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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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on! hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. in the studio alexander ostakhov. a major scandal erupts after the death of a patient in a private clinic in moscow. the woman underwent tummy tuck surgery and died the next day. there were slightly fewer investigators and journalists than doctors visiting the medical facility today. the searches took place. why did the surgeons not immediately agree to perform the hand operation and what was the deceased patient afraid of? report from the spot by daniil sukhoruchko. in this private clinic in the capital today there is a tense atmosphere, guards and patients have not yet gotten used to the cameras, the institution is in the spotlight of investigative journalists after the tragic death of a patient. details of the incident with yulia are published by several media outlets. a forty-year-old muscovite walked through these doors with the hope of transformation. she paid
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a lot of money for the abdominal stretch, but the plan did not come true. after the operation, the woman died. according to some reports, yulia was afraid of the operation; she allegedly had low hemoglobin levels. she even had an intervention at a later date, i still decided to go under the knife. the tummy tuck itself went smoothly, but the next day after the plastic surgery, yulia felt unwell and died in the hospital. this story interested law enforcement officers. behind these doors is a sterile zone, so we won’t get there anymore, but as you know, searches took place there. official medical documentation has been seized and is being studied. a number of forensic examinations, including a medical one, will be scheduled in the near future. investigators. also opened a criminal case under the provision of services not meeting safety requirements. according to some information, the surgeon who performed yulia’s operation has already been interrogated. the clinic is still stingy with comments. an investigation is currently underway, and we, unfortunately, do not have the power or authority to provide any information about the patient or
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the progress of his treatment, since this information is a medical secret. are you cooperating with the investigation? of course. investigations are in full swing and law enforcement is on the scene. it is known that the deceased julia had a family. husband and two children, the private clinic continues to accept patients and perform operations. daniil sukharuchk, ​​anton fedotov, alexander shestopalov, lead. duty department. ukrainian trace in the assassination attempt on a former employee of the ukrainian special services. fsb officers detained vasily prozurovov, a suspect in the suv bombing, who has been cooperating with russian structures for several years. during interrogation, the detainee admitted that he attached the bomb to the bottom of the car and waited for 3 days for the right moment to detonate it. and it's not only. fsb officers jump out of the mento bus as they move, lay the suspect on the ground, and snap handcuffs onto his wrists . this is footage of the capture of an sbu agent who last week, according to
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investigators, planted a bomb under the bottom of a car parked in the courtyard of a house in northern moscow. the detainee tells the security forces that immediately after the start of the special military operation he left for kiev. worthwhile goals, i was told to assemble a bomb, my curator helped me with this, i assembled it and on the ninth, approximately at 2:00 a.m., i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car.
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while running away from a bomb-laden car, the perpetrator was caught on a surveillance camera; he was identified and detained, and thanks to this recording, the footage clearly shows how to get to the black suv. time is already passing, a man opens the door, and then the owner, it happened on april 12 at lunchtime , an explosion occurs, he opened the car, the whole thing was torn apart below. and he was thrown back, the target of the killers was former sbu officer vasily prozorov, in 2014, immediately after the coup in ukraine, he was ideologically for reasons he went over to the side of russia, after which the hunt began for prozarov. this power had to be fought, because from the very beginning this power itself did not even leave for itself any other way to resolve issues, how to drown these, say, regions in blood. this is footage of the explosion. at another point you can see children playing on a bench 10 meters from the car; once again representatives of the kiev regime
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showed that they are ready to achieve their goal, regardless of any casualties among the civilian population. the car that was used in the past friday they planted an explosive device, it was parked, in this place, there are still a lot of fragments here, the force of the explosion can be judged by this car, it was parked next to a land cruiser and there were a lot of holes left on the body that... .looks like bullet holes. judging by these holes, the explosive device was filled with destructive elements. the owners of the car wanted to kill, not scare. but vasily prozorov was lucky; he was hospitalized, although immediately after the explosion it was clear that there was no danger to life. necessary to say that this is not the first attempt on prozorov’s life. last year, security services detained a group of saboteurs who were assembling a bomb to kill a former sbu officer. ready-made explosive device, ready-made surrounding element in the form of various. bolts, nuts, of various diameters, for the kiev regime vasily prozorov, like
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a bone in the throat, at one time he conveyed a lot of valuable information to our special services, using sources of information on the territory of ukraine, prozarov openly exposed the provocations that the sbu was preparing against ours military personnel and residents of new regions. they are planning to carry out murders and brutal looting against civilians in the uniform of russian military personnel, especially in... the autonomous okrug of ugra. for more than 20 years, a former employee of the regional ministry of finance hid from
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investigators and lived underground while they were looking for him for contract killings and fraud of 15 million rubles. maxim shevchenko has all the details. finding himself in the glass box of the ugra district court, a few minutes before the start of the hearing, yuri chekin was noticeably nervous. former official the ministry of finance walked from one transparent wall to another and could not find a place for itself, but later calmed down and calmed down. listened to how the judge instructs the jury, your deliberation must take place in secret, the presence of strangers is not allowed. although this is a formality, it is very important. one of the most high-profile criminal trials in the history of the khantymansi autonomous okrug is already at the finish line. there are many episodes in the chekin case. in addition, the defendant tried in every possible way to delay the process, first demanding the recusal of the judge, then the prosecutor. stop the process for him not the first time. before yuri chekin fell into the hands of themis, he... for many years, chekin
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especially tried not to appear anywhere in the rented apartment, in which the windows were always curtained, he equipped a secret place in case of a visit from the police, perhaps due to the lack of sunlight, the appearance the former auditor of the control and supervisory department of the ministry of finance has changed a lot, the ex-official has aged and lost more.
