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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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russian sanctions from unfriendly countries and increasing tension in the middle east, our event bears special responsibility for expanding and strengthening russia’s ties with the muslim world. it is gratifying to see the constantly growing interest in the forum from other countries and international organizations. at present , representatives of 549 regions of russia have confirmed their participation and...
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in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasnov: young people bombarded the site businessman with stones, they came specifically to kill. the situation became tense, the parties began to shoot at each other and chaos was happening, a shot sounded and i felt a pain in krovokov’s stomach in my head immediately that us.
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and carried out their investigation, stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen , artist, white roses, you can, i can, you’ll sing sometime, friends, alive, we don’t have names why, don’t you bother her, or what, don’t bother, not yours, well, you, daisy, i suggest changing the passenger’s call sign to rebin’s call sign, no, call me my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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these are facts, we continue, moldovan president maya sandus said that a referendum on moldova’s accession to the eu can take place.
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we believe that people will vote against the referendum, we don’t just think so, we are sure we will do everything possible for this, we are literally starting a campaign in the next two weeks, because people in moldova have already realized that during 4 years of the total rule of the pro-western regime, moldova received nothing but poverty and misery, in fact, all the fairy tale promises that the europeans told the citizens...
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to be in such a situation anymore, i am sure that moldovans, who are deeply religious people, are not ready to exchange the church for hikes, leg parades and much more, we have different values. we are completely different approaches to life, so i believe that the referendum will take place and will take place in favor of common sense. ilan mironovich, you said, i see from the news agent’s feeds that holding a referendum and generally moldova’s entry into the eu will call into question the existence of the moldovan people, what did you mean? we do not exclude that, or rather, we know that there is a scenario that in the case of a positive one. decision in the referendum, the current pro-western regime will try to do everything to essentially find a legal form for unification with romania, because this will essentially allow you to bypass all the procedures to immediately become a member of the european union.
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of course, this will jeopardize, of course, the existence of the republic of moldova, or rather, it will definitely put an end to it. it happens that politicians act against the interests of business and the economy, and if it happens that moldova joins the eu, how will this affect the moldovan economy, what does business say? look, business, business, it’s already very difficult to talk about, because there is no business as such left, but we all understand perfectly well that... russia is not only our friend, an ally, it is also essentially a market, the main market for
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our agricultural producers. moldova, as you know, is an agricultural country, we have no other sources, so today we clearly understand that. business, agricultural market, goods, energy prices, values, this is all that today unites the people of moldova , the people of the russian federation, and i am clearly confident that i have no doubt that common sense will win this referendum, i repeat that joining the european union today it’s bad for every category of people living in our country, for pensioners, as i said, tariffs, for businesses like us... we discussed the issue of markets, for the population as a whole because of values, because we have different values, moldova does not support these new western trends, the lgbt movement and everything else, we have absolutely normal, healthy people living here, we all lived in one big country and we have preserved healthy, normal
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values, so i am sure that today the people of the republic of moldova in no way want these, let’s say, innovations, fashions of change, which are being promoted by western regimes today. well, by the way, about the opinion of the population, yes, on behalf of the shor party, which the moldovan authorities banned last year, will you take any actions to convey to people your position on eu membership, maybe unite with others political forces, well, to fight the sandu regime, uh, in the coming weeks, as i already said, we will start a massive campaign, where we people - in principle, people already know and see all this, but nevertheless, we will convey those messages that... in germany, pensions are 500 euros, factories where people
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will receive salaries of 10.00 euros. 4 years is enough time to show the result, we saw that neither the first, nor the second, nor the third happened, all that... we have five gay parades, 10 times gas prices, which means full, three times the prices for electricity, the complete absence of a market for our agricultural producers, this is what we saw and the usurpation of power, the western authorities said that they were coming to moldova with the values ​​of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of choice, in this regard i can say that in moldova over the past year and a half , 13 television channels have been closed, this is true, these are their values ​​​​about freedom of speech. that means they were removed from the last three election cycles, the main opposition force, this is so about freedom of choice, and about democracy, i won’t tell you what you all saw, probably footage of the dispersal of peaceful demonstrations, where real pensioners participated with riot police and batons, this is in principle, those european values ​​that we
