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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] more than 100 residential buildings were destroyed as a result of a fire in the ancient city of duqedzun in southwest china. the history of the city dates back more than 1,300 years. it was very popular among tourists due to its many well-preserved tibetan-style buildings. studying place? yes, in one class, i don’t remember something. in one class. at one school, only i saw him for the first time today, it happens like this, i don’t understand, it’s like 100 years ago, it’s a big information evening, that’s what we’ll talk about in the next
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hour, she killed him. the enemy had been bringing military equipment, tanks and even combat boats to uman for several weeks, where they wanted to send it all. a sharp turn in anni weske's family. the daughter of a singer who built her career in the soviet union is now seeking the confiscation of russian assets in europe. why so much hatred for a country that is not foreign to you? avoided responsibility. the ukrainian main intelligence directorate
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approves. their evaders and the atrocities of the tcc were invented in russia, then where do dozens of videos of real deviants come from? black and white portrait of a man in military uniform, traditional postscript, saying eternal glory to the hero, obituary on the ukrainian information dump trukha, which reports the death of a sergeant of the fifty-ninth at the front. motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine pavel petrichenko, the merits of the character are immediately listed, the award of the iron cross from zaluzhny and activity in some anti-corruption movements, but what is truly known is not what boevk did at all, but a petition for restricting the freedom of online casinos in ukraine, which he launched just recently because i was struggling with the gaming addiction among military personnel. and in this vein, the mournful messages about petrichenko’s death from trukha’s administrators look very
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forced. in fact, they are mourning the one who prevented them from making money from advertising, because it is precisely such paid posts with tempting offers from casinos in ukrainian telegram channels that sell best, and of course, more expensively. who else did the sergeant cross the path of, anton potkovenko thought, hello anton, so maybe this was n’t a combat mission at all? greetings, but most likely there is no combat mission there really and it wasn’t, petrichenko just made serious enemies for himself. he asked zelensky to ban. gambling in the armed forces of ukraine and lost. sergeant pavel petrichenko, recently a prominent character in the ukrainian and even western media, the so-called fighter against gambling addiction in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, was killed. that’s for sure, here’s the first source, a post by his sister marina on social networks, saying he died at the front. well, it’s wartime, who’s going to check there? now, you can remember there that this is murder, in particular, it
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will happen. be submitted exclusively to the front and so on, but no one gives any details at all will provide, when we are talking about billions, namely, that billions were talked about in petrichenko’s petition, which was circulated by american bloomberg, about the huge money that is circulating in the gaming business, including because the moneymakers squander their salaries in online casinos, they get into loans and debt pits, and in order to pay off they pawn: military equipment, well, not armored personnel carriers, of course, but taking a government-issued drone or a thermal imager to a pawnshop is in the order of things. in fact, the gaming business in the armed forces of ukraine is not even particularly shady. there are advertisements on social networks, aimed specifically at the military, here they are releasing the latest digital roulette on mobile phones during, say, rotation. in principle, the command is happy with this. why not? if the fighter
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does not plot between attacks. the fighter’s task, without any thoughts, is to go to the point that the command shows him and die there. well, petrichenko, it means, was against it. this fighter of the fifty-ninth separate motorized infantry brigade has an interesting biography. before the war he was a social activist, this is fashionable in ukraine, in march of '22 was developing the volunteer center of sergei pritula, the same scammer who organized fees for armored personnel carriers and drones in three roads, and then said that he spent all the money on a satellite for ukraine. but no one saw this satellite, and petrichenko was also friends with the former head of the terrorist right sector, sergei sternenko, which may be why he plucked up the courage to write a petition to zelensky about gambling. and there was even an answer. bloomberg quoted zelensky,
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saying that there will be appropriate steps that will strengthen control over the industry, well, there is i mean, over the gambling business. zelensky said this in his next televised address. true, he did not specify exactly what steps would be taken, but this is understandable. industry. the ukrainian segment of instant messengers and social networks almost simultaneously with the news that yegorny business nezalezhny increased its revenue by as much as 28 times over the past year. loud conversations began in the rada about the helplessness of the commission for regulating gambling, that it had to be