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that same system, by the way, included not only the presence of everything necessary in the apartment, even a gym, but a secret niche under window sill, its size could allow the man to hide in the event of a visit from the security forces, but it seems that at the time of the assault he did not have time to play hide and seek with the law enforcement officers. after chekin went to jail, it became clear that the punishment he faces could be
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as severe as possible, up to life imprisonment. during the trial, in addition to the murder of bederin, there was also evidence. indicating who is doing what and nothing is given on the charge itself, 15 million 6000, was this money stolen or not? now there is actually a trial of chekin comes to its logical conclusion, after the jury’s verdict, the final word belongs to the court, which will soon determine the punishment for the defendant. maxim shevchenko, andrey romanov,
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mikhail shirin, vyacheslav shabanov and pavel shimolin, lead. duty department. there are waves on the roads, there is water in the houses, there are barricades made of bags of clay on the streets. this is the situation now in the kurgan region, which has taken another hit from the flood. in kurgan, the water may reach a record 11 m for the last 30 years. the regional governor together with the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov examined the most difficult areas from a helicopter. my colleague, alexandra mostovaya, took off with them. here is her report. how the tobol river overflowed is clearly visible in the footage taken. vadim , together with the governor of the kurgan region, shumkov, inspects the flooded territories from
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the air, the village of gledianskoye in the tabolsky district was hit by the elements, a dam is now being strengthened here to protect residents from the next wave of flood. there is enough everywhere, they are still working, that’s for sure. more than 13 thousand residents were evacuated rescuers, temporary accommodation centers were set up throughout the region. in the village of mezhbornoye, a temporary accommodation center was set up at the base of a school; here, of course, all conditions for living have been created; all those whose houses were flooded are evacuated here. in addition, there is a medical aid office. the doctor is here, hello, hello, tell me how many people have already contacted you, how you are helping them, they have contacted us, we have 60 people living here, which means that here we carry out preventive vaccinations against hepatitis a, in currently, 52 people and 40 people who are in a
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temporary accommodation center have been vaccinated. the minister spoke with flood victims and checked the work of temporary accommodation centers. people thank the rescuers for their help, but nothing bothers them, everything is fine, everything is fine, they look after little ones, it’s clear, it’s good, and the doctors, all the workers, that is, feedback, and relatives, or relatives’ phone numbers, who else can you contact, sirens sound in the mound, they warn residents about urgent evacuation from flooded areas, in fact, this is how residents prepared for the flood. on the embankment of the tobol river they laid dozens of bags of sand and clay to protect themselves, to protect their homes, so that this water would not reach residential buildings. barricades made of bags of clay were placed in a chain along the entire embankment, the dam stretched for several kilometers, and the city was thoroughly prepared for the impact of the elements. which group worked, how many people,
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there were 126,000 shifts in total, that is, we collected from enterprises, then from authorities. areas we have visited, a lot has been done from the point from the point of view of prevention and preparation for floods, well, here, being in the kurgan region, today once again we put on
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water... basic necessities, the situation in the region is difficult, the water level in the tobol river has increased in a day, the flood is approaching the mound. alexandra mostovaya and sergey velichko, conductor, duty department. ordinary spectators and security officials trust him. one of the most famous russian journalists, author and host of the honest detective project
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eduard petrov, is celebrating his anniversary. his investigation becomes the basis for initiating criminal cases helps people seek the truth. the name of eduard petrov is associated with the formation and formation of legal journalism on domestic television. about the mentor who trained more than one generation of reporters, andrei ivlev. hello, eduard petrov, an honest detective and eduard petrov, for viewers this has long been one whole, the legal project has become recognizable thanks to the author, it’s hard to believe, but eduard petrov is 50, you can rarely find him in his office, because as a real journalist, he is always in the fields, business trips, filming, meetings, for our colleagues eduard viktorovich, a senior comrade, a mentor from whom we want to learn. we have taken on this case, it will be an honest detective story. corporate style, recognizable intonations and main attention to people's problems. this is appreciated by
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spectators, colleagues and the management of a large holding company. an honest detective, and much more, will certainly remain on the tablets of television history. but the main thing is that you always strived to help people, ordinary people. whatever you want to do, he wants to do crime journalism, wow, i was immediately struck by its determination, we will continue to follow the investigation of this
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high-profile case, after a while there was today, then work in the ntv information service, the profession of a reporter, results, after moving to votrka, eduard petrov continued to form legal and investigative journalism under the guidance of their mentors, now experienced media managers.
