was detained in moscow. the fsb reported that the detainee
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had already admitted that he was working for the ukrainian special services. denis alekseev has all the details. a couple of days after the suv of ex-sbu officer vasily prozorov was blown up, the perpetrator was detained by the russian fsb. almost immediately the first confessions. i am a citizen of russia, living in ukraine since 2010. in 2023. was in november recruited by the sbu. since the fall , he received all tasks from a curator from ukraine, who acted on the instructions of the head of the sbu malyuk, and the action plan was constantly changing. in february, my supervisor told me that he was given a task personally by the head of the sbu, malyuk, that i should go to moscow and follow up. behind a toyota prado car
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located at korovenskoye highway 3, what did i do? simply put, outdoor surveillance was assigned to vasily prozarov, his schedule and routes were probably monitored, as soon as a complete picture emerged and the curators contacted us again. i was told to assemble a bomb, and my supervisor helped me with this with instructions. explained, here, i assembled it, they provided it with the components of an explosive device, how to make it, they showed it, after preliminary reconnaissance in the area where vasily prozorov lived, at night the device was attached to the bottom of a black suv, and this is footage taken immediately after the explosion, prozorov, more than once exposing publicly a crime of the kiev regime, he himself became its target. what happened? and i have no doubt this is another attempt at a terrorist attack.
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committed by the kiev regime and its special services, but i want to appeal to them: guys, you didn’t succeed, because god is for us. further operational-search activities and investigative actions are being carried out in order to qualify the actions of the detainee under article 205 - a terrorist act and article 275, high treason of the criminal code of the russian federation, under which he faces punishment up to life imprisonment. and again about the methods of ukrainian intelligence there is an explosion. outside residential area on the outskirts of moscow. tens of meters from the car, the footage shows children playing. fortunately there were no casualties. prozarov himself is now in the hospital, alive. he's getting better. and today the circumstances surrounding the organization of the attempted murder of ukrainian blogger anatoly sheriya became known. a source in russian law enforcement agencies said that the ukrainian special services were behind the terrorist action against a journalist disliked by the kiev regime. completed the preparations. on march 6, 2024, the assassination attempt
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was handled by the main intelligence directorate the ministry of defense of ukraine, which, in close cooperation with the security service of ukraine, developed a false flag operation with the aim of physically eliminating the blogger, while blaming the russian federation for his murder. the assassination attempt was organized by representatives of spanish criminals and a group of ukrainian refugees; they were allegedly recruited on behalf of the russian special services. but in fact, the operation was personally supervised by the head of ukrainian intelligence. budanov provided the criminals with weapons; in general, the scheme is almost exactly the same as in the case of prozorov. murder on the territory of the european union, like this in the open during the day, there at 9 am, as i say, on a street on which there are a lot of people, really, on which people are running, riding bicycles and so on, from a machine gun into the windshield, this it’s too revealing, it’s too, well, blatant even for them, but apparently they made up their minds, and today marks 9 years since another political assassination, april 16th. year
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, ukrainian publicist oles buzina was shot dead near his home in kiev. this case was put on hold ukrainian law enforcement officers. three suspects were even detained without delay, but all of them. soon they released methods of struggle against russian journalists that were also carbon copies. over the past 2 years , journalist daria dukina and military correspondent vladelen tatarsky were killed. last year, an attempt was made on the life of zakhar prilepin; he miraculously survived. the crimes are brutal, bloody, but most importantly, never productive. they have not stopped and will not stop exposing the terror of the bloody regime in russia. and the louder these crimes are, the louder the publicity. offer divided in the american congress they want to finance ukraine separately from israel and taiwan and not as a priority. kiev is unhappy, but in washington there are more important concerns now. so, according to this publication,
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the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson , proposed introducing separate bills on assistance to ukraine, taiwan and israel. previously, it was, let me remind you, a single document, that’s just it. he had, to put it mildly, problems with passing through congress, well, they have not been able to agree on it for more than six months, the republicans stated that there was no way what is the excuse for not approving the allocation of 60 billion dollars to ukraine, now there is a new option, first voting for aid to israel, and only then everything else, and besides, aid to ukraine is not in the form of a grant, as was originally intended, in the form of a loan from the white house, however , johnson's proposal was treated with caution. still insist that the bill on american aid be uniform, but for kiev everything so far means only one thing: discussions in washington are again being delayed indefinitely, which means kiev will definitely not receive any help from the united states in the near future.
