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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 11:30pm-11:51pm MSK

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which is beyond the arctic circle, about 200 km, it doesn’t seem like much, but getting there is not easy. to get to jerusalem, now it’s frosty, you can only by helicopter, here it ’s like a local taxi, mi-8, every day, including on holidays, it transports passengers along the route to salihard in the north, a third of them lead a nomadic life, breed deer constantly mowing, that is, they roam with their herd, soon saratet’s family will go away for 8 months...
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they are happy to use it with pleasure. arctic chekab simalo, now this one the holiday reached here to iersale. the key event of the reindeer herder's day, reindeer sled racing, an extreme and unpredictable sport. wayward reindeer can overturn the sled, catch their antlers on each other , or even leave the race; it is difficult to predict the winner here. we are alne-breeders, we must support traditional sports.
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for only 2,199 rubles. can soseson anywhere appetite daddy daddy. dad will tame, dad is a cuddle, dad is a bridge, a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, i have a beastly appetite, sausages will help, buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles, hunt, come out to win, we present the new taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic with hops grown on... new baltika 7 non-alcoholic, experience the perfection of taste. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, when you talk about your wishes, we hear
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kitford vertical vacuum cleaner or kitforрд convection oven with discounts up to 18%. but he doesn’t give up his job in pskov; he invites his classmate nicholas roerich to write sketches for it. for many years the chapel was destroyed, this is what the frescoes looked like in 2021, everything is on the verge of being lost. above us is the sky, the sky. here are the stars, the sun, the moon, in the center of the universe there are higher powers, so here there is an image of the savior, angels, saints, pskov, loved ones, princes, all voldo gabriel and davmont timothy of the holy
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spirit in the form of a dove in the dome. after the seventeenth year, the chapel was abandoned, a ticket office was set up in it, then a kiosk and... during the restructuring of the seventieth year, the chapel was sawn in half, so lower yaros, it was completely, unfortunately, lost, but of course, the frescoes are gradually falling into disrepair, because their last restoration was carried out in the early seventies, the curators have been asking for money for restoration for years, the chapel is flooded due to construction. fundraising and turned it into an educational project. as a matter of principle, we did not turn to any large businessmen or large companies for help in raising funds. for a ruble, let an ordinary person give a donation, and we will collect this money,
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we will have 3 million people who joined the preservation of this monument to their history than one businessman who closes it, then the idea of ​​​​the roerich pact does not work. roerich, because he is the author of the first treaty in world history on the protection of cultural monuments from destruction. this legal document is known as the roerrich pact and was signed on april 15, 1935 at the white house in the presence of president franklin roosevelt. representatives of twenty-one states put their signatures, this is the usa, and almost everyone. nikolai rerrikh ever since his university years in petersburg was passionate about this idea of ​​​​protecting cultural objects. he is a student at the faculty of law, his knowledge of law will be useful in preparing the pact, while he is a volunteer at the academy of arts and conducts archaeological excavations near
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st. petersburg, in veliky novgrod in pskov. roerrich can be said to be one of the pioneers of describing part of the volga region. nikolai konstantinovich did. that same famous architectural series, many temples will remain only in his paintings, the bulk of the etiids are monuments, and it’s not about money, there’s always money in russia there was a lot, little interest, little love, with a report on the topic of protecting antiquity, roerich addresses nicholas ii in 915, as soon as the first world war began, on... in the guide poster , the enemy of the human race, he depicted kaiser wilhelm in the image of the devil and the bombed
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cathedral in french reims, all european newspapers, and so to speak, the cultural public , the european intelligentsia, just so to speak , believed that such crimes really should be held accountable. one of the main roerich places is the memorial cabinet in the museum of the east in moscow. under the match. after 917, roerrich was forced to remain outside of russia. first he ended up in finland, then his family traveled around the world to the usa, england, an expedition to central asia, india, but the idea of ​​the pact did not leave him. this is a very important unique publication from 1935, the year it was adopted.
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there was hope that this agreement would become a universal universal there, especially in all kinds of such atrocities not only against people, on the relations of historical monuments , a statement was made that principles were violated the roerich pact, you see, this cannot be underestimated. his office contains late works; the artist spent a third of his life in the himalayas: the famous triptych, long live the lord, the treasure of the world canvas, paintings by his son svyatoslav, personal belongings from the roerichs’ house in the indian valley. kulu. reirich proposed marking cultural objects that a country party to the treaty includes in the register
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of protected ones. article three of the pact describes the distinctive banner. it looks like a circle with three red circles inside on a white background. according to roerich's plan, flags with such symbols must be displayed above all buildings that the signatory state considers necessary to protect. in general, the sign of the trinity is sacred and exists in all cultures, starting with the well-known spiral of life. here our lady protects cultural monuments that require protection, here we can see
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objects of russian architecture, the famous vladimir cathedral, here notre dame de paris, here and st. peter's cathedral in rome, which were in very real danger on the eve of the second world war of cultural property, though only during a military conflict, as opposed to a pact. year, that is, you and i can say with full justification and pride that
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the international legal system for the preservation of cultural heritage rests on three russian documents. the treaty itself did not seem to protect many monuments, although this little-known fact from 1945 suggests otherwise. initially , the city of kyoto, that is, the ancient capital of japan, was included in the list of targets for nuclear bombing.
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to join, roerrich did not set out to develop, so to speak, a kind of responsibility, they talked about legislation, about respect, and so on, voluntary, ideas began to take shape that an attempt or damage to cultural values ​​constitutes its own crime. the tribunal for yugoslavia, it found the serbian general guilty of causing destruction, there are actually many examples, from the examples that were received.
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in 2021, work began to recreate the original appearance of the chapel, it chusim was intended to be like this, a dominant feature at the entrance to pskov, on the same level as the bridge, on a hill, and this bridge will be rebuilt again for the third time in its history, so it was decided to move the building to a new location. unfortunately, it will not be possible to return this chapel to the bridge, but nevertheless, we can highlight it quite impressively; an artificial structure will be built under it. which will allow not only to visually enlarge the monument, but to protect it from possible floods, a project has already been developed directly moving the chapel, this is quite a difficult task, it will be an interesting task,
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even today. they are referred to not only as a legal document within the framework of unesco's entire system of protection of cultural heritage, but as an educational document against vandalism and ignorance at any time.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake depot, change it.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. the fourth year, sounds plausible, this is mowing from the future, 100 years in the future, if you are
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a creative, ambitious, young professional, then rather take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters.


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