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has become a brand over the years, an honest detective story has been published for more than 20 years, i would like to wish, of course, continuation, consistency, edik, you he is still quite a young man, 50 years old, this is not yet age, you still have everything ahead of you, so god bless, our large team joins in congratulations, eduard viktorovich, this is your honest 50, andrey ivlev and a huge team.
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don't miss the premiere on russia-24 tv channel. in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the house of businessman alexander krasny. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically to kill. the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other. and chaos was happening, a shot was fired, and i felt a pain in my stomach, blood started flowing in my head, immediately that they wanted to kill us all, krasnov responded by shooting at least three times at the attackers. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, i told them what happened here, they looked at me with such eyes and said:
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it can not be. a man who killed an intruder or a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. fierce diet for a baby. the lazarevsky district court of sochi sentenced maxim lyuty, who doused his newborn son with cold water and starved him to death. the raw foodist blogger allegedly wanted to raise a person who could feed solely on the energy of the sun; at the same time he himself ate meat and other foods. the child did not... survive, he knows what will happen to his father and how the parent made excuses before the judge olga zhurenkova. the journalists probably had no doubt that the court’s verdict in relation to the food blogger maxim lyutov would be guilty. this wild story shocked many. lyuty and his wife oksana mironova cooked their son, who was just over a month old, to death. the boy died in the beeches. for almost a year in the isolation ward, which was promoted by a subscriber to nutrition from the sun, he noticeably gained weight, and
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the kilograms were clearly not from ultraviolet radiation. lazarevsky district court of sochi, at the announcement of the verdict, the blogger felt quite confidently, he talked to journalists and tried to convince everyone around him that the child died from a congenital disease, that the child had congenital diseases, because there was obvious prematurity, that is, signs of dystrophy were present at the very beginning. maxim lyutoy and his wife oksana mironova moved to sochi from st. petersburg several years ago, rented a house in the lazarevsky district, their child was born in february 2023 at home, the parents did not go to the doctors and did not register him. the blogger himself delivered the birth, as established investigators, the fierce sun-eater, and his wife watched for several days as the boy suffocated and suffered from seizures, only at the last stage they took him to the hospital, the doctors could no longer save the child. the evidence collected by the investigative department for the lazarevsky district of the city of sochi, the investigative department, the investigative committee of russia for the krasnodar territory was recognized by the court as sufficient to convict a forty-four-year-old man. the neighbors told a lot about the life of raw foodists. a year ago, on condition of anonymity
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told. that is, i have this feeling, now i understand that there might have been some kind of brain tumor, it might even have come to this, because at that time i no longer went to the doctors, i fiercely gave my guests herbal infusions and fed them fruits , vegetables and promises of enlightenment, for this you had to pay from
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40 to 1000 rubles. the extended package included evening lectures, a blogger talked about a big conspiracy theory, after i completed the program, here's a ten-day program, i had a break and i didn't take herbs, yes, and i want to say that my energy level became lower, my body, he asked me as life-giving moisture, as a source of life, he asked for these herbs, and i really missed them, the fierce one himself complained to journalists about the poor diet. in a pre-trial detention center it is clear that i eat prison food, i have no other food, i do not have the opportunity to eat the food that i am used to eating. accordingly, i am now under very strict restrictions and decisions. maxim lyuty was found guilty and the court sent him to prison for 8 years. the child’s mother received 2 years of correctional labor, but no matter what punishment these citizens who call themselves parents receive, the child will not be returned. but maybe the sad story will make the followers think at least a little.


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