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there is a very strong bipartisan pro-israel consensus in the united states. of course, the republicans are trying to put a spoke in the wheels of the biden administration. and the main cornerstone of his policy, yes, ukraine, and this, of course, is such a huge black hole in which american funds and weapons disappear. at the same time, kiev allows itself statements in the spirit that the united states is obliged to help ukraine as well as israel, having in it appears that american aircraft and air defense forces participated in repelling the attack. on israel on april 14, this also concerns the priority order for the allocation of military and financial assistance, according to the head of the kiev regime, the ukrainian armed forces lack air defense systems, modern missiles and artillery shells, and supposedly the americans must urgently provide all this in the amount of tens of billions of dollars, while that
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the united states has already allocated $44 billion in military assistance to kiev since february 2022 and provided financial assistance even more than by two. as far as i understand, johnson is still determined to push through such assistance to ukraine, i don’t know how much it will be, 60 billion, as planned, or less, but in the form of loans, at least, which is what they announced to trump, but the fact that zelensky and his team are very scared that the focus of the west’s attention has moved to israel and ukraine for some time... they forgot this fact. well, kiev is trying to compensate for the lack of modern western weapons with cannon fodder at the front. today zelensky signed a scandalous bill on forced mobilization, which will make it possible to call up hundreds of thousands more ukrainians.
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the mobilization age is being lowered from 27 to 25 years, and all men between the ages of 18 and 60 will be required to carry a military id. the police will be able to check the presence of documents. so the border guards at the military registration and enlistment offices, if the document is not with them, and there is no data in the electronic system either, they have the right to detain the person liable for military service. amendments on demobilization and rotation, which provided for the demobilization of military personnel, were also removed from the law after 36 months of service, of which 18 were on the front line. meanwhile, jaza barel is asking countries to purchase new air defense systems for ukraine. according to the head of european diplomacy, if the members of the european union do not have anti-aircraft. then they need to buy them. at the same time, barel admitted that russia has superiority in the conflict, and ukraine is faced with the effect of wear and tear. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you what it is. envy, anger and disappointment. such emotions, as the western press writes, reign
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among the ukrainian elite, because decisive and active assistance to israel contrasts stalled financial support for the kiev regime. so his main representative is no longer afraid. assistance to ukraine and israel separately, this idea was put forward by the speaker of the house
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of representatives, who is forced to maneuver between supporters and opponents of further support for kiev. the ukrainian part of the package is the most controversial for republicans; there is an opinion that humanitarian aid is one thing, lethal aid is another. for many, it makes sense to provide loan assistance, but i think the american people deserve it so that they can be explained why it is in america’s interests to help ukraine. 68%. the sums will go to replenish our own weapons stocks, these are jobs for americans. in other words, nothing personal, just business. true, the west does not have a reliable strategy in the ukrainian direction, says one of the leading american experts on russia , thomas graham. in his opinion , washington made a miscalculation when it refused to discuss the issue of nato expansion, although it itself did not even intend to accept ukraine into the alliance. in these circumstances, strengthening sanctions, like ukrainian supporters suggest they are unlikely to bring russia to its knees. likewise , transferring more modern weapons to ukraine
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, such as long-range f-16 missiles, will not prove to be a decisive factor in overcoming russia’s well-fortified defensive positions. the biden administration is confused, sources confirm to the hill. according to them , the lack of a clear action plan and disagreements within the elite are causing confusion. one thing is clear: the prospects for ukraine look very bleak. catherine. 8 years in a maximum security colony, this is the sentence handed down the trial of blogger maxim lyutoy, who starved his own month-old son, with details sofya sergieva. maxim aleksandrovich is guilty of committing crimes under part four of article 111 of the criminal code of the russian federation, article 156 of the criminal code of the russian federation, sentence him under part four. criminal code of the russian federation in the form of imprisonment for a period of 8 years. under article 156 of the criminal