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liquidated, and in general the excess profits of online casinos began to be actively discussed; suddenly, according to the official version, petrichenko was killed on front, or maybe he was secretly shot by his fellow gamblers, who couldn’t live without a casino... the likelihood that he was removed by his fellow soldiers, the owners of the gambling business, or for political reasons, so as not to discredit either ukraine or the army, these are all the probabilities, they absolutely identical in degree of possibility. petrichenko got involved in a dangerous game, and if he counted on making acquaintances among terrorists. pravosekov or that pritula will protect him from old memory, then the bet clearly did not work, the kiev regime does not forgive those who bite the hand that pushes their death. anton podkovenko, and someone
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benefits from death. the fsb today announced the detention of a suspect in the case of a recent terrorist attack, the victim of which was almost the former sbu officer vasily prozarov, who had long since gone over to the side of russia; as it became known, his car was mined by a russian one. a citizen recruited by the special services of the kiev regime, and the criminal operation was personally led by vasily malyuk, that is, the head of that very punitive department, whose ranks of visionaries had wisely left at one time. details in the material denis alekseev. a couple of days after the explosion of the suv of ex-sbu officer vasily prozorov, the perpetrator was detained by the russian fsb. almost immediately, the first confessions. i am a citizen of russia, living since
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2010 , that i had to go to moscow to monitor the toyota prado car located at korovenskoye highway 3, which i did, in other words, an outdoor surveillance device was assigned to vasily prozarov, probably his schedule, routes, as soon as the complete picture emerged, the curators contacted us again, i was told to assemble a bomb, my supervisor helped me with this, with the help of instructions, he explained, so, i assembled it, they provided it with the components of an explosive device, how to do it, they showed it, after preliminary reconnaissance in the area where vasily
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prozorov lived, at night the device was attached to the bottom of a black suv, and this is footage taken immediately after the explosion, prozorov, who more than once publicly exposed the crime of the kiev regime, himself became its... target, what happened, i have no doubt, this is another attempt terrorist act committed by the kiev regime and its special services, but i want to appeal to them, guys, you didn’t succeed, because god is for us. further operational-search activities and investigative actions are being carried out in order to qualify the actions of the detainee under article 205 - a terrorist act and article 275, high treason of the criminal code of the russian federation, under which he faces punishment up to life imprisonment . and again about the methods of ukrainian intelligence, an explosion in the courtyard of a residential area in outskirts of moscow. tens of meters from the car, the footage shows children playing. luckily i got around it. without casualties, prozarov himself is now in
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the hospital, alive, on the mend, and today the circumstances surrounding the organization of the attempted murder of the ukrainian blogger anatoly sheriya became known, a source in russian law enforcement agencies said that the ukrainian special services were behind the terrorist action against a journalist disliked by the kiev regime. the preparation of the assassination attempt on march 6, 2024 was carried out by the main intelligence directorate of the ministry defense of ukraine, which in... ukraine developed a false flag operation with the aim of physically eliminating the blogger, while blaming the russian federation for his murder. the assassination attempt was organized by representatives of spanish criminals and a group of ukrainian refugees; they were allegedly recruited on behalf of the russian special services; in fact, the operation was personally supervised by the head of ukrainian intelligence budanov. the criminals were provided with weapons, in general, the scheme was almost exactly the same as in the case of
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prozurov, murder for... and today marks 9 years since another political murder: on april 16 , 1915 , ukrainian publicist oles buzina was shot dead near his home in kiev, this case was brought to a standstill... ukrainian law enforcement officers put the brakes on them, three suspects were even detained in hot pursuit, but they were all soon released. against russian journalists, the methods of struggle are also carbon copies. over the past 2 years , journalist daria dugina and military correspondent vladlen tatarsky were killed. last year, an attempt was made on the life of zakhar prilepin; he miraculously survived. the crimes are brutal, bloody, but most importantly, ineffective even once; they have not stopped and will not... stop exposing the terror of the bloody regime in russia, and the louder these
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crimes are, the louder the publicity. denis alekseev, anastasia ivanova, olga rebrova, lead. the brownian movement of foreign agents-relaxants leads to the spread of russophobic ideology, they themselves become links in the criminal chain, the words of the first deputy of the state duma security committee andrei lugovoy, who, as it became known, turned to the investigative committee asking them to check the staff of an undesirable new newspaper. has repeatedly received active information support from the new newspaper europe, not to mention the publication’s sympathies for the militants of the armed forces of ukraine, which means legal support is needed... at least in relation to the co-founders,