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sells the west, we all saw that this is a pure cheap fake, yes, well, that is, better times, as sando promised, never came, yes, apparently, let’s hope that the country is doing well. we spoke with the head of the moldovan opposition party shor, elon shor, we continue, well, now to the news about the spring floods, which have already affected almost 40 regions of the country. today , about 16 thousand houses remain in the flood zone. the most difficult situation is in the kurgan region. the level of the tabol river continues to rise according to the local department of the ministry of emergency situations, the growth will continue in the coming days. since april 8 , a state of emergency has been introduced in the region. the situation is now in the tyumen region, where emergency evacuation has been announced in fifteen settlements. measures are being taken in connection
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with a critical rise in the level of the ishim river; in the orenburg region, the ilek region is now under the influence of the elements. the level of the urals near eleko is already 15 cm above the dangerous mark, and the water continues to remain. i am now bringing equipment there, strengthening protective structures, installing temporary dams. there are specialists in the tomsk region. marks near several settlements, well, in the near future the water level in tomsk will only increase, the local ministry of emergency situations warns about this. a high alert regime was declared in the krasnoyarsk territory in the flood zone, there are 23 districts there. this year's spring flood was the largest in the last few decades. this was stated today by the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. at a coordination meeting on the passage of the dangerous period in the kurgan region, kurenkov also
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stated that it is necessary to tell people the truth, those who are in the flood zone. so they should know fully what is happening. in addition, the head of the department called the preparation for the spring flood in the kurgan region high-quality, and also called for extending the experience of the orenburg region in preparing for the spring flood and eliminating its consequences to others. regions, i want to praise the kurgan region for its good, well-coordinated work, this coordinated work is very striking, the fact that this work was done competently, clearly, the most important thing is that you very correctly divided people into groups, into reserves and as equipment, the necessary sandbags, soils and even concrete products that will be needed in the event of a breakthrough, thank you very much for... well, the main
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question for the residents of the areas affected by the water spill how quickly will it be possible to cope with the consequences when we can talk about normalizing the situation? according to epidemiologists, the main problem is , of course, flooding of water supply systems; dirty water, including from sewers, could get into the water supply system, which is why now it is important to boil any water, we are talking about. first of all, about tap water, but experts recommend boiling even bottled water, food should also be washed with boiled water, hands must be washed with soap to reduce the risk of infection, well, in some settlements, for example in orsk, residents began to be vaccinated against hepatitis a, this measure is also important. a dangerous intestinal infection is transmitted through water, which means vaccination is another additional measure of protection. in general, as experts say, restoration of water supply perhaps within one or two. months, as for cleaning houses and territories, there are no special recommendations here, the main thing is to work with
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gloves to reduce the risks of any possible infections. we will tell you what financial assistance is available to flood victims, and how to get it? to date, residents of the orenburg region have been paid more than 561 million rubles. over 27 people received benefits. in the region, the lump sum payment is 20,000 rubles. per person, in case of partial loss of property, 50,000 is due, but in case of complete loss - 100. the authorities of the kurgan region also began to pay compensation to those who found themselves in a difficult situation. according to governor vadim shumkov, compensation is 10,000 rubles. a citizen receives if his home is flooded. 30,000 in case of partial loss of property, and 50 if property is completely lost. in the tyumen region, financial assistance is provided in the amount of 10 thousand rubles per person. in case of serious damage to property, 40,000 in case of loss. payments can be made through
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government services or at the mfc. well, now to others news: aeroflot flights from dubai to moscow have been postponed until the morning of april 17 due to unfavorable weather conditions. megapolis airport has suspended reception of flights, but the air harbor is still open for outbound flights. the city's emergency services are currently eliminating the consequences of severe floods and the causes. the cataclysm became a powerful thunderstorm front. the showers were accompanied by hurricane winds. as a result , several areas of the megalopolis were immediately under water. the international airport canceled and redirected dozens of flights. passengers we filmed everything that was happening and how planes and special equipment literally floated around the terminal. car traffic is also almost completely paralyzed. one of the local metro stations was in the flood zone. the water level in the tunnels is approximately knee-deep. sporting events, including football matches of the domestic championship, have been postponed for an indefinite period. according