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code of the russian federation, a fine of 100,000 rubles. lazarevsky district court of the city sochi sentenced raw food blogger maxim lyuty, whose child died of malnutrition. the baby lived for less than a month; he was born prematurely in february last year at home without the help of qualified specialists. despite obvious signs of dystrophy, the child was not registered at the medical institution, and for the sake of doctors... on march 8 last year, the child died. according to the investigation, maxim lyuty took the baby from his mother at least three times and deprived him of food for 24 hours and systematically doused him with cold water. even when my son had wheezing, the man refused to see a doctor. before the verdict was announced, the fierce one behaved calmly, even grinned, expected to leave the courtroom today, complained about the violation of his rights, in passing. recalled how sensitively he cared for his son. we are both absolutely equally to blame, but neither i nor my wife
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had any intention of harming our son, otherwise we would not have surrounded him with care; after all, there is a lot of evidence that i, for example, bought a huge bathtub for bathing. mother and child, he himself personally collected warm water from chamomile so that they could bathe there, everything was milk from nipples, pacifiers, diapers, that is, for a child who does not eat, for example, diapers are not needed. a breast pump is not needed, i would not have bought it if i had forbidden feeding, the fierce one raised his son to be a pronor, a man who feeds on the sun, at the time of his death the child weighed a little over one and a half kilograms, although according to the blogger, his mother fed him eight times a day day, look at me now, but before i had several chronic diseases, 25 kg of excess weight, bad habits, apathy, laziness, depression, there is no trace left of this, your physical body.
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performance of parental duties and sentenced to two years of correctional labor. sofia sergieva, news. the rains have begun in russian regions suffering from floods; we will talk more about this and other weather phenomena with the leading specialist of the fobs center, vadim zavodchenkov. vadim, hello. now, will the precipitation be able to affect the floods, will they worsen the situation, and much worse, yes, indeed, the rivers of the trans-ural region have now risen so high that even any an additional influx of water could significantly complicate the situation, although there is good news: tomorrow the weather here will improve, and
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residents in the vicinity of orsk will be evacuated again. the authorities warned about the threat of flooding in the village of tukai within the city, water. may flow there along the bed of the mendebay river, the level has risen sharply due to overflow through the dam into the reservoir, which is located on the border with kazakhstan. the state of the water inflow is monitored by teams from the ministry of emergency situations in order to respond in a timely manner. we have decided who wins and how, in the tyumen region the level is growing rapidly. the regional authorities announced the urgent evacuation of residents of 15 settlements of the kazan region in the cities and villages of the region , they are hastily increasing the height of the dump, officials are waiting for additional help from volunteers. we
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urgently need help from... sandbags, we need to do it, because we have received an even more unfavorable forecast, there is nothing to lose anyway, this is how a resident of the mound melancholy swinging on a swing in their own flooded area commented, the water level in tobor is rising from average speed 2-3. some snt were flooded. floating conveyors for evacuation were deployed in the topol microdistrict. in some populated areas it is now easier to travel by boat. against the backdrop of a worsening flood situation in the orenburg, tyumen and kurgan regions, rain began to fall. they
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are accompanied by a dense wind. its gusts reached 17-22 m/second. but tomorrow the masses of rain clouds will move further into siberia and now the abi, irtysh and ishim valleys will be in the bad weather zone, above in the basins of the ural and tabol rivers, the cloud will dissipate, and here the weather will no longer be able to have a negative impact on flood processes. following the atmospheric front , well-warmed air masses from north africa make their way into the interior of the country. as a result, in some regions in the east of european russia and in the urals , completely summer weather phenomena were observed. in udmurt, tatarstan, chelyabinsk and sverdlovsk regions, thunder roared and lightning flashed in places. true, on the way to siberia, the air of the sahara will have time to bridge the order. nevertheless,