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including the editor-in-chief of the fugitive foreign agent kirill martynov. let's see what the reaction of the investigative committee will be, but in the meantime, russian law enforcement agencies are closely involved in the so-called novgorod case of martynov's wife antonina, who, let me remind you, is 16 years old, was on the federal wanted list, accused of attempted murder of her own child, but she was caught last week and today she finally appeared in court, we’ll find out the details from evgeniy petrukhin. evgenia, hello! the family case is being considered after 16 years, which is exactly how long martynova was on
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the federal wanted list. in handcuffs, accompanied by a convoy, martynova looks confused, glasses, strands of gray hair, so she listens attentively to her lawyer lisitsky, and even for a few seconds at her a smile appears on your face. before the hearing , martenova underwent a fingerprint examination so that the court could be convinced that it was her. and now in the courtroom, already an adult, apparently, the same alice who... as eyewitnesses said back in 2008, her mother threw from the third floor of either an apartment building or a dormitory into a flight of stairs, tried in every possible way to imagine it like an accident. dragged her over the fence, then threw her off, then staged an accident, began to go down, start panicking, screaming, however, as a result of timely medical assistance, the girl survived, alisa learned her real name only now
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after her mother was detained, all this time she thought that her name was maria, she didn’t even have a passport, she didn’t go to school at home . if you look at the materials of the investigation, then there is an unambiguous story: a provincial girl who really wanted to go to moscow to see such, you know, a shining light, a liberal thinker, a philosopher and a journalist, and so on, she simply didn’t need a daughter, she was a burden to her and quicker all in all, he was not ready to accept it. with her daughter, journalist anastasia mironova, who was also investigating this case, writes about this in her article. all these supposedly family photographs, according to him, according to her, were taken after antonin’s attempt on his own daughter, at the same time foreign agent martynov tried to pass off his wife’s domestic crime as
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allegedly political persecution of his family, made strange statements, saying that his wife was kidnapped, and he didn’t knows where she is... in 2008, a jury found martynova guilty, she was under recognizance not to leave the place, that’s when she ran away. isn’t this direct evidence that alice fell from the third floor, not by accident? the fact that she hid, the fact that she actually ran away, speaks of a full admission of guilt, and there, let me remind you, the punishment, uh, under this article, is the attempted murder of a person in a... helpless state, from 8 to 20 years , martynova was detained in stavropol, this footage, the media writes that at that moment antonina martynova was with her daughter alisa and her common-law husband in a private house. happy new martynova met her common-law husband on the internet, and he supposedly knew nothing about the past
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of his cohabitant, apparently, antonina chose not to tell her husband as an agent, although there was clearly something, well, at least... and the fact that he is now the head editor of the new newspaper europe, organizations are recognized as undesirable in russia, it was foreign agent martynov who wrote the nato quote “come in already the troops” in june of twenty-three . it was foreign agent martynov who compared russia with the terrorist isis, of course, sitting somewhere outside our country. talk about the crimes of the so-called russians and the russian army on the territory of ukraine during the beginning of the so, and the majority. the news that he commented on ended up being fake, from bucha to irpen, so the homeland is sold in different ways, but as we see, not by the best people, the person went too far in his choice of western values ​​in his denial of his own
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country, perhaps he is counting that his western handlers will help him avoid responsibility and will cover for him, although... we must always remember that he is a traitor remains for westerners as well. in general, the western masters may well do to martynov the same way as he once did to russia, but things didn’t work out very decently with his wife. it is unlikely that foreign agent kirill martynov is now worried about antonina. but for starters, she will have to undergo a psychological and psychiatric examination, then at least one more court hearing, and in the end, a verdict that is unlikely to be ... mild and it is possible that the novgorod case will also affect martynov himself, as a possible accomplice . evgenia petrukhina and the foreign agent's wife. russian the armed forces and the russian guard ensured a safe rotation of mission observers at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, as
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the ministry of defense reported , a ceasefire was declared along the entire route of the observers’ movements. it lasted 12 hours and was strictly observed. among the observers this time are experts from finland, pakistan and iran. well , and more data from the ministry of defense about the situation in the zone , in one day the fighters of the southern and eastern groupings of our troops destroyed a total of more than 700 militants of the kiev regime on the donetsk and southern donetsk fronts and managed to move forward, occupying more advantageous positions, as well as... in the calculation of hail, there are usually two people, but the realities of combat work suggested that a third is needed, this is how the siberian dodges