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to local media reports , the site for a crypto conference, where pavel durov was supposed to speak, was under water. damage from the weather anomaly will amount to preliminary estimates are several billion dollars. the european commission said that europe is paying an astronomical price for gas imports. these expenses are three to four times higher than similar expenses in the united states and china. amazing, right? the competitiveness of european industry on the world stage is under great threat. however, it is not surprising. meanwhile. christina kuruma will tell you what this means for european imports. the united states intends to prevent the launch of arctic lng-2, the largest liquefied natural gas production facility. natural gas. this was stated by the united states assistant secretary of state for
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energy resources jeffrey paet, and this is not the first time he has done this. lng2 is the flagship project of naovateka, designed to make russia the world's largest exporter of lng. our goal is to destroy this project, and we are doing this together with our g7 partners and other countries. arctic lng-2 is novotek's second large-scale plant. the project includes three gas liquefaction lines with a total capacity of almost 20 million tons. price construction is estimated at more than $20 billion. in general, the project is technologically ready. yes, this is a gravity platform that was produced in russia, this is an lng production plant, it is already in place, technically all tests have been passed, i think that production within the arctic sqg2 can safely proceed and be directed to the markets of the asia-pacific region. since september, states have initiated four waves
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of sanctions against the russian lng industry, in particular, they have prevented the acquisition of specialized tankers for gas transportation. made it difficult to build alternative ships within our country, the first stage of the plant, it has been producing gas since the end of last year, that is , the key problem is the problem of export, a company arose in the united arab emirates that was ready to buy a gas carrier in order to carry out deliveries, here the united states got involved with this company, put pressure on it, and in the end it abandoned the deal. last year the plants produced more than 32 million tons of lng, this year they expect to produce 38 million. according to forecasts, the launch of arctic lng-2 will increase exports by approximately 15%. the main consumers of russian natural gas remain china and japan, in europe - spain and belgium. just as there was a transformation of cargo flows in
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the relationship between oil and petroleum products, after the embargo on russian oil and petroleum was introduced. in the same way, there will be a transformation of those cargo flows that now, for example, go in the direction of europe; liquefied natural gas will go to europe along longer extended routes, which will lead to an increase in the cost of freight and de facto to an increase in the cost of lng directly in europe itself. the united states became the largest exporter of lng for the first time last year due to environmental concerns. the biden administration has put a pause on new exports, which allied countries were unhappy with. european buyers, such as germany, and asian buyers, such as japan, are also experiencing energy shortages. bloomberg reports that some of them are already looking for new suppliers. demand for lng around the world continues to grow, analysts say. this is primarily due to china.
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and it is expected that russia’s share in the world market will increase to 20% by 2030. a rally against the law on biological agents has resumed in tbilis near the parliament building. it is being considered in the first reading. the document requires mandatory registration of non-profit, legal media entities whose income comes from abroad. anna voronina has all the details. the morning session for georgian deputies began to the sounds of a protest right under the windows of parliament. security guards blocked access to the parliament building; arrests did not happen without a fight; 14 people were sent to the police station.
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it was noisy the day before and in the parliament itself. first, the head of the opposition attacked the leader of the parliamentary majority right on the podium. the brawl escalated into a mass brawl in the hall itself, after which fist fights continued in the corridors of the building. this is already the second time that the bill on foreign agents has come to the georgian parliament. they tried him. take last year, which also caused massive excitement. this time, protesters call the document russian, saying that a similar law already exists in france, great britain and australia, they prefer to remain silent, turning a blind eye to the fact that the georgian version of the document is, in fact, copied from the american law on registration of foreign agents, although without severe punishment in the form of a prison term of 10 years. he is discussing the adoption of exactly the same law, in america it has been working since... since the forties, after the collapse of the soviet union, our european colleagues considered, that in order for democracy to develop in georgia, it is necessary to support the main aspect
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of democracy, in their opinion, the western hemisphere, this is the non-governmental sector, since time, unfortunately, part of this citizenship has been politicized to us, and now we all know that at least 20- 30 or 40% of this income that leaves abroad ends up in some kind of political process... they will not be able to launder this money, pay so -called kickbacks, as this has already become a vicious practice, because there are people abroad too , they are also corrupt, however, the players