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tomorrow, the daytime temperature in southern siberia will rise to an anomalous +10-15, and in the south beyond the urals to +15:20, the epicenter of overheating will be in the black sea region, here in some places for the first time this season the thermometers will exceed the +30 mark. for example, in krasnodar today the daytime temperature is already more than 9° above the norm, the air in the capital of kuban has warmed up to +27, and tomorrow the temperature regime will enter the climatic range of july. at noon. hours around +31, i repeat, in the southwest beyond the urals the weather has a negative impact on floods the process will begin to be minimized, for example, in kurgan in the coming days the probability of precipitation is low, the thermometer readings will be almost 2 months ahead of the calendar, tomorrow it will not be hot yet, in the afternoon it will be about +15, from friday
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the air in the city will warm up to +24-20. six. and now it’s time for russian news. economy. the international monetary fund has upgraded its growth forecast for the russian economy this year to 3.2%. this is stated in the fund's latest report. they believe that the pace will exceed the indicators of the g7 countries. concerning inflation in russia is expected to reach 6.9% in 2024, and then decline to 4.5 in 2025. the imf also predicts a slowdown in unemployment in april. avtovas plans to sell 45,000 lada cars. sokolov also commented on the company’s entry into the iranian market. despite the aggravation of the situation in
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the middle east, the start of sales in the republic is planned for this year. norilsk nickel warned of the risk of disruption in metal markets due to new sanctions. consumers around the world will suffer, the company said. the list of negative consequences also includes rising prices decreased liquidity of metals. the manufacturer emphasized that it fulfills all contractual obligations to customers and remains a reliable supplier of products. the us and uk have banned the import of aluminum , copper and nickel from russia. as a result, these metals began to rise in price rapidly. and in finland they burn a huge amount of wood suitable for use in production, up to 10 million cubic meters annually. finnish media write about this. demand for wood has increased, since there are no supplies from russia, but thermal power plants. abandoned peat and coal. the amount of forest burned per year corresponds to the volume required by the pulp mill. it was economic news. short.
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the book series “life of remarkable people”, known since soviet times, has been replenished today with another publication. in moscow, at the central house of writers , a book by gennady zyuganov was presented. it includes the most striking episodes from the biography of the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, the author anatoly zhitnukhin tries. figure out what is really hidden behind the flow of information that accompanies one of the most famous modern politicians. this is a book about the era in which i lived, about the comrades and friends with whom i worked, with whom i fought, with whom i served the great soviet homeland. i must thank, first of all, zhitnokhin anatoly petrovits. who was forced to work on this publication for the third time, and the young guard, with whom i have been connected throughout my entire adult life, had
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to explain something from the last decade, at the end there are several new chapters, but for me this is fundamentally important, because every person has their own path, i had it quite difficult, i started with the call... of dropov, his first call, and lived through all three eras, they are reflected reliably in this book. crews of multiple launch rocket systems hurricane of the northern group destroyed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the border area with the belgorod region. this was reported to the ministry of defense. details in the report by igor pikhanov. a twenty-ton combat vehicle multiple launch rocket system hurricane of the north group arrived at the firing line under the cover of darkness, fighters are hunting the enemy,
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near the russian-ukrainian border, scouts discovered enemy military equipment, in the darkness the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces was preparing to strike peaceful villages in the belgorod region, thanks to the professionalism of our fighters, the militants’ calculation of surprise failed. the ukrainian military uses cannon and rocket artillery against civilians. in order to identify the enemy, observer drones are in the sky around the clock. the multiple launch rocket system and hurricane are a real nightmare for enemy forces. only one such vehicle carries 16 high-explosive fragmentation 220 mm caliber shells, which effectively combat enemy military equipment and defensive structures, have a firing range of almost 40 km; at the same time, from different points, the unit opens fire on the hidden forest of enemy artillery. the shells fall on the enemy one by one, the forest belt in which the ukrainian armed forces took refuge catches fire, the militants retreat with heavy losses, in a matter of seconds the ukrainian