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the answer on the move, assembling the car watches the sky, rode with the wind all winter , you are carrying out a combat mission, then you only remember that you seem to be outside in the cold, but this is quite normal, it will be colder here in siberia, the jet fighters of the central group of troops are mastering it. new positions, a new firing point is good because it has not yet been copied from the air, but at the same time it takes more time to shoot and adjust. in position, everyone knows what to do without words, they understand each other at a glance. the faster and more competently we do our job, the greater
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the chance of hitting the target, the faster we... what the alligators started, we meet the combat helicopter troika on the way back, passing by avdeevskaya liberators square. in this
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patch of ruined houses , the flags of those units that drove the enemy out of these streets flutter. pavel prikopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. they shot down one drone and prevented the destruction of the infrastructure. these are the official data of the kiev regime. situation in uman, cherkasy region, where a surprisingly modest attack by the russian armed forces was supposedly successfully prevented. of course, this sounds simply ridiculous, since a little earlier ukrainian telegram channels wrote in black and white about explosions in the plural, so it’s clearly not a matter of one thing or another. was limited, and the air defense calculations traditionally made a mistake, but at the same time the question arises, what objects could be of interest to our high-precision weapons in this deeply rear city, from the ukrainian one. propaganda naturally won’t get a clear answer, because according to its version, uman lives a peaceful life and has absolutely nothing to do with what is happening at the front, but the local
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pro-russian underground has already found out that the target was the railway terminal, it had long been asking for a series of arrivals, and vadim zavochenko will explain why, vadim, good evening, well, it looks like they were hiding something not at all civilian there, of course, alexey, uman is a small town, but an extremely important hub. to supply the apu. the transport hub has been cut. another civilian object, absorbed by the insatiable military machine of ukraine, was carefully disabled by the russian army. in the video, on the street of the city of uman, even before arrival, at the railway station, it is immediately clear why they had to shoot here. military
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vehicles are scurrying around in front of a local resident's camera, carrying some cargo and... as well as the capital, independent kyiv. it is not surprising that with the start of the north military district, uman was turned into a logistics hub for the ukrainian
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army. the cargo arrived by rail. after which they were sent either to the front or to military factories. ammunition depots were equipped in the city itself. according to some reports, in uman they tried to organize the assembly of certain western types of weapons, the key word is they tried, russian missiles were regularly flying into local military facilities. american planes land in romania, poland, and vinnitsa. close to poland, so a lot of things can’t pass through uma, and a lot of roads intersect, there are storage facilities, and there are underwater areas where you can store it. the fact that the blow hit uman again means only one thing: the enemy again tried to place something non- peaceful here. experts say that the presence of
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an ammunition depot in the city was confirmed by several sources. a feature of the current period of time is the enemy’s shortage of ammunition, therefore the search and destruction of army warehouses is a priority task. well, in general, the defeat of targets in uman is a logical continuation of the work that the russian army is doing to cut off the nazi regime’s machine from supply routes. kiev can shout as much as it wants that the infrastructure is peaceful, but we can see perfectly well what they have on the ruts there, by all with these strikes
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, the russian armed forces are being reduced. armed forces, military equipment, ammunition into the combat zone, and significantly complicate the ukrainian army’s solution of its combat missions. as for uman, i believe that demilitarization will only benefit the city so far benefit. for some reason, the armed forces of ukraine always behaved especially harshly with local residents. there is a ruthless violent mobilization here. drunken races through the city streets in military vehicles, it is unlikely that bendera will completely leave such a convenient logistics hub, but after the liquidation of the ammunition depot there will certainly be fewer of them. vadim zavodchenkov and effective demilitarization. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast.
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a sharp turn in the annie veski family. the daughter of a singer who built a career in the soviet union is now seeking confiscation russian assets in europe, where there is so much hatred for a country that is not a stranger to you, i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright. russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, slanna petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the machine would have access to the money, a suspicious
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transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. seconds were counting, urgently dictate your number cards so that they can transfer money to a safe account, ringing the window at the bank , she hangs up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking. if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery. we're used to watching. video network has stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in


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