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have already given themselves away; the georgian prime minister discussed the bill the day before not with his ministers, but with the ambassadors of the united states and european countries. unfortunately, some representatives of the diplomatic corps, or the diplomatic corps in general, are unnecessarily involved in internal political discussions. the main surprise is the following. behind closed doors we discuss some issues, be it a bill or something else, during these discussions we do not hear any counterarguments; on the contrary, it happens when we agree with some issues, but later other positions are publicly voiced, which is of course wrong. political scientists have no doubt that parliament will adopt the new agents law this time, nor do they doubt that this will be followed by a massive exodus of foreign funds from georgia. anna voronina, irina zaborskaya, anna nikulaesh, news. russian prosecutors general of cuba igor krasnov and yamilla peña ojeda signed a program of cooperation between departments until the twenty-sixth year. here is
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the conclusion of the agreement, the conclusion of the agreement took place in havana as part of a working visit igor krasny. the document includes measures in the field of protecting the rights of minors, countering terrorism, introducing digital technologies into the activities of the prosecutor's office and many others. following the meeting, the prosecutor general of russia. noted that through joint efforts our countries will be able to strengthen the strategic partnership in order to build a peaceful, safe, just future for our citizens and especially children. we express our sincere sympathy on the part of the cuban people in your prosecutor's office in connection with the victims as a result of the terrorist attack act that took place on march 22 in moscow. sabotage against economic facilities, civil aviation, financing of mercenaries and counter-revolutionaries and the spread of fakes that distort. reality in order to discredit our revolution and provoke discontent and apathy of the population. cuba does not participate in terrorist attacks against other countries; our country was not used for these purposes. the current
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us administration adheres to a hostile policy, therefore it is necessary to resist this aggression, including economic blockade today it is also planned to sign an agreement on cooperation between our military prosecutors, in the near future we expect the arrival in moscow of a delegation of cuban military prosecutors to hold the first meeting in the last 13 years, within the framework of meetings at the highest political level, currently there is an increase in trade turnover between our states increase the number of joint business projects. this dictates the need to protect investments by the prosecutor's office. i invite you to discuss mechanisms for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs and investors within the framework of the st. petersburg international economic forum, which will take place.
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uralsip is a bank for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs and nothing more. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. well, now to the facts about the fire in the historical exchange building in danish copenhagen, the situation is under control, rescue services report this. a massive fire broke out at the copenhagen stock exchange building around 8 a.m. morning, the fire quickly engulfed a significant part of the building and half an hour after the fire started , the spire collapsed. the people inside
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were evacuated; there is no information about the victims yet; rescuers and volunteers removed valuable items, furniture and paintings. this is how they managed to save one of the most famous paintings by the danish artist. the painting is entitled the copenhagen stock exchange, painted in 1895 and is a group portrait of stock exchange employees standing on the floor of the stock exchange. well, as for the fate of the exchange, it’s not in the picture, in the center copenhagen, then the forecasts, unfortunately.
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until the 19th century, the building housed a raw materials exchange, then until 1974 there was a stock exchange, but now the building belongs to the danish chamber of commerce. the spire on the exchange building was made in the shape of the tails of four dragons intertwined together, reaching a height of 56 m. it was crowned with three crowns, which symbolize denmark, norway and sweden. according to legend, the spire was supposed to protect the structure from enemy
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attacks and fires. it is not surprising that what is happening in copenhagen is being compared to events in paris. just yesterday it was 5 years since the fire in noterdam. let me remind you that it lasted more than 12 hours, and as a result , the spire of the cathedral, installed in the 19th century, and a third of the roof collapsed. they managed to save the main structure of the building and the two towers of the cathedral; they also saved relics , including the crown of thorns, which, according to holy scripture, was placed on... the head of jesus christ before the crucifixion, but it was planned to complete the reconstruction of noterdam for the 2024 olympic games, which will be held in paris, but the opening of the cathedral was postponed to december, the scaffolding will be left completely until 2028, this is how long the renovation work in the building will take place, fires in historical buildings are, of course, not uncommon; in september 2018 , a fire broke out in the national museum of brazil, which lasted
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all night as a result... history of the city dating back more than 1,300 years, it was very popular among tourists due to its many well-preserved tibetan-style buildings. he has been studying for 70 years, yes, in the same class, i don’t remember something, in the same class, in the same school, only i visited him for the first time today i saw, it happens like this, i didn’t understand, it’s like 100 years in the future, it’s a big information
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evening, that’s what... we’ll tell you about it in the next hour.


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