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army lost an entire unit and expensive military equipment, they worked on everything, in the columns of movement. equipment and in terms of people, in terms of personnel, in terms of concentration, here are the support structures being built, that is, there is equipment that helps in the construction of support structures, yeah, well, all sorts of foreign equipment. the enemy, yeah, it scatters well. in the zone of a special military operation , large-caliber rocket launchers have shown their reliability and indispensability. the hurricane is based on a modernized high-power tractor, so the vehicle can quickly arrive at any given point to strike. well, the enemy, when he realizes that he has been figured out, trying, of course, to hide, that is , to change his firing positions, well, all his movements are also tracked by him. work is being done, now in the black earth region there are difficult weather conditions, it is raining and a strong wind is blowing, in order to hit the target from a great distance, you need to be a professional, the combat crews of hurricanes
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are called: real snipers , each crew has dozens of units of destroyed military equipment behind them enemy, the personnel were awarded medals and orders. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. well to other topics: the european commission stated that europe pays an astronomical price for gas imports. indeed, these expenses are three to four times higher than similar expenses in the united states and china. the competitiveness of european industry on the world stage is under threat, it turns out. meanwhile, washington announced that it intends to disrupt the launch of the russian arctic lng-2. christina kuruma will tell you what this means for european imports. the united states intends to prevent the launch of arctic lng-2, the largest liquefied natural gas production facility. about this was stated by the united states assistant secretary of state for energy resources, jeffrey paet. and this is not the first time he has done this.
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arctic spg 2 is the flagship project of naovateka, designed to make russia the world's largest exporter of lng. our goal is to destroy this project, and we are doing this together with our g7 partners and other countries. arctic spg2 is novotek's second large-scale plant. the project includes three gas liquefaction lines with a total capacity of almost 20 million tons. the cost of construction is estimated at more than 20 billion dollars. logically the project is ready, yes, this is a gravity platform that was produced in russia, this is an lng production plant, it is already in place, technically all tests have been passed, i think that production within the framework of arctic lng-2 can safely proceed and be aimed at markets of the asia-pacific region. since september, states have initiated four waves of sanctions against the russian lng industry, in particular they have prevented the acquisition
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of specialized tanks. for gas transportation made it difficult to build alternative ships within our country, first of all , the plant, it has been producing gas since the end of last year, that is, the key problem is the problem of export; a company arose in the united arab emirates that was ready to buy a gas carrier in order to carry out deliveries, then the united states got involved with this company, put pressure on it, and in the end it refused... this deal. last year, russian plants produced more than 32 million tons of lng; this year they expect to produce 38 million. according to forecasts, the launch of arctic lng-2 will increase exports by about 15%. the main consumers of russian natural gas remain china and japan, in europe - spain and belgium. just as there was a transformation of cargo flows in relation to oil and petroleum products, after
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the embargo was introduced on... on russian oil and petroleum products, in the same way there will be a transformation of those cargo flows that are now, for example, going to europe, liquefied natural gas gas will go to europe and along longer routes routes that will lead to an increase in the cost of freight and, de facto, an increase in the cost of lng directly in europe itself. the united states became the largest exporter of lng for the first time last year. due to environmental concerns , the biden administration has paused new exports , leaving allied countries unhappy. european buyers, such as germany, and asian buyers, such as japan, are also experiencing energy shortages. bloomberg reports that some of them are already looking for new suppliers. demand for lng around the world continues to grow, analysts say. first of all, this is happening at the expense of china. and russia's share in the world market is expected
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to grow to 20%. the certificate of the president of russia for a new term of office was presented to vladimir putin today by the chairman of the center.


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